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Chapter 266 See who is more ruthless

The Ultimate Beauty Empire 266_The full text of The Ultimate Beauty Empire is free to read_Chapter 266 Let’s see who is more ruthless from

"Yes, you can't believe it. The Li Ping back then is the Green Scorpion now, hahaha!" The owl eagle on the ground laughed proudly. After finishing laughing, he stared at the old man aside and said, "Poor guy, you probably still

Don’t you know who the Green Scorpion is?”

"It's okay to tell you that her current identity is the second eldest son of the Eight of Spades and the Green Scorpion, the rumored Green Scorpion in the world.//Baidu search to see the latest chapter//"

"Nonsense." Lao Yi roared, then turned his head, looked for his men to get the dagger, and slowly walked towards the owl lying on the ground, "I will chop you alive now."

"Haha, come on, labor and management are waiting." Owl Eagle stared at Lao Yi, opened his mouth full of blood, grinned wildly with his teeth, "Hurry up, give me a good time."

"Where is Li Ping?"

"Haha, why, you still miss it, right?" Owl Eagle's voice started to show a hint of pride. He glanced sideways at Zhang Yang and sneered, "If you want to know, just ask the master behind you, haha."

Zhang Yang frowned. Only now did he understand why the owl was willing to come down with him. Judging from Lao Yi's expression, there was no doubt that he still had old feelings for Li Ping, and if the green scorpion was really Lao Yi's ex-fiancée Li

Ping, although she has nothing to do with Lao Yi now, but this way, Lao Yi will inevitably not be able to go all out.

What's even more hateful is that even if he is Zhang Yang, now that he knows that the green scorpion is Li Ping, whether it is true or not, he will inevitably have concerns for the sake of Lao Yi.

This owl eagle's move is really vicious. If I had known better, I should have killed him directly on the mountain.

After hearing what Owl Eagle said, Lao Yi just sneered: "Do you think I will believe your nonsense?"

"Haha, believe it or not, it's up to you." Owl Eagle supported himself with one hand, squatted up, and slowly glanced at Zhang Yang and Lao Yi's faces, "You can kill me now, and then go kill the Green Scorpion.

, and then go and see her true face in Lushan...ah!"

Before he finished speaking, Owl Eagle suddenly received a heavy slap on the face. He was hit so hard that he rolled on the ground several times. When he raised his head again, he saw that the left cheek was already swollen.

"Tang Qiqi!" After he looked at the person who beat him, his eyes immediately turned cold, "You traitor."

It turned out that the person who hit him just now was Tang Qiqi who got out of the car at some point.

"Owl Eagle, how did my father die back then? If you don't tell me clearly today, I will definitely not be able to spare you."

"Haha, Tang Qiqi... It turns out that you entered the Eight of Spades because you really wanted to avenge that old immortal Tang Duan. I really didn't misjudge you. If I had known, I should have killed you directly... Hmm!"

Before he could finish his words, Tang Qiqi had already kicked him down. Then, a military boot stomped on his face and crushed him, "Tell me, how did my father die back then? It was you and Sheng

Master, and Yulong colluded with Heishui to ambush my father, right?"

"Hehe. It seems that you know everything..." He rolled his eyes and turned his face away. "Well, now, I'm not afraid to tell you, yes, that old guy Tang Duan was indeed

We informed Heishui Qiang of his whereabouts."

"You guys are cheating, my father treats you well, why do you still betray him?" Tang Qiqi took out a knife from nowhere and stabbed Owl Eagle directly on the shoulder, "You even colluded.

Outsiders ambushed his old man. Tell me, what is the reason?"

"Why? Haha, you have to ask that damn old man in your family. The brothers have been with him for so many years, going through life and death. They live a life of licking blood from the edge of a knife, and as for him, he doesn't know what's going on in his mind.

Whatever you want, the money you earn should either be donated to the disaster area or remitted to charity. Is this still a gangster? You might as well become a goodwill ambassador."

"That's all. On weekdays, we are not allowed to rob or sell drugs. Even if we occasionally flirt with women, we will be criticized by him. On such days, not only labor and capital, but also the entire Eight of Spades, except for a few evil pens

Apart from this, I can’t stand it any longer, so when we put it all together, Tang Duan, this old immortal, must die.”

"Just in time, we found out that Heishui Qiang wanted to live forever, so we were so happy that we asked him to set up an ambush in Lutao Hotpot City in advance...ah..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Qiqi stabbed his other shoulder with a quick knife.


Owl Eagle was in pain, and big beads of sweat continued to appear on his forehead, but there was still a proud smile on his face. Jie Jie smiled and said: "Labour and management might as well tell you another secret. In fact, Heishui was strong at that time."

It was not the real murderer who killed the old immortal..."

Zhang Yang listened and frowned secretly again. As expected, as Aotian guessed, Tang Duan's death was not that simple.

"Although Heishui Qiang intends to kill Lao Immortal, Lao Immortal is a special forces soldier. Three or four of that good-for-nothing strongman almost let Lao Immortal kill him in turn. Fortunately, we have arranged for another person..."

Having said this, he looked at Lao Yi with a sneer, and his proud smile filled his face again: "That's Li Ping. That night, just in case, we let her lurk in the Longhua Hotel next door.

When Heishui Qiang almost missed, she shot the old immortal directly in the chest, breaking his heart."

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could Li Ping have such good marksmanship?" When Lao Yi heard this, he immediately scolded him.

"Haha, why not? As her boyfriend, you have been with her for so long. You should have known that she has such a talent. Such a good sniper talent, placed next to a waste like you, is simply overbearing.

Heavenly things.”

Hearing this, Lao Yi gritted his teeth with hatred and cracked his fingers: "Tu Long, even if she has this kind of talent, she was kidnapped by you, how could she still work for you? Do you think she is three years old?

A child?"

"Hahahaha! It's just stupid to say that you are stupid. Isn't it simple? When I had her captured, I wanted to rape her first and then kill her. The brothers also deliberately made a toy gun to tease her and let her escape on purpose.

When I chased her, I never thought that she would actually injure several of our brothers with that toy gun, and that’s when I discovered her talent.”

"So as soon as my idea changed, I pretended to save her, and then told her that the murderer of your father was Tang Duan. She wanted to avenge your father, so she practiced her marksmanship hard according to my instructions. In less than half a year,

She has become my number one sharpshooter in the Eight of Spades, and sure enough, she came in handy at the critical moment."

"It's simply ridiculous. If that's the case, why would she continue to stay in the Eight of Spades after killing Tang Duan..."

"Idiot, before she killed Tang Duan, she had already killed many people for us. Do you think she can turn back?"

"You beast!" Lao Yi couldn't help but roared wildly and stepped heavily on his chest.

There was no fear on Owl Eagle's face, his eyes were fixed on Lao Yi, and then he glanced at Tang Qiqi, who was stepping on his face. A smile actually appeared on his face, and he gasped: "How...how?"

...Well, you...you...who will do it...ok? You might as well negotiate...oh...by the way, I forgot, your...ex-girlfriend killed her father...haha. You...you guys are also...enemies."

Zhang Yang regretted more and more at this moment. He didn't just kill this bastard on the mountain. Of course, he didn't expect that Lao Yi's ex-girlfriend would be a Green Scorpion, nor did he expect that Lao Yi would be so kind to his ex-girlfriend.

Never forget.

He didn't know much about Lao Yi's past, but Zhang Yang also knew that he actually cared about his current wife, although he also knew that the reason why Lao Yi married his current wife was entirely because of his old mother's wishes.

Before Lao Yi joined Chen Tianxiong, he actually had a good job. Zhang Yang had always wondered why he gave up that good job to work with Chen Tianxiong. But now he understands, because only by following Chen Tianxiong can he have so much

time, and can use underground organizations to find and inquire about Li Ping's whereabouts.

What makes Zhang Yang embarrassed now is that if Li Ping really killed Tang Duan. Regardless of whether she was instigated or deceived by others, the fact that she killed Tang Duan exists after all. In this case, Tang Qiqi's personality will definitely not let him go.

She wanted to let go of Li Ping. She would not let go of Li Ping. Being caught in the middle, she had to be in a dilemma. After all, his feelings for Li Ping were still there.

What makes Zhang Yang even more troublesome is that these are still things in the future. The current Green Scorpion is almost certainly Li Ping. At this moment, she may have rushed here from another lurking place to get their


It is not yet known who will win, but a shadow has emerged in Zhang Yang's heart. If there is a chance to kill the Green Scorpion, can he really do it then?

This damn Owl Eagle must have grasped the weakness of his own side, and then revealed all this. Firstly, it can create some distrust among several people on his own side and disrupt the position of his own side; secondly, it can create some distrust among several people on his own side;

Come, he did not hesitate to sacrifice himself, apparently hoping that Li Ping could successfully kill them and save herself, so the information Aotian gave him mentioned that Green Scorpion and Owl Eagle were lovers should be correct, and the relationship was not shallow.

It's just that he really couldn't tell Lao Yi this point, because if he did, it would be like adding another pinch of salt to his wounds.

"Haha, are you dumb? Don't you really want to kill me? Which one is going to do it?" Owl Eagle has probably regained some energy, but is still provoking recklessly.

"You want to die, right? I'll do it!" Zhang Yang walked up, took a gun and shot him in the crotch!

Lao Yi and Tang Qiqi were startled by the sudden gunfire. After seeing that it was Zhang Yang, they subconsciously took a step back and released their hands to cover the crotch of the owl eagle, which was howling loudly.

Zhang Yang glanced at the two of them, stretched out his foot and stepped on the owl's face, then leaned down and whispered in his ear: "I know what you are thinking, but it's a pity that it's useless.


After saying that, he turned the muzzle of the gun sideways and shot his mouth again, then pointed the muzzle downward and shot him once in each thigh.

Owl Eagle could no longer move or speak. He could only stare at Zhang Yang with malicious eyes.

Zhang Yang smiled, squatted down, and seemed to be used to such bloody scenes, and said calmly: "I won't kill you, do you know why... You seem to want to know, right? Oh, you are so pitiful, you

After all, he is considered a man of great influence, so why not just tell you."

Zhang Yang stepped aside his bloody cheek and whispered something in his ear.

As soon as he finished speaking, Owl Eagle's eyes immediately widened, as if he wanted to swallow Zhang Yang immediately, and at the same time, he showed an expression of extreme pain.

The Ultimate Beauty Empire 266_The full text of The Ultimate Beauty Empire is free to read_Chapter 266 Let’s see who is more ruthless. The update is complete!

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