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[596] [After the Banquet] [Explosion 15]

?The Xinyuan Festival is supposed to be the liveliest and most joyful festival, but now the entire Yuanqi Continent is shrouded in a layer of chaos. Therefore, this festival has no meaning at all. Except for some ordinary people, there is basically no leisure time. Face this day with love.--

Of course, there is one exception, and that is the Ye family of Star City. Although they know that the current situation is unstable, this does not affect their joy. This New Year Festival is no longer new in their eyes. Yuan Festival is so simple, but more about celebrating the family overcoming a difficult time.

However, this is just a surface. Perhaps the servants of the Ye family cannot feel the future disaster, but some people of the older generation are well aware of this matter. Although the crisis of the Ye family has been resolved this time, it is still No one can guarantee that no more or greater crisis will befall the Daoye family in the future, and no one knows whether the crisis will be resolved by then.

Therefore, the Xinyuan Festival is just a festival that does not take into account the joy of future people. For some people who are smart and understand the world, this is not the case. In their view, this Xinyuan Festival is very likely to be The last New Year's Day that I can spend.

Perhaps it is because of this awareness that they have no choice but to relax their emotions as much as possible and try not to let themselves sink into worries. After all, at this moment, it is worth it to make themselves feel better for a moment.

After the four elders of the Ye family and all the elites arrived, they saw Lin Jie and He Wei walking out of the room. They each found a place to sit down. Soon, the sound of footsteps could be heard outside Hanyun Pavilion. , looking in a blink of an eye, one can see several servants walking in from the door carrying wine and food, then placing the wine and food on all the banquets, and then leaving.

There were four other people, two of them were carrying wine and food, and the other two were making arrangements in the decorated wedding hall. After these two people arranged the high hall for worship into a seat, the other two people placed wine and food on it. Then he turned around and left.

After that, several more women dressed as maids slowly walked in from outside the door. These women were dressed like this, obviously for serving wine, and soon they could be seen separated, with one standing in front of each table.

Then, the clan leader Ye Hong also walked in from outside the door, and there was another person beside him. From the looks of it, he was obviously Ye's mother. Behind them, there were two women who were indistinguishable from the waitresses in the hall. , apparently the maid they personally brought to serve the wine.

Ye Hong and Ye Mu came to the hall together. They looked around and found that everyone was already here. Then they came to the table together and sat down together. Two maids serving wine stood on the left and right. Waiting for dispatch.

At this moment, Ye Hongcai smiled with everyone in the hall and said, "You're welcome, let's start the feast." After that, he looked at Ye's mother again, and then nodded to Liang Ling, the maid next to him, and motioned for them to pour wine.

Ye Han and others were not polite when they heard this, and asked the maids to start pouring wine, and then raised their glasses to drink with everyone, but the master here was Ye Hong, and it was not until he raised his glasses that everyone was right Start drinking.

When talking about wine for the first time, words were unnecessary, so everyone drank it all in one gulp without slacking off at all, and Ye Hong and Ye Mudang were no exception.

After a drink, Ye Hong took up his chopsticks first, looked at everyone in the hall, and then said: "Come on, everyone, don't just focus on drinking, eating, and eating." As he said this, he didn't care how everyone responded, and then He picked up the food first and put it into his mouth.

When everyone saw this, they naturally didn't want to be polite. Although most of the people present were people with a high level of cultivation and food was superfluous to them, but now that it was a grand event, they would not take care of these many people who could drink. Drink if you can, eat if you can.

Some people even thought that after today, they might not be able to meet such a grand event again, so they ate with gusto, as if they had tasted some delicacy in the world, with endless aftertaste.

In comparison, Ye Han was a little abnormal, so he didn't let go of the delicious food in front of him, but he didn't eat much. He just pinched it a little bit, and then kept drinking there, even when he was there at this time. They forgot about it during the banquet and only drank by themselves while ignoring others.

Although Ye Hong and others saw this, they didn't say much. In their opinion, Ye Han must have had some thoughts in his heart and was infected by these thoughts, so he acted like this.

Everyone in the hall was still drinking happily, and only Ye Han drank alone. Ye Hong and others could not figure this out, but Leng Ling knew that on the wedding night, a drunk man hurt his wife's heart, all this But it was still engraved deep in her heart all the time. Now that it was a wedding and a banquet, it was not impossible for Ye Han to feel a hidden pain in his heart.

But despite this, Leng Ling didn't say anything, let alone dissuade them. Since both of them couldn't let go of this, they could only bury it in their hearts. If they said it out, it would be a bit strong.

It's just that in Leng Ling's heart, all of this has been hidden deeply. Now that she sees Ye Han drinking alone, is she also experiencing painful suffering in her heart? Perhaps no one knows. Even Leng Ling herself is no exception, because she has been intoxicating herself with her consciousness.

After a long time, the New Year's Day banquet was coming to an end. The clan leader Ye Hong stood up, smiled with everyone in the hall and said: "Okay, this year's New Year's Day banquet is here, everyone should be early. Go back and rest!”

In the past, the New Year Festival would have been another test, but this time it was a little different. In the past year, the Ye family had experienced so many things that they had not experienced in decades. Passed, so there is no need to continue this test meeting.

When everyone heard what the patriarch said, they naturally had doubts, but then they heard Ye Hong continue: "You may be wondering why our family's annual test meeting is no longer held!"

As he spoke, he looked at the crowd again and saw that everyone agreed with his question, and then continued: "To tell you the truth, except for this banquet this year, all New Year's Day conferences will be cancelled. In half a month, I don’t think it’s necessary to hold a competition competition!”

Having said this, he turned to look at Ye Han, who was still drinking wine, and then said to everyone: "Everyone, please go back and have a good rest. There are still important things to do in the next few days. Let's take advantage of today." , everyone should take a good rest and recuperate!"

After everyone heard this, although they were still puzzled, they did not stay any longer. They quickly left Hanyun Pavilion one by one and went back to their respective rooms to rest. After all, the clan leader had issued a message to nourish himself well. They must use their energy to cope with the events of tomorrow and the next two days, so they must do as they are told.

After seeing them off, there were only twenty people left in the Hanyun Pavilion hall. In addition to Ye Han, Leng Ling and others, they were Leng Ao and other distinguished guests of the Ye family, plus the four elders of the Ye family, and Ye Hong and his wife. These two people must stay because they are the most important people in the Ye family.

But at this time, Ye Hong slowly left his seat, came to Ye Han's table, and asked him: "Han'er, what should we arrange next!"

Ye Han was stunned when he heard this, put down the wine glass in his hand, then looked at Lin Fu and others, then at Leng Ling and others, then smiled and said: "Of course the next step is the wedding, don't you let me, father?" I’ll finish the important things of getting married first!”

Hearing Ye Han's words, Ye Hong suddenly felt like he couldn't take a breath. He almost choked and suppressed his blush. Then he smiled awkwardly and said: "Oh, that's right. Then you can go ahead. Others Let’s talk about it tomorrow!”

No matter how stupid Ye Hong is, he still knows what Ye Han means. It's all over for today, and everything will wait for tomorrow. After all, everyone is a little tired after today's banquet. Besides, there is something to do now. It's evening, and it's getting dark. I want to Nothing can be done.

Moreover, Ye Han, as a father, somewhat knows what he is thinking. This time he has roped in the Leng family and other forces. He must be setting up a big business. Naturally, you can't be too hasty when doing big things, otherwise the gains will outweigh the losses. Anyway, everything will be lost. Don't be too anxious, it doesn't hurt to take a good rest first.

Thinking about what Ye Hong was going to say, he heard Ye Han stand up and said to Lin Fu and others: "Everyone, please go back and have a good rest today. Tomorrow I will explain everything we have to do in the day." tell!"

Ye Han snatched what Ye Hong wanted to say, but Ye Hong was not angry. To be honest, he understood the current situation very well. Although he was the head of the clan, his reputation was not as good as that of Ye Han. Besides, he really didn't know Ye Han. He was worried about what kind of medicine was being sold in the gourd, but now Ye Han took the initiative to express what he was thinking, which made him feel a lot more relaxed.

"In that case, let's go back to our room to rest first." As soon as Ye Han finished speaking, he heard the four elders standing up first, saying goodbye to everyone, and then walked towards Hanyun Pavilion. .

Watching them leave, Ye Han couldn't help but feel something in his heart. Then he smiled at Lin Fu and others and said, "Okay, you guys should go and have some rest first. We'll do it again tomorrow. I'll think of you all and explain the recent events." It’s something!”

"Then let's take our leave first." After hearing this, Lin Fu and others did not want to stay any longer, so they hurriedly said goodbye to Ye Han and others, then walked to the side room together, and then entered the room.

After they all returned to their rooms, Ye Han turned to look at Leng Ling and others, winked at them and asked them to go upstairs first, but he returned to his seat and sat down.

Seeing this, the girls knew that Ye Han still had something to talk to Ye Hong in detail and that their presence would not make any difference, so they walked towards the stairs together and rushed to the second floor.

Watching them leave, Ye Han poured another glass of wine by himself, and then said to Ye Hong and Ye's mother on the side: "Father, mother, after today, it will be difficult for us to have a family like this get together to have a meal. Now is the chance, why not take advantage of today and let’s sit down and have a good meal!”

Ye Hong and his wife were stunned when they heard this, and then nodded subconsciously. Ye Han smiled quickly when he saw this, and then got up and walked towards the door. Ye Hong and his wife did not dare to neglect when they saw this, and they followed together.

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