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Chapter 110: Zhang Taiyan Visits Sichuan

Just when Qiao Yu and Wang Tianhe were debating today's events, Yang Shukan suddenly asked to meet Qiao Yu. Qiao Yu was immediately surprised. Today's events were really weird. It was obvious that both Yang Shukan and the Democratic Party were suspected. How could he?

Dare to see myself.

"Tianhe invites Minister Yang in, let's see what he says!"

Not long after, Yang Shukan walked quickly and tried his best. When he saw Qiao Yu, he hurriedly bowed and saluted: "Captain, I'm guilty of frightening you!"

Qiao Yu smiled slightly: "Mr. Yang, could it be that you helped Yin Changheng's people sneak into Chengdu, or did you participate in Pu Dianjun's rebellion? How are you guilty?"

Yang Shukan looked anxious at this time, "Captain, please believe that I have absolutely no ill intentions towards you. Even Xie Chi was taken advantage of. I guess this was done secretly by the Japanese! They planned it.

An assassination attempt on you!"

Japanese? Qiao Yu was immediately shocked when he heard this. He had long felt that things were weird. Neither the Democratic Party nor Yin Changheng had the ability to plan such a big situation. Then if the Japanese were behind it, things would become weird.

It's possible.

"Minister Yang, you can't just talk about this kind of thing in vain. Do you have any evidence?"

"It's a long story. We have always been in contact with Japan. Just after the road protection movement broke out, several Japanese joined the uprising team. On the surface, they helped us resist the Manchus and provided me with

We received a lot of intelligence support. Later, the Governor took control of the entire Sichuan. The Japanese also came to us many times. I remember that when the Governor issued a new policy to limit rent and interest, and to develop education, several Japanese

In a conversation, he greatly praised the Governor, saying that only the Governor clearly saw that China's problems lay in rural areas, and the key to solving them was education! He said that the Governor's vision was first-rate in the whole of China, and he not only saw

He is clear and has the ability to solve problems. He is a real young talent!"

Yang Shukan mentioned the Japanese's evaluation of him. Qiao Yu felt a sense of awe in his heart. Could it be that the Japanese saw his potential and were worried that he would become a stumbling block for them, so they attacked him. Qiao Yu thought about this.

The possibility is not small. Japan has been deliberately trying to occupy China since the Meiji Restoration or even earlier. After the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1894, Japan even planted spies in China, formulated various plans, and gradually annexed China until the Anti-Japanese War.

break out.

Among them, many big figures have been assassinated by Japan. The most typical one is Zhang Zuolin. There are also many assassinations that are weird. I am afraid that there are also Japanese black hands, so it is possible for Japan to take action against itself.

However, before he could really show off his skills, he encountered hostility from the Japanese. It seemed that he had to strengthen his vigilance against other powers.

"How did Minister Yang determine that the Japanese wanted to assassinate me?"

"Captain, I'm not sure. It's just that once a Japanese drank too much and said that the Governor was very young and would be a serious problem for Japan in the future and should be eliminated. I didn't take it seriously, but when the Governor

After Xiong Jinfan and Yu Yunji were sent to Hubei, some Japanese came to me secretly and said that they supported us and opposed the governor's persecution of heroes! They rejected the revolutionary party!"

After Qiao Yu heard this, he gradually figured it out. If what Yang Shukan said was true, I'm afraid the Japanese were secretly trying to attack him. Little Japan is really cruel. It can be said that Japan is the largest country in China at this stage.

The enemy, he didn't expect that the two sides would meet so early. If the Japanese were behind it, the situation that happened today would be explained. Qiao Yu looked at Yang Shukan again. This Yang Cangbai could tell him this,

It seems that he has also changed a lot!

"Minister Yang, it's a good thing that the Japanese can help you. Why didn't you agree?"...

Yang Shukan's face turned slightly red: "Captain, I am from Sichuan. You have done a lot of good things for Sichuan. If the New Deal can be implemented, the people of Sichuan will have a way to survive. Besides, the Governor's methods are very good. We have failed so many times.

Okay, haven't you learned your lesson yet?"

"Cangbai, since you didn't agree, how did the Japanese find Xie Chi and contact Yin Changheng?"

"I don't know how to contact Yin Changheng, but they have a lot of contact with Xie Chi, and I know a little bit about it. A few days ago, Xie Chi and I suddenly said goodbye and said we were leaving Sichuan. I asked him why, and he hesitated for a long time. Finally,

The Japanese want him to help transport a batch of goods into the city, and if he doesn't want to be caught between the two sides, he has to leave!"

"Cargo, what cargo?"

"I originally thought it was drugs like opium or calligraphy and painting cultural relics, but now I think it's most likely those assassins!"

Qiao Yu glanced at Wang Tianhe, and Wang Tianhe knew clearly at this time that the Japanese must have sent the assassins into the city under the pretext of transporting opium. Then Zhu Feibiao and others also sneaked in and attacked Qiao Yu together.

"Tianhe, there was a loophole in our report. We didn't monitor these foreigners enough! They are all people with ulterior motives, especially the Japanese, who are afraid that the world will not be in chaos!"

"What the governor teaches us is that we are humble and incompetent!"

"Tianhe, you don't have to blame yourself. Now foreigners have privileges in the country, and many bureaucrats' legs go weak when they see foreigners. They have no backbone at all. It's not easy to monitor foreigners! But we should really step up. This

It seems that the actions of the Constitutional Party and Yin Changheng’s actions are not well coordinated, otherwise our troubles will be even greater!”

At this time, Qiao Zhen also walked in, "The third son, Yin Changheng also confessed, saying that one of his aides encouraged him to attack Chengdu as soon as possible and wipe out us all, otherwise Yin Changheng would not be able to get good results. This Yin eldest son is

Known for his courage, and knowing that there was an internal agent in the city, he led his elite men to raid Chengdu! He was worried about being noticed, so he pretended to be unwell. It seemed that there was something wrong with the intelligence personnel we placed around Yin Changheng.

Didn’t report the unusual situation by the river!”

As she said this, Qiao Zhen glared at Wang Tianhe fiercely. This time there was such a big omission in the intelligence system, and Wang Tianhe was really to blame!

"Second brother, this incident happened suddenly and we were all negligent. Don't blame Tianhe. We should clean up the mess as soon as possible and restore public security in Chengdu. Then we must keep an eye on the Japanese. We must not make such mistakes again!"

Now Qiao Yu feels extremely depressed. There are some things that really cannot be helped. Now the great powers have concessions in China and enjoy extraterritoriality. It is too easy to spy on intelligence and bribe various people, such as Zhang Zuolin later.

After being bombed to death in Huanggutun, Qiao Yu once took a train and passed by Shenyang Station. Huanggutun is so close to Shenyang that it is basically considered an urban area now. During the Republic of China, it was only ten miles away from the urban area.

In the blink of an eye, Shenyang is the heart of Fengjun, but there is a Japanese garrison in Huanggutun, as if a poisoned dagger is pressed against Fengjun's heart. In this case, the next generation of heroes will also

Death is inevitable.

This is the tragedy of politicians in the Republic of China. They had to rely on foreigners. Fortunately, Sichuan was not deeply invaded by foreign forces. This time, the Japanese were only killed by surprise. As long as Qiao Yu stabilized his position, the Japanese

People will never have this opportunity!

In less than a day, Qiao Yu stabilized the situation in Sichuan. Zhou Jian was killed, Pu Dianjun was arrested, and Yin Changheng was also arrested. The rebellion case and the Chuanlu case were both under intense interrogation. Qiao Yu ushered in another incident.

The guest was Zhang Taiyan from the Guangfuhui.


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