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Chapter 31: Make Her Smile

"Chu Zishan, you, you dare to kill people in broad daylight, you are lawless."

Li Wenxi thought Sun Manyao had been strangled to death. Chu Zishan killed people without blinking an eye. It was so cruel.

However, this murderous maniac was approaching her step by step, and she was shaking like a sieve of chaff: "You, what are you going to do? Don't come over..."

Chu Zishan forced her to the wall and looked at her with a sad smile: "Li Wenxi, you are recognized as a model of a gentle and educated lady. I have never understood why you can become a handkerchief with the unruly and domineering Sun Manyao. Now I understand

, you, Xin Yue Sun Zhongfei, tolerated this idiot Sun Manyao just to get close to Xin Yue's person, your city is deep enough."

"You're talking nonsense..." Li Wenxi said tremblingly, closing her eyes tightly and not daring to look at Chu Zishan.

"You don't have to deny it. Sun Zhongfei and I have broken off our engagement, and we are not love rivals with you. I just want to kindly advise you, don't be stupid and act like a cheap girl."

"What do you mean? What a cheap girl?"

"If you go to the largest house in Dongwan Lane and take a look, you will know what I mean."

Chu Zishan let go of Li Wenxi, smiled brightly, turned and walked away.

Li Wenxi's body slid limply to the ground. Her face was full of panic, and she was breathing heavily. It took a while to calm down, and when she raised her eyes, there was no trace of Chu Zishan in the Ruyi Building.

Cheap Niang, Cheap Niang, Cheap Niang... Chu Zishan's words rang in his ears over and over again.

She stood up and glanced at Sun Manyao who was lying on the ground. Her beautiful eyes gradually turned gloomy. She stumbled out of Ruyi Building and got directly into the carriage: "Go to Dongwan Lane."

After a while, Li Wenxi lifted the car curtain and looked at the magnificent mansion in front of her. The plaque on the lintel clearly read, Sun Mansion.

She winked at the maid, who nodded and walked toward the mansion, climbed the steps, and knocked on the heavy copper ring.

The door creaked open, and a boy stuck his head out: "Who are you?"

"I am the maid of Shangshu Ling's Mansion. Mrs. Sun has something important to discuss with the Young Master. Please tell the Young Master to return to the Mansion immediately."

"Oh, I'll go right away." The boy said, turned around and trotted towards the backyard.

The maid stretched her head and looked into the house, then hurried back and hid in the carriage.

After a while, Sun Zhongfei came out of the house, and a beautiful woman followed him out. She held a three- or two-year-old girl in her arms, followed by a four- or five-year-old boy.

Li Wenxi looked at Sun Zhongfei and the beautiful young woman, who were flirting with each other, loving each other and reluctant to leave. She pursed her red lips tightly, her beautiful eyes were blazing with anger, and there were traces of blood oozing from her hands that were clenched tightly into fists.

She endured the treacherous Sun Manyao patiently, tried her best to please Mrs. Sun, and won Sun Zhongfei's eternal alliance. She finally waited until the Sun Chu family broke off the engagement, and her father and the Sun family had just discussed the marriage, and she was about to become Sun Zhongfei's wife.

It turned out that he already had a wife and two children.

She is very face-conscious, and if people find out after her wedding that she has become a cheap girl, she will be laughed at by the noble ladies.

The Sun family all treated her as a fool and hid it from her. A tear fell on the back of her hand. She slowly raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face. When she raised her eyes again, she saw a sinister and cold look.

Chu Zishan stood high up and watched Li Wenxi's carriage coming out of Dongwan Lane. She smiled with relief.

Gu Yimo looked at her: "You told Li Wenxi about Sun Zhongfei's extramarital affairs. How could I look at it? The interest on your face didn't look like you were trying to save Li Wenxi from a pit of fire. You looked like you were waiting to watch a good show."

Chu Zishan raised the wine bottle and took two sips, saying: "Although Li Wenxi is smart, she cannot escape the fate of being restrained by the female ring and thinking that men are her gods.

Even if she knew that Sun Zhongfei was raising a wife, she would not blame Sun Zhongfei. Instead, she would focus all her hatred and resentment on Liu Jing, a wife of a foreign wife, and the children. It is impossible for her to be a cheap girl."

After saying that, she raised the wine bottle and took two big sips, laughing heartily: "Haha, good wine, really good wine."

She held it up to Gu Yimo: "Want a sip?"

Gu Yimo took the flask, raised his head and took a big sip. In an instant, he seemed to have swallowed a ball of fire. The burning pain was stuck in his throat. He couldn't go up and down. It went straight to his head. He had a headache that was about to explode. He tried hard

Beating his chest.

Chu Zishan slapped him hard on the back twice. Gu Yimo swallowed the wine that was stuck in his throat. He gasped for air and touched his chest that seemed to be burned by fire. Jun's face was as red as blood.

For a while, he looked at her in great pain: "Is this wine you drank?"

Chu Zishan laughed so hard at his embarrassment, and pointed at him: "I brewed this by myself in the military camp. I don't dare to drink strong alcohol unless I have a good drinker. I thought you had a good drinker, but I didn't expect you to be a good drinker."

A man who drinks."

She curled her lips, with disdain in her smiling eyes.

Gu Yimo looked at Chu Zishan, who was smiling like a flower, and smiled helplessly: "If my misery can make you laugh, it will be worth it."

Chu Zishan raised the wine pot: "The only way to relieve your worries is strong wine."

Five days later, Sun Manyao came to Jixia Academy. Her face was pale and haggard, and her past arrogance was completely gone.

She was walking anxiously, and when she saw the students, they immediately lowered their heads and hurried to the classroom.

She was almost strangled to death by Chu Zishan that day. When she woke up, she had returned home, but that scene, and Chu Zishan's extremely ferocious face, lingered in front of her, and she became sick for several days due to the fright.

She told her mother what happened, but her mother scolded her for not provoking Chu Zishan.

She wanted to drop out of school, no longer want to go to Jixia Academy, and she didn't want to be controlled by Chu Zishan from now on. Her mother scolded her again, and said she would marry her off if she didn't go to Jixia...

Suddenly, she was patted on the back. She was so frightened that she held her head tightly and screamed.

"Manyao, Manyao, it's me, what's wrong with you?"

Sun Manyao heard a familiar voice, opened her eyes and saw Zhao Shuochuan who was looking nervous. She pushed him away angrily: "Zhao Shuochuan, you want to scare me to death."

Zhao Shuochuan smiled playfully: "I used to scare you like this, but I never saw you..."

"Get out of here." Sun Manyao shouted and turned to leave.

Zhao Shuochuan held him back and begged for mercy: "I was wrong. I was wrong. Isn't that okay?"

Sun Manyao glared at him and lowered her head dejectedly.

"Manyao, you haven't been to the school for a few days. I know you are sick, but I am worried to death. I want to see you, but I can't go to your house rashly. I can't sleep well these days without seeing you.


She stared at the chattering Zhao Shuochuan, suddenly feeling particularly aggrieved, and burst into tears.

"What's going on? Did I say something wrong again? Don't cry..."

Zhao Shuochuan hurriedly wiped her tears.

Sun Manyao sobbed: "Zhao Shuochuan, I don't want to go to class or see Chu Zishan, can you help me?"

"Okay, okay, I promise you whatever you say. Stop crying."

Zhao Shuochuan helped Sun Manyao walk towards the backyard of the school.

After a while, Zhao Shuochuan secretly took Sun Manyao to the student dormitory.

This dormitory was said to be used by royal students for lunch break. Zhao Shuochuan was the son of Marquis Wu'an, and his sister was a concubine who was deeply favored by the emperor, so they had a special lounge in the dormitory.

Sun Manyaoyi sat on the bed, looking at Zhao Shuochuan who was busy coming and going, her tearful eyes filled with gratitude.

She never expected that when she was most sad and helpless, it would be Zhao Shuochuan, whom she hated the most, who would give her heart-warming help.

Zhao Shuochuan was very pleased with her and kept pestering her, but she hated him very much. She despised him for being ugly and thick. He was the only one with a redeemable identity. However, with her high spirit, she was very confident that she could find a dignified identity in Jixia.

The perfect husband who is as beautiful as a tree and facing the wind.

Zhao Shuochuan came over with the fruit snacks, put them on the table, and looked at her: "If you are hungry, eat some fruit snacks. Yesterday I went to the palace to see the concubine, and I thought these fruit snacks were very delicious, so I

I thought of bringing you some."

"Thank you." Sun Manyao said calmly.

"Why are you being polite to me?" Zhao Shuochuan scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "You just said you didn't want to see Chu Zishan. Did she bully you? If she dares to bully you, I will definitely skin her."

Sun Manyao's beautiful eyes flashed, and she thought to herself, Zhao Shuochuan was born as a general and had strong martial arts skills. More importantly, he admired her and obeyed her orders. Zhao Shuochuan could definitely help her get revenge on Chu Zishan.

She didn't expect such a talented person.

I was secretly happy in my heart, but I was sobbing sadly: "I was almost strangled to death by the cruel Chu Zishan, and I almost couldn't see you anymore."

"What, this bitch, she dares to harm you, just wait, I will avenge you right now."

After saying that, he turned around and left, then suddenly came back and said softly to her: "Stay in my room and don't go out. If someone finds out, it will affect your reputation."

Seeing the panic on her face, he added: "However, no one is coming to my room. You can feel free in the room, just don't be seen by the royal relatives who come to the dormitory.

Don't worry, you can rest here. I'm going to class, and I'll ask Li Wenxi to ask the Master for leave."

Sun Manyao nodded, blinking her beautiful eyes, and said delicately, "Thank you, it's great to have you here!"

Hearing this, Zhao Shuochuan's dark face suddenly turned red and he was so happy that he looked at her reluctantly for a while before turning around and walking out of the lounge.

He fisted his hands and said viciously: "Chu Zishan, how dare you hurt my Manyao, I will beat you until you cry for father and mother, and kneel down to Manyao to beg for mercy."
This chapter has been completed!
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