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【529】【Xingyuan Six Saints】

?Success or failure only occurs in a moment. Before success and failure are established, no one has the right to choose. Even if success is right in front of you, there is still the possibility of failure. On the contrary, even if failure is right in front of you, there is still a chance of change. There is no room for success, so before success or failure comes, everything is just unknown.--

Just like the current masters of the Hanqi Family and Bingling City, before Ye Han appeared, the fate of the Hanqi Family was already clouded by failure. However, the appearance of Ye Han not only saved them from failure, but also gave them the determination to turn defeat into victory. The masters of Bingling City, on the contrary, before Ye Han appeared, they already had a sure-win opponent, but in the end, they failed.

Failure is not terrible, but if the defeat is unclear, it is too useless. Although he feels that he has failed, the master of the five realms of Yuanhun who has lost twice in a row in Bingling City really wants to know how he lost. , why so many of them were defeated not by the hands of the Hanqi family, nor by the hands of Ye Han, but by the hands of a little fox.

"Why." The three words that appeared from the corner of the mouth of the man who seemed to be the leader of Bing Ling City's masters and possessed the five realms of Yuanhun suddenly appeared. These three words showed that he could not understand at the moment. Not only that, Moreover, it also expresses the confusion in the hearts of all the dead and undead masters in Bingling City.

These words seemed to be spoken to the little fox, but the little fox did not think so. In her imagination, this person was asking himself, wanting to know the reason for his failure, so she felt that she did not need to answer. He just shook his head helplessly and turned around and walked towards Ye Han.

Without getting an answer, the expert leader of Bingling City naturally refused to give up. Seeing that he was not only defeated by a little fox, but also ignored by this little fox, he suddenly became furious. However, just in this anger Then, he did not take action against the little fox, but instead hugged his chest with his hands.

"Pfft." There was no other sound, just a sound of blood spurting came out, and a stream of blood spurted out from the master's mouth. After the blood sprayed out, it instantly turned into a small bunch of raindrops, which fell on the Hanqi family. On the square, another very familiar sound of explosion came from his body, and then, his figure turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared into the sky.

He was not the only one who experienced this change. In addition to the masters of Bingling City who had died earlier, the remaining few people also imitated his example, first spitting out a large mouthful of blood, and then Let your body explode, turn into smoke, and dissipate into the sky.

A battle that was supposed to be vigorous and vigorous turned out to be miserable, but this was only for the masters of Bingling City, but for the Hanqi Family, it was just the opposite. It was supposed to be a miserable battle that was unusually lost. , but now it has won with great fanfare.

Originally, the clan leader Leng Ao could have been proud to think that this was the credit of those who resisted the attacks of Ice Ling City masters with all their strength, but he did not, because he was not blind yet. Although he had been fighting with Ice Ling City masters, he was obviously See, it was the little fox who finally opened his mouth and truly destroyed all the invading enemies.

"The Six Saints of Star Yuan are invincible." After succeeding, Ye Han did not say the winner's slogan. Instead, he suddenly remembered that he was from the Star Yuan Clan, and when there were six masters of the Star Yuan Clan gathered here, he suddenly thought Such a slogan was obviously exaggerated, so he shouted it out.

After hearing Ye Han's cry, everyone immediately regarded him as a madman. However, they soon seemed to understand something, so they regardless of men, women, old or young, shouted together. However, while shouting, they Everyone thinks they are crazy.

The Six Saints of Star Yuan, what are the Six Saints of Star Yuan? For a moment, the idea came to everyone's mind. Some people can understand the word "Star Yuan", but what does the word "Six Saints of Star Yuan" mean and where does it come from? The Six Saints.

Soon, Ye Han seemed to understand what they were thinking, because in the little fox's heart, there was the same question as theirs, so only after Ye Han noticed it, he could know what the big guys were doing at the moment. What to think about.

"Ling'er, Xin'er, Qing'er, Ping'er, Xiaoli, come with me." Sensing the doubts in everyone's minds, Ye Han hurriedly shouted to calm down their voices, and then nodded one by one. After the names of the girls present appeared, they immediately left the ranks of the Hanqi family and slowly walked towards the other side of the square.

Five names, five women, including a little fox. After hearing Ye Han's roll call, they didn't know what his intention was, but they didn't dare to neglect and hurriedly followed.

Four beautiful women, plus a little fox, followed Ye Han, forming six figures, slowly walking towards the other side of the square. At this time, everyone else on the field was stunned. Yes, what are they going to do?

Ye Han didn't look back, and neither did Little Li. Leng Ling and the others didn't even dare to look back. At the moment, they were speculating on Ye Han's intentions and followed Ye Han without any complaints. There are signs of never leaving.

Watching the six figures slowly go away, Leng Ao was stunned on the spot. He didn't know why, but next to him, He Wei seemed less leisurely. Although his eyes were also on the six figures at this moment, he still couldn't understand why. But there was a very unusual question in my mind.

"Six, clan leader, do you think there are six of them?" After a while, He Wei suddenly pointed his hand in the direction where Ye Han and others were leaving, and shouted to Leng Ao in shock.

The clan leader, Leng Ao, was in the midst of thinking. Hearing He Weizhi's screams, he was startled. However, he soon calmed down his frightened heart and hurriedly looked in the direction He Wei was pointing. Look.

At this time, the figures of Ye Han and others had already disappeared at the end of the square, so Leng Ao didn't see any figures at all, so he turned around and asked He Wei, who looked surprised: "You What are you talking about, six people, that means nothing!"

After hearing Leng Ao's words, He Wei was stunned for a moment and quickly looked where he was pointing, "Hey, there's really no one there. Where did they go? Uh... No, I'm not talking about whether they are there or not. I want to say, are there six of them!"

"He Wei, are you beaten stupid? How come you can't even count such a simple number? Aren't they just six people? What's all the fuss about." Leng Ao felt that He Wei must have been unknown before. He was attacked by an object and his head was broken. How else could it be like this? He spoke in a confused manner. He knew clearly that there were six people, but he still wanted to ask more questions.

"Uh...I'm not stupid, they are just six people." After hearing Leng Ao's words, He Wei suddenly went crazy and hurriedly corrected him.

Hearing this, Leng Ao thought that he had been beaten stupid. There were just six of them. Who didn't know? Everyone who knew how to count knew it. In desperation, he had no choice but to ask He Wei again: "What on earth are you doing?" What's wrong? Are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid? It's okay!"

He Wei was going crazy. Being treated as a fool over and over again had reached the limit of his tolerance. At this moment, he felt that it was not that he was stupid, but that Leng Ao was stupid, so he asked: "I see You are the one who is stupid!"

He Wei didn't want to get entangled in the entangled matters anymore, but he knew that if Leng Ao wasn't the patriarch of the Hanqi family, he would definitely beat him up to vent the resentment in his heart.

But now he knows that he can't hit anyone casually, after all, the other person is the leader of the clan, so in desperation, he chooses to leave, leave this place of right and wrong, lest he really get mad and go insane.

Looking at He Wei's leaving figure, Leng Ao was stunned again. After a while, he suddenly exclaimed: "Six people, six people, yes, six people. He Wei, wait for me. , I know what you mean!"

After shouting, he ran away without saying a word and chased He Wei's Beiying. At this moment, the elites of the Han Qi family standing by were a little stunned. What on earth was going on? What was going on? It's understandable that Wei is crazy, but why is the patriarch also crazy now? Is the Hanqi family really going to end like this?

The entire Hanqi family was not defeated by the masters of Bingling City, but was driven crazy by Ye Han's words. And Ye Han, the culprit, was hiding in a room in a corner of the family, having sex with four women. Talk about big things.

"Now you should know why I call myself the Six Saints of Star Yuan. The six of us are all members of the Star Yuan clan, so we are collectively called the Six Saints of Star Yuan. When we find the other three later, then we will It is the real Xingyuan clan, and when the time comes, the Nine Saints... well, the nine stars will gather together." After talking for a long time, Ye Han finally concluded.

After hearing Ye Han's words, everyone shook their heads at the same time, indicating that they didn't understand. Only the little fox gloated and thought: "Brother Han, if you don't explain carefully today, you won't be able to rest!"

After sensing what the little fox said, Ye Han smiled and said: "Hey, you are wrong. If they keep pestering me, then I can still rest, and if I can sleep among them, it won't be a bad idea. A good thing!"

After saying that, he came to Ye Ping on his own, reached out and snatched the baby from her arms, and then smiled bitterly at the baby and said: "Xiao Xue'er, what do you think I should do as a father? Your mother and the others have been pestering me. Let it go, it makes me unable to sleep peacefully!"

Ye Han said something against his will, but Xiao Xue'er didn't understand at all, and only smiled at him. In desperation, Ye Han had no choice but to say no more, turned his head to the window, and quietly looked at the sky outside the window... Look Please come without ads--

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