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Chapter 329 The effect of training

Zhang Yang felt uneasy. The tutorial said that one can quickly improve one's reaction ability and hand speed within one day, but now less than four hours have actually passed, and the results are yet to be seen.

If the effect is not great, it will be tragic. The crime of committing obscenity under the guise of training will definitely not escape. Will Xichen Jinglan be able to let herself go?

"I...I'll go up first, and you can go up later, okay?" When she reached the stairs, Xichen Jinglan hesitated and said.

Zhang Yang glanced at her and understood that she was doing this to avoid suspicion. She didn't want other beauties to see them going upstairs together and make people misunderstand what they were doing. However, the behavior of the beauty from Xichen was a bit too arrogant. This place didn't have three hundred taels of silver. Wouldn't it look like this?

Is it even weirder?

Of course, since she mentioned it like this, Zhang Yang didn't want to refute her. He just smiled and nodded: "It's okay. You go up first. I just happened to make a call." "Thank you!"

Xichen Jinglan heard this, thanked her, and then ran away with her head lowered.

Staring at her graceful and graceful back, Zhang Yang frowned slightly, Xichen family is a medicine

Heng, although their family is not specialized in production and manufacturing, it owns more than 6,000 large and small companies.

lock medicine

The store is absolutely jaw-dropping

Level sales

Sales platform.

Such a scary market shop

Goods capacity, may I ask which medicine?

Manufacturers don't want to cooperate with them. If Nuwa Pharmaceutical wants to develop rapidly in the future, it will definitely have to rely on them.

Therefore, from the bottom of my heart, Zhang Yang does not want today’s events to affect possible future cooperation.

I hope that damn tutorial isn't deceptive.

Slowly walked to the window and looked at the future Nuwa Group Headquarters building that was under construction not far away. I found that inadvertently, the outer frame of the building had been completed. From the perspective of the viewing angle, the top two or three floors had been completed.

The outer cover was put on and the interior decoration began. According to Zhou Lunfa, the building will be ready for use in May or June at the latest.

The renovation of the villa's wall has also been completed. Because a swimming pool was added to the expanded villa, Zhang Yang asked Zhou Lunfa to remodel the wall in order to prevent the beauties from leaking their love. The relationship between the wall and the main building of the villa was similar to that of a large stadium.

A retractable dome was built. {Extraordinary Hands. Open this chapter


In this way, not only can the beauties in the swimming pool be prevented from leaking their beauty, but also those who are interested in winter swimming can continue to swim in it if it encounters rainy days or winter.

But for now, it seems that they are all interested in playing games and wasting their time on this wonderful swimming pool. You must know that the swimming pool is facing his bedroom. As long as he opens the window, he can enjoy the beautiful spring scenery inside.

How can these beauties be so lazy? You must know that the true meaning of life lies in exercise. Playing games for a long time will cause the intervertebral disc to protrude. Even if it does not protrude, it will easily cause muscle damage. What's more, the slender waist

It will become thicker. If your small waist becomes thicker, your figure will be out of shape. If you go out of shape, go to bed...

Ah, bah. I’m thinking too much! Anyway, we have to let them use this swimming pool as soon as possible.

Jumping out of his reverie, Zhang Yang returned to reality. He first called Li Momo and asked about Aotian's current situation. Li Momo told him that he was still in a semi-conscious state, and it would not take long for him to wake up occasionally.

In short, Aotian already knew that Zhang Yang had seen him in the past, but he didn't say much.

Zhang Yang frowned slightly. He checked the Magic Eagle Eye surveillance system. It was obvious that there were three or four suspicious people watching outside the villa. He also intercepted the other person's face image and searched for their information, only to find that it was blank.

But when we used the super human flesh searcher to investigate their whereabouts, we discovered a problem.

Basically, they all came out of the Mening Railway Station on the first day of the new year, and they went straight to the construction site. After being introduced by fellow workers at the construction site, they took advantage of the large demand gap for workers at the beginning of the Spring Festival and successfully entered Zhou Lunfa's construction company.

Zhang Yang secretly asked Chen Tianxiong to obtain their ID card information, then went to their hometowns and used the system to expand the search scope. He soon discovered that these people had never appeared in the hometowns listed on their ID cards.

In other words, their identities can basically be confirmed as agents.

As for whether they came to stare at himself or Aotian, Zhang Yang didn't care. For now, he couldn't touch these people. After all, their identities were not underground killers like Spades Eight. He at least wanted to

First, we need to figure out what these people want to do and who is behind it.

So in the current situation, what exactly happened on New Year’s Eve is not understood clearly.

He couldn't rashly take Aotian back, lest someone else would try to catch a turtle in a jar.

At the moment, we can only hope that Aotian will recover as soon as possible and wait until the day when the truth comes out.

After hanging up the phone, she called Yang Jing again and asked about Mei Xin's condition. Yang Jing's voice sounded very good and she told him that Mei Xin could get out of bed and exercise occasionally, which reassured him.

"Then, remember to prepare on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. I will pick you up then." Zhang Yang reminded her.

"I'm not going back." Yang Jing muttered dissatisfiedly.

"You won't be able to see me if you don't come back." Zhang Yang deliberately told her in a serious tone.

Sure enough, Yang Jing hesitated and asked, "Why? Don't try to deceive me."

"You'll know then."

"You must have lied to me. You want to trick me into going back. I won't be fooled."

"It's true this time." Zhang Yang looked sad, "By the way, just leave Mei Xin to Lulu when the time comes. She will arrange for someone to take care of her."

"You bastard, what happened?" Although Yang Jing felt that Zhang Yang was lying to her, she couldn't help but asked curiously.

"I'm going on a long trip, it's quite far away, and I don't know when I will be able to come back this time, or if I will come back at all, so I should say goodbye to you in advance."

"Is it such an exaggeration?" Yang Jing was still doubtful, but after a while, she whispered, "I'll go over and see you now!"

Poof, it was self-defeating. Zhang Yang quickly changed his expression and said with a smile: "I'm kidding you!"

"Okay, if you dare to lie to your sister, I will ignore you from now on. Do what you say!"

After saying that, he was about to hang up the phone. Zhang Yang hurriedly muttered: "Wait a minute, it's true that I'm traveling far away. I'm going to the capital, but I don't know when I'll be back. You've been back for so many days. I miss you!"

"Why are you going to the capital? It's just the Spring Festival?"

Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment, pursed his lips, and whispered: "Go to Qiao's house!"

"Oh, then you have to be careful and remember to behave well!" Yang Jing's tone turned gentle, "Don't embarrass my sister."

"I know, Sister Jing." Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly became a little wet.

Not long after I hung up the phone, there was a sound of kicking footsteps at the top of the stairs. It was like a factory ringing the end of the day bell. A group of people swarmed out.

I looked back and saw Gao Qi, Dan Ying, Dan Tong, Liu Zixuan and others rushing over in a hurry.

"Okay, you Yangzi, tell me why you sneaked downstairs just now and were so partial. You only taught Jinglan, but not us."

"What's wrong?" Seeing their fierce looks, Zhang Yang subconsciously took a step back.

"Go and see for yourself." Big Boobs took Zhang Yang's hand and dragged him directly to the fifth floor.

After going up to the fifth floor, they found Qiao Xier, Xu Danlu, and Tang Qiqi surrounding Xichen Jinglan, all of them with their eyes wide open.

Zhang Yang walked over and took a look. Xichen Jinglan was fighting in a melee on the Haofang platform. When Zhang Yang arrived, she had just blasted the head of a CT with an AK47. Looking at her results, Zhang Yang was stunned for a while.

The record is 21 to 1, which means she died once and killed 21 people. This is nothing. The most important thing is that she only played three rounds, which means she killed an average of seven people in one round.

Moreover, the server in this melee is still the same server she entered in the morning. The level has improved too fast, right?

No wonder everyone around her looked dumbfounded.

"Look, look, what kind of magic are you using? This Jinglan is so unbelievable." Gao Qi grabbed his elbow, his face full of envy and jealousy.

After Zhang Yang watched for a while, he quickly discovered the difference. Although Xichen Jinglan's operation methods have improved a lot, compared with before, the progress is not obvious, but her hand speed and reaction ability are obviously higher now.

When they meet each other on a narrow road, she can often attack the opponent nearly half a second earlier than the opponent.

In the game, being able to react correctly half a second earlier than your opponent is absolutely incredible and makes people want to live.

"Sister Jinglan, what's your hand speed and reaction ability now?" Liu Zixuan finally couldn't help but ask, and she naturally saw the obvious difference between Xichen Jinglan and before.

"I don't know!" After torturing her opponent, Xichen Jinglan seemed to have forgotten all her unhappiness, and responded with a smile, two light dimples blooming on her pretty fair face.

"Let's take a test." Liu Zixuan's eyes were starry as he forcefully pulled her out of her position, and then Gao Qi took her place.

The so-called hand speed, also known as apm, means the maximum number of operations that can be completed in one minute. Generally, StarCraft or World of Warcraft players have the most requirements for this. It is said that many professional players can reach 300 hand speed. Of course, the faster the hand speed

It does not mean that it is more powerful. The most important thing is its effective operands.

In CS, hand speed is important, but reaction ability is even higher.

Liu Zixuan and the others had a software specifically designed to test hand speed and reaction ability a long time ago. After clicking on it, they pressed Xichen Jinglan, sat on it, and started testing.

"apm325, the reaction ability is 0.18 seconds..." Liu Zixuan stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes. This was already worse than that of a professional player. "Didn't you have an apm of 98 before? And the reaction ability is 0.328 seconds. Is there any mistake?

, let me try."

As soon as she sat on it, she tested it, apm127, and her reaction time was 0.302 seconds, which was a long way behind Xichen Jinglan. Her eyes turned green at that time. You must know that she had been pressing Xichen Jinglan hard before.

A lot of them, but now they are thrown out of the sky by her. This is too sad.

"No, Brother Zhang Yang, how did you train Sister Jinglan? I want it too!" Liu Zixuan flicked the mouse, stood up like a gust of wind, stared at Zhang Yang and muttered, even the words "brother" that he had never used before came out.


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