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Chapter 032: Everything is Ready

Gu Qingdai was startled. Lian Beichuan was as smart as a fox, how could he still encounter something like this?

It turns out that there has been unrest in the south recently, and Lian Beichuan was robbed by bandits on the way.

Huo Jie did not elaborate on how Lian Beichuan dealt with the bandits.

In short, he was actually shot. He didn't send the news back to his home in Luancheng until he successfully escaped from danger in a foreign hospital.

Even Yuchuan was hiding his ears and peeping at Gu Qingdai's expression, and Huo Jie was observing Gu Qingdai's reaction calmly.

Gu Qingdai recalled the night when Li Zheng died. The bloody scene was something she would never forget.

The time she took the initiative to go to Lian's Trading Company to meet Lian Beichuan, she asked him where exactly Li Zheng was buried by him?

Lian Beichuan remained tight-lipped and only said that it was better for her not to know.

Worship is just a form, and his spirit is worthy of being passed on.

This time, the bloody person became Lian Beichuan himself.

Gu Qingdai's heart ached with pain, feeling that in this turbulent and troubled world, life is both fragile and precious.

"Second Master survived the catastrophe, and he will be blessed later." She raised her hand and rubbed her temples, looking very tired.

Huo Jie and Lian Yuchuan did not stay for long, but Lian Yuchuan called Gu Qingsong aside before leaving.

He solemnly told Gu Qingsong that if he needed help at the teahouse or encountered any trouble, he could go to him at any time to solve it.

Gu Qingdai wanted to set the teahouse's resumption date at the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, one month earlier than originally expected.

Mr. Dong told her not to make such a hasty decision and took her to find a fortune teller to calculate the right time, place, and people, but the final result was exactly the same as Gu Qingdai's date.

On the way back, the first snow of the year fell in the sky.

Mr. Dong pulled down the long gray scarf around his neck, revealing his wrinkled face, "Auspicious snow heralds a good year!"

Gu Qingdai raised her hand to catch a snowflake, "You are always right."

Mr. Dong looked around again and suddenly pointed it out to Gu Qingdai, "Isn't this the Lian Family Mansion? I just said this place looks familiar."

Gu Qingdai stood looking at the deep courtyard, feeling that she had not heard from Lian Beichuan for a long time.

His gunshot wound should have healed, right?

It is estimated that by the time he comes back, her teahouse will have already resumed business.

The countdown to the reopening of Li Teahouse has begun. Gu Qingdai not only sent invitations to old friends of the original owner when her father was still alive, but also sent invitations to shops she knew and didn't know within a mile or two.

She is so busy every day, either on the way to reserve supplies, or on the way to contact various interpretations.

Qin Liuer not only went on stage by herself, but also invited several sisters who sang folk tunes to join in the fun.

Qu Biqian even said hello to the bustard mother in advance, and she would definitely come to the teahouse early that day to help.

The most difficult part is undoubtedly the Zhong Family Theater Troupe, which is the highlight.

Gu Qingdai has met with the director of Xiao Zhong several times, but every time she is not sure which dramas she should sing in to attract more attention.

Leader Xiao Zhong is a very serious person, so she decided to come to the Lion Wake Teahouse in person to check out the venue this time.

But she didn't come alone, Lu Mingze was with her.

Gu Qingdai first discussed serious matters with leader Xiao Zhong, and the two of them took the playbill and stared at it one by one.

"Shopkeeper Gu, these actors are the most famous in our troupe, do you have any objections?"

Hearing Leader Xiao Zhong ask this question, Gu Qingdai knew that her troubled relationship with Zhong Ling was already known to others.

Gu Qingdai was also careless and didn't take this into account the previous few times.

It wasn't until the leader of Xiao Zhong asked this question that he realized that Zhong Ling's name was not included in all the opera lists.

"I don't have any problems here. It all depends on the arrangement of Team Leader Xiao Zhong."

After Xiao Zhong received the exact reply, he excused himself as he had other things to do and left first.

Gu Qingdai looked at Lu Mingze thoughtfully, and Lu Mingze also looked at Gu Qingdai silently.

"Long time no see, Miss Gu. Oh no, I should call you Shopkeeper Gu more accurately." Lu Mingze put one hand in his suit pocket, lowered his head and smiled.

Gu Qingdai led Lu Mingze into a private room and sat down, "I didn't invite you in for a cup of tea last time."

Lu Mingze looked around at the decorations and couldn't help but admire: "Shopkeeper Gu has really good taste. When I first came in, I thought I was in some palace."

Gu Qingdai personally made the tea and brought it to him, "I'll apologize to you."

"Give me?"

"Let's give it to Lan Lan."

"I haven't thought you did anything wrong since that night. It's been so long, how come you still remember it?" Lu Mingze refused to drink the cup of tea.

Gu Qingdai lowered her eyes and smiled awkwardly. She didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Lan Lan insists on not using you anymore, which makes me very embarrassed. I have never found any reason to come to you. Today, I just happened to go to the Zhong Family Theater to do some business, so I came here with Mr. Zhong."

"I still want to thank you, the Lu family, for helping me."

"Why is that little reward worth mentioning?"

Gu Qingdai opened the long soft gauze curtain and pointed at the busy guys, "That remuneration is enough for me to pay them a month's wages. Do you think it's too much or too little?"

Lu Mingze was finally willing to drink the cup of tea, "Then should Shopkeeper Gu give me an invitation? I also want to come and congratulate the teahouse on its resumption of business."

Gu Qingdai hurriedly gave a copy to Lu Mingze. In fact, she had wanted to give it to him for a long time.

Let’s talk about the Zhong Family Theater Troupe. Lu Mingze has contributed a lot, and a meal can’t even make up for it.

It's just that because of Lu Minglan's incident, she might have backfired and made the Lu family disgusted, and they would think that she was trying to curry favor with the Lu family.

"Then Mr. Lu, can you tell me the truth? Was it you who told Team Leader Xiao Zhong about me and Zhong Ling?"

Lu Mingze shook his head and denied, "I have heard about you and Zhong Ling, but I know the difference between public and private affairs and will not use these things to influence the little leader Zhong."

At this time, Zhong Ling was in Song Yueting's arms. The two had just had a spring night, and there was still an aura of romance surrounding them.

Zhong Ling held a copy of this morning's newspaper in her hand, which contained Gu Qingdai's advertisement for the reopening of Lion Teahouse.

"This bitch!" Zhong Ling wanted to tear the newspaper into pieces.

Song Yueting glanced at the contents of the advertisement and said, "The teahouse was transformed into a tea house and so many famous actors were hired. How did this bitch do it?"

"This bitch is always good at using tricks. If she hadn't stirred up trouble in front of Team Leader Xiao Zhong, wouldn't I be able to get on the stage?"

"Do you like the stage of the Lion Dance Teahouse? I thought you weren't willing to go at all!"

Zhong Ling beat Song Yueting's chest angrily, "You're disgusting. I'm not pointing at her. It's just that all the actors in the troupe have gone, and I'm the only one left. What's going on?"

"Why don't you just stop singing? Come down and I'll take care of you." Song Yueting casually pinched her cheek with his fingers.

Zhong Ling was so moved that she almost cried, "Yue Ting, do you mean to marry me?"
This chapter has been completed!
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