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Chapter 354 Either wash together

Zhang Yang was stunned, staring at her pretty face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and hugged himself involuntarily. Although the snow had stopped at noon, the weather was still unbearably cold.

Compared with the weather, Qiao Xier's attitude made him even more confused: "Sister Qiao, if I guessed correctly, do you want me to go to the appointment? No... no... I won't go."

He shook his head like a rattle and refused.

"You must go to this appointment." Qiao Xier looked at Zhang Yang with a smile, a strange smile on her face.

"Don't you think there is a conspiracy in this?" Zhang Yang frowned and said, "I don't believe it. She is really willing to fulfill her promise and accompany me..."

"As for Cai Bing, I don't admire her for anything else, but in terms of keeping her promise, she does a pretty good job." Qiao Xier looked at Zhang Yang and said with a smile.

, "People keep their promises, so of course you have to keep your appointments. Otherwise, if you really want to buy clothes, why would I deliberately go through such a long circle and come here to buy them." Hand-made, the house provides downloads of this book.

"So, this is actually not a coincidence?" Zhang Yang suddenly realized that no wonder Qiao Xier deliberately turned all the way and ran here. It turned out that it was just to reach the opposite side of the Case Hotel.

"Of course." Qiao Xier nodded, "Besides, if you don't go, won't it appear that I, Qiao Xier, am petty, and you will be even more embarrassed, saying that you are not even as good as a girl."

"Of course, I also know that she won't let you succeed easily, so I was suddenly very interested in what tricks she wanted to play." Qiao Xier stared at the Case Hotel opposite, gently touching her chin in thought.


"It seems like God's will." Zhang Yang suddenly remembered the mission to find the Star Replenisher that was refreshed every month. The identity of Qiao Xier's Star Replenisher had been confirmed, so when the refresh time came, he would already be by her side.

It's meaningless. Since God's will is this, we might as well go and see if Cai Bing will be the next target for the Star Replenishment Envoy.

"Chapter 354: What is God's will to do together?" Qiao Xier asked with some confusion.

"Nothing, okay, Sister Qiao, then I'll go up and take a look, but I can assure you that I will never do anything to regret you." Zhang Yang raised a palm and said.

"Well, I believe you." Qiao Xier turned around with a smile, kissed him, and then whispered in his ear, "But even if you really did something to her, I won't blame you.

You, but remember it for me and remember to take pictures..."

"Uh...you wouldn't dare even if you gave me ten courages."

Qiao Xier glanced at him: "Also, remember to wear a condom."

"Poof!" Zhang Yang almost fell down after walking a few steps.

In room s4507, as soon as Zhang Yang asked the front desk, the girl at the front desk glanced at him and said with a smile: "You are Mr. Zhang, right? Please follow me."

Then he took Zhang Yang to room s4507. Zhang Yang took a look and saw a big V hanging on the door. It seemed to be a VIP room. The girl at the front desk knocked on the door, then smiled meaningfully at Zhang Yang and left wisely.


The door opened, and a faint smell of orchids came to my face.

Zhang Yang took a glance, and standing in front of him was a tall woman with long hair and a fair face. She also wore a pair of wide sunglasses that covered most of her face, but she

The thin lips that were slightly tilted upward, with a touch of omniscience and confidence, and the proud peaks rising up under the black sweater, which were almost as high as Gao Qi's, made Zhang Yang recognize her quickly.

This is undoubtedly Cai Bing.

Her dress is similar to her name, cold, with a black coat with a vertical collar on the outside, a black V-neck sweater on the inside, a dark gray scarf wrapped around her neck, and a black pleated skirt underneath.

Wearing thick black thermal stockings and a pair of tall black boots, she was all dressed in black.

The Cai family seemed to have a special affinity with the color black. Zhang Yang couldn't help but think of Cai Yu's black crow.

The biggest difference between the two is the huge difference in skin color. One is like goat milk curdled jade, and the other is like freshly dug coal.

It’s really hard to think that they are cousins. Are they really related by blood?

"Coming?" Cai Bing said lightly, her voice was very nice, unlike the previous one that was distorted by digital simulation of electronic circuits, with a sweetness that penetrated the heart, making people unable to feel her.

She is a boring business woman.

She looked at the watch on her wrist and said, "It's quite on time."

Then she closed the door, stepped on the thick carpet, and walked forward. Sure enough, this was an extremely luxurious VIP room.

To the left of the door is a bathroom of at least ten square meters, then a living room, a brown bar, and a large white bed in the middle of the room. Beside the big bed is a small cyan marble step.

Walking up the steps, there is a huge floor-to-ceiling window directly in front of you. Through the floor-to-ceiling window, you can easily overlook the excellent city scenery that this behemoth more than 100 meters high can reach.

If it is at night, the night view will be even more spectacular.

At this height, doing something that all men like to do with a bird's eye view of all living beings, that's so... bah, what are you thinking about?

Zhang Yang was stunned, looked at Cai Bing who was wearing sunglasses, and smiled.

"Why are you laughing?" Cai Bing asked with a frown at the corner of her mouth.

"Wearing sunglasses in the room in broad daylight? Aren't you tired?"

"I'm happy to." Cai Bing responded with some discomfort, but still took off her sunglasses. Sure enough, her eyes were also very good-looking. The eyeballs were not pure black, but there was a sense of confidence and Ao.

Jiao, when you stare at someone, it seems to be piercing into their heart, as if you want to dig out the deepest secrets hidden in others' hearts.

Even Zhang Yang was a little reluctant to make eye contact with her. He felt like a little kid in front of her, although in fact, based on his age, he could only be considered her little kid.

"Isn't this pretty?" Zhang Yang, who was uncomfortable being stared at by her like a cat and a mouse, looked back at her decisively. When a woman wants to conquer you with her eyes, all you can do is use her eyes to conquer you.

He responded to her with a look that made her even more unable to cope.

So Zhang Yang decisively stared at her pair of plump peaks with an unscrupulous look, as if the V-neck black sweater she was wearing, the possible thermal underwear behind the sweater, and the cover behind the thermal underwear did not exist in front of him.

Cover is average.

"It's pretty, isn't it?" Cai Bing had a trace of contempt and disdain in his eyes. He turned his head towards the bathroom, turned slightly to one side, and said calmly: "Go take a shower first. I don't like unclean men."

"Let's wash it together. I don't like dirty women either."

Cai Bing's eyes flashed with disgust, but he quickly covered it up and said calmly: "I've already washed it."

"Have you washed it?" Zhang Yang stretched out his hand, curled his index finger, and gently rubbed his nose, "After washing it, why can I still smell a strange smell, like the rancid smell of rotting orchids?"

Cai Bing smiled, stared at Zhang Yang, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "You want to deliberately provoke me?"

"No." Zhang Yang shook his head, "I just want to sincerely invite you to take a shower with me."

Cai Bing's nose twitched slightly and a blush appeared on her face: "I don't like washing with men."

"There has to be a first time for everything, just like it's your first time to sleep with a man today, isn't it?" Zhang Yang replied with a smile.

"Who told you that it was my first time to sleep with a man?" Cai Bing's eyes flashed with anger, even murderous intent.

But Zhang Yang didn't care and still stared at her with a smile: "Whether it's the first time or not, we'll know later."

"Haha, it's no wonder that a little vixen like Qiao Xier would be seduced by you. It seems that you really have a way with women." Cai Bing turned his anger into a smile, "But this kind of hard-to-get game is not good for me.


"Who is playing hard to get with you? Frankly speaking, I have seen many beauties, and some of them are better than you, so I have no sexual interest in you." Zhang Yang deliberately emphasized the word "sex", "The reason why

I came here just to see how Miss Cai wants to cheat? That's all."

"Why are you so sure that I will cheat?" Cai Bing felt very unhappy, but still asked with a calm expression on her face.

Zhang Yang glanced at her, lowered his head, and slowly moved closer to her chest, his nose almost touching her towering peaks. Cai Bing subconsciously took a small step back, and a look of disgust flashed through his eyes again.

"Haha, do you see, if you really want to come here and sacrifice your body, is this the case?"

"Zhang Yang, you underestimate me. I admit that I hate you, but that doesn't mean I won't keep my promise."

"That's fine, I don't like you either, but I can still be tough." Zhang Yang smiled and responded lightly.

"You are such a disgusting shameless person." Cai Bing stared at Zhang Yang, simply no longer hiding the look of disgust in his beautiful eyes.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes, frowned, stared at her, and said helplessly: "Miss Cai, if you came here today just to ask me to quarrel, then if you don't accompany me, your damn promise will go to hell.

Come on, goodbye."

After saying that, Zhang Yang walked directly towards the door of the room, preparing to leave.

"Wait!" Cai Bing stopped him, hesitated, and said decisively, "I'll wash it with you."

There is definitely something fishy here. Rationally, it is the best idea to take away the talent when it is good at this moment, but Zhang Yang is really curious about what kind of tricks this woman wants to play, and he is even more curious about whether this Cai Bing is the target of the Star Replenishment Envoy.


After entering the bathroom, Zhang Yang glanced around a few times, and sure enough he saw an inconspicuous place that seemed to have a camera installed.

This woman? Does she still want to secretly film herself taking a shower?

Okay, let’s see who plays who.!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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