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Chapter 1057 International middlemen

"Damn..." His name is Becker, but people who know him usually call him Bald Smith. His official identity is a respected assistant coach of the football team. Of course, his football team is only the eighth in the British Isles.

A mid-level team in the Northern League Division A of the A-League, basically amateur in nature.

However, Sheffield, the city where the team is located, is very famous, and it also has Sheffield, which may be the earliest football team in the world. Of course, the team where Bald Smith plays has nothing to do with Sheffield.

Bald Smith’s identity as assistant coach is a formal job claimed to the outside world, but in fact, his real identity is the person in charge of an investment company. This company is called nrd. However, unlike other investment companies, the distribution of investment projects involved in nrd is

Jiguang, finance, steel, energy, biotechnology, environmental products, etc. To put it bluntly, it is somewhat the same as a general fund management company.

The only difference is that the investment company's funds are invested in proportion to the company's inherent shareholders, rather than raising funds from the public, and the supervision is not as strong.

Bald Smith is also a minority shareholder in nrd, and his official identity is still the CEO of this company. However, this CEO's interest is obviously not in the company, but to be an assistant coach for a semi-professional team.

Of course, in real comparison, the identity of the CEO of nrd company is really not as famous as the assistant coach of the Totonk City team he is in. Although the Totonk City team is only an amateur team, it is also

With thousands of fans, it is quite famous in the local area.

As a perennial assistant coach, he also often plays as a guest player, and often invests some funds in the team to maintain its operations. His reputation has naturally grown.

Bald Smith was a nickname given to him by people who loved him. Becker didn't care about it and was proud of it.

But today Becker is probably going crazy.

Early in the morning, he was woken up by numerous phone calls.

You know, at three o'clock, he had just climbed off the body of his new girlfriend. This terrible scratcher had fucked him at least four times last night, and it was almost draining him dry.

She had only slept for three hours. For a person who was already over forty and had excessive alcohol and indulgence in his early years, it was very difficult for his body to bear it.

What's more, the person who called him was a guy he was very unhappy with, an Asian employee from North India, with a strong smell of scratching. Well, damn it, if it weren't for the fact that this guy was appointed by the major shareholder.

, he would fire him without hesitation.

But now he can only be allowed to work the night shift. Who knows that his computer skills are really good? The company has a website that needs to be maintained 24 hours a day because they face customers all over the world. Information technology

In today's society, they must have access to information from all over the world at all times.

To put it bluntly, nrd company is nominally an investment company controlled by its own funds, but its scope of functions is not limited to investment companies.

On the surface, nrd is responsible for various investments, but in reality, it is also responsible for money laundering. As for money laundering, it is also responsible for a business that few people know about.

That is to undertake and publish various international reward business information.

That is, the international middlemen in the dark world.

nrd is a legal investment company, but nrd company has a website that publishes some information about financial investment. However, the information in it is really not flattering. Except for the occasional guess, most of the other

It's nonsense, and it's full of typos.

However, this website is constantly being updated year after year.

Of course, there is a huge trick hidden in this, because if you are a professional, then the seemingly meaningless information on this website will turn into pieces of international reward information after being transcoded.

For example, someone hopes to pay 1 million rice gold to kill a foreign enemy, or someone hopes to pay 2 million rice gold to harvest some confidential information of a large international company, etc.

The working process is like this.

The nrd company will conduct a strict investigation of the employer's funds. After confirming that the funds are OK, they will release bounty information and then find the corresponding organizations or individuals they feel they can trust, such as international bounty hunters and large criminal gangs.

Mercenaries, killer organizations, etc., send corresponding deciphering codes. After the other party receives this information, they use the code to browse the nrd company's webpage to obtain more detailed information, and then decide whether they want to compete for the reward. If so, then they will

Will reply to nrd company.

Because of the legal appearance and their unique form of information release, nrd Company has never encountered any trouble.

Because let alone the police not suspecting it, even if they do, they don't know what nrd released without the code, and even if they get the code, the information on nrd company is updated at any time, so you can never use it as evidence.

nrd's business is getting bigger and bigger, and its reputation among international middlemen is gradually rising. Although it may not be the most famous, its reputation is absolutely great. Of course, the profits are also very considerable. They will pay attention to every transaction.

A successful transaction charges a 10% fee. For example, if someone offers a reward of 100,000 meters in gold to kill someone, then if they succeed, they can get 10,000 meters in gold.

And just a while ago, they took over a case that could be said to be the company's largest reward so far.

There is a sky-high reward of 50 million meters in gold. If this case is successfully handled and someone solves it, they can get 5 million meters in gold. Fifty million. For nrd company, if they can, they can even

I won't hesitate to go on my own.

Of course, their requirements are very clear, only a five-star killer organization can take over.

And after a preliminary understanding, they wisely gave up this idea. The boss of Nuwa Group, the person in charge of this mysterious and unfamiliar company, was a newly rising young scientist and capitalist in the Eastern country. Although he was not familiar with nrd company

To be honest, they have taken over a lot of business from China and Hong Kong Island, but killing such a famous person there is definitely an insurmountable challenge.

So they wisely announced the news and invited the world's famous five-star killer organizations to participate in the bidding for this target.

But they soon suffered a blow. Among the most famous killer organizations, Blue Jellyfish was the first to give up. Then Poisonous Spider, who always likes large-scale operations, gave up after a day of evaluation. At the same time, at least three five-star companies also gave up.

Killer organization.

Just after they thought they would lose the bid, Black Mamba took over. This killer organization may not be as comprehensive as Blue Jellyfish and Poisonous Spider, but its reputation is definitely as good as these two, and their characteristic is that they only accept killings.

A case with a goal in mind, and it has never failed.

They were willing to take over, which immediately made Becker relieved. This was a deal worth 50 million meters. As the company that took over the case, they could get a reward of 5 million meters.

And if Black Mamba's money is laundered and transferred to them, at least another two million meters of gold can be made.

Black Mamba took over, which meant that the case was at least half successful, so he was actually in a good mood these days, except for that damn Indian guy who seemed to be looking at his new secretary lustfully these days.

But this early morning phone call completely ruined his good mood.

The company's server was hacked, and the home page was changed. There was also a reward message posted on it. The prince of Saudi Arabia offered a reward of 100 million to kill the Black Mamba.

For nrd, this is not as simple as a website being hacked.

This means that someone may already know the details of their company.

Moreover, the other party frantically changed the information on the website to such straightforward information. If the police found out and targeted them, there would be great drama.

At this moment, one can imagine that he was in a bad mood. If the truth about nrd company was revealed, he might have to stay in jail for the rest of his life.

After hurriedly checking the company's homepage and confirming that the damn Indian guy wasn't lying, he stopped cursing and hurriedly drove to the company.

As soon as I arrived at the company, I received even bigger bad news. The other party not only tampered with their homepage, but also invaded the server and downloaded some messy information. Although the other party did not have their code, they could not know what the information was.

But if the other party is lucky enough to crack it or obtain certain codes, then there will be something good to see.

"Damn it, have you found out who the other party is?" Becker stretched out his hand to wipe away the cold sweat. On the way, he had notified several major shareholders and the technical director of the website. At this time, they had already begun to deal with it, but judging from their expressions

, as if he had eaten feces, which made his heart sink.

"Not yet. It's obvious that this is a group attack, done deliberately. They have broken through many of our restrictions and downloaded...all the things temporarily stored on the server." Indian engineer Gupeta risked

Lenghan said, "Fortunately, I only downloaded this week's version, and I have shut down the server where the data is stored."

"One week? One week is enough for us to go to jail, damn it." Becker was so angry that he almost vomited blood. At the same time, he stared at Gupta sarcastically and asked, "This is what you call world-class protection with security capabilities."

Net? It looks worse than a piece of tissue paper now. Maybe I should ask a nurse to come and let her use that film to protect us more reliably."

The people in the technical department were sweating profusely.

"Mr. Smith, this security network has been tested and is definitely world-class." Gupta defended, "Ordinary hackers have no way of cracking it, so I suspect that this was probably done by a super hacker."

Becker mocked: "No, why are senior hackers looking for us? It's obvious that they are either being targeted by the political department or our opponents... Yes... Yes, someone must be jealous of us, damn it

, I almost forgot, that arrogant company kxc specializes in the dirty work of destroying other people's networks... and they even competed with us for business."

"I'm tracking their IP right now." Gupta ignored his words, with his fingers flying. Suddenly, he tensed up, raised his arms and shouted: "...Wait a minute, ho ho, look what I caught, this IP address

You're from China, damn it, let me catch you, let me see your true face..." (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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