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Chapter seven hundred and eighty sixth charming

Camilla looked at Lin Xi who was in a coma, a complicated look flashed in her eyes.

The reputation of the vampire succubus family in the world of immortality has always been poor, and people often give people the impression of being evil and promiscuous. As the queen of the vampire succubus, her reputation is naturally not that good.

However, few people know that although the Vampire Queen is usually extremely charming and charming, when it comes to this kind of thing, she is actually extremely weak and is no different from an ordinary human woman.

As the queen of the vampire clan, Camilla rarely needs to rely on low-level means such as body and fornication to seduce people like the low-level banshees below. More often, Camilla relies on her power as a vampire queen.

Strength, kill the opponent cleanly and neatly. From the past to the present, Camilla has always done this.

The only person Camilla has ever tried to seduce is her master - "Lin Xi". The word "master" has a completely different meaning to the vampire queen, and is completely different from other men.


Dedicated to her master, the vampire queen never felt anything wrong. This was like her only "lifelong partner". Unfortunately, Lin Xi's lack of amorous feelings made people secretly itchy, and the vampire queen failed every step of the way.

So much so that she still maintains her virginity intact to this day.

In the past, Camilla would never have thought that she would finally "get" Lin Xi under such circumstances. If possible, Camilla would never want to have a relationship with Lin Xi under such circumstances. But, she

There is no choice anymore.

"Alas! Maybe this is my fate. Only in this case can I successfully gain your mercy."

Camilla let out a long sigh, and various complicated expressions flashed in her eyes. In the end, all the expressions turned into a look of determination on her face, and she walked towards Lin Xi.


In a coma, he was confused and didn't know anything.

Lin Xi felt as if she was sinking into a sea of ​​flowing magma. There was blood everywhere. She couldn't distinguish things and couldn't see up and down. The burning feeling almost made her go crazy.

Lin Xi could feel that her body was filled with a strong desire like a wild beast. This desire was so strong that it was almost uncontrollable and would burst out at any time, annihilating consciousness and everything.

He could only rely on his own will to firmly suppress this terrible desire. But this desire grew like mushrooms after a spring rain. It became more and more powerful, and it became more and more powerful, and he couldn't control it...

Just when Lin Xi was struggling, he suddenly felt a hot, smooth, elastic body crash into his arms.


Lin Xi's mind was shaken, just like a torrent of magma. When it encountered another torrent of magma, the two streams merged together. The suppressed desire in Lin Xi's heart suddenly increased a hundred times, instantly igniting the impulse and desire in Lin Xi's heart.

"Camilla, leave quickly..."

Lin Xi's mind suddenly sobered up. A faint sound came out of her lips, which was just the last sentence. Only her lips moved, but there was no sound.

"Master, let me serve you..."

When a faint murmur sounded in Lin Xi's ears, and there was a boom, Lin Xi's remaining sanity suddenly flashed in the pan and disappeared without a trace.


Lin Xi's breathing suddenly became heavy, and red veins popped up on the surface of her body, which looked extremely terrifying. Although she had lost her mind, her instincts were still there. The next moment, Lin Xi roughly entered Camila's body...


Camilla groaned in pain, raised her head suddenly, her eyebrows furrowed, her beautiful face showed a look of pain, but soon, she endured it silently, her body sank, and she took the initiative to cater to him...

In the silent cave, there was a sudden spring light, and there was only a rough breathing of beasts, and a soft moaning and breathing in response to the whipping.

Unknowingly, a pink mist spread from Camilla's body and enveloped the entire space...

Time passed slowly.

Outside the cave.


There was a flash of light, and a figure descended from the sky, with cold eyes and a frost-like face, silently looking around in all directions.

"found it!"

Long Bingyan sneered and quickly noticed the cave entrance halfway up the mountain. It was well hidden, but it couldn't be fooled by her eyes.

In terms of mind, even though they are both women, Camilla is still much worse than her. All those bat clones were killed by her without anyone noticing, and Camilla didn't even notice.

"You think you can deceive me, why don't you let me find it."

Long Bingyan sneered in her heart:

"It's not that enemies don't get together, Lin Xi, I want to see how injured you are."

With this thought in his mind, Long Bingyan looked much more cautious, and even took out a "Space Immortal Talisman" from the "Dimensional Immortal Bag", preparing to escape immediately if something went wrong.

Lin Xi's strength is not even a match for the "King of the Sky", and his current strength will only be stronger. Long Bingyan does not dare to be careless. If he hadn't seen Camilla sending clones around to be vigilant, Long Bingyan would have been afraid.

Yan didn't dare think of dealing with Lin Xi and others alone.

In the original plan, the plan to completely suppress Lin Xi was to wait until she broke through the "divine seal" and returned to her previous life. Suppressing Lin Xi at that time was just a matter of backhand.

However, if Lin Xi could be killed before breaking through the "god seal", Long Bingyan would definitely not mind, and would even be ready to take action, happy to see the result.

Lin Xi caused too much "damage" to her, making her completely passive in the sect. Even the Son of God was a little dissatisfied with her. More importantly, after repeated failures, Long Bingyan's

Self-confidence is also a huge blow.

The more arrogant and conceited a person is, the more they will not tolerate anyone disobeying them. What's more, what Lin Xi did was not as simple as "disobedience".

"If you see something is wrong, leave immediately. That bastard is too smart. You must not give him a chance."

Long Bingyan secretly thought in her heart that it was always her style to be prepared. However, she still had some expectations in her heart. If her judgment was correct and Lin Xi was seriously injured, this would definitely be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


Just when everyone was on full alert, a burst of pink mist suddenly poured out from the cave halfway up the mountain.


Long Bingyan was stunned for a moment, then realized:

"Are you healing him?"


Without any further hesitation, Long Bingyan jumped into the cave with the "Space Immortal Talisman" in her hand. The cave was filled with mist, and there was pink mist everywhere.

Long Bingyan didn't take a few steps when she heard a rough beast-like breathing sound and a woman's delicate gasping sound. Then she saw two white bodies entangled in the pink mist.



Just like a huge stone was thrown into the lake, Long Bingyan saw the scene in front of her, and her heart stirred up a storm. She had expected a lot before, but the only thing she didn't expect was the scene in front of her. Even with her calmness and calmness

, I couldn’t help feeling dizzy at this moment, feeling ashamed and angry.

"This couple of bitches!——"

Long Bingyan cursed fiercely!

This chapter has been completed!
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