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Chapter Thirty-ninth: Chu Zi is good at managing the family

She turned to look at Aunt Li and said, "Pass my message to all the houses and courtyards. Tomorrow at nine o'clock all the Chu family members will come to the main hall to listen to the eldest lady taking care of the family affairs."

"Yes." Nanny Li responded, turned around and walked out of the yard.

The old lady looked at Ning who was still being slapped, and waved her hand: "Stop it, you have to remember it after being beaten. If you let me know that you have evil thoughts again, you will get out of my Chu family."

Immediately, he looked at the sobbing Chu He: "Tui'er has been wronged, please comfort her."

After that, she took Chu Zishan's hand and walked out.

"Mother-in-law, please walk slowly." Mrs. Chu He knelt down and saluted the old lady.

Chu Zishan accompanied the old lady back to the dormitory, and laid the old lady down. The old lady held her hand, with a kind and warm smile on her wrinkled face.

"Tomorrow you will be the eldest daughter in charge of the Chu family. Grandma has something to tell you."

"Grandma, you said."

"The ladies in charge of each room in each hospital are all capable and available. However, I asked Aunt Zhao, who is in charge of the warehouse, to accompany your mother. I will recommend someone to you, your eldest sister, Chu Zhinan."

"Chu Zhinan, I'm afraid she can't do it, right?"

Chu Zishan thought of Yangcheng and his party, and Chu Zhinan looked so useless that she couldn't agree with her grandmother's recommendation.

The old lady smiled and poked her cheek: "Look at her curled mouth like a crescent moon. Zhinan was originally a very smart and capable girl, but she was tortured by the Li family all her life.

She was your mother's good helper before she got married. This girl still has a business acumen, but due to the girl's family, it is difficult for her to show up in public, which suppresses her talents. "

Chu Zishan nodded: "Grandma said so, I will ask my eldest sister tomorrow."


The old lady raised her hand and caressed Chu Zishan's cheek: "Being in charge of the Chu family is not a military camp that respects force. Your anger is too strong. You have to learn to restrain it. You must use both kindness and power. You must weigh the pros and cons of everything you do and think twice.

We must not act recklessly.”

Chu Zishan leaned over and rested his head gently on the old lady: "Grandma, Zishan has grown up and will no longer act recklessly. Don't worry, Zishan will take good care of the Chu family and protect his family."

The old lady patted Chu Zishan's back gently and said with a smile: "You have done a lot when you came back this time. Your mind has matured a lot. Grandma is very pleased. Grandma believes in you. Grandma, don't worry, don't worry."

Don't worry, these words were meant to be heart-warming and comforting, but at this moment they were like needles piercing into Chu Zishan's heart.

She held her grandmother's hand tightly, bitter tears welling up in her eyes. She tried her best to hold back her sadness.

Grandma feels that her end is approaching... She has too much reluctance to give up. If possible, she is willing to shorten her life by ten years. She wants to spend more time with her grandmother and wants her to see the Chu family regain its glory.

She adjusted her mood, raised her head and looked at her grandmother with a smile: "Grandma, I want to sleep with you tonight."

The old lady smiled and shook her head: "Oh, you are so old and still acting like a spoiled brat, but it has been a long time since our grandparents slept together in the same bed, haha..."

Chu Zishan took off his outer robe, lifted up the quilt and got into bed, hugged the old lady, clinging to the old lady's arms like a kitten, with a sweet smile on his pretty face.

The next day, Mao hour.

A hint of fish belly white just appeared on the horizon, but the earth was still hazy and dark.

The courtyard of the Champion Houfu was already brightly lit, and servants of all ages, men, women, and children were standing all over the courtyard, all standing with their heads bowed.

In the bright hall, Chu Zishan was sitting upright in his seat, his pretty face was filled with solemnity, and he wore an awe-inspiring and domineering look that made people dare not disobey him.

After the nun in charge called the names of the servants one by one, she turned around and placed the list in front of her with both hands.

"Miss, all the servants and servants of the Chu Mansion are here. Please give me a lecture."

Chu Zishan took the roster and placed it on several cases. He raised his eyes and looked around at everyone: "From now on, I will be in charge of the Champion House. You will still perform your duties and do your part.

All I ask of you is absolute loyalty and obedience. This is your duty as a slave.

If the errands are done well, I will be rewarded. If the errands are not done well, I will just ask someone to come and sell them. I am not raising idle people.

That’s all I’m going to say today, some of the ladies in charge will stay, and everyone else can go about their business.”

"Yes." The servants saluted in response and were about to disperse when they heard Chu Zishan: "By the way, who revealed my preference to Gu Yimo and took the initiative to find Chuchun and get ten whippings.

Please remember who your master is, and keep your mouth shut. If I find out again in the future, you will be beaten to death by a stick if you are an unfaithful slave."

The servants responded, all too frightened to breathe.

Last night, when they heard that Chu Zishan was going to take charge of the family, all the servants were so frightened that they didn't sleep well all night.

Everyone came to wait before dawn, even those who used to be lazy and playful came to have some fun.

Chu Zishan, who in the Chu family doesn’t know that this is a werewolf who eats people without spitting out bones.

The servants dispersed, and the ladies in charge were holding their accounts and waiting respectfully for Chu Zishan.

Mrs. Chu He came to the old lady's courtyard. After saying good morning to the old lady, she waited on the old lady for breakfast.

The old lady looked at Chu He who was serving dishes for her.

"I took over your control of the family, do you feel aggrieved?"

Mr. Chu He shook his head: "My daughter-in-law doesn't dare. My daughter-in-law did something wrong yesterday."

"I know that you have devoted yourself to this family over the years and have suffered a lot of grievances. I asked you to step back because I feel sorry for you.

As you get older, you should retain some dignity and be your noble lady.

Zishan should be made aware of how many sins she had committed when she was young and what kind of situation she had put the Chu family into. She should be the one to reap the karma she sows.

And there are some things that you really can't handle, just like the third daughter-in-law, she is a piece of meat, especially because you feel guilty because the third daughter died to save the boss, so you dote on Mu Xuan in every possible way. You can't control the mother and the son.

Zishan left, and it was time for her to hone her skills.

Didn’t the eldest princess send a birthday invitation a few days ago? This is the big tree planted by Zishan for the Chu family. If you have nothing to do, go to the princess’s house and walk around. You are good at this. If you have nothing to do, please invite the Prime Minister’s wife to taste it.

Tea, the Prime Minister's wife loves Orchid as much as you do. You two have similar interests. This is the life you should live at your age.

In this way, the way you live your life lets the world see that our Chu family is not depressed.

It can be said that it is time to go to the Ministry of Household Affairs to receive the marquis salary again. I really want to see how Zishan handles this matter. If she does well, this girl will really be able to establish a household."
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