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Chapter nine hundred and eighty seventh bloodthirsty organization

"I appreciate your good intentions, but I have always been used to solving problems on my own in the future. I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you all."

Lin Xi said calmly.


Chu Youdao raised his brows slightly, looked at Lin Xi, opened his lips slightly, and suddenly laughed as if he thought of something:

"That's right, you still have doubts about us and don't want to believe us, right? It's no wonder. You can't have the intention of harming others, and you have to be on guard against others. It's normal for you to be cautious."

"Lao Bai, get up and show Brother Lin."

Chu Youdao turned his head and said to a man with thick eyebrows who was leaning against a tree not far away and was lost in thought.

The thick-browed man's body shook twice, and it seemed that he had just come back to his senses at this moment. He frowned, glanced at Lin Xi, then at Chu Youdao, and stood up reluctantly:

"Okay. Since it's the leader's wish, I will naturally do it. However, I will only use it once. We practice the unique skills, not to show people's expressions. - Boy, you watch, I just use it, don't look at it.

You have to understand, that’s all your business.”

He looked lazy, like a worldly lazy man.

But the next moment, Lin Xi was speechless. She could only see her palms moving, and there was a faint golden light in her palms. Faintly, Lin Xi felt that his arms were blurred, as if they had turned into countless gold sands.

Dust, but the next moment, his arm condensed into reality, and one turned into two, and two turned into three.

The two arms moved at the same time, and suddenly turned into six golden arms. Each arm seemed to be flesh and blood, moving slowly, not like an illusion, but like a real entity.

As soon as this man made a move, he immediately looked like a six-armed god, with a superb expression and unfathomable power, exuding an extremely dangerous feeling.


Lin Xi's heart was shocked, her eyes widened, she stumbled two steps, and exclaimed in disbelief:

"The great magic of splitting light and catching shadows!"

Even if a thunderbolt fell on her head, Lin Xi would not be as shocked as she was now. What this man used was actually one of the three most powerful sects of the Shenxiao Sect, the "Great Immortal Technique of Spectral Capturing Shadows".

Even Lin Xi has not learned this secret skill, he has only heard about it. Only those who have made great contributions to the sect and show great potential can learn it, and it is extremely difficult to practice.

Lin Xi knew very well that those six arms were not real, they were all phantoms of the exercises, signs of arms moving at almost the speed of light.

This person's fire level is obviously still low. When the "Great Immortal Technique of Spectroscopy and Shadow Catching" is truly completed, six pairs of twelve arms will appear, and the veins of mountains, rivers and earth will appear on the arms. When it truly reaches the Great Perfection

, even the arms can no longer be seen, only a pile of fluttering gold sand, like fire and mist, condensed and undispersed, even the true appearance is hidden in it.

Within a short distance, the speed of a practitioner of the "Great Immortal Technique of Spectroscopy and Shadow Catching" is even more terrifying than that of Taiyuan Palace's "Floating Light".

This is the only secret skill of Shenxiao Sect that can restrain the "Great Immortal Technique of Glimpse of Light". In fact, this secret skill is also inextricably linked to Taiyuan Palace.

But Lin Xi knew very well that the reason why this secret skill ranks among the three major sects of Shenxiao Sect and is admired by countless immortal masters is definitely not because of its speed, nor is it because he can restrain the "glimpsing shadow magic".

", ready to capture the opponent's figure, but because it has another ability.

——Once this unique skill reaches the state of Dacheng, it can instantly explode "four times" its terrifying power, and after reaching the pinnacle of Dzogchen, it can exert up to six times the power!

For a peerless expert who has reached the seventh, eighth, ninth, or even tenth level of the Immortal Path, it is easy to imagine what it means to be able to surpass the peak and instantly explode four times, five times, or even six times his own power.

Lin Xi's heart was as clear as a candle. Although the lazy guy in front of him seemed to be only at the seventh level of immortality, once he really took action, he would definitely be able to explode into a strength that surpassed that of a Yuanshen-level powerhouse. Even he was not sure about it.


This is an extremely dangerous guy.

Precisely because of the terrifying power of this sect, the Shenxiao Sect has always been extremely "stingy" with this sect's secret art, and the conditions for selecting its successors have always been very harsh. Even Lin Xi, an authentic disciple of the Shenxiao Sect, is not qualified to learn it.

For such a powerful secret skill to be displayed in front of Lin Xi by someone who was not a member of the Shenxiao Sect, it had to be said to be a great irony, and it also gave Lin Xi a huge shock.

"They actually have this kind of skill!"

At this moment, Lin Xi had hundreds of thoughts in her mind, and her mood fluctuated and could not calm down for a long time.

The other party quickly stopped. Although the other party only showed Lin Xi a glance, to him, this scene could already reveal a lot of shocking news.

"He didn't lie. There is indeed a disciple of the Shenxiao Sect among them, and that person's status in the sect was once higher than mine, and much higher!"

Lin Xi's heart was rising and falling. He slowly raised his head and looked at Chu Youdao:

"This man is not the supreme leader of the Bloodthirsty Organization, absolutely not! That man's cultivation is even higher than him!"

In the blink of an eye, many thoughts ran through Lin Xi's mind. What that man performed was the real "Great Immortal Technique of Spectral Capturing Shadows", not a weakened version or a Qi Refining Realm version.

To be taught this kind of Zhensect's secret knowledge, the other party must have a very high status within the Shenxiao Sect. To a certain extent, they are at least at the level of a "true disciple". Even if they are not as good as the "Son of God", they are definitely inferior.

Not much, just between the brothers.

However, a person of this level, who is already qualified to inherit the sect's leadership, and whose status is unimaginably high, would actually join the "Bloodthirsty" organization.

Lin Xi felt unimaginable.

"Did you lose the fight for the leader of the sect and was forced to rebel?"

A flash of lightning flashed across Lin Xi's mind, and she thought to herself.

This thought made him feel a deep chill. There was no doubt that the person who taught them the "Great Immortal Technique of Spectroscopy" was his senior in the Shenxiao Sect.

But as far as Lin Xi knew, he was the last person to go to Judgment Peak in the past hundred years, and he was the only one who was ever regarded as a "disobedient" and wanted to be executed. And further up, many people were executed or imprisoned forever, both overtly and covertly.

, but most of them are not at a high level, and few of them reach the Immortal Realm level.

There is no one who can reach the level of "True Disciple". The other party's seniority in Shenxiao Sect is probably still above that of Shenzi. At least during the rise of Shenzi, he has never heard of "True Disciple".

Disciples at the "big disciple" level were oppressed and expelled.

Looking back carefully, this person's origins may be traced back to more than a thousand years ago, or even longer...


Lin Xi took a deep breath and stopped her thoughts, knowing that the background of the "Bloodthirsty" organization was unfathomable, far beyond her initial imagination. (To be continued.

This chapter has been completed!
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