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After the enlightenment was effective, Ye Han quickly found a direction with an abnormal aura and moved forward slowly. Because of the help of Yuandao enlightenment, he would not lose his way while moving forward.


But the strange thing is that as Ye Han continues to advance, the strange aura seems to be moving. It seems that the closer he gets, the further away the other party is, as if the other party doesn't want him to find it at all.

In desperation, Ye Han had no choice but to speed up his pace and release the vitality of his whole body to its strongest state. On the basis of the increase in speed, the power of Yuandao perception has also been relatively improved, so his perception of the strange aura has also improved.

It's relatively obvious.

The aura he could feel before was still very vague, but now, he felt it deeply. The strange aura was the same as what he had felt from the jade talisman before. It was a kind of gathering flame.

It is one of the two breaths among the ancestral alchemy skills of the family and the ancestral alchemy skills of the cold family. It possesses the energy breath of the two qi of heat and cold.

Ye Han walked forward quickly, and the breath seemed to suddenly become much faster. In the blink of an eye, his perception was much blurred. It can be seen that the strange breath was moving faster than it is now.

The leaves are getting colder and faster.

Seeing this, Ye Han couldn't help but smile bitterly. He wanted to chase him at full speed, but he didn't expect that the opponent would run faster. In this case, why chase? Compared with super speed, there is no comparison at all. Besides,

, Ye Han has now tried his best, and he can no longer speed up his pace.

Just like that, Ye Han's steps began to slow down a lot again. Sure enough, just when his steps were slowing down, the breath in front of him appeared and disappeared in his perception. Therefore, Ye Han couldn't help but start

I thought that whether I could find the elixir book might be related to my speed. Since the faster I chase, the faster the other party will run, and the slower my speed, the slower the other party will escape...

"What if I stay still? Then will he stay still?" Suddenly, Ye Han had an extremely childish idea in his heart. After this chase, he became more and more able to follow him.

I felt a strange aura, and it was because I was playing a game, a game that my mother had played with me when I was a child.

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help but think of some memories about his childhood. At that time, his mother loved him so much, and although his father was busy with family affairs, he still found time to spend time with him from time to time.


However, everything ended when he was four years old. Although it ended a bit suddenly, those beautiful childhood memories were always deeply engraved in his mind. Later, when he learned that he had been abandoned by his parents, he felt very hateful.

My own parents, but now I think about it, everything my parents did was for their own reasons!

"Father, mother, I know I was wrong. I am willing to put aside all resentment towards you. Please forgive Han'er!" Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help but feel guilty. Although he had chosen to resolve the estrangement with his parents before, he still felt guilty in his heart.

But I still feel a little bit dissatisfied. Now that I think about it, what a wrong choice it was.

So, at this moment, he was really relieved. Thinking about his parents, they loved him so much when he was a child. Now that he has returned to the family, not only has the love not diminished, but it has increased a lot. Therefore, it can be seen that although they

I had the last resort at the beginning, but when I made this decision, I couldn't bear it.

"Hahahaha! Congratulations, you have finally figured it all out and understood what true family love is. If this is the case, then half of the knots in your heart have been solved. Then this wonderful book on elixirs is naturally not yours.

No one else!" Ye Han was thinking, but suddenly he heard a burst of wild laughter, and then some strange information flow emerged from his mind one by one.

"What is this?" Ye Han was immediately startled when he saw this, and hurriedly asked in the direction of the laughter. Judging from the familiarity of the laughter just now, he obviously knew that this was what he had asked him to do before.

Looking for the voice of the wonderful elixir book.

"Don't you still understand what I mean by experiencing it with your heart?" As soon as Ye Han's voice fell, the voice came again.

"To experience with your heart?" Ye Han Wenya'an was stunned for a moment, and then began to ponder again. After a long time, he seemed to have realized something and murmured: "Could it be that what you said to experience with your heart is not the power of Yuandao's perception, but the power of Yuandao's perception?

Untie your knot and face it calmly?"

Ye Han has a very strong understanding, which he himself feels. Let me ask, if a person who can understand the way of nature cannot even understand such a simple truth, then there is no need for the existence of masters of Yuan Dao in this world.


"Hahahaha, you are worthy of being a person who has understood Yuandao. His understanding is really extraordinary. What you said is right. This so-called intention is to clear up the distracting thoughts in the heart. To do this, the most important thing is

It means that your heart is not tied up. Although you had the idea of ​​​​forgiving your parents before, you have not completely let go of it. Therefore, it does not exist when you say it with your heart. Naturally, you cannot find the place of the elixir and the wonderful book. But now, since you have already thought about it,

Once you understand this, this wonderful book on elixirs will naturally be delivered to your door!" As soon as Ye Han finished speaking, the voice came again.

"It turns out that the Tao of nature in this world is not entirely the Tao of nature. There is such a profound Tao hidden in it!" After hearing that voice, Ye Han suddenly realized that in this world, the Tao of nature might be

The most important thing is the most important one, but outside of it, there are many ways that cannot be ignored, just like the way of family love that he has now understood. If he cannot truly understand this way, then this magical book of elixirs may

It can't be found.

"Understand it well. The road to Yuandao is still very long. As long as you work hard, Yuandao will be achieved naturally!" Ye Han was silent for a long time, and then heard the voice coming again. Following the sound, it slowly faded away until it disappeared.

not see!

"Hey, you haven't told me yet, what's going on, why did the book of elixirs appear in my sea of ​​consciousness?" Feeling the voice fade away, Ye Han suddenly realized that after talking for a long time, he

I still haven’t figured out what’s going on!

After not receiving a reply for a long time, Ye Han finally believed that the voice had left, and if he wanted to know the answer, he might have to find it himself, or in other words, as long as the little fox was willing to tell the truth frankly, then

It takes so much trouble.

At this moment, Ye Han has already regarded the little fox as a guiding light in his heart, because he feels that everything he is experiencing now is inseparable from the little fox. After all, everything is...

It started to appear when I met the little fox. First, there was that vague feeling in my mind, and then the weird events like this happened now. Each of these things happened around the little fox.

Moreover, the little fox's previous words and deeds all revealed the many secrets hidden in her body, and these secrets were all related to Ye Han, which made him even more convinced that everything he wanted to know

, the little fox will definitely be able to answer.

But, is the little fox willing to answer? This is the main reason why Ye Han has been troubled. Yes, he can indeed ask the little fox, and the little fox also knows, but asking may not necessarily get the answer, and those who know may not be willing.

Giving the answer became a worry in his heart. After all, the little fox had hidden many things from him.

"Forget it, letting nature take its course is the way of nature. Since all this has already happened, there is no benefit in being anxious to know the result. Instead of doing this, it is better to let nature take its course!" Finally, Ye Han seemed to have figured out something.

, after pondering for a while, he was ready to leave this jade talisman space.

With a thought, Ye Han's consciousness returned to the real world. Just when he opened his eyes, the scene in front of him shocked him. The scene where the little fox looked at him lovingly, he finally understood

When he saw it, why did he feel a little dizzy after seeing all this? Oh my god, was this still the little fox he knew?

At this moment, Ye Han couldn't help but have an extremely familiar yet extremely unfamiliar scene appear in his mind. It was as if the scene he was facing now had appeared more than once before, but when had he seen it?

?But he still couldn't recall it.

The little fox's affectionate eyes are undoubtedly the most charming and seductive here. Therefore, this scene fully shows the fox's charming side. Although Ye Han had some thoughts of resisting all this, he still couldn't resist it completely in the end.


However, everything happened so suddenly. No one or the beast on the field knew the other's actions in advance. Ye Han didn't realize that the little fox would have such an expression, so he accidentally broke in. As for the little fox, the same

He didn't expect Ye Han to wake up suddenly. For this reason, when he felt that he had lost his normal state, he seemed to feel embarrassed and hurriedly ran outside the cave.

Ye Han suddenly smiled bitterly when he saw this, but he couldn't help but look back at the crack in the mountain wall. This view was not very important, but the scenes inside made the scene that had just poured into his mind, but was covered with dust.

There are signs of a surge of information!

"No matter what, I will figure it all out one day!" Ye Han felt before that the little fox had many secrets, but now he thought that these secrets were also attached to himself, so he

He believed that he had more and deeper secrets than the little fox, so he decided to find out these secrets at all costs.

Moreover, he also felt that all of this was inseparable from the four-star inheritance. Perhaps if he wanted to solve the next great chaos in the world, he first needed to find out these secrets, otherwise everything would still be empty talk.

This chapter has been completed!
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