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Chapter 051: The Missing Qing Guan

The bustard thought carefully and slowed down her speech, "Everyone calls him... Mr. Fu."

"Master Fu?"

Hearing this familiar title, Gu Qingdai felt her ears buzzing, as if she was instantly deaf.

"Yes, it seems his name is Fu Yanli. A few years ago, he and Mr. Fan San and others often came to our study apartment to play."

Is it really Fu Yanli?

How could it be him?

Gu Qingdai's mind flashed again, that scary look when he looked back when he was kicked out of the Gu family's old house.

So Fu Yanli had been casting a wide net from the very beginning, including Gu Qingdai, Qin Liuer, several female guests who frequented the teahouse, and even Qu Biqian who was far away in the Taoyuan bookstore.

She couldn't guarantee others, but she and Qin Liu'er would never take the bait.

What kind of soul-catching method did Fu Yanli use?

Could it be that Qu Biqian fell into it in such a short period of time?

She ran away with Fu Yanli without any hesitation, and she didn't even need a deed of prostitution or anything like that?

In this era and in this world, brothels and prostitutes legally exist.

Will she live in the world as a gangster from now on?

Gu Qingdai didn't believe that Qu Biqian could be so confused. If she really took this step, it would be a wrong step and a wrong step.

"That person came from a wrong place. Qianer asked Master Lian and Master Fan to teach him a lesson. I thought he had left Luancheng long ago."

"He has been to your teahouse, do you know him?" The madam seemed to still be suspicious of something and was trying to trick Gu Qingdai.

Gu Qingdai forced herself to calm down, "Madam knows that my teahouse has been quite busy since it resumed business. I haven't visited Xiao Qian in a while, and Xiao Qian hasn't been in the teahouse in a while."

The madam thought carefully about Gu Qingdai's words. Qu Biqian only came once on the day the teahouse reopened. After returning, she became extremely active and thought about making more money all day long.

"Then what should I do? Now she has disappeared. Do you know how much money I have spent on her over the years?"

The madam felt sorry for the white money, and she became arrogant again.

Gu Qingdai was distracted for a moment, trying to figure out where Qu Biqian would hide.

"Let's talk about appearance. She doesn't rank at all. Her body shape is flat in front and back, so she has a docile temper. I made her a servant because I wanted her to be obedient. This wolf-hearted thing is just like that.

Repay me?"

The bustard is not vomiting and is not happy. She has not capsized in the gutter for many years.

"Her parents died early, and she only has her uncle and aunt's relatives in Luancheng. But it was the bookstore where her uncle and aunt sold her back then, so Xiaoqian will not join them again."

The bustard was still talking to herself, not paying attention to Gu Qingdai's analysis.

"Xiao Qian and I only go shopping, and at most we go to the suburbs. There is no place to live." Gu Qingdai will exclude places one by one.

Maybe the madam was tired of scolding, so she finally stopped talking. She took a sip of tea to moisten her throat, "Where's that Fu Yanli? Does he have a place to live in Luancheng?"

Gu Qingdai suddenly remembered that the feminine scent she had smelled in the Gu family's old house was, to be precise, the traces of sexual intercourse between men and women.

Could it be that Qu Biqian left it?

Impossible. How could she, a poor housekeeper, spend the night with her benefactor?

If there was a precedent, why did the madam get so angry this time?

This was the first time that Qu Biqian left the apartment without permission.

Gu Qingdai told the madam frankly about the part of the Gu family's old house where Fu Yanli once lived.

"Mr. Fan can testify to this matter. The house is now in the hands of Mr. Fan. If the Madam is worried, she can send someone there. Fu Yanli and Qu Biqian are definitely not there."

"I will send people to investigate, but if Xiao Qian is never found, don't blame me for turning my back on her!"

These words contained a hint of warning, as the madam wanted to pass this debt onto Gu Qingdai.

If a high-end brothel can be opened in Luancheng, how can there be no one to take care of the madam?

Looking at the powerful nurses she has raised, you know that the Madam's strength cannot be underestimated.

At this moment, the door to the private room was kicked open.

Gu Qingdai watched helplessly as Lian Beichuan kicked the door into pieces, and he even tore off the soft gauze door curtain.

"Who are you going to turn your back on?" Lian Beichuan's voice was stern, and there was a coldness in his eyes.

Gu Qingdai and the Madam stood up at the same time, and a group of guards suddenly surrounded Lian Beichuan behind them.

But no one dared to step forward and scare him, as they all knew that he was the most unprovoked Lian Erye in Luancheng.

The bustard hurriedly smiled: "Look at my mouth, it needs to be beaten. I'm just here to ask shopkeeper Gu for help."

"Don't worry, Madam, I will do my best to help you find Xiao Qian. I hope she can come back safe and sound more than anyone else." Gu Qingdai stated her position on the situation.

"With the words of shopkeeper Gu, I feel relieved."

The Madam bowed her head to Gu Qingdai and Lian Beichuan, and then raised her hands to the people below, signaling everyone to leave the Xingshi Teahouse.

"Madam, I need to ask more clearly." Gu Qingdai chased her into the corridor.

"But it doesn't matter."

"Have you searched Xiaoqian's house? Is her personal money still there?"

If Qu Biqian's personal money is still left in the study apartment, it proves that she just went out and did not want to escape.

But if her body and money were taken away together, the possibility of her elopement with Fu Yanli would increase.

The madam smiled unnaturally, "How can she have any money in that house? How much money has she made for me in these years?"

The madam told a lie. She searched Qu Biqian's house and found some money, but she thought it was too little.

That little money was far from enough to pay Qu Biqian's ransom, and now that it had been put into the Madam's pocket, she would never spit it out again.

Gu Qingdai realized that the madam was probably lying to her. Knowing this, she had some idea in her heart.

She watched the Madam and others leave the teahouse, but when she turned around, she saw Lian Beichuan sitting alone in the private room, drinking tea.

"Why didn't you leave? Isn't the business office busy?" Gu Qingdai put away the soft gauze door curtain that he had pulled off.

"The candy man is thirsty after eating too much. I wanted to come in and ask for a cup of tea." Lian Beichuan glanced at the wooden door that he had kicked down and said, "I'll pay it to you."

"Forget it, Xiuxiu can still be used."

"What's that song? Qu Biqian, right? She was probably abducted by Fu Yanli. What do you want to do?" Lian Beichuan poured himself another cup of tea.

Gu Qingdai sat across from Lian Beichuan, "Thank you just now, but this matter has nothing to do with you, so you'd better not get involved."

"I'm sure I can find someone on the border of Luancheng." Lian Beichuan said in an understatement.

Gu Qingdai put her elbows on the table and rubbed her temples back and forth with her slender fingers, "Should I find her? What should I do without harming her?"

Lian Beichuan originally wanted to say, if you really want to help Qu Biqian redeem her life, I will pay the money for you.

But he had been dealing with Gu Qingdai for so long and knew that she would never accept it.

"There are brothel rules. If you can escape, you will not be able to escape forever. She will die miserably on the day she is caught. From another perspective, if this matter comes to the official family, the contract of sale and other things are in the hands of the madam.

Which way will the police department go?"

"We must find Xiao Qian." Gu Qingdai frowned and sighed worriedly.

"If she really got involved with someone like Fu Yanli, she would be more miserable than in a brothel, and her end would be even worse."

Gu Qingdai's heart pounded wildly after being told by Lian Beichuan.

"Our previous contract is still standing. You can't pay me back even a penny less, but you can postpone it for a while. Use the money you earn to redeem her life first."

This chapter has been completed!
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