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Chapter 5 Giants

Chapter 5 Giant(This chapter is free)

Lei Gang only saw two eyes, no, they should be two huge eyes like wheels, but these eyes shocked Lei Gang. The two eyes actually had three colors: red, brown, and yellow.

Cai's eyes flashed with extremely sharp and domineering light, as if they were piercing Lei Gang's heart like two divine weapons. Although Lei Gang was just a ball of light at this time, the wisdom in these huge eyes was

The strokes are like scratches on the soul.

Lei Gang kept retreating in shock, as if he wanted to escape from the sight of these terrifying eyes. Suddenly, Lei Gang found that he could not move at all. Every time he took a few steps back, he found that the distance between himself and these eyes was completely different.

It hasn't changed to normal, it's extremely weird.

Those eyes just stared at Lei Gang, but did not make the slightest sound. After a long time, Lei Gang almost jumped out of his suppressed heart. He stared at these eyes quietly. Lei Gang knew that he could not escape at all, so he might as well calm down.

Although he thought so, how could Lei Gang calm down at this time?

"You...you...who are you?" Seeing that the giant didn't speak for a long time, Lei Gang asked nervously and tentatively. Then, Lei Gang's heart became dull. He was just a ball of light, but he actually said it.

When he spoke, his voice spread like a ripple in all directions.

"Are you the consciousness that came from this space?" Suddenly Lei Gang felt a loud, almost deafening voice ringing in his mind...

Was the sound made by this giant? After a long time, Lei Gang stammered: "No... no, I... I am Lei Gang from Lei Jian Village, no... I don't know how I came here, senior... senior,

Can you let me go back to...the central world?"

"Leijian Village? Impossible? You must be the consciousness that originated from this space! This is the space of his mind. No one else can enter the entire chaos except himself." The thunderous sound sounded again, and there was even more indescribable meaning in his words.

Majesty and dominance.

"No! My name is Lei Gang... I have a brother named Lei Mo..." Seeing that the giant didn't believe it, Lei Gang quickly told all his life experience. Lei Gang was afraid that even this giant wouldn't believe it.

What should he do if he swallows himself? At this time, Lei Gang could only tell everything to make the giant believe that he was not some original consciousness in this space.

"What did you say you were practicing to get here?" The giant's voice sounded in Lei Gang's mind.

Lei Gang was overjoyed and said quickly: "It's about practicing the "Inner Gate Earth Sutra"! The "Inner Gate Earth Sutra" is divided into..." Lei Gang quickly memorized the "Inner Gate Earth Sutra" that the master had excerpted for him.


"Are you a mortal? You have been cultivating for a year? You have not yet cultivated the first level of the Earth Sutra?" The rich voice sounded suspicious.

If Lei Gang had the nerve at this time, he would probably be a little embarrassed, and helplessness and heartbreaking pain flashed through his heart. Isn't it because he is not qualified that the master refused to let him go with his brother? Thinking of this, Lei Gang

Gang gathered strength somewhere in his heart and said loudly: "I haven't reached the first level after practicing for a year!"

As if feeling the excitement in Lei Gang's words, the giant's voice did not sound immediately.

"Boy, do you want to get the complete "Five Elements Body Cultivation"? Instead of your Earth Sutra that is incomplete even in the first part." A loud voice sounded in Lei Gang's mind.

Lei Gang floated there, not saying anything, but thinking. From the giant's words, Lei Gang guessed something. The "Inner Sect Earth Scripture" given by the master was not a complete secret book of cultivation, and what the giant had given him was not a complete secret book of cultivation. A small part of "Five Elements Body Cultivation".

"Think!" After a long time, Lei Gang said slowly. If this giant can appear here, then the magic formula must be very high. Of course, at this time, Lei Gang still doesn't know how high it is.

"Do you want to be a master among men? To be above others? To live forever, to live as long as heaven? To hold the power of life and death of countless creatures?" The giant's voice sounded in Lei Gang's mind again, and he did not continue speaking. As for the question just now, the voice at this time actually had a hint of charm.

Lei Gang was stunned. The giant's voice actually made Lei Gang seem to see that he was as majestic as the giant said. However, after a long time, Lei Gang's first words after he woke up were: "I just want to live forever..." …”

If Lei Gang looked into the giant's eyes at this time, he would probably see the dullness in the giant's eyes.

"Practice "Five Elements Body Cultivation" is enough to live forever. "Five Elements Body Cultivation" is divided into five parts. If you can complete the first part within a hundred years, then I will teach you the complete "Five Elements Body Cultivation". The giant's voice sounded again.

Before Lei Gang could react, a halo of light merged into the white light group formed by Lei Gang. When Lei Gang woke up, he suddenly found that a huge three-color palm suddenly appeared in the air and waved towards him.

Lei Gang felt his eyes go dark and lost consciousness.

Within the four-color space, the giant's three-color eyes looked forward, revealing a hint of the hero's helplessness and suppressed excitement.

'Daoxu, you have used your thoughts to refine me, but you didn't expect that a mortal actually entered the world of your thoughts. In a hundred years, boy, I hope you can reach the first part in a hundred years and transform me. The mantle should be passed on, hey, I only have a hundred years." The giant murmured softly, and the four divine dragons biting the giant suddenly started to stir, and the three-color ray of light was actually refined from the giant's body, and was blown by the four dragons. Devoured by the dragon.

When Lei Gang woke up, it was already noon, and the blazing sunshine spread all over the central world.

Lei Gang opened his eyes faintly, his black and white eyes were full of confusion at first, and then his body suddenly jumped up from the water flow, his eyes looked around, his eyes were full of surprise and doubt.

"Was this just a dream?" Lei Gang looked at his body covered in blood and scars. Suddenly, he bared his teeth and swam towards the shore.

Sitting cross-legged on the boulder, Lei Gang carefully recalled everything just now. There was some surprise in his black and white eyes. Suddenly, Lei Gang trembled and looked at his right foot in shock.

A purple divine dragon about the size of a thumb loomed on the instep of Lei Gang. Lei Gang's pupils condensed into one point. He quickly looked at his left foot. Like his right foot, a golden divine dragon about the size of a thumb loomed on the instep of his left foot. .Lei Gang's body trembled, and he looked at his hands in shock. Two thumb-sized divine dragons appeared on the backs of both hands. The left hand was a yellow divine dragon, and the right hand was a reddish divine dragon.

Lei Gang stared blankly ahead, trying to recall the scene in that strange four-color world just now. How... how could it be possible? Lei Gang's whole body almost trembled. The four dragons biting the giant's hands and feet, biting the left hand It is a yellow divine dragon, with a red divine dragon on the right hand, a golden divine dragon on the left foot, and a purple divine dragon on the right foot. Lei Gang feels dizzy. Why do these four divine dragons appear in his hands and feet at this time?

At this time, Lei Gang had determined that the four-color space just now was not a dream, but was actually happening! Looking at the dragon on his hands again, Lei Gang didn't know whether he was excited or frightened. As Lei Gang stared at the dragon on his hands, When the dragon appeared, the dragon that appeared and disappeared slowly merged into Lei Gang's skin. Lei Gang was shocked and quickly looked at his feet and found that the dragon on his feet also slowly blended into his skin. Lei Gang He opened his mouth blankly.

After calming down the complicated emotions in his heart, Lei Gang was shocked to find that the scars on his body were slowly solidifying into scabs. What happened? Could it be caused by these four dragons? After Lei Gang thought for a moment, he quickly closed his eyes. , meditate, concentrate, and operate according to the opening chapter of "Neimen Di Jing".

Suddenly, Lei Gang felt as if something exploded in his mind. Just as Lei Gang sank into a blank state, he felt countless words penetrate into his mind, his vision went dark, and he fainted unconsciously. On top of the boulder.

When Lei Gang woke up, it was almost late at night. He felt the moist majestic wind blowing and the muffled thunder-like pounding sound. Suddenly he felt that there seemed to be something more in his mind. Lei Gang slowly recalled a set of exercises. The magic formula unexpectedly appeared in his mind, and the opening chapter of this set of magic formula was no different from the "Inner Sect Earth Sutra".

This chapter has been completed!
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