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Chapter 002

This treasure map was entrusted to Li Zheng on his deathbed, so if he doesn't agree to it, it will be fine.

Now that she has agreed, Gu Qingdai must keep her promise.

Otherwise, the former general had his tomb robbed and would not be able to rest in peace. She would not be able to escape the blame.

It's already midsummer, but that doesn't stop the oppressive feeling that permeates Lian Beichuan's body from making people shiver.

But she still decided to take a gamble and looked directly into his stern eyes: "No, give it!"

Hearing this, Lian Beichuan raised his hand and pinched Gu Qingdai's jaw with such force that she thought her jaw was dislocated.

But he made no real move to kill her, which proved that the matter was slow.

"Give it to me and I'll keep you safe."

She was startled at first, then sneered and probed: "You 'destroyed the corpses and traces' for me in order to get that picture?"

Even if Li Zheng was not killed by Lian Beichuan himself, how can we prove that he was not the same group as those who persecuted Li Zheng?

The Lian family can survive in Luancheng for many years, how can it be so clean?

Besides, he is only a few steps away from getting the treasure map. Will he really be indifferent to those treasures?

"Is there something wrong with Shopkeeper Gu's brain? I am the young owner of Lian's Trading Company. The most important thing our family lacks is money. How about I dig someone else's grave?"

Just because the Lian family is not short of money does not mean that Lian Beichuan himself is not short of money.

He himself admitted that he was just the young boss of Lian's Trading Company, and there was also his father's big boss above him.

Master Lian is not the only son like him. How can outsiders know to what extent he is in charge of Lian's business?

Gu Qingdai didn't believe him.

She casually pointed to the wooden basin filled with water placed on the armchair, "Go and fish it out, maybe you can still see clearly."

"Are you a rag?"

Lian Beichuan stepped over and quickly picked it up, and saw that the rag did have patterns like pictures.

But it was soaked in water and all stained, and stained with a lot of blood, so it was completely ruined.

Just now, when Li Zheng handed the treasure map to Gu Qingdai, his hiding position was not ideal and he could not see clearly.

So he was a little unsure whether this rag was real or fake.

"Is this worthy of Li Zheng?" He deliberately showed anger and threw the rag back into the basin.

Gu Qingdai straightened her curvy figure and tugged at the folds of her cheongsam at will, "If you hadn't appeared, I would have hidden it. But if you break this thing, I can only ruin it."

Lian Beichuan repeated meaningfully: "Destroy?"

She nodded lightly: "If this picture didn't fall into the hands of a traitor, it wouldn't be considered a complete letdown to Li Zheng, right?"

"Oh? I'm a traitor."

He glanced at Li Zheng's body lying beside him, and then looked out the window at the night.

The top priority is to properly dispose of Li Zheng's body.

He saw with his own eyes that Li Zheng escaped into the Lion Wake Tea House. How could he not know about the real traitor hiding in the dark?

It is estimated that the deputy county magistrate was also a cover to push the situation forward, and the real mastermind behind the scenes should be hidden among the deep-rooted forces in Luancheng.

If he hadn't listened to the entire conversation between Gu Qingdai and Li Zheng, he would have thought that they must have a close relationship and that Gu Qingdai was the accomplice who shielded Li Zheng.

The Awakening Lion Tea House and this charming female shopkeeper are destined to be dragged in.

Lian Beichuan went through his mind and said harshly: "Shopkeeper Gu, we are not done with this matter!"

Immediately, he picked up Li Zheng's body and climbed out of the window.

The movements were smooth and smooth, and there was no sign of any effort.

When Gu Qingdai chased her to the window, there was only endless darkness outside.

The tea house is in disrepair and poses a huge safety hazard.

Li Zheng was able to sneak in, and even Beichuan was able to come and go without any hindrance.

She sat back in front of the dressing mirror again, as if what happened that night was an unreal nightmare.

But the treasure map hidden inside the cheongsam was visible and tangible, and what fooled Lian Beichuan was the teahouse renovation and decoration sketch she had drawn in recent days.

The treasure map was not handed over to Lian Beichuan, and he did not kill her to silence her, but also helped her dispose of Li Zheng's body.

No matter what his purpose was, I still owed him a favor this time.

She had to find a chance to repay him, and she must not get involved with Lian Beichuan.

This night is destined to be sleepless.

When Chen Xi and her brother Gu Qingsong had breakfast, Gu Qingdai still looked tired and confused.

"Sister, when Lian Beichuan led people to make such a fuss last night, the business of the teahouse will definitely be affected. Our plan to renovate the teahouse should be postponed for a later time."

Gu Qingsong is one year younger than Gu Qingdai, and is also eighteen this year. He is an abandoned baby that Gu's father picked up on the roadside a few years ago.

The Xingshi Teahouse is the result of several years of operation by the previous two generations of the Gu family. It was built at the intersection of several important arterial roads in Luancheng, extending in all directions and making travel convenient.

Therefore, from the previous dynasty, this place was not only used for guests to drink tea, but also had a more important purpose - a transit place for the collection and dissemination of news from all walks of life.

However, the business model that has been unchanged for many years has already caused the teahouse to go downhill. In recent years, it has been unable to make ends meet.

When Gu's father was dying, he grabbed Gu Qingdai's hand and begged her to save the teahouse no matter what.

This is probably why the original owner had repeated affairs with powerful men.

She didn't want to live up to her father's dying trust, but it was a pity that she chose the wrong path.

Fortunately, Gu Qingdai arrived early, and nothing happened with the male protagonist and his supporting cast yet.

This time, she has to rely on herself!

"It's not suitable to start construction in the winter in the north. There are only a few months left at the end of the day. Qingsong, if we delay it for another year," Gu Qingdai said clearly, and she made up her mind on this idea.

The Gu family had some foundation before, but Gu's mother didn't make it early, leaving only Gu Qingdai as her daughter.

Gu Qingsong was an adopted son, so Gu's father took back a concubine, hoping to have a biological son to continue the family business.

But things went against expectations. Not only did he fail to find his own son, but his concubine and his concubine also took away most of the family's property.

Gu's father was so anxious that he fell seriously ill and passed away not long after.

Leaving such a half-dead tea house and an unrelated brother to the original owner.

From the second day after she arrived, Gu Qingdai began to study how to bring the teahouse back to life.

She often visited various bustling districts in the city and asked old friends for advice.

There is no doubt that renovating the teahouse is a top priority.

So where will this huge expense be paid?

Naturally, she set her sights on the Gu family's old house.

It’s not that the teahouse cannot be occupied by people, we can just buy it back when we have enough money in the future.

But Gu Qingsong didn't think so.

He didn't think Gu Qingdai had the ability to make the teahouse's business prosperous, as the teahouse might close down at any time.

The old house is the last property he can hold on to. If it is destroyed by Gu Qingdai again, he will really get nothing.

He lowered his head to drink the porridge and muttered dissatisfiedly: "My sister was seriously ill last month. After she recovered, she seemed like a different person. She was very stubborn."

"I'm going to invite the renters to come to the teahouse today to discuss and try to sell the old house in the next few days." Gu Qingdai had already made up her mind.

Gu Qingsong breathed angrily, and when the old man stretched out his legs, he handed over the house deed and everything to his daughter for safekeeping.

What's the point of being his son? After all, he's not the biological son of the Gu family. How can he stop him?

He wanted to see what tricks Gu Qingdai, a prostitute, could pull off!
This chapter has been completed!
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