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Chapter 35 Oath of Sovereignty

"What about the people of the royal family? The prince is guilty of breaking the law and the common people are the same. Although I am a merchant, if anyone dares to bully you, I will also dare to bring down the emperor."

Gu Yimo smiled and stretched out his hand to scratch her nose: "Believe me, I can protect you and block all dangers ahead for you."

Chu Zishan smiled with relief, "No matter what you say is true or false, it is very heart-warming. Thank you."

"What I said is true, you believe me..."

He held Chu Zi's good hand tightly and looked at her with a very serious expression.

"Okay, okay, I believe you. What you say is true. It's truer than gold..."

Her perfunctory behavior made Gu Yimo a little disappointed. He comforted himself that he could not be impatient. Her heart had been broken in many holes. He had to be patient enough to love her and heal her pain. One day, she would

You will see clearly his Akagi sincerity.

The next morning, Chu Zishan rode a carriage to Jixia Academy. As soon as he got off the carriage, he raised his chin towards Chuchun.

Chu Chun carried a gong and banged it loudly as he walked to the gate of the school and said, "Zhao Shuochuan broke his promise and made a declaration of war to my girl. He vowed that if he loses, he will go to my champion palace and kneel down for three times."

Shichen, my eldest daughter waited until midnight yesterday but no one came. It is unethical to break one's trust. How can such a person deserve to study at Jixia Academy? Wouldn't it be an insult to the saint..."

Chu Zishan looked at the students gathered in Chuchun, all of whom were indignantly accusing Zhao Shuochuan of his shameless behavior. She walked into the school gate with a relieved smile.

If Zhao Shuochuan was just having a normal discussion with her, she wouldn't care if he kept his promise or not.

But this brainless person actually said something about her grandfather being paid from free money to provoke her. If she didn't take it seriously, some people would think that her grandfather was really paid from free money, so they would not dare to pursue it.

Therefore, she had to let Zhao Shuochuan kneel down for three hours in front of her champion lord, otherwise she would have Chu Chun beat gongs and drums at the entrance of the school every day.

Zhao Shuochuan's bad faith was widely known. It seems that he had foreseen this result and did not come to the school.

Entering the classroom, Chu Zishan saw Sun Manyao with a pair of dark circles under her eyes and a drooping look on her head.

In the last life, Zhao Shuochuan married his beloved Sun Manyao, held her in his hands and doted on her, obeying her in every possible way.

Sun Manyao's unruly and domineering temper made the Marquis of Wu'an very upset, and later he ended up living in peace with a businessman. The Marquis of Wu'an was furious, and forced his son to abandon Sun Manyao, and drove him out of the Marquis' mansion.

After being divorced and returned to her parents' home, he used her as a punching bag to add fuel to the fight between her and her concubine Liu Jing.

In this life, for the sake of Wu'an Hou's strength to support the Chu family, Sun Manyao will not be allowed to harm the Zhao family.

During the third period, Chu Zishan and a group of female students came to the big classroom, which immediately caused an uproar among the male students who had arrived early.

Jixia is a special school that admits women. It has a special women's college. In addition to teaching women virtues and precepts, etiquette, music, chess, calligraphy and painting, as well as management education, it actually teaches you how to be a qualified and excellent matron.

During classes such as classics, history, arithmetic, and calendars, female students will go to large classrooms to attend classes with male students.

This is an opportunity for the noble lord and the noble ladies to meet. Although the men and women are separated by screens, they cannot stop the young boys and girls who have just begun to fall in love.

When the Master walked into the classroom, the chaotic atmosphere immediately calmed down. Everyone sat down respectfully and looked up at the Master.

The master coughed twice: "Today, a new student has arrived."

A handsome man wearing bright gray attire and a jade crown walked in. His body was cold, arrogant and majestic with four words written all over his body: "No strangers allowed to enter."

"Hello students, I am..."

He looked around the crowd, his eyes resting on Chu Zishan, "I am Chu Zishan's fiancé, Gu Yimo!"

Everyone was stunned, their eyes drifting back to Gu Yimo and Chu Zishan.

Chu Zi was good at stroking his forehead, but he was extremely helpless.

This guy is here to declare his sovereignty!

Gu Yimo looked away from Chu Zishan and looked to the side of the male student. His smiling eyes instantly turned cold, and his slightly raised eyebrows were full of provocation as he looked at Baili Yize.

Baili Yize was really offended this time, and he got up in arms.

"Baili Yize, what are you doing? Why don't you sit down and get ready for class?" the master scolded.

Baili Yize gritted his teeth, pointed at Gu Yimo, and sat down.

"Gu Yimo, take a seat at the back."

The master pointed to the seat at the back, Gu Yimo nodded slightly, walked straight to a male student beside the screen, and patted the male student on the shoulder.

"This student, please sit in the back seat."


Just as the male student was about to refuse, he felt the hand on his shoulder suddenly exert force, and the sharp pain seemed to tear off the entire arm. With a strong force, he stood up passively, and then he was pushed to the back position.

Gu Yimo smiled and waved to Chu Zishan on the other side of the screen. Chu Zishan awkwardly turned his head to one side and ignored him.

In this class, Gu Yimo "drawn" on the screen and drew a newlywed couple who came to the church to get married, and then wrote "Gu Yimo, Chu Zishan, a happy couple for hundreds of years" respectively.

Chu Zishan was speechless. He wanted to jump over and beat him up several times.

After finally getting to class, Chu Zishan stood up and glared at Gu Yimo on the other side of the screen, "You're good at drawing. Why don't you put it on the school's notice board and let everyone comment on your drawing?"

A masterpiece."

Gu Yimo nodded seriously: "This is a good idea, I'll go and draw it right now."

Chu Zishan dragged him to the big classroom, onto the empty floor, and pressed him against the wall, saying, "Gu Yimo, are you looking for a beating?"

"Are you going to hit me again?" Gu Yimo looked at her aggrievedly, and suddenly puffed up his chest, forcing her to retreat until she was pressed against the wall. He looked at her affectionately: "Zishan, you

You know, at this moment, you are shining all over and you are as beautiful as a fairy in the sky. Those hateful dandies are all looking at you. I am jealous and I want to let them know that you are mine."
This chapter has been completed!
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