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【570】【Back to Star Night City】

Hearing this, Ye Hong quickly came to his senses and looked at the women behind Ye Han, all of whom were carrying a disabled person. Finally, his eyes locked on Yan Xin's side and saw Yan Xin supporting a man. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that it was Yan Yang, the head of the Yan family. He understood what Ye Han meant and hurriedly turned around and ordered the followers behind him: "You guys should do as Han'er said!"

Those people did not dare to hesitate after hearing the words, and hurriedly walked past Ye Hong on the left and right sides. Then they saw two of them coming to Ye Han's side, helping the injured man beside him away, while the remaining few The Ye family members also walked towards Leng Ling and others respectively, and helped them away as well.--

Only Yan Xin, because the person she was supporting was her father, saw people from the Ye family coming to take away her father, but she did not dare to agree at all. Instead, she scolded those people: "Don't move any of you." My father!"

After hearing what Yan Xin said, those people didn't dare to come any closer, but Ye Han couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. He turned around and shouted to Yan Xin: "Xin'er, you'd better let me." Father, let's go and rest first. If you have anything to do, wait until we come back to discuss it. We don't have much time!"

Hearing this, Yan Xin had no choice but to nod. After those people helped Yan Yang away, Ye Han nodded to Ye Hong and said, "I won't talk about the Yan family's affairs for now. I also ask my father to take care of him first." My father-in-law and Han'er have to go to Starry Night City, so they'll leave first!"

Ye Hong nodded. He naturally understood Ye Han's decision. There was only one thing related to the Ye family in Starry Night City, and that was the branch of the Ye family where his father belonged. Although this family was not very big, its strength was It's not cheap, not much different from the Ye family he owns.

Thinking about the prosperity of the Ye family in the past, but now it has been divided into several families, Ye Hong couldn't help but feel a lot of emotions in his heart. Among the forces that were divided, one of them was the Ye family in Starry Night City, and the other was in the Yan family. It is no longer possible for Qingzong to return to this family. Now the only people who can be brought back are the Ye family in Starry Night City. However, even if he brings back this family, which is originally a force with him according to the clan, he does not have much power. sense of relief.

Ye Han explained his next itinerary, then turned his attention to Xiaoli, looked at Ye Rou in her arms, smiled at her, and then said to Xiaoli: "Send her to my room first. Go inside and take good care of her when you come back in the evening!"

Although Ye Han felt pity for Ye Rou who had lost his memory, he was unwilling to spare her. Thinking that he had searched for her so hard, but she couldn't remember anything, he couldn't help but want to get something back. Cheap, it is best to stimulate her again and awaken her memory.

Hearing this, Xiaoli also understood what Ye Han meant, so she was about to leave. At this time, Ye Han suddenly shouted to her: "Wait a minute, take Xiaoxue with you. Let Ling'er hold her all day, and it won't be a bad idea." It’s so hard!”

Hearing this, Xiao Li was stunned for a moment, and then without any scruples, she came to Leng Ling's side and asked her to put the child in Ye Rou's arms. Then she cast a seal on the child and Ye Rou, respectively. The two people were tied together, and then they nodded with confidence, stretched out their bodies, and suddenly ran away in the direction of Ye Han's room. After a while, they saw her flying back from there and falling back to where they were. place.

After arranging everything, Ye Han gave instructions to the girls, and then he took the lead and flew towards the outside of the Ye family's formation. He left the Ye family's formation in an instant. The girls saw this and hurriedly followed. Up.

Starry Night City is located not far to the north of Xingyuan City, so Ye Han did not go at full speed this time. He did not arrive at the outskirts of Starry Night City until after noon. He took a brief look at the town in front of him and accidentally remembered the structure he had arranged in the city. He only hesitated for a moment before he formed a seal with his palms and shot out towards the boundary.

After Yin Jue hit the barrier, he saw a ripple suddenly dodge on the barrier, and then a gap appeared. Seeing the gap formed, he spread out his body and flew into the gap in the barrier. Seeing this, the rest of the people did not dare to neglect and hurriedly followed in.

After a while, they came to the top of the Ye family. They looked at the Ye family mansion below for a while. Then Ye Han turned around and said to Ye Ping: "Ping'er, you are more familiar with the Ye family. Let's do this. You can see it later." Then go and dismiss the ordinary servants of the Ye family first, and then come to the meeting hall to find us!"

Ye Ping heard the words and did not dare to neglect. She nodded quickly and then fell down suddenly. She was ready to follow Ye Han's wishes and dismiss the Ye family's servants first. After all, the whole family was about to move away. These ordinary servants are also a burden. Instead of doing this, it is better to send them away.

After watching Ye Ping's figure escape into the Ye family, Ye Han turned his gaze towards the direction of the Ye family's meeting hall. After pondering for a while, he floated towards the door of the meeting hall.

"Is the second uncle here?" Before landing, he shouted into the meeting hall. When he saw a reply from inside, he walked towards the door of the meeting hall, then opened the door and walked in, while the women stopped. In the courtyard outside, waiting for Ye Han's order.

As soon as Ye Han entered, the head of the family, Ye Huai, immediately greeted him. At the same time, several Ye family elites followed him closely. As soon as he saw them, Ye Huai laughed and said: "Oh, Han'er, I didn't expect you to be so early. It’s here, I was planning to leave for Xingyuan City tomorrow!”

Hearing this, Ye Han didn't mince words and said directly: "I think tomorrow may be too late. It was a step too late before, which caused the Yan family to suffer heavy losses. You, the Ye family, can't make any more mistakes, otherwise you will be in trouble." I’m going to cause big trouble!”

After hearing what Ye Han said, Ye Huai was suddenly surprised and said hurriedly: "What is going on? What is happening to the Yan family? Could it be that the Yan Qing Sect wants to take the opportunity to annex them!"

Ye Han nodded noncommittally, then shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "Let's go back and talk about this matter first. If what I expected is true, someone will come to attack here tonight. If we leave too late, then It’s really going to be a big trouble!”

Ye Han is not afraid of causing trouble. The most important thing is that he does not cause trouble that can be avoided. If his own negligence leads to disaster, then he will definitely blame himself. Now the Yan family has become the first to suffer. As a family, he cannot let bad luck befall the Daoye family, otherwise he will lose nearly half of his strength.

Ye Huai naturally understands this. As the head of a family, he must always think about the family. If the family loses anything, it is the loss of the entire family, not just for himself. If it is just for his own sake, It is absolutely unforgivable for the family to suffer losses.

And he also knew that since Ye Han had wooed the Yan family and now he was wooing himself, he must be doing something big. As the person with the highest status in the family, he could already understand Ye Han's concerns. , how could we not understand his difficulties?

"To be honest, most of the servants in this family have been dismissed. I have long thought about this day. Originally we planned to leave early tomorrow morning, but since you are here now, then We don't care if we leave earlier, anyway, everything we need to prepare is ready." After thinking for a while, Ye Huai nodded.

Ye Han also nodded when he heard this, and then said: "Now I have asked Ping'er to arrange other members of the family. I believe that all the servants of the Ye family will be dismissed soon. At that time, I will ask my second uncle to order the remaining people to be dispatched." All family masters, please gather in the family square, we must leave as soon as possible!"

"Han'er, you must have thought of a way to leave." Thinking about it, although my family is not big, it has many capable people. If you want to leave, it will inevitably be divided into several groups, but after listening to Ye Han's words It meant that all the clan members were obviously going to leave together, which made him a little confused.

Hearing the doubts in Ye Huai's heart, Ye Han hurriedly nodded and smiled: "I can lead the Hanlin Sect and Hanqi Family to Xingyuan City at once. Do you still think that your family will have more people than these two major factions? More to come!”

After hearing what Ye Han said, Ye Huai was stunned for a long time, and then said in shock: "What, you mean, you have invited the Northern Hanlin Sect and the Hanqi Family!"

Ye Han nodded noncommittally when he heard this, and then smiled bitterly and said: "I'm telling you, second uncle, what's all the fuss about? If I don't have enough strength, how can I do anything?"

"That's true, but the Hanqi family has a husband-in-law relationship with you, so it makes sense for you to invite them here, but what about the Hanlin sect? Why would they come all the way to follow? Come together." Ye Huai asked hurriedly after hearing this.

Hearing this, Ye Han hurriedly shook his head and said: "I'm telling you, second uncle, time is tight now, so you can stop asking so many questions. Can we wait until we get to Xingyuan City to talk about anything? By the way, I guess Ping'er is there now." The preparations are almost complete, I will go to the square to set up the teleportation array first, you should hurry up and prepare, and use all your speed to bring all the experts from the Ye family!"

After hearing Ye Han's words, Ye Huai immediately stopped talking and nodded quickly, and then told everyone behind him: "You have also heard Han'er's words. Let's all split up now and gather all the people in the family who can use it." People, let’s gather in the square!”

As he said that, he turned around to let Ye Han go forward to set up the formation. Unexpectedly, when he turned around, Ye Han was no longer in the hall. Looking around, he only saw a blue shadow at the door of the meeting hall. It flashed out and disappeared from under his eyes in the blink of an eye. Seeing this scene, Ye Huai was stunned for a moment, was that Ye Han? Why was it so fast?

Behind him, the family masters did not seem to hear his previous words clearly, and several eyes were also looking towards the door of the meeting hall... Please come to see no ads--

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