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Chapter 466 I didn't see anything...

"Have you forgotten that you are naked and have no clothes on now?" Zhang Yang responded to her carefully with his lips, then reached out and poked Yan Xichen outside the shower room, reminding her: "Ask her to bring you clothes.


"Oh..." Lin Shanshan patted her head, wondering why she hadn't thought of this.

Then he looked out through the small gap that opened.

Zhang Yang discovered that at this moment, Yan Xichen was pulling up the hem of her nightgown, and then a white and smooth body was exposed. Her upper body was actually empty.

The pair of plump jade peaks, which ranked among the top five beauties Zhang Yang knew, could not help but sway up and down as she took off her clothes, causing the bright red buds at the top to tremble.

Excellent, Zhang Yang swallowed hard.

Lin Shanshan glanced at Zhang Yang inadvertently, and after seeing his eyes, she couldn't help but reach out and poke his waist... You big pervert.

Just when Yan Xichen slid the white underwear down to her knees, revealing the alluring scenery of her mysterious part, Zhang Yang hurriedly reminded Lin Shanshan: "If you don't speak again, you will have no chance."

Lin Shanshan looked at the shape of his mouth, came to her senses, and spoke hurriedly, as if in a panic: "Oops, Chenchen, I forgot something."

"What's wrong?" Yan Xichen asked casually as she bent her slender waist, lifted up one of her slender, snow-white legs, and took off her underwear.

"I forgot to bring a change of pajamas. I accidentally dropped the pair you just gave me." Lin Shanshan pretended to say something, "Please lend me your blue lace nightgown."

Let me put it on."

Hearing this, Yan Xichen, who was about to take off all her underwear, had to stop what she was doing, hold one side of her underwear in one hand, and stood up, facing the shower room...

Cross! She was facing Zhang Yang, and the scenery of her mysterious part came into Zhang Yang's sight almost completely.

Another great fan…

Over there, Yan Xichen didn't even know that Zhang Yang had seen all of her beautiful cc nude. He raised his feet and was about to take off the other half, and said at the same time: "It's okay, Zhang Yang is already asleep anyway, wait."

You can run out naked now. Besides, if he hits you, just go along with it. If you want him to be responsible, don't you like him?"

After saying that, he laughed twice as he thought he had succeeded.

When Lin Shanshan heard this, she really wanted to rush out and chop her into pieces. It was really hard to pick up the pot. If she kept talking, she would lose all face in front of Zhang Yang.

"Chenchen..." Lin Shanshan was speechless and had no choice but to resort to the enemy's trick, "I don't care, if you don't help me get clothes, I...I...wait for you to take a bath and call Zhang Yang to come and see you.

**.You have to remember that this door cannot be locked."

"Uh..." Yan Xichen was really shocked by her. "Are you going to be so cruel? I...I don't believe he dares to break in?"

"If you don't dare, I'll tell you that you fainted again." Lin Shanshan thought for a while and added, "I can't move you this time."

"You're cruel..." Yan Xichen decisively raised her feet again, instead of taking off her underwear, she put the half-taken-off underwear back on, and then put on her nightgown.

Stepping on her slippers, she opened the bathroom door, then closed the bathroom door and walked out.

Lin Shanshan and Zhang Yang looked at each other and finally..." Heaving a sigh of relief, Zhang Yang randomly picked up his clothes and didn't want to wear them anymore, so he ran back to his room at lightning speed.

However, as soon as the clothes were put on his body, he heard footsteps coming from the door again, as Yan Xichen left and returned.

Oh, Zhang Yang had no choice but to hide in the shower room again in despair.

Fortunately, Yan Xichen just complained softly at the door: "Why do you want that blue suit? It's for summer, so it's hard to find."

"Oh, no matter what, I want that suit, I'm used to wearing that suit, please, please." Lin Shanshan stamped her feet.

"I've convinced you." Hearing this, Yan Xichen had no choice but to leave angrily.

This time Zhang Yang was not so careless. After listening carefully to the sound of her leaving footsteps, he nodded to Lin Shanshan and whispered: "I'm really leaving this time."

"Then you still won't leave?"

All the hard work was in vain. The feeling of being suddenly interrupted in the middle of the pleasure was as uncomfortable as being caught having an affair. But in this situation, it was impossible not to leave, so I had to stare at her with reluctance.

She took a few glances at the snow-white and tender body, hugged her clothes, and first took a look outside.

The light in the living room was not turned on, but the door of Yan Xichen's room was open. The soft light inside shone through the open door, and Yan Xichen was stepping on a stool and rummaging for something in the closet.

The thing, it looks like it should be the blue nightgown that Lin Shanshan wants.

The opportunity was too good to miss and would never come again. Zhang Yang didn't hesitate for a moment, then secretly opened the bathroom door and crept out.

Over there, Yan Xichen was still looking for clothes attentively, but he didn't find him.

"The Best Beauty Empire Chapter 466: I didn't see anything..." Zhang Yang raised the corner of his mouth slightly, then hugged his clothes and plunged naked into the darkness.

After succeeding, Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief. With his skills, it was obviously an easy task to avoid someone like Yan Xichen, who probably didn't know martial arts.

Over there, Yan Xichen probably found her nightgown. She stepped on the stool and stepped on it to the ground.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang also arrived at the door of his room at the same time.

It was so thrilling that Zhang Yang couldn't help but reached out and patted his chest, then pushed open the door...

Uh... Damn it, whoever kills you with a thousand swords has closed the door to his own room. This is the rhythm of running to death.

When he came out, the door was obviously still ajar, so why was it closed tightly now? Ci'ao, Zhang Yang suddenly burst into sweat.

Run back to the bathroom? Not to mention running back to the bathroom, he didn't even have time to run and hide from the sand that was so close.

Because Yan Xichen had already walked out of the door of her room holding a blue nightgown.

She walked directly towards the bathroom in a nonchalant manner. Zhang Yang could only say nothing and pressed his body close to his door, praying that the darkness would have a covering effect.

In fact, he might have succeeded just a little bit. But after Yan Xichen took a few steps forward, his body stiffened instantly, and he stopped in place as if his acupuncture points had been tapped.

Then turn back decisively.

Then, a scream came out: "Ah!!!"

Then, he immediately rushed to the switch on the side and pressed it all at once.

The splendor shone everywhere. The dark night suddenly became as bright as day. Zhang Yang could only hug his clothes tightly, but it was okay. Just now, he put on a pair of underwear with lightning speed to cover up.

The most critical part, but despite this, this scene is still embarrassing.

Image. This image is completely ruined.

Imagine a wretched man wearing only a pair of underwear, holding pants and a warm cotton coat in his hands, lying like a gecko outside his room, what a scene it would be like.

So, not surprisingly, Yan Xichen's eyes widened.

To Zhang Yang's surprise, after she screamed just now, after turning on the light in the living room, she suddenly became silent. A pair of beautiful eyes stared at the almost naked Zhang Yang.

After a long while, he screamed again, then took three steps in two steps, first ran to his room, then felt something was wrong, and hurriedly ran to the bathroom.

Well, she was somewhat righteous. She still remembered that there was Lin Shanshan in the bathroom.

But, eldest sister, can you please open the door to my room? Zhang Yang saw her running away, so he silently put on his trousers, and then silently put on his clothes.

"Pervert, I didn't expect that the boss of Nuwa Group is actually a big pervert." Yan Xichen leaned against the bathroom door in shock, stretched out her little hands and patted her tall chest, while she slowly pulled up her blue skirt.

Lin Shanshan said as she put it on.

Lin Shanshan had seen the whole process clearly in the bathroom, so the only thing she could do at the moment was to listen silently and be a loyal listener.

Of course, based on the fact that she and Zhang Yang are friends, she also has to defend Zhang Yang appropriately.

"Is it just a coincidence? Zhang Yang's "Entertainment Show" is not such a person."

"That's not the case. You must have been deceived by him. You forgot that we were taking a shower just now. He must have come to peek at us taking a shower. While he was peeking at us taking a shower, he was masturbating..."

Lin Shanshan really didn't understand the word "Lu|Guan?" when she heard it.

"Oh, it means...it means a man is masturbating." After all, he was born in a school where science students are everywhere. Yan Xichen's pretty face turned slightly red and he explained very straightforwardly.

Lin Shanshan was speechless after hearing this, "Poor Zhang Yang, you saved Chenchen's life in vain. Now your image in her mind has turned into that of a voyeur. No, you are still watching a girl take a shower."

It's so sad to see that wretched man fucking around.

"Chenchen, I think you may have misunderstood. I don't believe he is such a person." Lin Shanshan began to sympathize with Zhang Yang now. After all, she was also responsible.

She now regards Zhang Yang as her closest man, and she can't tolerate others belittling Zhang Yang in front of her. Yan Xichen is her best friend, and she really doesn't want them to have feelings for each other.

But it was really difficult for her to reveal the truth to Yan Xichen, and she didn't know how to explain it.

So I had no choice but to defend Zhang Yang in somewhat pale language.

"Then tell me, why is he sneakily hiding in the living room with his butt naked and his clothes on his back?"

"Uh...this..." Lin Shanshan suddenly found that she, who was always eloquent, was at a loss for words.

But when she was awkwardly thinking about how to explain to Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang's voice came from outside the bathroom door in time.

"I...I think I can explain why." To be continued.)

ps: Thank you brothers and sisters for your generous rewards and precious monthly votes today.


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Thank you to the following brothers for your valuable monthly votes

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I solemnly recommend that Sanyang Pig Juju has just been lifted from the ban. You know the ban has been lifted.


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