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Chapter 529: Studying the Array

[Regarding the question of how many fruits the Sea Saint King has, here it is all changed to read that Sea Saint King and Yang Xuanhuang are both strong in the six fruits. Because it is troublesome to modify the starting point, I will inform you here and will not modify it earlier. 】


There was a sharp shock in the sea of ​​consciousness, and Lin Xi felt that she had finally returned to her own body.

The surroundings were quiet, and Lin Xi heard the sound of her own sweat dripping down. She didn't know when her clothes were soaked through.


Recalling the experience just now, she was like a rabbit that glanced among the wolves and returned to its lair. Lin Xi never wanted to feel that way again.

"That demon can see me..., with my current strength, there is no way I can enter the world of hell. That warship is not something I can get with my current strength."

Lin Xi thought to himself.

This experience was like a dream, like a dream. But the feeling was too real. Whether it was the huge hell warship or the last claw, it was all real and couldn't be more real.

There was even a moment when Lin Xi felt that she would die at the hands of that terrifying demon of unknown rank.

"No wonder only true disciples can enter the world of hell. If the disciples of the Qi Refining Realm enter it, they will basically experience death but no life."

Lin Xi's chest was rising and falling, and her heart was hard to calm down.

The experience just now was also a rare experience for Lin Xi. It gave him an intuitive understanding of the world of hell.

In the future, you can also have a more intuitive understanding of yourself. Position yourself well and know what level of space is suitable for you to enter.

Lin Xi sat cross-legged on the ground and cut off her true energy. She completely gave up the idea of ​​awakening the fourth ancient formation.

"With the strength of the last demon, even a true disciple of the 'Dark Dragon' level can be killed with one palm and there is no way he will survive. Unless I reach the level of a true disciple, I have no chance."

Lin Xi secretly thought, feeling quite regretful:

"It's just a pity that warship..."

He could feel it. That warship was very powerful. Otherwise, the strong man from hell would not have sent so many demon guards. However, it was obvious that he lacked something and could not use that warship.


Thinking of this, Lin Xi glanced at the "Xuanwu Barrier" under her.

Later, Lin Xi put all her thoughts back and only focused on the three major formations: "Ancient Rebound Formation", "Ancient Force Discharging Formation", and "Small Space Formation".

Lin Xi has given up completely now, knowing that the "Xuanwu Barrier" cannot move. What can move is the dark golden ancient "warship".

——He had the wrong goal from the beginning.

"There is no way to change the Xuanwu Barrier. However, these three formations may be able to be changed."

Lin Xi thought in her heart.

The two properties of "rebound" and "unloading" are applicable to immortal disciples of any level. They can greatly reduce damage and increase their survivability in battle.

Lin Xi's idea is very simple. It is to transfer the operation method of the three formations to himself.

Originally, this method was not feasible. After all, it was just a formation, not a magical skill. However, Lin Xi had the Immortal Qi Talisman, which allowed her to simulate the operation of the formation in her body and create the formation in disguise.

According to Lin Xi's idea, if the body is seen as a magic weapon, then the true energy is equivalent to the operating "formation". To a certain extent, the powerful immortals are actually equivalent to pieces of varying strengths and weaknesses.

"Dharma weapon".

Of course, this is just a metaphor. In actual operation, it is much more complicated. At least, the hardness and sturdiness of many magic weapons are hundreds, thousands, or ten thousand times stronger than those of powerful immortals.

As time passed slowly, Lin Xi was practicing while trying to figure out the operating structure and essence of these three formations, trying to deduce the most essential things among them and transform them into something that she could use.

For Lin Xi, this is a very new attempt. Facts have proved that this kind of translation is difficult, far from being as easy as imagined, and it is likely to be ineffective. However, Lin Xi decided to try it anyway.

This is a new experience. To a certain extent, it is equivalent to self-created skills in disguise. In the world of immortality, only the most amazing and talented immortals can do this.

Although Lin Xi has not yet reached this level, what he has done is only the most basic attempts. But for Lin Xi, it is the first official step.

The sun rises and the moon sets, day after day.

Lin Xi's strength is improving day by day. Except for the first few days, she has been studying the mysterious methods of the three ancient formations. At other times, Lin Xi is practicing the "breathing method" while doing it in her mind.

The "simulation" and "derivation" of the three formations.


Lin Xi's heart moved, and streams of immortal energy talismans spurted out from her body. Endless combinations of talismans changed, forming a ring-shaped formation outside Lin Xi's body. Looking down from above, you can see these formation talismans.

There are some strange bird seal characters hidden in it.

This formation is very similar to the formation in "Xuanwu Great Barrier".


The ring-like "formation" outside Lin Xi's body shook slightly, and then collapsed inch by inch with a bang. All the immortal energy talismans disappeared into the void one by one like bubbles.


Lin Xi opened her eyes and ended her practice, and the immortal energy that swarmed in through the "breathing method" also disappeared in an instant.

"It's impossible. My immortal energy talisman can almost simulate 90% of the formation structure, but why is there no sign of formation resonance?"

Lin Xi's brows furrowed deeply, and her heart was filled with deep doubts.

He has almost understood the operating principle of the "formation". Moreover, the formation structure simulated with immortal energy is more than 90% similar to the formation structure in the Xuanwu Great Barrier.

This similarity is already very high. Logically speaking, there should be at least a little sign of the formation of the formation. However, in fact, the "immortal energy formation" condensed by Lin Xi has no effect and does not show the formation of the formation at all.

The role of law.

Frowning slightly, Lin Xi fell into deep thought again.

In his mind, the structure of the "formation" he visualized changed again. Under the influence of Lin Xi's thoughts, he tried to find a better way to use it.

The formation is a formation, and it cannot be perfectly presented on the human body, and there will always be changes. Being able to be 90% similar is already very impressive. In fact, Lin Xi has been trying to improve the structure of this formation during this time.

But all to no avail.

"I'm afraid, it's not that the formation I constructed is not similar enough, but that the research direction is wrong..."

Lin Xi suddenly had a realization in her heart.

In the next few days, Lin Xi fell into the deduction again. But this time, the "ancient formation" in his mind began to undergo some new and wonderful changes.

The structure of the formation became more and more streamlined, and the similarity with the original "ancient formation" became more and more distant, but Lin Xi vaguely caught something in his mind. That clear feeling became more and more obvious.

In a daze, Lin Xi felt as if she had touched something.


Seven days later, the true energy in Lin Xi's body spurted out again, and the infinite immortal energy talismans evolved and changed in the void as if they were alive. In the blink of an eye, a new formation was formed, which was only four or five points smaller than the original one.

Similar "small rebound formation".


Just when the last immortal energy talisman was taking shape, Lin Xi's Dantian shook, and a surge of true energy roared into the formation suspended outside the body.

A burst of bright brilliance spurted out. Unexpectedly, this ring-shaped "small rebound formation" was suspended in the void. It did not collapse, but formed a strange energy cycle.

A tiny torrent of energy circulates in the void, maintaining the operation of this "small rebound formation".


Lin Xi's brows relaxed, and a knowing smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The formation structure formed by the Immortal Qi Talisman did not collapse at the moment of formation, but formed a tiny closed energy cycle, which is a sign of the success of the formation.

Lin Xi could clearly feel that this "formation" contained an extremely tough force, and it seemed that once it was attacked, it would bounce back.

In essence, this is a "small rebound formation".


As Lin Xi thought, a cold light flashed behind her, and with a clang, a magic sword flew out immediately. After drawing a circle in the air, it immediately stabbed back.


When the magic sword struck, it slowed down significantly when it came into contact with the "small rebound formation", as if it was stuck in a sticky swamp. An obvious resistance could be felt at the tip of the sword.


There was a soft sound, and the "small rebound formation" outside Lin Xi's body finally could not withstand the power of the formation's attack. The energy inside was exhausted, and with a bang, the densely packed fairy energy talismans that made up the formation shattered in the blink of an eye.

Disappeared without a trace.


With a thought in Lin Xi's mind, she took the magic sword back and still hung it on her back.

Although the "small rebound formation" did not block the magic sword, Lin Xi's face did not have any frustrated look, but was full of joy.

This "small rebound formation" is just the most basic immature form that Lin Xi has understood, and the energy it contains is also very weak. It is normal that it cannot stop the magic sword. But when the formation works, it is proven to be successful.

"The next step is how to perfect this formation and how to strengthen the power of the formation."

Lin Xi thought to himself, a bright light flashed in his eyes.

Completing the deduction of the "small rebound formation" is only the first basic step.

The deduction of "formation" is far from a simple matter. There is still a long way to go to make this formation more suitable for immortal disciples and effective in actual combat.

Even a talented disciple like Lin Xi needs a long time to polish, study and understand.

In the path of immortality, only when the foundation is solid can it exert its huge power. It is completely impossible to create a powerful secret skill in a short period of time.

No matter how talented the disciple is, the same is true.

This chapter has been completed!
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