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Chapter 242 Cloud Soil

Qiao Cheng could only comfort Huang Sande in this way. In fact, he was not sure about Qiao Yu's attitude towards these people. Qiao Yu had absolutely killed the Hui Party in Sichuan and carried out a bandit suppression operation for nearly a year to attack the bandits.

At the same time, the Hui Party was also severely punished. Now the leaders of the Hui Party who once yelled at others are still building railways in Sichuan.

At the same time, when Qiao Cheng went to the United States, Qiao Yu also made it clear that he wanted to win over the Gulf Chinese and use their talents to develop industry. Qiao Cheng really had no idea how to reply to Huang Sande.

Soon everyone arrived in Chengdu. Li Zongru reported directly to Wang Lingji, while Qiao Cheng took Huang Sande and Luo Ying to find Qiao Yu. Qiao Yu had already received the news, and he couldn't help but think about it.

How to deal with the issue of overseas Chinese is not easy to deal with.

Overseas Chinese and Chinese people are connected by blood and are brothers, but whether they are loyal to their own country or their own nation is a very critical issue. In later generations, politicians who are of Chinese origin are often more hostile to China.

Because if you don't do this, you won't be recognized by mainstream society. Of course, it's not as troublesome as it will be in later generations, but Qiao Yu can't raise a white-eyed wolf.

Huang Sande is in his fifties, with a rosy face. He looks like the owner of a teahouse, with a smile on his face. But if you look closely, there is a sense of pride in the old man's eyes. How can this old man have such a status?

He was also killed from among the dead, so he was certainly not an ordinary person.

Qiao Yu is looking at Huang Sande, and Huang Sande is also looking at Qiao Yu. The young man in front of him seems to be younger than his son, but he is in charge of a province and is already a powerful figure second only to President Yuan Shikai and others.

His own strength defeated the Japanese and won the respect of the great powers. In comparison, Huang Sande was just a reckless hero, and Huang Sande's momentum was also a bit weaker.

"Mr. Huang, it's been a long journey, you're getting old!"

"The patrol officer is so polite. How can Huang not work so hard for his compatriots who are living abroad? I see Sichuan developing so well, and I feel happy in my heart. When the country becomes strong, we overseas wanderers have an identity.

We have dignity. If the country declines, we will also be looked down upon by others!"

"Old sir, I know very well the suffering of overseas Chinese. Let's go to the living room and talk slowly!"

Qiao Yu invited Huang Sande into his guest room. After sitting down and making fragrant tea, Qiao Yu spoke first, "Sir, this time I asked my brother to go to the United States to buy machines and recruit Chinese workers. It all depends on you.

You sent us hundreds of business people at once and helped us buy the shipyard. You have done a great job!"

"I don't dare to take it. I'm just running on the track. I can't take it for anything. Big things have to be planned by the patrol envoy!"

Huang Sande's words were very polite, but they also meant a lot. Although you, Qiao Yu, have settled the big things, you still have to rely on us for the small things. Qiao Yu didn't care. Huang Sande was tricked by Sun Dapao into being a little sensitive.

It emphasizes existence.

"Mr., I heard from my brother that you want to establish a political party. I wonder if the old man has any ideas?"

Qiao Yu went straight to the point, and Huang Sande sighed, "Inspector, we overseas Chinese have been bullied and barely survive. The situation in the United States is pretty good. In Nanyang, Chinese people have been looted for hundreds of years, and anti-Chinese massacres have continued.

, we work hard and earn hard-earned money, but both the natives and the government regard the Chinese as a piece of fat meat, and everyone wants to take a bite. The reason why we support the revolution and overthrow the Manchu Qing Dynasty is that we hope that the motherland can

When we become stronger, we will all have a backer. We have handed over many of our descendants to Sun Wen. Who would have thought that he would turn his back and deny anyone. I think he was a Hongmen thug at the beginning, just a red stick. If there was no Hongmen, he would be able to succeed.

What's the matter? Who knew he was so ungrateful and ungrateful that after using us, he kicked the Chinese away? It's really chilling!"

A great characteristic of Sun Wen's life is that no matter who he cooperates with, he will inevitably end up falling out. This is also a very difficult skill, but no one can get along with Sun Wen.

"Qiao Shuai, you are a new-school figure, and you must be very aware of the suffering of overseas Chinese. We, the people, most hope that the country will become strong, so that we can support the Chinese!"

"Old sir, I want to refute you here. Overseas Chinese live in different countries from the local people. There are foreign laws abroad, and the Chinese government is supported by the taxes of the people of the country. Naturally, it must serve the people of the country, and it will

We must take care of national sentiments, but we must not go against the interests of the country! The problems of overseas Chinese must ultimately be solved by ourselves. Even if China becomes stronger, can it still send troops to force the United States to change the Chinese Exclusion Act?"

The present situation is different from the colonial era. At that time, European powers could launch wars because their expatriates were threatened. For some Chinese, this situation did not apply at all. Some of them already identified with their country from the bottom of their hearts.

Just like in future generations, if you work for the United States, create value for the United States, contribute taxes, and then show off at the Olympics, it will be considered patriotic. Isn't this kind of love too shallow? When you are wronged, China will come forward to protect you.

There is no sense in being scolded if you don't come forward.

"Then according to the inspection envoy's wishes, we overseas Chinese will be oppressed?"

"Old sir, of course I won't see overseas Chinese being bullied, but to solve this problem there must be appropriate methods. First, the Chinese must unite themselves, win acceptance from American society, and lobby the U.S. Congress as much as possible.

To repeal the Chinese Exclusion Act, of course the Chinese government should also cooperate with you. There is another way. Since the United States is anti-Chinese, everyone might as well return to China. Sichuan is in great need of talents for industrial construction, and overseas Chinese will never be able to get them when they return to China.

Of course, China’s living standards may not be as good as those in the United States, but I believe the future is just as bright!”

Qiao Yu put forward a completely opposite suggestion, and Huang Sande suddenly had a look of astonishment on his face. Chinese Americans still appreciate the prosperity of the United States, but they just want to live a better life, and some people may not really want it.

Return home.

"Qiao Shuai, many people have lived in the United States for one or two generations and have taken root. I'm afraid it will be difficult to return to China!" Huang Sande appreciates the speed of development in Sichuan, but he also knows how difficult it is to let overseas Chinese come back.


"Old sir, you advocate establishing a political party and participating in domestic politics to gain support from the motherland, and then force the United States to change the Chinese Exclusion Act and respect the rights of the Chinese. This is your idea, is it correct?"

"Indeed, is there anything wrong with this?"

"Old sir, after all, country and nation are two different concepts. You take it for granted. China's political parties must seek the interests of the Chinese people and must not be controlled by foreign forces, not even the Chinese. This is the bottom line that cannot be changed!"

The problem of overseas Chinese is troublesome. The problem lies in this. These people cannot integrate into the local society, and they cannot truly be treated as domestic citizens. They are caught in the middle, unable to advance or retreat. Even if China becomes really strong and can abolish the exclusion system,

Things like Chinese law cannot help Chinese people integrate into local society. This is not something that can be determined by pure strength.

Huang Sande also lowered his head and thought about Qiao Yu's words, "Inspector, how do you think we should solve the current dilemma?"

"Old sir, the booming Sichuan can provide enough jobs. As long as the Chinese in North America have skills, they can return to the country. I will do my best to arrange them. If they are not willing to come back, they should unite and fight for their own

In addition, I will lobby the American government through some connections, but this may not be effective soon. As for the issue of party building, I think it is better to put it aside for now. We can first establish a foundation to help the Chinese in the form of a non-governmental organization.


Huang Sande felt very disappointed that Qiao Yu did not express his support in a comprehensive manner, but the old man also knew that Qiao Yu's words were still very pertinent. In the past, he only thought of using the motherland, which was not necessarily right.

"Qiao Shuai, I want to inspect Sichuan for a while first. If Sichuan can really resettle the Chinese who are living abroad, I will definitely persuade them to return to the country!"

Huang Sande left the handsome manor accompanied by Luo Ying. Qiao Cheng grabbed Qiao Yu and said, "Third brother, the overseas Chinese are a big force. I'm afraid it will chill them!"

"Brother, if I fool them now, it will only chill them even more. Besides, I don't want to see good Chinese people contributing their talents to the United States. I'd better come back as soon as possible!"

In later generations, the strength of the United States is due to the help of immigrants. Nearly 70% of professional talents are provided by immigrants, especially the Chinese. Jews dominate finance, while Chinese dominate the scientific field. This situation is not a good thing.

, Qiao Yu hopes that this situation can be reversed from now on, allowing the Chinese to contribute their intelligence to their country. This can also be regarded as poaching the United States, the future number one power, in advance. The qing is busy, with more and more factories, and trade.

It is also becoming more and more prosperous, and ensuring the stability of Xufu has become the most important thing. Now the person in charge of garrisoning Xufu is Long Dengyun. He has now changed his name to Long Yun. Although he is from Yunnan, Long Yun ranks among the Sichuan Army.

He is on the rise as a middle-aged man. He has just received training from the Border Defense University and may be promoted to brigade commander in the next step.

But now there is a big trouble in front of Long Yun. He is worried about a piece of cloud soil. Just three days ago, Long Yun's men arrested a large number of opium traders. They were all under the guise of transporting local specialties from Yunnan.

In the name of the drug, there were a total of thirty stones. As soon as the drugs were seized, merchants from Yunnan came to look for him!

I wish you a long life on New Year’s Eve, book friends. In addition, would you like to be a little touched? No red envelopes are required, just collect them!

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