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Chapter 294 You are ruthless!


The fire was raging, and the extremely hot and strong "Fire Yang True Fire" combined with the surprisingly terrifying high temperature inside the "Black Volcano of Death" instantly swallowed up the Tiandao Pattern Stone and the "Nine Fires True Dragon Cover" in Lin Xi's hands.

The interior of the "Black Volcano of Death" contains a large amount of "Essence of Forged Fire of the Earth", and the temperature is extremely high. If you throw a magic weapon down, it will melt into molten iron within a few breaths.

This is also the reason why this volcano attracts a large number of Qi refiners to come here to sacrifice and refine magic weapons.

Qi refiners in the immortal world can only gain a foothold here by burning the true energy at the expense of isolating the flames. Normal sacrificial magic weapons. Once the true energy is exhausted, they must emerge from the magma and leave the volcano as soon as possible. Otherwise,

It will fall short.

Therefore, during the smelting process of a magic weapon, the volcanic magma often emerges for "breathing" multiple times. Even a fire-type gas refiner will have a limited endurance. When the limit is reached, he still has to leave the magma.


However, Lin Xi is different. The "scorching sun" has no limits at all in this extremely hot environment. Not only that, it can also be improved by using this volcanic energy.


The Nine Fire True Dragon Cover gradually melted in this extremely hot environment. Together with the "Tiandao Pattern Stone", it also slowly melted.

Lin Xi lowered his eyebrows and closed his eyes, constantly using the volcanic energy and the "Fire Sun Fire" to refine this magical weapon over and over again.

If the "Nine Fires True Dragon Cover" wants to be promoted from the "beginner level of the top grade" to the "peak level of the top grade", every material in it needs to be refined to its purest level until it is completely integrated into one, regardless of each other.

, only if there is no impurity of a little mission can it be considered a success.

In particular, Lin Xi wanted to add the power of the "Tiandao Pattern Stone" to it, which was equivalent to refining the magical weapon.

"Fire Talisman Transformation Pattern Technique!"

Lin Xi clapped her palm, and inserted the magic formula for refining the fire talisman into it.


A flame shot up into the sky. Then I saw a golden Dao pattern of unknown length, as if it was alive. It flew up from the "Tiandao Pattern Stone" and danced in the magma and flames.

It seemed to break free and fly away through the air.

This "Tiandao mark" at the beginning of chaos is the most precious part of the "Tiandao pattern stone". It is also the place where it has the greatest value.

Once the "Tiandao Pattern Stone" is melted, the "Tiandao Seal" will emerge. But it only lasts for a moment. If it cannot be captured, it will disappear quickly.

"Vulcan Detention Technique!"

"Fire-Building Artifact Refining Technique!"

Lin Xi instantly punched the Heavenly Dao Seal into the "Nine Fires True Dragon Cover", and at the same time created a series of spells.

The "Death Black Volcano" contains a large amount of "Earth Forged Fire Essence". This essence is dispersed into the volcanic magma and is everywhere. What Lin Xi has to do is to make this ubiquitous "Earth Forged Fire Essence"

, melted in.

The more "Earth Forged Fire Essence" the "Nine Fires True Dragon Cover" absorbs from the volcano, the more powerful this magical weapon will be.

For several days, Lin Xi sat cross-legged in the lava of the volcano, focusing on refining the magical artifact.

He has long been familiar with these techniques, and he can complete the refining of the magic weapon almost with his eyes closed. The only thing required is patience. He must absorb enough "Earth Forged Fire Essence" from the volcanic magma.


In the volcano, regardless of day or night, as the sacrifice continued, Lin Xi's body gradually revealed a little embryo of the "Nine Fires True Dragon Mask". At the same time, a powerful aura unique to high-grade magic weapons appeared in front of his eyes.

spread out.

"This is……"

In the volcanic lava, far away from Lin Xi, a figure sitting cross-legged like a dead tree felt the breath of the "Nine Fires True Dragon Cover", and suddenly trembled and came to life.

The eyelids opened, and eyes that were brighter than the stars shot out of the sky, even the magma in front of them separated.

"This is the aura of the Nine Fire True Dragon Cover. There are actually people here who are refining this high-grade magic weapon."

Powerful thoughts radiated out and headed in the direction of Lin Xi.

These people all showed strong experience in the immortal way, and just relying on this aura, they were able to identify the "high-grade magical artifact" that Lin Xi sacrificed.

Not all those who enter the "Black Volcano of Death" are those who want to sacrifice magical weapons, but also those who take the opportunity to practice their skills.

The "Nine Fire True Dragon Cover" is extremely powerful. Although it is a high-grade weapon, it is far more powerful than any ordinary magic weapon.

In the world of Immortal Dao, there are many people with powerful skills, but without powerful physical weapons. Not all Qi practitioners can obtain the sect's magical weapons through the "merit system" like the disciples of the sect.

"Go over and have a look."

As soon as the light flashed, a powerful man with a majestic aura burst out of the air and headed in the direction of Lin Xi.


Lin Xi suddenly opened her eyes with a thought in her mind.

He practiced "Scorching Sun **" and melted into one with the surrounding volcanic magma. The entire "death volcano" became his eyes and ears. As soon as these people moved, Lin Xi sensed it.

"These people want to take advantage of the situation and have bad intentions!"

Lin Xi's mind was spinning.

As soon as these people moved, he knew in his heart what these people were thinking.

In this "black volcano of death", fish and dragons are mixed together, and there are all kinds of people from all three religions and nine schools. There are many people who sense the aura of Lin Xi's ritual weapon and want to attract his master's attention.

Normally, Lin Xi wouldn't care. Anyone who dared to take advantage of him would be killed by stroking his tiger beard. However, at the moment when he was refining the "Nine Fires True Dragon Mask", it was impossible to sacrifice him at the same time.

While practicing, I was distracted fighting these people.

In particular, Lin Xi felt that among the people here, at least four were at the seventh stage of Qi refining. And they were quite strong.

"A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall." Since Lin Xi felt the danger, she would not let herself be under siege no matter what.

"Go down! Go deeper inside the volcano!"

Lin Xi's heart moved and she immediately dived deeper into the "black volcano of death" and into a more intense place.

There are many ways to deal with these Qi-refining powerhouses, and it's not just about being beaten passively.

Lin Xi swung his body like a swimming fish and continued to refine the magic weapon while diving deeper into the ground.

"This guy wants to escape!"

"Can you run away?"


Feeling that Lin Xi was diving deeper into the volcano and underground, these Qi refining experts did not hesitate and immediately pursued him.

Eleven thousand feet, twelve thousand feet, fifteen thousand feet... twenty thousand feet!

The temperature deep inside the volcano increases geometrically.

It is like a sun. The surface temperature is not high, but the deeper you go, the higher the temperature becomes. And when you reach the deepest point, it is no longer enough to be described as terrifying.


A Qi refiner couldn't bear it at first and chased him to about 20,000 feet. The Qi outside his body suddenly "cracked" and burned.

"No! The temperature is too high!"

The face of this immortal young man changed drastically.

He didn't expect that the temperature would increase so horribly that even Qi could burn.

After glancing at Lin Xi, who was still diving deeper, the young man finally stamped his foot fiercely and snorted unwillingly: "Boy, you are so cruel!"

He turned around and swam upward.

The true energy is ignited, burning like a flame, which is an extremely dangerous sign.

Once the true energy is consumed too much and is not enough to return to the surface, it will be a dead end here. The temperature inside the volcano is so high that even the solid steel magic weapons will melt, let alone people made of flesh, blood and bones.

At that time, there were really no bones left.

Twenty-three thousand feet, twenty-five thousand feet, twenty-eight thousand feet... thirty thousand feet!

"Damn it!"

The second Qi refining expert couldn't bear it any longer.

This Qi Refiner has a Chinese character face, a tiger-like back, and a treacherous and vicious look between his brows. At first glance, he is not a kind person.

This Qi refining expert felt the rapid consumption of flame Qi in his body, and his expression changed drastically: "What's going on? I am a fire Qi refining practitioner, and I am not afraid of high temperatures at all. How can the temperature here be so high? My Qi

Not only was it unable to absorb heat, it started to be consumed instead.”

There was an uneasy look on the face of the Qi-refining expert with a Chinese character face.

Fire-based Qigong practitioners have a natural advantage in high-temperature environments. Basically, high temperatures cannot harm them, but can actually enhance their skills. However, this is not absolute.

When the nature of the flame exceeds their unique skills, not only are they unable to absorb the surrounding flames, but they also have to consume the same amount of Qi as other Qi practitioners.

This is like a person drinking ginseng tonic, but the ginseng is too strong. When it reaches a certain level, if a ginseng stick is taken down, not only will it have no benefit, but it will be like arsenic. Even a young and strong man can die from it!

This is called "too much is not enough"!

Once a fire-based Qi practitioner is in a high-temperature environment and his Qi is depleted, this is a sign of acute danger. If the pursuit continues, even a Fire-based Qi practitioner will probably die in the sea of ​​fire.

"Boy, you are awesome! I, Du Wushuang, have met countless people, but I have never seen anyone as ruthless as you. Holding a magical weapon, I would rather die in a volcano than hand it over.——

I admit defeat!"

The man with the Chinese character's face swayed and immediately shot up like a cannonball. Going up.

The flames here are too suppressed. It no longer feels like water and milk, but like a rope, strangled around the neck, making it difficult to breathe.


Where there is first place, there is second place... Soon, many people following behind could not bear the high temperature around them, so they abandoned Lin Xi and turned around to float upward.

When the depth dropped to 60,000 feet, there were only a few people still following Lin Xi.

"Boy, I don't believe it. Even if I, Li Wuxie, want to kill someone, I still can't do it."

Deep in the volcanic lava, an old man with gray hair, a skinny face, and a body like a dead branch, his face was ashen, he snorted angrily, and suddenly sacrificed a bronze dragon staff.

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