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Chapter 270 hurts all sensitive parts

The straight-line distance of more than 800 meters was actually more than 800 meters if he had to run across it. However, with the cover of Tang Qiqi and Lao Yi from the other direction, Zhang Yang's speed was much faster, more than 20 meters.

Minutes later, he arrived at Pan Ningning's position. During this period, Lao Yi and Tang Qiqi fired four bullets in total, which was very rare for a sniper.

Generally speaking, after a sniper fires a bullet, no matter whether the target is dead or not, he must move his position to prevent being counter-sniped or besieged. However, in order to cover Zhang Yang, Tang Qiqi and Lao Yi have been at the limit of the SVD range.

Move forward and backward on the road to attract the opponent's firepower.

Sure enough, the other party successfully attracted the attention of Tang Qiqi and Lao Yi and fought back twice. Fortunately, after Zhang Yang contacted Lao Yi, he and Tang Qiqi were not injured, but it made Zhang Yang worried.

Surprisingly, the opponent's two counterattacks were getting closer and closer to where Pan Ningning was staying. The most recent one was already 300 meters away.

This situation makes Zhang Yang feel happy and worried. On the one hand, he is happy that the other party is slowly approaching the place where Pan Ningning is hiding. It is probably because Pan Ningning is not dead, so the other party wants to go and confirm. What is worrying is that if the other party also

If they arrive and Pan Ningning is injured, it will be very difficult to escort Pan Ningning or rescue her down the mountain.

Not far away, there is a protruding rock. The rock is covered with moss. Behind the rock is a dense forest. According to the previous judgment of the anti-sniper sound detection system and the coordinates reported to him by Pan Ningning himself, this should be where Pan Ningning ambushed.

The place is.

Zhang Yang lowered his head and sniffed. Sure enough, he seemed to smell an extremely subtle smell of gunpowder smoke filling the air. He took a closer look with the scope. Sure enough, there seemed to be a flat indentation on the protruding position on the rock, with moss on it.

It had been chipped away, as if it had been carved by something.

The rock blends into the dense forest behind it. The dense forest can be used as a cover for the sniper to move his position. Rocks and moss are the best things to conceal the sniper.

Judging from the location of the rock, and just overlooking the scene below, it can be said that this place is an excellent sniping place.

But it is a perfect place. In the eyes of professional snipers, it is easy to become a counter-sniper target for others, but Pan Ningning is a professional shooter. He probably did not expect that the other party also had snipers, so he did it as a last resort, or to be more precise

To put it bluntly, she probably found this place temporarily to cover Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang looked at the time and saw that nearly half an hour had passed since the opponent's gun was fired. At the same time, he had lost contact with Pan Ningning for nearly half an hour. Even if Pan Ningning was only injured by the opponent, he would not be able to receive treatment just because he was bleeding.

If so, it would probably cause her to go into shock or even die.

So there is no need to delay any longer!

However, if you want to climb up the rock, you will be exposed and may become the target of enemy snipers.

But he didn't bother to think about it anymore. Saving people was like putting out fires. He couldn't waste a moment.

He lowered his body slightly, straightened the ssg69 on his back, took a deep breath, rushed out of the small forest, jumped up, grabbed the rock, and climbed up quickly.

Then roll on the spot!

"Bang!" As soon as his body hit the ground, a bullet hit the rock where he had just been clinging, and the flying debris scattered all over Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang didn't have time to take a closer look, but he touched the slippery moss with his hand. His body slipped again, and he slipped behind the rock. Then he fell down, as if he had fallen into a trench-like depression.

As soon as my body hit the ground and I flicked my hand, I felt like I touched a soft thing, and I felt that my waist was tightly held by a hard dagger-like thing. Fortunately, I was wearing a thick bulletproof vest, otherwise

If so, it is very likely that it will be directly stabbed to the core.

Zhang Yang hurriedly turned over and looked sideways, and found Pan Ningning, who was dressed in grass-green and curled up with a slim body, lying behind him, holding a gleaming military thorn in his hand.

Her beautiful eyes showed a trace of despair, but after seeing that it was Zhang Yang, she immediately turned into a look of astonishment. Her white and bloodless cherry lips pursed, her straight nose wrinkled slightly, and a trace of pain appeared on her face.

Se, "You...why are you here?"

Only then did Zhang Yang realize that on the rock wall he had just rolled down, there was an astonishing trace of blood extending from the top to where he was. Then he saw Pan Ningning pressed underneath, against the bulging peaks under the collarbone of his right chest.

, a patch of scarlet, and the blood had dyed her grass-green military uniform red. On the same side, her right thigh near her lower abdomen was also dark red, but it seemed to have been tied up with a bandage.

No wonder she couldn't move. It turned out that she was so seriously injured. It seemed that she was shot near the thigh and chest. They were all sensitive parts, but wasn't it just a gunshot?

Why are there two wounds on her body? If those bastards were snipers, they would be too obscene.

However, Zhang Yang didn't bother to ask any more questions, and hurriedly leaned down and asked her: "Don't talk so much, can you leave now? How many injuries are there?"

Pan Ningning frowned, licked her snow-white and dry cherry mouth, looked like are you an idiot, and shook her head speechlessly: "I injured a tendon in my left hand, dislocated my right hand, and fractured my left leg and calf..." He looked at himself again.

Her right thigh has already self-evidently explained her own injury.

Of course, Zhang Yang is not an idiot. She has basically seen Pan Ningning's injuries, except for one dislocation and one fracture. However, he has to confirm again. Otherwise, if he moves her body casually, it may cause serious injuries.

The second injury made it worse; and he also had to determine whether Pan Ningning was conscious at the moment. If he was confused, he would have to find another way.

Now that it was confirmed where she was injured and that she could still remain conscious, Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief. The injuries were indeed serious, but fortunately they were not fatal.

Right now, the most important thing is to stop her bleeding first. Otherwise, she is likely to go into shock due to excessive blood loss. At that time, without the enemy's sniper taking action, she will have to keep her life here.

She had already bandaged her thigh, and the bleeding had stopped, so she didn't need to touch it yet. But the gunshot wound under her collarbone, close to her pair of raging peaks, was still slowly bleeding.

Seep out...

The situation was still critical, and Zhang Yang had no way to treat her right now. However, he wanted to help her stop the bleeding first, but he was in a hurry and didn't bring the medical kit.

Pan Ningning looked at his eyes and glanced back and forth. She frowned slightly, glanced to one side, and said, "I brought... a medical bag, but it fell just now. It should be on the left side."

Zhang Yang turned around and looked, and sure enough, a bloodstained military green square medical bag was lying quietly in the grass at the foot of the rock.

Zhang Yang nodded: "I'll fix your right hand first..."

Pan Ningning glanced at him, her eyes seeming to ask, can you do it?

Zhang Yang just smiled. He had just spent three system points to learn battlefield first aid knowledge. Although the techniques were a little unfamiliar, he already understood the basic things, such as dislocation, bandaging, hemostasis, and triangular scarves.

It's all clear.

Zhang Yang reached out and gently held her right hand, probably because he had been holding a gun for a long time. Pan Ningning's hands were not as soft as Lulu's and others, and maybe because they had lost a lot of blood, their little hands were even a little cold.

Pan Ningning's snow-white neck wrinkled slightly, and her pale eyebrows wrinkled slightly, as if she was not used to having her hand held by someone of the opposite sex. However, after seeing Zhang Yang's serious and professional actions, she immediately expressed her surprise.

A different color takes its place.

"Bah!" Zhang Yang held the joint and rubbed it carefully, then found the right opportunity to pull hard. As Pan Ningning's brows suddenly tightened, Zhang Yang quickly straightened the position of her dislocated right hand, and then helped her

Knead it gently and then release it.

"Move and see!"

"When did you learn it?" Pan Ningning moved and immediately confirmed the effect. This kid is really good at it.

"Let's talk about it later. I'll get the medical kit to help you stop the bleeding first!"

"No!" After Pan Ningning was able to move his right hand, he pulled out a pistol from his waist, stared at the dense forest visible from his perspective, and said calmly, "The opponent is more than one person, and he is a very professional sniper. You have no chance."

And she actually has another concern. Her gunshot wound is just a little bit above her right chest. If she really wants to bandage it, then the plump peaks on her right side will definitely be exposed to him. Of course, this is just a concern, and it is not

Not the main reason.

Zhang Yang didn't know that she was thinking so much, but looked at the direction she was facing, which happened to be the only angle from which the opponent could attack, which showed her high professionalism.

With her as cover, Zhang Yang felt much more relieved. He knew that the opponent he had just jumped onto the rock would have been keeping an eye on this place, waiting for him to show his face.

And the other party must be confident. Since Zhang Yang came up, he must have saved people. Unless he didn't save people, he would have to climb up from the trench, or from the smooth slope on the edge of the trench where the medical bag was dropped.

Get out.

Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment, and quickly obtained the shooting direction of the opponent through his mobile phone. According to the system data, the opponent was now about 180 to 200 meters away from him, completely within the range of SVD.


Zhang Yang thought for a while and immediately called Lao Yi.

Pan Ningning, who was standing aside, saw him making a phone call. His face turned cold and he frowned and said, "Give me the phone! I know there is a troop stationed nearby. If you take a helicopter, it will take about three hours to arrive."

"If you had waited three hours, your blood would have been drained long ago." Zhang Yang looked at the phone in his hand and had already contacted Lao Yi.

"Boss! Are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Zhang Yang looked at Pan Ningning beside him, exhaled and said, "Sir, calculate the wind speed... After calculating it, when I call three, just let Tang Qiqi shoot at the calibrated target position!


"The distance is seven hundred and twenty-two meters, even if other factors are not taken into account... the effective range of SVD..."

"It doesn't matter, I believe Tang Qiqi can do it." Zhang Yang looked at Pan Ningning on the side. Although her right hand could move, it was obvious that her body was shaking slightly. Zhang Yang knew that this was due to excessive blood loss.

Signs of shock…

He couldn't wait any longer! He stared at the dark green forest in front of him, his eyes showing a trace of violent anger. Damn it, even if I use up all the 82 points I finally saved today, I will kill you all.

These bastards.

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