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Chapter 35 Junior brother, you are a bull

Seven minutes later, Zhang Yang left Xu Danlu tiredly. He had already sent the content of advanced fighting skills to Xu Danlu. As for how much she could master, it was unknown. One thing he could be sure of was that all fighting skills

It has been subtly integrated into her brain. Under normal circumstances, she only needs to practice for a while and she will be fine.

However, the disadvantage of this teleportation technique is that it consumes too much mental energy. Originally, he was a little tired from rushing back from Shanghai, but now it only took less than seven minutes, and he looked like he was about to collapse from exhaustion.

But it was worth it, because as soon as he passed on the advanced fighting skills to her, a voice popped up from the system: "Teaching advanced fighting skills to the star replenisher No. 32 is successful. The reward system points are twenty points. Your current total is

The points are forty-three, and the title is a promising young man. Please continue to work hard..."

Zhang Yang was shocked. He actually got points like this, and there were so many points. He was so prosperous.

In addition, Nuwa's system is becoming more and more official now, and she doesn't speak sloppily. However, Zhang Yang can't help but feel refreshed with forty-three points. In other words, he can now apply for an M-level by spending thirty points.

The rewards for any M-level mission in this system are extremely tempting.

Before leaving the hotel, he went to the front desk and asked Gao Qi to help look after Xu Danlu and asked her to get some food for Xu Danlu after she woke up.

Big Butt looked at the clock across the hall and gave him a thumbs up: "Awesome."


"Uh, what? It took an hour and a half, but my girl can't get out of bed. You're awesome." Gao Qi showed a meaningful smile and looked sideways. The girl at the front desk just went to pour water, so she came over.

Zhang Yang asked in a low voice, "Have you worn a condom?"

Zhang Yang had a black line on his face: "Next time those bastards come, don't look for me."

"No, I'm just complimenting you..."

Zhang Yang stared at the pair of huge weapons on her chest, and suppressed the urge to spend thirty system points to verify whether this girl was a star replenisher. He once again told her: "She likes light food, so let's have her food delivered."

Don’t be too greasy when eating.”

"Oh, you're quite attentive." Gao Qi curled his lips, but still took a note and wrote it down. Then he thought of something, and said softly with his dark eyes rolling, "Is this the first time?

If it’s your first time, you can eat sugared eggs, red dates or something to replenish it.”

"Senior sister..." Zhang Yang was speechless, glanced at her and said, "You are quite experienced, your first boyfriend also gave you candy eggs?"

After he finished speaking, Gao Qi blushed, rolled his eyes at Zhang Yang, and said angrily: "Forget it if you don't appreciate it, I just listened to what the old man said."

"Yes, I appreciate your kindness, but I want to ask you something. Don't bring bad luck to my Luluha, senior sister." Zhang Yang said, cupping his hands.

"How could I possibly lead her astray? She can't lead me astray."

"Thank you then. Let's go now. I'll settle the rent and other matters with you in a few days." Zhang Yang looked at the time and saw that the time agreed upon with Qiao Xier was almost here, so he walked towards the door of the hotel.

"Okay, okay, take it from the 70,000 yuan." Gao Qi rolled his eyes at him and muttered from behind, "Don't forget, you have to come to work at night."

Zhang Yang nodded speechlessly: "I understand, boss."

As soon as they reached the door, Beauty Qiao drove up to the door in a red A6. She glanced at him and without saying anything, she took off her sunglasses and said, "Get in the car!"

At the front desk of the hotel, Gao Qi saw Qiao Xier in a6. She was so surprised that she couldn't help but roll her eyes: "This man is incredible. The one on the bed is still lying on the bed. Now he is looking for a new love. They are both top-notch."

." While saying this, she couldn't help but look down at the pair of huge weapons on her chest. She seemed to be very good as well.

Of course, Zhang Yang didn't hear it, and he would probably faint if he heard what he said.

The journey from the Qingyuan Hotel to the Molecular Cell Laboratory was a little more than a kilometer, but Miss Qiao drove and completed the journey in less than a minute. Zhang Yang despised her from the bottom of his heart, and this was on campus.

"I just received a notice that Dr. Hill, Chairman of UICC, will be visiting the day after tomorrow morning together with Academician Hao, Chairman of the China Anti-Cancer Alliance. The main purpose of their visit is to see our previous scientific research results." After getting out of the car, Josh

Ercai said the reason, "But you know, the theories you provide now can only create super gene cells. By the way, we named them Zhangyang cells..."

Zhang Yang felt a chill: "Zhang Yang cells?"

"Any questions? This is a very high honor."

"Please, I'd rather you call it Joshil cells."

"Virtue!" Qiao Xier rolled her eyes at him, "No one else can ask for it."

When the Molecular Cell Laboratory arrived, Zhang Yang stood at the door, stopped and said, "I'm serious, if I don't change my name, I'll die in front of you."

"Come on, hurry in." Qiao Xier was so angry that she pushed him in.

In the office, in addition to Professor Shangguan Hong, Professor Zheng Yuntai and Professor Ding Pengshan, there were two more unfamiliar foreigners. Seeing Zhang Yang, Academician Zheng Yuntai introduced to Zhang Yang: "This is Professor Enrid, an academician of the Royal New Zealand Academy of Sciences and a cancer expert from Cuba.

Dr. Ruihe, an oncologist from the Academy of Sciences, is a visiting professor at the Mei University School of Medicine and an expert in molecular immunology. Starting today, they will officially join our "Dragonborn" research team."

Then he introduced to Enrid and Reh in English: "Here, I would also like to solemnly introduce to you two that Zhang Yang is the proposer of our super anti-cancer cancer theory."

"What?" Enrid grabbed the reading glasses placed on the table, put them on, then stared at Zhang Yang for a while, as if looking for acne on his face, and then burst out a series of fluent words


Zhang Yang was dumbfounded. English? Oh, wow! Zhang Yang was heartbroken, I'm sorry for Teacher Yang! Because speaking English so fast was just a blur to him.

Seeing that Zhang Yang was like a piece of wood, Qiao Xier on the side also had black lines on her face and hurriedly helped him translate.

"Professor Shangguan, it turns out that the super anti-cancer cancer theory released by our school was proposed by such a young man? This is incredible. I have seen the framework of that theory, and even a professional senior doctoral student has not

There is no way to write something like that. No, even if you gather the wisdom of the world's top genetic engineering experts, you can't do it. And now you say that this theory was proposed by this young man. This can no longer be described as a miracle. It can be

It’s appropriate to use science fiction.”

Shangguan Hong smiled bitterly and said: "Dr. David, in fact, this is the truth. I haven't explained it to you before. First, because Zhang Yang asked us to keep it secret. Second, to be honest, we ourselves can't believe it."

Eyes, if we hadn't encountered difficulties now, we wouldn't have let you join this research group."

"Oh, it's such an honor. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to witness this historical moment. As a member of Meizhou University, I am extremely proud. In addition, I would venture to say, Zhang Yang, although I am not your doctoral supervisor, but if you

If you are willing, I can help you apply for the opportunity to study at the University of Otago and provide at least one million US dollars in research funds... Hehe, of course, this requires your consent, Professor Zheng." Enrid said at the end, knowing that he

I got too carried away and stopped talking quickly.

Although there were some useless words in front of him, Zhang Yang still had a good impression of Enrid. He had no other intentions. One million US dollars was a huge sum of money. Oh my god, where is the school that provides one million US dollars in study subsidies?

Seeing the gleaming look in Zhang Yang's eyes, Professor Shangguanhong couldn't sit still: "Okay, we believe Professor Enrid is joking, let's get down to business."

Professor Shangguan Hong said in English, "Chairman of UICC and Academician Hao, Chairman of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Alliance, will visit our school the day after tomorrow. The purpose of this visit is self-evident, which is the super anti-cancer cancer theory we proposed. Originally, this news

We didn’t announce it, but when we applied for scientific research funds in the hospital, the news was leaked to the press.”

He reached out and knocked on the table in front of him and sighed: "So we had to announce this news without complete preparation. But now we discovered that although this theory is shocking, it has a fatal flaw.

How do we suppress it?"

"This news was released by Mei University, so of course we have to make up for this loophole ourselves. Everyone here is an expert in this field. Time is tight. It is impossible to develop its corresponding harmless suppressor gene now.

I came here today mainly to hear your opinions and whether there are any other rescue measures."

He looked at Zhang Yang, who was sitting at the end and was as unresponsive as a log, and said in Chinese: "Ahem... Xi'er, please translate it for him!"

Qiao Xier glanced at Zhang Yang with a look that could kill people. The latter asked with a harmless look: "I have acne on my face?"

"Take good care of your English classes. Even if you are recommended, you will have to study at least sixty English reports to be eligible for graduation, hum!"

Zhang Yang was depressed. English was indeed one of his weaknesses. In fact, the students at Mei University were pretty good at English, not to mention the students from the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and the Department of International Trade. Even a scumbag like Zhou Wei would have been a long time ago.

I just passed Level 4, and now I'm alone in the dormitory and shamelessly hanging around.

It seems that I have to let Xu Danlu teach me some other time, that Nizi seems to have even passed Level 6.

"In fact, this super-resistant cancer cell alone is enough to make Dr. Hill and Academician Hao look at each other. However, if there is no corresponding suppressor gene, it cannot be called a complete victory over cancer. It can be said that for now, this is not a success.

A perfect miracle. So I hope you can brainstorm and help find a temporary solution so that it won't be too embarrassing even if you are asked."

After Professor Shangguan Hong finished speaking, several of the world's leading biogenetic experts fell silent.

For a long time, Dr. Ruihe, who had been silent for a long time, looked away from the computer in front of him and opened his mouth: "I'm sorry, I have been reading this theory written by Zhang Yang just now. I won't say more words of praise, because for a

If a future Nobel laureate in medicine says too many good things, I will appear to be too pretentious."

"As for suppressing genes, you should have heard about the aln-vsp agent developed by Alniram Company. It directly prevents cells from producing pathogenic proteins by interfering with RNA through ribonucleic acid, which means blocking the blood flow of liver tumor cells and starving the cancer to death.

cells, but now it is only applicable to liver cancer, but it has the same effect as the super gene proposed by Zhang Yang."

"It's just that the biggest difference between the two is that Zhang Yang's super gene combines the characteristics of all tumor suppressor genes such as p53 and rb, and has an even more terrifying feature of its rapid and automatic replication. I think if we want to suppress such a

The development of super genes will be as difficult as proposing a new theory of super anti-cancer cells, and it will probably be even harder."

"So the conclusion is that in the short term, I'm afraid it will be difficult..."

Before Dr. Reh finished speaking, Enrid immediately knocked on the table and reminded him: "Dr. Stocking, have you forgotten an old Chinese saying? To untie the bell, you must tie the bell. Since Zhang Yang can propose

With this theory, he must have already had a countermeasure."

"Haha, David, you reminded me. If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten it. It seems that I still haven't recovered from the shock just now." Ruihe took off his glasses and put down the laptop in front of him.

Closing the lid, he turned to Zhang Yang and said in broken Chinese, "Zhang, maybe we should listen to your thoughts."

Everyone looked at Zhang Yang with expectations. Judging from their expressions, they no longer regarded Zhang Yang as a student, but as a senior scientist with the same status as them.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and finally realized that these seniors had probably dug a hole for him to jump out of.

Zhang Yang felt depressed for a while. He looked embarrassed at first, and then gritted his teeth as if he had made a lot of determination and said, "Well, this thing is really my mistake, but you have to give it to me.

It will take me two days to help you find the relative suppressor gene for this thing."

Qiao Xier subconsciously helped her finish the translation.

Then she realized that as soon as she finished speaking, everyone in the conference room except her and Zhang Yang turned to stone, and their glasses fell to the floor.

"Hey, you bastard, even if you have a baby, you have to carry it for ten months, two days? Are you kidding me?" Qiao Xier ignored the presence of so many big shots and directly poked Zhang Yang's waist to remind him.

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