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Chapter 519

Chapter 519 One dead and one injured

The appearance of the Baizhang Giant shocked the Baizhang Skeleton. The gray-white flames in his eyes jumped sharply. He stepped back a few steps and stared at the giant with a giant ax in his hand, but for a moment he did not dare to take action. There were countless Baizhang Skeletons in the forbidden killing land.

Nian has possessed spiritual wisdom, but this spiritual wisdom was formed in the forbidden land full of killing and bloodthirsty. It can be called the spirit of killing. The Baizhang Skeleton wanted to escape in his heart. From this giant, he felt an unprecedented crisis.

, if the drums were not still beating, Baizhang Skeleton might have left long ago.

I don't know how far away this evil soul drum is from here, and the power of its drum sound has been reduced to a very low level. However, considering the situation, hearing the sound of this drum makes people's blood boil, and they are full of fighting spirit.

This giant was transformed by Lei Gang. This was also Lei Gang's first attempt to force his body to its peak. The moment Lei Gang woke up, he felt the power of this hundred-foot skeleton, almost reaching the realm of a false god. If

It was an ordinary realm of false gods, and Lei Gang still had the strength to fight, but this hundred-foot-long skeleton gave Lei Gang the feeling of an ancient giant peak, especially the skeleton armor, which Lei Gang was not sure about crushing. In the end, Lei Gang

Gang had no choice but to forcibly improve his body and transform into a hundred-foot giant.

At this time, every movement of Lei Gang had a whistling sound. He clenched his fists, and Lei Gang murmured in his heart: "I'm afraid, this is the real power of death."


"Bang..." The sound of drums sounded like ancient sounds in Lei Gang's ears, causing Lei Gang's heartbeat to gradually become consistent with the sound of the drums. A strong fighting spirit filled Lei Gang's heart, and his whole body was actually filled with the drum sound.

The sound exploded involuntarily, forming waves of air that spread around. Lei Gang didn't have any thoughts at this time, only one thought, fight! Kill! Kill everyone in front of him. Gradually, Lei Gang's double

His pupils actually dilated, but his eyes were filled with strong fighting spirit.

Lei Gang let out a low roar, and his huge body suddenly jumped and flew out of the pit. His two giant arms had tendons in all directions. The strong strength condensed between his arms. At the moment of falling, Lei Gang's fists were like two blue dragons.

, blasted towards the hundred-foot-long skeleton.

The Baizhang skeleton roared, took a step back with its big feet, held a giant ax in both hands, and struck Lei Gang's fists with terrifying power with one axe. I am afraid that this ax stood on Lei Gang's hands. Although it could not cut off, it could not be cut off.

It's enough to break into Lei Gang's flesh and blood.

The power contained in Baizhang Skeleton's ax is probably not much worse than the power of Lei Gang's fists at this time. Although Lei Gang was aroused by the sound of drums to fight and kill in his heart, it was not that he could not feel the threat.

The ax gave Lei Gang a huge threat. The fists that hit the skeleton suddenly let go, and his hands clamped the giant ax like lightning. The force contained in the powerful ax blade made his scalp numb, and he had to take a few steps back.


"Roar!" Lei Gang roared, and suddenly slapped the giant ax with both hands. The powerful force poured into the giant axe, causing the giant ax to shake violently. The powerful force surged along the giant ax towards the Baizhang skeleton.

Feeling the surge of power, Baizhang Skeleton loosened his hands and stepped forward suddenly. After Lei Gang's strength surged out of the ax handle, Baizhang Skeleton grabbed the ax handle with his left hand and fiercely pointed at the ax handle with his right hand.

With a beat, the giant ax sighed forward, and the powerful force surged towards Lei Gang. The giant ax was not damaged at all under the huge bombardment of Lei Gang and Baizhang Skeleton, but the strange dark red color became even more brilliant.

stand up.

Lei Gang's pupils shrank, he raised his right hand, the sound of howling in the air was heard, he slapped the ax blade with his palm, and a powerful force surged towards the ax handle.

"Bang!" A loud noise like spring thunder exploded in the middle of the ax handle. The powerful strength of Baizhang Skeleton and Lei Gang's strength collided with each other. A powerful shock wave shook out, forming waves like wind and waves.

In all directions, those incomplete skeletons that were still struggling on the ground were turned into dust by the shock wave. For a moment, there were no more skeletons within a radius of 10,000 meters.

The moment Baizhang Skeleton grabbed the ax handle with his right hand, Lei Gang struck the ax blade with his right fist again. The strong force made Baizhang Skull have to let go of his left hand, and the right hand that grabbed the ax handle suddenly contained the force of thunder and struck towards it.

Ax handle.

"Bang!!" Another shock wave sounded, and at the moment of the two powerful attacks, Lei Gang grabbed the ax blade tightly, and before the Baizhang skeleton could react, he snatched the giant ax over, and before Lei Gang

Under the control of power, the giant ax turned over, with the ax handle facing Lei Gang and the ax blade facing Baizhang Skull. Lei Gang suddenly grabbed the handle of the giant ax with his right hand, jumped, and Gang Qi poured into the giant axe.

, causing the giant ax to shine brightly, with yellow light contained in its dark red strange light, and a giant blade containing the power of thunder surged out from the giant axe.

The gray-white flames in the pupils of the Baizhang Skeleton suddenly trembled, and he stepped back sharply. He actually avoided the blow of the giant axe. The ax blade hit the ground, and a thousand-foot crack suddenly appeared. Thick dust filled the sky and the earth. The Baizhang Skeleton died.

Staring at Lei Gang, he roared as if with lingering fear. Without the giant axe, Baizhang Skeleton could only attack with bare fists. The huge forest white skeleton stepped back with its right foot, and the huge body moved rapidly, as fast as lightning.

, only a white shadow was vaguely seen, and then it appeared in Lei Gang's fists, and the huge bone fists broke through the air and hit Lei Gang's abdomen.

The sound of screaming piercing the sky exploded in Lei Gang's ears, and it was too late to dodge. Lei Gang's heart was cruel, and the giant ax shined again, and he hit the skeleton with one axe.

"Bang bang!" With two muffled sounds, Lei Gang and the skeleton fell back at the same time. Lei Gang's abdomen had been sunk several meters, and Lei Gang's ax struck the Baizhang skeleton's right shoulder, causing a crack in its bone armor.

There were cracks, and the right hand was almost separated from the body. The Baizhang skeleton looked up to the sky and roared, the sound was deafening, but it contained endless anger and murderous intent.

The three trembling Dan Zongzi who were tens of thousands of miles away were shocked in their hearts. They felt the trembling of the earth. Their eyes were filled with horror. Could it be that... Liu Gang was fighting with the skeleton? And this roar was obviously not made by a human being.

, could it be that...Liu Gang was so powerful? Even the terrifying skeleton could not defeat it? Ancestor Wei Li, who was thousands of miles away from them, had another thought at this time, and said in a shocked voice: "This place is really a narrow escape from death.

We need to find the three of Dan Zongzi as soon as possible and escape from this ghost place."

The surrounding area of ​​Lei Gang and Baizhang Skeleton was riddled with holes, and the fleeing skeletons did not dare to approach. Many of the skeletons were turned into dust and disappeared under the sweep of shock waves.



At this moment, several roars sounded from the depths of the Forbidden Land, which were frightening to hear among the drums.

Lei Gang's eyes staring closely at the Baizhang Skeleton suddenly shrank. The injury caused by Lei Gang's ax healed quickly. The sound of the drum seemed to contain inexplicable power, causing the Baizhang Skeleton to roar. The meaning in his eyes

The murderous intent and angry gray flames stared at Lei Gang. Suddenly, the Baizhang skeleton swayed and turned around Lei Gang. But what made Lei Gang feel the crisis was that dozens of fists surged from all directions of Lei Gang.

Pressing forward, Baizhang Skeleton's move actually blocked Lei Gang's retreat. Holding a giant axe, Lei Gang's eyes flashed with light, and he suddenly stepped on the ground. The ground shook, and Lei Gang's body suddenly rose into the air, but

, the Baizhang skeleton seemed to know that Lei Gang was about to fly into the air, and several punches swept through Lei Gang again. At this moment, the Baizhang skeleton also jumped up. When Lei Gang resisted the punch, his right hand was like a poisonous snake.

He grabbed Lei Gang's right foot and punched Lei Gang's right foot like a thunderbolt.

Lei Gang was suddenly startled when he felt the threat, but Baizhang Skeleton never thought that Lei Gang's hands and feet were his sharp weapons. Lei Gang, who knew his body well, a strike with his feet was no weaker than his hands.

The moment Baizhang Skeleton's right fist was about to hit Lei Gang's right foot, the Gang Qi in Lei Gang's body surged toward his right foot. He bent his right foot slightly and stepped down suddenly.

"Bang!" A loud noise resounded through the sky again. Lei Gang charged up his right foot and collided with Baizhang Skull's right fist, almost making the world tremble. This collision was different from the previous one, but a collision on the body. Lei Gang

Gang held back the severe pain in his right leg, held the ax in both hands and roared: "Open the sky, forty moves!" The giant ax struck down in the air seemingly very slowly, but this movement contained the four elements of the opening of the sky.

The terrifying power contained in the entire process of the ten postures can be imagined. One strike of the ax shocked the Baizhang skeleton. The gray flames in his eyes almost stopped, and he suddenly struck out with both hands, trying to catch the terrifying strike of the axe.

However, Baizhang Skeleton underestimated Lei Gang's axe. This ax contained the forty-step process of opening the sky, and also contained the ancient secrets of chaos that made Destruction Lei Ling fearful. With one blow, Baizhang Skull's body was directly destroyed.

The two hands smashed it into pieces, and the huge ax blade broke through everything and hit the top of the skull.

A crack appeared from the top of Baizhang Skull's head. Gradually, cracks appeared on the bone armor. After a few breaths, Baizhang Skeleton quickly shattered into countless broken bones and fell. However, the power of Kaitian did not disappear and swept Baizhang.

The broken bones of the skeleton were smashed into pieces and blasted into the ground, causing violent explosions on the ground. The entire earth was riddled with holes, and huge cracks spread across a radius of ten thousand meters like tortoise cracks.

After striking out an axe, Lei Gang was drained of all his energy, and his huge body shrank rapidly. Finally, Lei Gang returned to his original size and fell from the air.

In this battle, one will die and one will be injured!

"Roar..." At the moment when the hundred-foot skeleton turned into dust, the roar of the forbidden land continued to sound, and huge momentum came from the depths. However, at this time, Lei Gang had already

He could no longer hear, and he had fallen into a coma. This battle caused Lei Gang to be seriously injured for the first time after breaking through the fourth level of "Five Elements Body Cultivation".

This chapter has been completed!
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