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【592】【Too many women】

?It is absolutely impossible for Ye Han to decorate a new house by himself, so after closing the door, he turned to the stairs and shouted downstairs: "Send four people up and ask them to come up." Decorate your new house!”

The new house is where the bride and groom live tonight. As the groom, Ye Han naturally has to personally direct the layout. This is a major event related to the wedding tonight. He does not want to be careless, and he cannot be careless.--

The four servants quickly took the initiative to go upstairs. Ye Han took them to the door of a room near the larger room, opened the door and walked in. He took a brief look at the original layout of the room, and saw this All the furnishings in the room were as usual, and then he turned around and ordered the four servants: "Please decorate it for me. After the decoration is completed, I will check it. If there are any deficiencies, I will make changes at that time!"

After saying that, he looked at the room again and saw that in addition to a medium-sized bed, there was a table and a dressing table. The furnishings were not much different from the house he lived in before. It was relatively small, and after feeling that there was nothing special that needed to be arranged, he sighed angrily, turned around and left the room, leaving the arrangement of the new house to his four servants.

After leaving the room, he went downstairs and came to the hall. Seeing that the hall was almost decorated at the moment, he went straight to Ye Hong and smiled at Ye Hong, who was chatting with Leng Ao and others. : "Father, I think we can just decorate this hall and set up a wedding hall!"

After hearing Ye Han's suggestion, Ye Hong and others couldn't help but take a look at the hall. After carefully looking at the surrounding decorations, they felt that Ye Han's suggestion was good. Although there was a banquet arranged in the hall, there was a banquet in the middle. The location is quite wide, so if you want to arrange a wedding hall in the middle, it is just right.

"Then do what you said." After making the decision, Ye Hong confirmed Ye Han's idea, and then told the scary people who were busy around him: "Have you heard that? Do you want to change it?" On the basis of the original layout, add a wedding hall in the middle and decorate it well, time is running out!"

When the servants heard this, of course they did not dare to neglect it. This was not their first time decorating a new house. They thought that when Ye Han and Ye Rou got married for the first time, some of them started to decorate the wedding hall. Now that everything in the hall has been decorated, all they need to do is simply decorate the scene required for the wedding ceremony.

Seeing that people started to do what they wanted, Ye Handen also felt relieved. Now everything is being prepared. As long as everything is ready, all he needs to do is to complete the wedding ceremony and complete some of the things needed to get married. After that, you can hold a New Year's Eve banquet.

As for the Dongfang matter, it will happen sooner or later. There is no need to worry about it. Anyway, everything is a foregone conclusion. He does not need to worry about long nights and many dreams. However, there is one thing that he has been thinking about in his heart for a long time. Now with himself Leng Ling is the only one who has actually gotten married. Even Yan Xin has not had a formal marriage ceremony with him, let alone the other women.

Therefore, while thinking that everything was ready, Ye Han couldn't help but think to himself that it would be great if she could take advantage of this opportunity to arrange her marriage to Yan Xin. However, in this way, she was worried Ye Rou would have a grudge, so she never dared to say anything.

Furthermore, just marrying Yan Xin is not feasible yet. After all, other Ye Ping and others also have the same embarrassing status as Yan Xin. It would not be good if he only cares about Yan Xin and puts them all aside. Well, if they start blaming others, the situation will not be very good.

Therefore, although he had an idea, he could not decide on his own. In desperation, he could only say goodbye to Ye Hong and others, and then left the Hanyun Pavilion and walked towards his room. Since he could not make up his mind, Then talk to the girls, hoping that they can make a proper decision for you. On the one hand, you can also know everyone's thoughts and know whether they really mind this.

After leaving Hanyun Pavilion, he came to his room and the courtyard soon. He was still a little hesitant. Should he tell the matter? If they didn't agree, what should he do? Marry them all at once, so even if they are willing, you will definitely not be able to accept it.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and it seemed that Ye Han's arrival was felt. As soon as the door opened, Yan Xin walked out of the door with a playful face, and at the same time joked to Ye Han: "Han. My brother is really impatient, and he’s already looking for the bride even before he goes to the bride’s house!”

"Uh..." When Yan Xin said this, Ye Han was speechless. After a long time, he smiled awkwardly and said, "Okay, stop teasing me. I have something serious to discuss with you. Let's go first." Let’s talk after we go in!”

After saying that, regardless of whether Yan Xin agreed or not, he walked into the room on his own. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Ye Rou dressed up and sitting beside the bed, while Leng Ling and others were also accompanying her.

Seeing Ye Han come in, Xiaoli trotted over as if to please him, took his arm with one hand, and smiled at him: "Brother Han, do you think Sister Rou looks good dressed like this? If not, then we Let her change her makeup again!"

"No need, I came here to discuss something important with you." Looking at Ye Rou, he felt that she was more beautiful than he imagined. Ye Han hurriedly rejected Xiaoli's words, and then felt embarrassed. He smiled and said.

As soon as Ye Han finished speaking, he heard Leng Ling coming over from the side, so he couldn't help but let out a long sigh and said: "I know that after so much, you all share the joys and sorrows with me, Ye Han, but until Now, I don't really have a title for you, so..."

"Haha, Brother Han, you don't have to think so much. As people of the Nine Stars inheritance, we are different from the rest of the world. Now, why bother with the red tape of this world? As long as you and I can treat each other sincerely, What does it matter whether you have a name or not?" After hearing Ye Han's words, Yan Xin shook her head and said with a smile.

With Yan Xin's words, Ye Han instinctively felt relieved. However, even so, he could not fully accept her words. Although the relationship between Jiuxing was destined to be with each other for a long time, it was not known to the world after all. Now that I live in this world, I have to follow all the habits of the world. Although there are people in this world who are together without status, they are exceptions after all, so I must not be too hasty. about this matter.

After being silent for a while, Ye Han hurriedly shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I know you treat me Ye Han very well, but because of this, I can't let you down, so no matter what, I have to give you a Status, but..."

Having said this, Ye Han quickly turned his eyes and looked at Ye Rou. After hesitating for a while, he said: "But now I have promised Rou'er to get married to her, so..."

Seeing Ye Han hesitate while talking, Ye Roudang suddenly stood up and came to Ye Han's side, holding his other arm with one hand, and then smiled at him and said : "Han'er, you don't have to worry too much. Although you said you wanted to get married to me, you didn't say you wouldn't take this opportunity to get married to Xin'er and the others. As you said, you really want to give everyone a name. Since So, it would be better to take advantage of this opportunity and get married together, isn't this better!"

After hearing Ye Rou's words, Ye Han was stunned. Although he felt that Ye Rou's answer was too straightforward, he had no doubts. After all, he understood Ye Rou's intentions. She didn't want to embarrass herself, so she had put everything aside earlier. He had taken it lightly, and had already decided to live in harmony with the girls. This was what the girls had always thought about, so how could he not know it.

But at this time, he couldn't help but hesitate. Although he had Ye Rou's approval, he couldn't do everything according to Ye Rou's words. Getting married was possible, but it was definitely not the way to go in this continent. It often happened that two brides were married at the same time, but he had never heard of marrying multiple brides at once. Even Qingyun had never tried it before, so he didn't want to do it.

As if he had read through Ye Han's thoughts, Xiaoli smiled quickly and said, "Brother Han, you don't have to be too embarrassed. Have you forgotten that four of the Nine-Star Spiritual Jade surpass the other Nine-Star Spiritual Jade? If so, Divide the Nine Stars into two parts and consider one part first, then all the problems will be solved!"

After hearing what Xiaoli said, Ye Handen also understood that the priority he mentioned was himself, Ye Rou, Yan Xin, Leng Ling and other four people, because these four people were what Xiaoli said. It exceeds the other nine-star spiritual jades because they are both jade inheritances. Although they are also nine-star spiritual jades, they have many differences compared to the other five spiritual jades.

In other words, these four people are much more important than the inheritors of the other five spiritual jade. If Ye Han really needs to make it difficult for too many people to get married, he can get married to these three women first, which can be regarded as It's logical.

However, nowadays, except for Xiaoli, no one among the girls knows what happened a hundred years ago. If I really want to use this to distinguish each other, then if any of them have objections to this, I will definitely not know. How to respond.

In an instant, Ye Han seemed to have some awareness. Having too many women around him was a kind of trouble. Just like now, he was trapped by this kind of trouble. For a moment, he had no idea at all. If this was normal, , he doesn’t need to discuss with other girls, he can just make up his own mind, please watch without ads--

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