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Chapter 66 Another Strong Enemy

Gu Yimo frowned slightly, his handsome face showing pain that could not be concealed. He forced out a smile: "I'm fine."

Chu Zishan turned around and looked at the wound on his back. Seeing that the arrow feathers were not deep enough to touch his heart, she breathed a sigh of relief and patted him on the shoulder: "It will hurt a little when I cut off the arrow. Please bear with it."

one time."

Gu Yimo closed his eyes tightly and nodded.

Chu Zishan held the arrow with one hand, grabbed a long sword with the other hand, and fiercely cut off the arrow.

She put her cloak on Gu Yimo, helped him stand up, and said, "Ji Dong, go and call Lieutenant Yuan over quickly. Shengxia, please take care of the aftermath and check carefully for any clues."

Without waiting for the maid's response, she picked up Gu Yimo and ran quickly out of the alley. The carriage stopped at the entrance of the alley. Chu Chun jumped on the carriage first and helped her lift Gu Yimo into the carriage.

"Quickly, return to the Houfu."

The driver whipped the horse, and the handsome horse neighed and spread its hooves and ran quickly through the busy city.

After a while, the carriage stopped in front of the Champion House. Chu Chun jumped out of the carriage and called the door hurriedly. As soon as the door opened, Chu Zishan rushed in with Gu Yimo on his back.

The old servant of the porter was startled by Chu Zishan who rushed in, and immediately saw blood dripping on the ground from Gu Yimo's hanging hand on her back: "Mr. Gu, are you injured?"

Mrs. Chu He and Mrs. Mei were talking in the Zhengnuan Pavilion. When they heard the shouts of the servants, they couldn't help being frightened. They ran out of the house and saw Chu Zishan rushing to the backyard with someone on his back.

When Mei saw the blood flowing all the way, her eyes were full of horror: "Mr. Gu was seriously injured and bleeding a lot."

While talking, she and Mrs. Chu He hurriedly chased towards the backyard.

After a while, Chu Zhinan hurriedly came to Chu Zishan's dormitory and saw Mrs. Chu He sitting firmly at the stone table in the courtyard, with a solemn look on her face, and could not help but pray in her hands.

His mother, Mei, half covered her face with a silk handkerchief and sobbed softly.

"Auntie, mother, I just heard that Mr. Gu was injured. What's going on?"

Mrs. Mei held her daughter's hand and cried: "I just heard in Chuchun that Zishan was assassinated on his way to school. It was Master Gu who blocked an arrow for Zishan, and the arrow pierced the back of his heart. Zishan was treating Master Gu.

, what a sudden disaster."

"Assassinated, how could he be assassinated for nothing..."

Chu Zhinan suddenly looked at Chu He and said, "Is he the Minister of Hubu?"

Mrs. Chu He sighed deeply and slowly raised her head, with a cold look in her bright eyes: "Destroying someone's wealth is like killing someone whose parents are not together. This girl, Zishan, only wants to be happy for a while and does not care about the consequences. That is why she has such a disaster.

Even if we break up, then I, the Champion Houfu, am not a vegetarian, and I will definitely let that bastard die a good death."

She punched the stone table with her fist, and the rosary beads in her hand broke and fell everywhere.

The door opened with a creak, and Gui Qiu came out with a basin. Chu Zhinan hurriedly stepped forward and saw that the basin in Gui Qiu's hand was blood red, and the thick blood filled her nose. Her beauty turned pale, and her heart clenched tightly.


In the room, Gu Yimo was lying in the gorgeous daughter's boudoir. He was shirtless and so thin that the rows of ribs could be seen on both sides.

Chu Zishan gently took off the arrowhead from his back, and the wound immediately sunk into a bloody hole. Gugu's blood flowed down his back, and the lavender brocade quilt underneath him was stained with blood red.

Chu Zishan put the flesh-and-blood arrowhead in front of his nose, smelled it, and threw it into the iron plate with a clang.

"Fortunately, it's not poisonous." She wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked at Chuchun who was nervous at the side: "Go and get the Stiga Lian powder."

Chuchun responded and turned around to get the medicine.

"Uh." Gu Yimo groaned in pain, his handsome face was as pale as white paper without any blood. He endured the great pain and reached out to grab the corner of her clothes, "Am I going to die?"

"You will get better soon." Chu Zishan said.

Gu Yimo looked at her pitifully, "The last time I went to Yangcheng, I saved you, which was offset by your kindness in saving me. This time, I saved your life again, and the kindness of saving my life should be reciprocated with my own life."

As he spoke, he pursed his thin lips and said, "Madam, come on, give your husband a nice scent first."

Chu Zishan raised his hand and slapped him on the back: "You are full of irrelevant thoughts in your head, you really deserve a beating."

"Ah ah ah..." Gu Yimo's facial features were twisted in pain, and he hit the bed: "Chu Zishan, you murdered your husband, ah, you little heartless person... I saved you anyway, you must be right

I am responsible. You must marry me after I recover from my injury, otherwise I will..."

"What do you do?"

"I will... die in front of you, so that the world will know that you are unkind and unjust." Gu Yimo yelled shamelessly.

Chu Zishan sneered: "That arrow couldn't hurt me at all. It was you, a fool, who jumped on me and died. Why should I accept this life-saving grace?"

Gu Yimo glared at her angrily: "How could I please such a cruel and heartless person like you?"

Chu Zishan looked at him steadily, and for a while, he put his hands on the edge of the bed and leaned towards him: "You should have known about this assassination, right?"

Gu Yimo looked at her in astonishment: "What are you talking about? I, I'm not a god who can predict the future. How could I possibly know..."

"Usually Yunchuan follows you like a shadow. It was so dangerous just now. Why wasn't he there?"

"Yunchuan was sent out by me to do something."

"You are so rich, how can you travel around the world with only one bodyguard? As for the others, it is impossible that by such a coincidence, you have sent them out to do things."

Chu Zishan stretched out his hand and pinched Gu Yimo's cheek: "Do you think the beauty trick won't work for me, and you changed it to a bitter flesh trick?"

Gu Yimo pursed his lips and looked at Chu Zishan with an unruly smile: "You're so smart. I racked my brains just to be able to hug the beauty back."

Chu Zishan put his arms around him and said with a smile: "Of the three princes in the court, whose son are you, or are you another one, Baili Lingxi?"

Gu Yimo sighed and looked ashamed: "Madam, you are so smart. My beauty plot failed so badly, but I am deeply obsessed with you. Now that things have happened, I will tell you the truth, I..."

He reached out and grabbed her neck: "I am yours." After that, he kissed her quickly on her red lips, then jumped away and wrapped himself in the quilt, laughing happily.

"Gu Yimo." Chu Zishan stood up violently, jumped on the couch and pushed Gu Yimo down, raising his fist to greet him.

She saw his slightly trembling eyebrows and the pain that could not be concealed in his smiling eyes. She glared at him and turned over.

"Wise King!"

Chu Zishan turned around suddenly and looked at Gu Yimo with a serious face: "What did you say?"

"I said that the person behind the assassination of you today is King Xian. The Minister of Household Affairs only makes money for King Xian. The illicit salt incident actually cut off King Xian's financial path. I have been asking people to keep an eye on King Xian, and so do I.

I got the news after school today. I was trying to pull a trick, but you saw it."

Chu Zishan narrowed his beautiful eyes: "He is a wise king, not Baili Lingxi."

Because Sun Zhiyuan had a very good relationship with the Minister of Hubu in his previous life, she thought that the Minister of Hubu was also from the Xiaoyao King Baili Lingxi's faction.

She had originally thought about whether she could use the Xian Wang to deal with the Xiaoyao King, but now not only was this road blocked, but she had made another formidable enemy.

She was too focused on King Xiaoyao, but she forgot that the Great Xia Dynasty and her Chu family were both evil wolves who wanted to eat them.

Even if this is the case, then she will stir up the situation even more, so that no one who holds the power will be idle.

She sat beside the bed and reached out to pat Gu Yimo's cheek: "Stop being so smart and playing tricks on yourself, be careful to play to death. The battlefields of life and death I have experienced are much more dangerous than today's assassination. This level can't be hurt at all."

I, if this happens again in the future, you should run away quickly. The faster you run, the more help you will have to help me."

Gu Yimo held her hand: "I will never joke with you like this in the future, but I will not abandon you, let alone become a burden to you. I said I will never let you fight alone."

Chu Zishan smiled coquettishly: "Okay, then you can help me do a few things..."

What she is about to do will allow her to see clearly how the courtiers competed in the prince's fight for the throne, and she wants to see Gu Yimo's... sincerity!

The next day, in the dining room in the courtyard of Jixia Academy, ten female students wore water-red aprons and tied up their wide long sleeves. They stood in front of the stove and cooked dishes carefully.

Lan Yishu was busy with his skills, but from time to time he looked at Chu Zishan at the end of the stove.

The female students beside her felt her gaze and looked at Chu Zishan with a trace of contempt on their lips: "Zishan, you are not making boiled cabbage, which is the most complicated process in the palace banquet, but what you are doing, I really don't know.

What words should I use to describe your ignorance? This dish is not literal, just boiling cabbage in boiling water."

Her words caused all the female students to sneer softly: "I wanted to say yesterday that this university women's college is not a place for you to stay. You'd better stop being embarrassed and go back to the military camp to dance with swords and sticks and show off your power.

suits you."

"Everyone should cook well. Be careful if you talk too much and you will make mistakes. If you get into trouble, we must not have a strong backing."

Lan Yishu put the prepared dishes on the big table and glanced at Chu Zishan again. She was cooking very calmly and seriously, not being affected by the ridicule of the female students at all.

If Zhu Sheng wanted to do something wrong to her, she would have been on guard for a long time. Without Chu Zishan's reminder, she would not have been taken advantage of by Zhu Sheng.

Finally, he kindly reminded her, especially the medicinal powder given by Chu Zishan, which had a very intuitive effect, and she felt a little grateful in her heart.


With the sound of the gong, the catering mammy came over and looked at the flustered female students: "The time is up. Let's put the dishes on the table and wait for tasting."

The female students put their own dishes on the table one after another, some of which were not perfect. Their pretty little faces were full of frustration. Thinking of being punished by their grandma, tears filled their beautiful eyes.

The catering mammy tasted the dishes one by one, and then put down the grade sign next to the dishes. When she ate Lan Yishu's dish, the mammy looked up at her and nodded with a warm smile on her face, "This is the goldfish and lotus dish."

, the knife skills are exquisite, the hot and sour taste is fresh, the squid is crispy and tender, and the lotus pods are moist, it is not far behind the ones made by the royal chef in the palace, grade A.”

"Thank you, mama, for the compliment." Lan Yishu smiled warmly and bowed respectfully to mama.

When grandma tasted the next dish, her face became darker and darker, and she couldn't help but slap the table and scold the female student.

Finally, when we arrived at Chu Zishan, Grandma was so angry that she almost rolled her eyes when she heard that this former military commander behaved like a female student.

However, when she tasted the dishes prepared by Chu Zishan, her eyes widened in surprise: "How did you make boiled cabbage in such a short time? It's actually more delicious than the palace banquet."

Grandma looked at the cabbage blooming like lotus on the plate, ate a few mouthfuls, and looked at Chu Zishan in surprise. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed it.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Chu Zishan in disbelief.

Chu Zishan smiled faintly: "It makes me laugh, but I can actually cook this dish. I was lucky enough to attend a palace banquet with my grandfather before. We, my grandfather and my grandson, especially liked this dish. I wanted to eat it when I got home.

I really learned how to cook it. However, the conditions in the military camp were poor and we couldn't make authentic boiled cabbage. So I thought of using chicken bones to make a thick soup. The boiled cabbage made this way was quite delicious.


"Chicken soup is the freshest. No wonder you made it by mistake and created a more delicious taste. Well, you are also first-rate."

Chu Zishan received the first-class card handed over by his grandma, with a bright smile on his pretty face.

After class, Lan Yishu walked up to Chu Zishan and said, "Yes, you hit all of us in the face with your strength."

Chu Zishan smiled faintly: "I only know one dish, and I can't compare with you academic masters who strive for excellence."

"Why did you come to the University Women's College?" Lan Yishu asked.

"Study." Chu Zishan said.

Lan Yishu chuckled softly and looked at her with disdain: "We all want to be a female official in the palace, but you are not, let alone you want to learn such sour words, you are not that material. Thank you for what happened yesterday,

I don’t like to owe favors, you might as well tell me the purpose of your coming here, and if I can help, I will return the favor.”

Chu Zishan smiled happily: "It's a great honor to have such a talented woman help me. As for me, I'm here for Cen Yunling. I think..."

After just a few words of exchange with Lan Yishu, she liked this cheerful and intelligent woman better, so she told her the purpose of coming to the women's college of the university.

"To meet such a happy girl, you actually took such a big detour." Lan Yishu squinted at her.

Chu Zishan was dissatisfied and felt unhappy: "Then let me hear your most direct solution."

Lan Yishu looked arrogant and sneered: "As long as you..."

This chapter has been completed!
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