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Chapter 21 The Great Crime of Disobedience

Chu Zishan smiled faintly: "I am a military commander. I like to be straightforward when speaking. The way I deal with things is to be fair and reasonable. Otherwise, if I don't complain, I am not angry. This is not directed at Sun Taishou. In fact, Sun Taishou does not need to pay too much attention to my words. You

What should be of concern is..."

She pointed to the passers-by behind her: "It's their conviction."

She cupped her hands and bowed solemnly: "Chu Zishan believes that Grand Administrator Sun must be a selfless and honest official who is devoted to the people."

Prefect Sun's back teeth were almost broken. This stinky girl drove him to such a high place that it was difficult for him to ride a tiger.

Rumor has it that there are only a group of weak women and children left in the Champion House, which needs to be managed well, otherwise Li Bo would not be able to be so proud these years.

When it comes to him, why does a tough guy jump out? What's even more troublesome is that this tough guy has a military rank and cannot be equated with the suppression of the common people.

If he decides the case unfairly, she will cause a big fuss. If this matter spreads to the capital, those idle officials will come to the emperor to cite his book. Long Yan will be furious and his official position will not be guaranteed. Then

But that's too bad.

However, what benefit can he get from judging the case impartially? On the contrary, it makes people think that he is afraid of this damn girl, and he has to be more careful in today's affairs.

Chu Zishan saw his confusion, walked to the desk, and whispered: "I see that Prefect Sun cherishes his subordinates. I respect your kindness and righteousness, but you have to see clearly whether this subordinate is worthy of your protection."


He asked my eldest sister to help him go to the capital. My eldest sister said it was impossible, so he said that it would be fine if he did not go to the capital. Then he would take over as the next governor. You were not kind to him, but he wanted to replace him.

Think about it again, he is so cold-blooded and unkind to his loved ones, is it worth it for you to trust him and protect him?"

Hearing this, Prefect Sun looked at Li Bo with a gloomy expression.

Regardless of whether Chu Zishan's words were true or false, they reminded him that Li Bo was very capable. He had once handed over the unfaithful matter to Li Bo. He thought he was a loyal dog, but if he turned against him, he would be a wolf that could eat him.

Want to replace it, huh, he just eliminated this hidden danger.

He looked at Li Bo and said in a deep voice: "Li Bo, can you plead guilty to Chu Zishan's complaint against you?"

Li Bo shook his head vigorously: "No, I don't admit it. My mother-in-law's injuries were caused by her coming to beat me and not standing firm. She fell down. It has nothing to do with me. No matter how bad a low-ranking official is, he will not dare to commit the crime of disobedience. Please, sir, please forgive me."

If you make a clear decision, you still have an innocent official."

Grand Administrator Sun looked at Chu Zishan again and said, "You said there are witnesses. Call them all to the hall. I want to question them?"

Chu Zishan nodded slightly, walked down to the hall, and bowed his hands: "Which fellow countryman is willing to come to the hall to testify?"

"I, I, I'm here to testify."

Several passers-by raised their hands enthusiastically, squeezed out of the crowd, and followed Chu Zishan to the hall.

"I've met the prefect." A passerby saluted the prefect Sun respectfully and said, "The man is a young man from Anqing Lane. I would like to testify that I personally saw this man push the lady down and her head was bleeding..."

Several other people added to each other's words and told the story of what happened to Grand Administrator Sun in a very vivid way.

"Okay, your testimony has been recorded. You will be summoned to testify in the future. You must be there when summoned." Mrs. Sun said and waved his hand to signal the witness to leave.

Chu Zishan looked at Taishou Sun who was sitting behind the case at this moment, with a fair and selfless look on his face, and settled the case very quickly.

She smiled secretly, no one in this world could avoid one, Li.

For the sake of profit, relatives can turn against each other in an instant, and for the sake of profit, they can do any evil.


The alarm sounded again. Chu Zishan was startled and raised his eyes to look at Prefect Sun.

"The evidence for Li Bo's injury to his mother-in-law is conclusive. He will be thrown into jail first and then be punished."

"My lord, my lord, I didn't. My lord, my lord, I was wronged. My lord, my lord..."

Sun Taishou glanced at Li Bo with cold eyes, and the corner of his mouth curved into a sinister smile.

Chu Zishan smiled brightly and offered his hand to Sun Taishou: "Sun Taishou is fair and selfless. He is indeed a Qingtian man who wholeheartedly serves the people. When Zishan returns to Beijing, he will tell the story of Sun Taishou's innocence and justice so that the world will know about you."

"Haha... General Chu has been praised too much. It is my duty to make decisions for the people." Grand Administrator Sun was very pleased with the praise and smiled like a haha.

He solved the hidden danger of Li Bo, as if he had pulled out a thorn, and he felt extremely happy.

"Sir, Zishan has another matter. Li Bo has committed such a serious crime. My eldest sister has an unjust relationship with Li Bo. I hope you can provide documents to prove it." Chu Zishan said.


Taishou Sun stroked the mustache on his lips, narrowed his triangular eyes, and thought to himself: Jue, it means breaking up the relationship between husband and wife. It is to punish the husband for his sins and send him to prison with his own hands.

When people in the world want to sever the relationship between husband and wife, most people will choose to divorce without hurting each other. First, they don't want to make the family scandal public, and they don't want to go too far.

Because once the righteousness is broken, it will not only be a matter between the husband and wife, but also cause the two families to form a generational hatred.

Given Li Bo's wife's cowardly temperament, she would definitely not be able to do such a thing. She must be a cruel girl like Chu Zishan. The Li family would be in bad luck if they encountered her.

After a while, Chu Zishan walked out of the government office door with Mrs. Mei in his arms, and Chu Zhinan followed step by step with his head lowered.

After getting on the carriage, Chu Zishan carefully put Mei down and gently checked her injuries.

Chu Zhinan held Mei's hand and cried sadly.

She finally had nothing to do with Li Bo, and she successfully escaped from hell.

But she felt no joy at all. It was for her that her mother had done such a decisive thing. She blamed herself deeply and regretted it, and her decadence was like a sharp knife cutting into her heart.

She obviously wanted to face it bravely, but when she saw Li Bo, she was so scared that she couldn't say a word.

And Chu Zishan's valiant and domineering appearance in court made her extremely envious and made her even more ashamed of herself.

If she could be as brave as Chu Zishan, why would she have been bullied by Li Bo all these years, and why would her daughter be beaten? The tragedy today is all because of her cowardice and incompetence.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't do what you asked. I, I'm so useless... ugh..."

Chu Zishan paused while applying the medicine to Mei, and then raised his eyes to look at Chu Zhinan.

She actually wanted to scold Chu Zhinan. She had made a plan with the two of them last night. As soon as Li Boy showed up, both of them were confused. Chu Zhinan was so scared that he didn't dare to fart. The second aunt used too much force.

I almost risked my life.

She was angry that Chu Zhinan was a bastard...

It can be seen that Chu Zhinan lowered her head and looked miserable and defeated. She smiled faintly: "The matter has been solved. From now on, I will accompany my second aunt well and everything will start again."

"What about Shu'er? Aren't you going to pick her up?" Chu Zhinan asked nervously.

Chu Zishan looked at her and said, "Don't worry about Shu'er. You can just wait for the Li family to come to ask for help."

Chu Zhinan bit her red lips and shook her head repeatedly with despair in her eyes: "The Li family knows that if I send Li Bo to prison, I will definitely take it out on Shu'er. I want to pick up Shu'er immediately. I can't wait any longer."

Chu Zishan pointed at the unconscious Mei family: "Second Aunt is like this, can't she go back and take care of her properly? Don't worry, listen to me, the Li family is not just one person, but the entire Li family, and I don't just want Shu'er.

, I also want your dowry and everything that my Chu family has given to the Li family. This is a tough battle. Go back and think about it carefully. I can make an agreement with you. You must listen to me this time, otherwise, you will go and grab it yourself.


Chu Zhinan nodded timidly, "Okay, I will listen to you. This time, I will definitely listen to you and never back down."
This chapter has been completed!
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