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【710】【Accidental Discovery】

Xinghan Jue was directly upgraded to the fourth level. Ye Han was naturally very happy. Although he could reach the fifth level with his current cultivation level, it was only very reluctant and the success rate was extremely low. Therefore, the fourth level was all he could do now. The highest level of mastery.

Compared to the third level, the power of the fourth-level Star Cold Art is not generally stronger. The third-level Star Cold Art can only control the star energy that is already in the body, and after the fourth level, it can independently absorb the vitality of the whole body. This is truly beneficial to cultivation.

Ye Han was happy in his heart, but he still didn't show it. On his face, the melancholy that had disappeared for a long time was clearly visible. It seemed that everything had returned to a year ago. A year ago, it was always hidden on his face. With this look.

After being secretly happy for a while, Ye Han soon calmed down his mind. The joy of improving his cultivation and upgrading his Yuan skills gradually subsided, followed by a heart full of guilt. Obviously, at this moment, he He thought of Leng Ling and others again, and how he abandoned them in the first place.

"Ling'er, Rou'er, Xin'er, wait for me, I will go back to find you soon!"

I don't know how long it took, but the melancholy on Ye Han's face gradually subsided, and turned into a look of relief. He could finally let go of his worries and face all this, and his heart became clear.

Ye Han smiled and turned his gaze to the south again. Looking at the southern sky, his eyes couldn't help but be a little obsessed. Where is his home, where is the woman he loves deeply. Because of a misunderstanding, he abandoned them. Now It's time to go back and apologize to them.

When love has turned into hate, you realize the depth of love. Ye Han regrets his mistake, so the love for the women in his heart also increases a lot. After integrating the guilt, he loves his woman even more, because the past sorry has deepened. The love in his heart, he felt, could only alleviate this guilt with his more sincere love. He loved his woman more than before.

Stopping his smile, Ye Han breathed a long sigh of relief and got rid of all the troubles that had been accumulated in his chest for a long time. What followed was a sense of relief all over his body. He could finally face it all bravely and no longer needed to escape. .

Having decided all this, Ye Han suddenly activated the Wind Controlling Flying Technique, jumped up and flew above the ice forest, and then flashed again, using the Wind Controlling Flying Technique to fly south.

However, at this moment, he suddenly stopped, then turned around and fell straight back into the ice forest. However, this place was a little far away from the place where he was before, and it was not the same place.

Looking around, Ye Han couldn't help but feel confused. When he was about to leave, he clearly felt something unusual around here, but why did he not find anything unusual when he came here now?

After carefully observing the surroundings, I finally even used the power of Yuandao Perception, but I still didn't notice any abnormalities. The surroundings were no different from other places in the Ice Forest.

Could it be that his feeling was wrong? Ye Han murmured in his heart, his feeling shouldn't be wrong, but why he felt something abnormal here before, but now that he came closer, he found nothing.

"Star Stele, by the way, that feeling just now came from the Star Stele!"

After a while, Ye Han couldn't help but think that when he felt something abnormal before, that feeling didn't seem to come from his own consciousness, but came from other places. He just received this kind of feeling. It’s just a feeling.

He didn't notice anything at first, but when he remembered the situation when he collected the Xingyuan Stone Tablet before, he suddenly realized that the feeling he felt before was coming from the Xingyuan Stone Tablet. This feeling has not yet integrated with his own consciousness, which creates a gap between his feeling and the Xingyuan Stone Tablet.

Knowing the source of the feeling, Ye Han did not dare to neglect it. With a thought, he saw the Xingyuan Stone Tablet appearing in front of him. He reached out and grabbed the palm-sized stone tablet in his hand.

Holding the Star Yuan Stone Stele, Ye Han hurriedly injected a stream of Star Yuan energy into the Star Yuan Stone Stele along the palm of his hand. With the help of the power of the Star Yuan Stone, he initially activated the energy in the Star Yuan Stone Stele, preparing to use the power of the Star Yuan Stone Stele. Find that feeling again.

The energy in the star tablet was activated, and soon an energy shield could be seen rising around the stone tablet. The star tablet also instantly separated from Ye Han's hand and floated in the air on its own.

Seeing this situation, Ye Han couldn't help but feel stunned. A feeling of déjà vu couldn't help but arise. This feeling was the abnormal feeling he had discovered before, and the source of this feeling was obviously the Xingyuan Stone Tablet. .

In other words, that feeling still did not arise independently in Ye Han's consciousness, but was introduced into his consciousness through the Xingyuan Stone Tablet, and then he became aware of it.

He found that feeling, but Ye Han didn't feel at ease, because at this moment, the abnormalities he could feel were very vague, and he couldn't even see where they were. Looking around, he still didn't notice anything. Something is wrong, it's just that feeling, but it's not nothingness, it's real. It's just that I don't know where this abnormality comes from.

But even so, he did not give up searching for the source of the feeling. Since the abnormal feeling came from the Xingyuan Stone Tablet, everything would be easy to handle. As long as he followed this clue and found it, he would definitely be able to find it. Find the anomalies around you and everything will be solved by then.

Thinking of this, Ye Han no longer hesitated and hurriedly injected a more powerful Star Yuan Transformation Seal into the Star Yuan Stone Tablet, hoping to activate more energy in it to detect the source of the anomaly.

In his opinion, since all of this is related to the Xingyuan Stone Tablet, it must be related to Jiu Xing, so he has no idea of ​​​​ignoring all this. Since it is related to Jiu Xing, it means it is related to him. After all, the Lord of Jiu Xing can They are all his dearest and most beloved people. Although some of them still have yet to establish their identities, in his heart, he has already regarded them as his own family.

For the sake of his own family, he is willing to go through fire and water. Protecting his family has become his biggest wish now. Therefore, when he sees things related to his family, he can only try his best to investigate clearly to avoid bringing anything to them. Accidental injury.

Naturally, it seems now that all this may not bring any harm to them, but it is inseparable from them after all, so he decided to find out no matter what, and besides, this has nothing to do with his own. It was related to the Xingyuan Stone Tablet. Even without Jiu Xing, he had reason to understand all this. After all, it was also related to himself, and he didn't dare to be careless.

With this idea in mind, after Ye Han made the seal, he carefully observed the changes in the Xingyuan Stone Stele, and at the same time, he always remained cautious to avoid any emergencies.

As he carefully observed the Xingyuan Stone Tablet and the surrounding changes, the somewhat vague feeling seemed to become more and more clear. Looking along the direction where the abnormal feeling came from, he could see that there was something different In the ice forest in the distance, there is an exceptionally tall and conspicuous ice tree.

There seemed to be an open space intentionally reserved around the ice tree, with no other ice trees growing there. The surrounding ice trees also formed a circle with the ice tree as the center, which looked very much like some kind of formation.

Looking at this scene, Ye Han couldn't help but feel something in his heart. With the tall ice tree as the center, there were eight shorter ice trees surrounding it, but they all looked exactly the same. Looking at this battle, it seemed...it seemed to be the same as what he had arranged before. The nine-star formations we have seen are very similar.

What is going on? Why is there a nine-star formation in this ice forest? Although this formation is only made of ice trees and is not as perfect as the real nine-stars, it already has a complete nine-star formation. Formation, this makes people surprised, who on earth would leave the nine-star formation here.

Moreover, looking at the formation, it seems to be formed naturally. Otherwise, it has been here for a long time and has long been integrated with the surrounding natural scenery, thus forming the illusion of a natural formation.

In other words, this seemingly naturally formed formation is actually man-made. It’s just that this formation has existed here for too long. The formation has long been assimilated by the natural scenery, which has formed the modern formation. Today’s natural formation.

Naturally, this formation is not a real natural formation after all. Otherwise, it would not be as simple as a formation. If there is a natural formation, it will definitely operate automatically, just like the mist formation in the fog-colored forest. Generally speaking, even if no one controls it, it is still an extremely powerful formation, and its power is even much stronger than those arranged by humans.

Looking at the nine-star formation formed by the ice trees in front of him, Ye Han couldn't help but feel a little distracted. How did this formation appear? Could it be that someone really came here and left the nine-star formation here, but who was it? Well, looking at the arrangement of the formation, it must have been a long time ago. Which senior actually left such a wonderful formation in this place.

No, the only person in the world who knows this formation besides himself is Qingyun a hundred years ago. However, in Qingyun's memory, he did not find any memory related to this, so all this is definitely not Qingyun's. for.

In this case, who could it be? Could it be Qingyun's master, his uncle, or one of the original nine stars? But judging from the time when this ice tree formation was formed, it should have been nearly a thousand years. Even Qingyun It is impossible for his master to know this formation thousands of years ago. In Qingyun's memory, his master, uncle and others have been practicing for less than a thousand years, so it is impossible for them to be the ones.

After abandoning these key figures, Ye Han really couldn't imagine who else in the world knew about this nine-star formation. Could it be the Xingyuan tribe a thousand years ago? But was there a Xingyuan tribe a thousand years ago?

(Lantern Festival, one more chapter~) Please share

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