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Chapter 025: What kind of vinegar to eat?

Huo Jiexing hurriedly ran into Lian Beichuan's office, where Cheng Liyuan was reporting to him on the progress of the outer cabinet's affairs in the near future.

Cheng Liyuan rarely saw Huo Jie so impatient. He put one arm on the armrest of the square chair and joked: "Who is Butler Huo fighting with?"

Huo Jie shook his head helplessly and gave a concise summary to Lian Beichuan: "The Zhong Family Troupe really agreed to cooperate with Manager Gu, and it was Lu Mingze who mediated it."

Lian Beichuan was so content that he shook off the ink pen in his hand and murmured to himself: "This imported product will sometimes lose its ink."

Huo Jie added: "It was Aunt Xu Jiaqiu who built the bridge between Shopkeeper Gu and the Lu family..."

Cheng Liyuan felt that Lian Beichuan, who was opposite the Red Sandalwood Case, had something wrong with his aura.

"Uh... Young Master, Second Master..."

Lian Beichuan had no reaction.

Cheng Liyuan glanced at Huo Jie and avoided the door with special discernment.

"I asked her to come to the Lian family and she refused, but then she went to the Lu family to do something? The Lu family's money is money, isn't my money money? How troublesome is my money?"

Lian Beichuan waved his arms angrily and turned everything on the big case to the ground.

Huo Jie bent down and picked up the things on the ground one by one, "It's not the Second Master himself who said that people must bring enough money to the party."

Lian Beichuan stood up immediately when he was stimulated by Huo Jie, "Didn't I want to force her to do it?"

Huo Jie was also very confused, "I rushed to give her money, but she didn't want it. I prepared a vacant position for her but didn't come, and I didn't buy tea with good quality and low price."

"Did she go to the Lu family for class today?" Lian Beichuan had one hand stuck on his waist and was walking around the room like a headless fly.

Huo Jie guessed what Lian Beichuan was going to do, "Second Master, it's not a good idea for us to go there so rashly, right? There's no reason."

"Let's go home and pick up Zhenzhen. Just tell her that Zhenzhen wants to see her, sister Lanlan."

Huo Jie felt that this excuse was too unreliable, but Lian Beichuan had already strode out of the office, and he knew that he could not stop him.

Today was another piano lesson. Lu Minglan did not need Gu Qingdai's supervision, nor did he need Joseph's supervision. He consciously started practicing in the piano room.

Gu Qingdai accompanied Joseph and walked around the Lu family's courtyard.

Joseph sighed to Gu Qingdai in a low voice. He had been to the Lu family so many times, but this was the first time he took a pleasant walk in this courtyard.

Gu Qingdai also felt quite impressed after visiting the Lu family's courtyard. The Lu family's bungalow was really well built.

"Hey, Miss Gu, do you think the eldest young master is back?" Joseph pointed to a black car that had just driven through the gate and asked Gu Qingdai.

After a while, I saw Lu Mingze actually stepping out of the car and saying hello to them even though he was far away.

Ever since the day Lu Mingze helped Gu Qingdai get Zhong Xiu, she had been looking for an opportunity to thank him properly.

But she couldn't see him every time she came to Lu's house recently, and she couldn't openly tell Mrs. Lu and Lu Minglan that she wanted to find Lu Mingze, so this plan has been shelved.

"My sister didn't contradict the teacher today, did she?" Lu Mingze greeted Joseph in a Western style and hugged each other.

Joseph smiled happily and kept thanking Gu Qingdai in foreign languages ​​for coming.

Lu Mingze seemed to want to show off and responded to Joseph in foreign languages.

The two chatted in front of Gu Qingdai, and Joseph finally said: Miss Gu is such a good girl, the eldest son must grasp her.

Lu Mingze laughed suddenly, said yes, and secretly glanced at Gu Qingdai.

Gu Qingdai pretended not to understand and remained silent without interrupting.

The three of them returned to the bungalow together, and Joseph went to see Lu Minglan first.

Gu Qingdai deliberately paused and extended an invitation to Lu Mingze: "Mr. Lu, are you free today? I would like to treat you to a meal."

Lu Mingze understood her intention, "You can treat me to this meal, but the place should be at our house."

"How can that be done? It seems so insincere on my part."

Lu Mingze put the meal aside in advance, "I helped you draft a contract. I think you and Team Leader Xiao Zhong would be more at ease if you signed this."

Lu Mingze handed the document to Gu Qingdai, which was the real purpose of his return home today.

"I know this kind of thing is difficult for you to understand. In the past, you all signed old-fashioned contracts, right?"

As Lu Mingze spoke, he invited Gu Qingdai to sit on the sofa in the living room.

Gu Qingdai committed the habit of being too rigorous in this world, so she picked up the contract and reviewed it word for word.

She naturally took the cup of coffee handed over by Lu Mingze, and unconsciously put one leg on the other.

"What don't you understand? I can explain it to you, Miss Gu, Miss Gu?"

Only then did Gu Qingdai raise her eyes from the contract. She put down her coffee cup and pointed to several words in the contract with her fingers.

Lu Mingze wanted to poke his head in to take a look, but Gu Qingdai already gave a more accurate explanation in an understatement.

Lu Mingze was tongue-tied and did not answer the question for a long time.

Only then did Gu Qingdai realize that she had said too much, and she quickly became careless.

First, she explained that she saw books on this subject in the Lu family's study and remembered them after reading them.

He also argued that when he was dealing with Zhu Xiaojiu and others, he had some contact with gentlemen who specialized in writing documents.

Seeing that Lu Mingze was still doubtful, the name Lian Beichuan flashed in her mind, "Didn't I do two businesses with Mr. Lian before? It was Mr. Lian who taught me."

Lu Mingze deeply despised Lian Beichuan.

He has always been proud of having studied abroad, but no matter how capable Beichuan is, he is just a frog in a well who has never seen the outside world.

But Lu Mingze had to admit that because Master Lian delegated power in advance, Lian Beichuan had surpassed everyone of his generation and became a veritable business tycoon in Luancheng.

People just can't help talking about it. Lu Mingze can't even remember the last time Beichuan came to their house.

When Gu Qingdai mentioned this today, others came.

Lian Beichuan kept sneezing along the way, which made Lian Zhenzhen think that his second brother was sick.

Until she saw Gu Qingdai here, her little head seemed to understand something.

"Zhenzhen misses her sister Lan Lan. I heard that sister Lan Lan is learning piano recently, and she insists on coming to take a look. There is nothing I can do about this sister."

Lian Beichuan stared at Gu Qingdai's words throughout the whole process, with an expression like "I'm just here to find you."

Gu Qingdai secretly covered the contract on the coffee table.

Why did she lie to Lian Beichuan?

If Lu Mingze asked him anything casually, she would definitely reveal the truth!

She took the initiative to pick up Lian Zhenzhen, planning to take her to play with Lu Minglan to avoid this embarrassing scene.

But Lu Mingze didn't let her get away, he intended to finalize the matter in front of Lian Beichuan.

So that Lian Beichuan could see how efficient he was at work and how easily he could control Gu Qingdai.

Lian Zhenzhen was taken there by the servant. Today, Mrs. Lu went to meet Xu Qiuxia to play cards again. There were only three of them sitting across from each other in the huge living room of the Lu family.

Lu Mingze continued the previous topic in a serious manner, "I will let people change the few points that Miss Gu pointed out. So do you have any objections to the second contract?"

Gu Qingdai didn't review it completely just now. She just pointed it out when she found problems. So there is a second contract?

Lian Beichuan had already noticed something fishy. He pretended to be polite, raised his hand, and picked up the contract to read.

At first, he could maintain a calm attitude, because throughout the first contract, Lu Mingze was helping her avoid risks and clarify the method of profit distribution.

Until he opened the second contract drafted by Lu Mingze...

"Brother Mingze, what do you mean? Are you planning to contribute money to Shopkeeper Gu?"

Lian Beichuan suppressed his inner anger because Gu Qingdai had so resolutely refused him to invest in the Lion Awakening Teahouse.

What's going on now?

If he hadn't rushed to the Lu family today, they would have signed this contract, right?

Lian Beichuan threw the contract in front of Gu Qingdai. Although he didn't say anything, the meaning was obvious——

Gu Qingdai, do you dare to sign one and give it a try!
This chapter has been completed!
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