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【680】【In danger】

"Little Li, stop now.

"Huh? Why? Didn't we just start?"

Xiao Li was stunned when he heard this, and asked subconsciously.

"Don't ask so many questions first, stop immediately, otherwise the consequences will be serious!"

Ye Han didn't have that much time to explain so much to Xiaoli. Now that he was in danger, it would be better if he could seize a little time.

"Well, okay then!"

It felt like Ye Han wanted to do this for a reason, so Xiaoli didn't force it and hurriedly stopped the output of Xingyuan.

"No, Brother Han, I can't accept it!"

Xiaoli wanted to stop, but she couldn't pull her hand away, and the vitality in her body was still rushing into Ye Han's body. For this reason, she couldn't help but panic and shouted to Ye Han.

"How could this happen? Let me try!"

Seeing that Xiaoli couldn't stop, Ye Han had no choice but to try to stop himself in order to relieve the existing crisis.

As he said that, he began to try to give up running the Xinghan Jue, but he tried twice without success. The Xinghan Jue seemed to be able to operate at will and did not obey his orders at all.

Now, Ye Han was in a hurry. If he couldn't stop and Xiaoli couldn't contain his energy, wouldn't both of them end up exhausted?

"What to do? What to do?"

In a hurry, Ye Han couldn't think of any solution and could only worry secretly.

"Brother Han, don't worry first, I think there must be other ways!"

Seeing that Ye Han was so anxious, Xiao Li felt helpless for a moment. Moreover, she still doesn't know what happened to Ye Han.

"No, even if I destroy myself, I can't destroy you!"

Suddenly, Ye Han had a firm belief in his heart that no matter what, he could not harm Xiaoli.

"No, you can't do this. I missed it once, and I won't miss it again!"

Feeling that Ye Han was going to do something he shouldn't have done, Xiaoli immediately became anxious. Does this silly brother Han still want him to wait? You know, if the heart is destroyed, no matter how high the person's cultivation level is, he will not be able to wait. It can only be death.

For Ye Han, he has suffered the pain of a hundred years of lovesickness, and now she is no longer willing to experience the pain of life and death. As she said, if you miss one time, you can't miss the second one.

"But if we don't do this, I really can't think of any way. If we don't stop it, both of us will be in danger."

Ye Han's face was full of worry. If he used his own energy to waste his energy, his cultivation level would only be damaged, but now he is being absorbed endlessly, which is equivalent to being sucked away by the enemy. This situation can be serious or small.

If it's small, it's Leng Ling when he first built the Xingyuan Gate. If it's big, it's that his life energy has been exhausted and all his cultivation has been absorbed. When that time comes, those who have lost everything will only die. Already.

Naturally, with Ye Han's immortal body, his body will not die, and only his soul and consciousness can die. Therefore, sometimes, having an immortal body is not a great good thing, at least in this case. Before there is an immortal soul, this kind of immortality is incomplete if half of it is missing. Perhaps under certain circumstances, this will still be a kind of pain.

"Haha, if I can die with you, Brother Han, Xiaoli will die with no regrets!"

Xiaoli's words immediately made Ye Han's heart tremble. This girl is really hopeless. This may be the best expression of the depth of love.

"Listen to me, Xiaoli, don't think about death. I believe there are other solutions to this situation, but we haven't thought of it yet."

Until this moment, Ye Han was still unwilling to believe that he could not reverse the situation. He believed that as long as it was not the last moment, it was not the time to despair. However, in this situation, he was just trying his best to comfort himself and Xiaoli. It's just my heart.

Is there really a way? He is not sure about this. At least, until now, he has not thought of any way.

"Hey, I have it!"

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Ye Han's mind, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Ah? What? Do you have a solution?"

Hearing what Ye Han said, Xiaoli suddenly felt happy. Is there really a way?

It was said before that he would die without regrets, but who can really be sure that he will die without regrets? At least, Xiaoli himself cannot do it. Let me ask, a person who has been waiting for a hundred years just to be with the person he loves Shou, but now, the person you love is right in front of you, and you will die before you can get along with him for a long time. Who can really feel that he will die without regrets?

Perhaps, Xiaoli didn't want much, just a little time with Ye Han, but now, facing death, she couldn't reverse it. This situation, at best, can only make it less regretful, and it cannot be regarded as a No regrets.

"The solution is..."

Ye Han smiled and turned to look at Xiaoli, but he did not give a direct answer.

"What on earth is it, Brother Han, please tell Xiaoli!"

Seeing that Ye Han was hesitant to speak, Xiao Li was really anxious. What on earth could be done? Why hadn't the two of them thought of it before?

"Hey, I can't tell you this, you just have to watch!"

Although Xiao Li was impatient, Ye Han still didn't tell him what he was thinking, he just smiled and said mysteriously.

"Huh, bad guy, you just want to make people anxious, right?"

Xiaoli was angry. He was anxious and worried, but he still had the intention to be so mysterious, and he thought it was heartless.

"Well, I just made you anxious on purpose!"

Ye Han naturally chose to admit, well, it will make you anxious. If there is a chance, there will be times that will make you even more anxious.

Ye Han smiled evilly, and his mind was suddenly filled with some bad thoughts.

"Okay, then the next time you ask for something, if they don't give it to you, it will make you anxious and anxious!"

Xiao Li's bad intentions turned around and he quickly found a way to take revenge. Hum, when you are not satisfied with your desires, I will run away and kill you!

After hearing Xiao Li's words, Ye Han's face suddenly stiffened. How did this girl know what he was thinking? She actually threatened him in turn?

Ye Han was stunned. He originally wanted to make Xiaoli anxious at that time, but he didn't expect that this method would become the reason for Xiaoli's conditions.

The saddest thing in the world is that the fat in your mouth is snatched away. Ye Han feels that his heart is bleeding. It hurts. This girl is so strong. She has more bad thoughts than herself. Bad thoughts That's all. I just thought about it in my heart, but the girl was so good that she said it blatantly.

It's shameful, pathetic, tearful, and even wanting to die. Ye Han gritted his teeth and decided to compromise with her. He had no choice but to be a man and not care about women.

Naturally, what he is most worried about is that Xiaoli really chooses to leave when the time comes. Then he will not be able to cultivate enough. If he encounters the demon of desire again and no one can help him solve the problem, it will be miserable.

At least, someone has to take action even if he is knocked unconscious. Perhaps, sometimes it is the best way to solve the problem on his own, but he cannot guarantee that he will still have the idea of ​​taking action at that time.

Ahem... Maybe if possible, breaking into a private house would be his best choice. Well, outside is the Xingyuan Gate. It won't be difficult to find Leng Ling and the others then, hehe...

Xiaoli didn't know what Ye Han was thinking, but she always felt that his thoughts were not so pure, so she couldn't help but glare at him.

"Okay, time is running out, I should get started!"

Ye Han chuckled, ignored Xiaoli's glare, and quickly closed his eyes, preparing to take action.

When Xiaoli saw this, he couldn't help but frown. Brother Han, who really has a solution or is he trying to comfort himself? If there is a solution, what is it? Why doesn't he say it directly?

"No, Brother Han, don't do this!"

Suddenly, Xiaoli felt that Ye Han had begun to gather all his power near the heart. She suddenly panicked. Did Brother Han really want to destroy his heart? At this moment, she seemed to understand why Ye Han didn't I'm willing to explain that I originally wanted to use this method.

Tears flowed out of the corners of Xiaoli's eyes involuntarily. Does Brother Han really not care about his own feelings? He wants to abandon himself again. Is this really his fate? After waiting for a hundred years, he finally got it. But the song comes to an end? No, I will not wait stupidly anymore. If you die, I will definitely die with you.

In a daze, Xiaoli also had a firm belief in his heart. Since we can't be together in life, we will live together in life and death.

"Silly girl, don't cry. I don't want to die. With such a beautiful woman by my side, if I die, won't I have to die in peace? I haven't enjoyed it enough yet."

As if sensing Xiaoli's thoughts, Ye Han hurriedly explained.

"Huh, who let you enjoy it? Don't talk nonsense!"

After hearing what Ye Han said, Xiaoli couldn't help but blush. This bad guy actually regarded himself as an object of enjoyment. It was so hateful.

However, this is quite good. It can make the people you love live happily, so what's the point of sacrificing a little? The worst... the worst is that you can also regard this as enjoyment?

Xiao Li tried her best to misunderstand Ye Han's meaning, completely failing to understand the true meaning of Ye Han's words.

Seeing Xiao Li's blushing face, Ye Han suddenly realized that he had said the wrong thing again and caused another misunderstanding.


Ye Han didn't explain this. Do you enjoy it? In fact, you really enjoy it. Just ask the world, who can say that having a beautiful woman in your arms is not enjoyment? It's just that this kind of enjoyment has different opinions in Ye Han and Xiaoli's hearts.

Xiaoli only understood this as physical enjoyment, but Ye Han felt it out of sincerity and spiritual enjoyment. There may not seem to be much difference between them, but if you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to notice that among them The difference is huge.^-^^-^

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