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Chapter 027 You Are So Void

Gu Qingdai never dreamed that a random meal she cooked would "poison" Lian Beichuan and Lu Mingze at the same time.

Gu Qingdai didn't want to bear this pot at all. If it was really investigated, it was the basket of stale oysters from the Lu family.

But after all it was done by her, she couldn't help but ignore it.

Gu Qingdai took the opportunity to accompany Lu Minglan to class and knocked on Lu Mingze's door.

He still looks relatively weak. I heard from Lu Minglan that her eldest brother was up more than ten times last night.

"It's a good thing that you ladies don't eat much seafood, otherwise you would have suffered a lot."

Lu Mingze was leaning on the bedside, and when he saw Gu Qingdai looking anxious for him, a warmth suddenly emerged in his heart.

"Don't take it seriously. This matter has nothing to do with you at all."

Gu Qingdai lowered her eyes and smiled dumbly, "When you get better tomorrow, I will treat you to another meal."

Lu Mingze stared at her deeply, "Is there really no room for negotiation in that contract?"

Gu Qingdai nodded affirmatively, "No."

Lu Mingze was unwilling to give up, "I have kept that contract for you. If Miss Gu wants to sign it one day, she can come back to me at any time."

The door was suddenly knocked open again, and it was Mrs. Lu and Lu Minglan who walked in together.

Mrs. Lu felt extremely distressed when she saw Lu Mingze's face turned pale and his eyes were lifeless.

She just didn't comfort her eldest son, but suddenly changed the topic, "Qingdai, don't blame yourself for this. You just don't know how the child in Beichuan is doing?"

Gu Qingdai refrained from saying anything and just smiled in apology.

Mrs. Lu sat on the edge of the bed with her head downcast, "Second Master Lian had a bad stomach at our house. If this news gets out, it will bring shame on the Lu family."

"Mom, you worry too much." Lu Mingze felt that his mother was making a fuss out of a molehill.

Mrs. Lu looked at Lu Minglan and Gu Qingdai, "I would like to trouble Qingdai to take Lan Lan to the Lian family to visit Beichuan. Otherwise, our Lu family will not show any expression at all, and it will be easy for outsiders to gossip behind our backs."

Lu Mingze still wanted to object, but Lu Minglan was very happy. Regardless of Gu Qingdai's attitude, he agreed immediately and immediately took Gu Qingdai back to the room to pick out clothes for going out.

Gu Qingdai felt that Mrs. Lu’s money was not easy to earn, and she had to go out to work!

She must visit Beichuan this time.

The driver wanted to drive the car to the old residence of the Lian family, but Gu Qingdai quietly reported the address of Lian Beichuan's new residence.

Lu Minglan was very surprised: "Sister Qingdai, how do you know where Brother Beichuan lives?"

I didn't know it from Xu Xuannian, but his grandmother was often unhappy because she couldn't see Lian Beichuan every day.

Gu Qingdai casually said something to Lu Minglan, but suddenly realized that Lu Minglan seemed to be more interested in Lian Beichuan.

She discovered this sign when Lian Beichuan stayed at the Lu family for dinner.

Lian Beichuan is quite popular with girls. Although Lu Minglan is more unruly and willful, his family background is similar to theirs. Even if the six or seven years difference between the two of them is not that much?

The car soon drove to the Lian family mansion. Lian Beichuan was completely panicked about Gu Qingdai's visit.

He really didn't want Gu Qingdai to see such a haggard side of himself.

First, Huo Jie was ordered to drive the people away and not open the door to them no matter what.

Later, she learned that Gu Qingdai had brought Lu Minglan to visit him on behalf of the Lu family, so she had to invite the two of them in.

Huo Jie ordered his servants to accept a bunch of tonics prepared by Mrs. Lu for the young host's family.

Gu Qingdai looked at Huo Jie who came out to entertain them, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, and Miss Zhenzhen is fine too." Huo Jie let them into the guest room of the mansion and brought tea and food himself.

Gu Qingdai looked around at the furnishings in the house and felt that Lian Beichuan's taste was better than that of the Lu family. At least it was a mix of Chinese and foreign styles, not completely Westernized.

"So it means Mr. Lu and Mr. Lian are greedy, otherwise they wouldn't have suffered this crime."

"Second Master will have to wait for a while before he can come out." Huo Jie looked a little embarrassed and stood in front of them to accompany them.

Lu Minglan couldn't sit still after drinking a cup of tea. Huo Jie noticed this and suggested inviting her around the mansion.

Just when Lu Minglan had this intention, he happily went to visit with Huo Jie.

Gu Qingdai was also waiting impatiently. Who asked her to come to express condolences on behalf of Mrs. Lu?

It's not a good idea to leave without seeing anyone. There will be no way to do business back to the Lu family.

"Is your arm feeling better? I wanted to ask you when I was at the Lu family."

Lian Beichuan finally showed up.

His hair was neatly styled, and his robe was wrinkle-free.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so nice when you're not sick yet?"

"I was asking how you are?"

"What about you, how are you?"

Lian Beichuan sat casually opposite her and shrugged his shoulders, "As you can see, I'm very fine."

Gu Qingdai frowned slightly, "Xu."

"Who's weak?" Lian Beichuan quickly straightened his back a little more.

"You are weak, there is still sweat on your forehead." Gu Qingdai poked him through without mercy.

Lian Beichuan refused to admit it and argued arrogantly: "It's because the weather is too hot and I just wore too much."

"What month has it been and it's still hot? The second master can't find a decent excuse."

Gu Qingdai only tasted it briefly and stopped stimulating him any further.

She took Mrs. Lu's words one by one, and after completing the task, she went to find Lu Minglan and leave the Lian family.

But I don't know where Huo Jie turned the young lady into, and she didn't come back for a long time.

"You're going to see Lu Mingze first?" Lian Beichuan held a square handkerchief in his hand and secretly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Gu Qingdai leaned forward and looked outside the door for a few times, then turned back and answered: "Yes, I am accompanying Miss Lu to class, and by the way I went to take a look in his room."

"You went to someone else's room? Lu Mingze really doesn't treat you like an outsider." Lian Beichuan raised his eyebrows and almost jumped up from the sofa.

"The Lu family has always treated me very well." Gu Qingdai didn't understand why he was so angry.

Lian Beichuan sneered sourly: "I can't read it for two days. You and Lu Mingze have to sign the contract, right?"

Gu Qingdai wanted to say, "That's impossible." But seeing Lian Beichuan's bad behavior, she immediately changed her mind and said, "It's really not certain. I might figure it out one day."

"Gu Qingdai, how dare you!"

"Why shouldn't I dare?"

"If you cooperate with Lu Mingze, you must let our Lian family get a share of the pie. Otherwise..." Lian Beichuan acted like he was a cunning person.

Gu Qingdai smiled disdainfully, "Otherwise, what will Second Master Lian do to me?"

"I can use any of my methods to ruin your teahouse until it closes down."

"Ah, yes, yes, I almost forgot, you are the president of the Chamber of Commerce, and you have a lot of power in your hands."

Lian Beichuan leaned towards Gu Qingdai, "I'm serious, I'm not kidding you."

Gu Qingdai retreated to the back of the sofa, deliberately keeping a distance from Lian Beichuan.

"Looking at how strong you are to compete with me, you must be fine. I'm leaving first, Lan Lan..."

Gu Qingdai simply got up and went to find Lu Minglan, followed closely by Lian Beichuan, "It's raining outside, I'll wait until the rain stops before leaving."

Gu Qingdai called Lu Minglan's name and rejected Lian Beichuan, "We came by Lu's car, what are we afraid of if it rains?"

"Hey, be careful, this door curtain..."

Before Lian Beichuan finished speaking, a lock of Gu Qingdai's hair was hooked into a gap in the crystal jade door curtain.

Gu Qingdai covered her hair and said "ouch".

"I told you to be careful." Lian Beichuan hurriedly stepped forward to help her get her hair out.

The two people's fingers touched together without any warning.

Gu Qingdai subconsciously ducked aside, but her scalp hurt again.

Lian Beichuan simply supported her and looked down at Gu Qingdai, whose neck was red, "Don't move."

Lu Minglan and Huo Jie returned to the guest room at this time. When they saw this scene, they couldn't help but widen their eyes.
This chapter has been completed!
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