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Chapter 304 Unified Democracy


The issue of forming a political party has actually been considered by Qiao Yu for a long time. He initially supported Tao Chengzhang to form the United Party, but Qiao Yu did not rush to the front line to form a political party by himself. Local powerful factions like him would do it.

A political party will undoubtedly seize the power of the central government. In the era when Beiyang still dominated China, Qiao Yu did not want to be the first person. Now that Yuan Shikai is dead, Beiyang has split and the authority of the central government has disappeared. It is the last time for Qiao Yu to establish a political party.

Good timing.

Moreover, Qiao Yu is also very clear that a revolution will occur in Russia soon, and a brand new wave will sweep the world. Qiao Yu must make comprehensive preparations now, and it is urgent to cultivate a mature political party. As for Sun Wen, Qiao Yu has not seen it yet.

In his eyes, only when the time comes, soldiers can directly attack Guangdong and Guangxi at any time and drive him completely out of China.

Of course, establishing a political party is not something you just talk about. You must have political opinions and a management structure. The most important thing is to have enough party members and strong executive capabilities to form a powerful force and let your ideas take root.

human heart.

Qiao Yu brought Zhang Taiyan, Huang Yuanyong, Zhang Lan, Jiang Baili and others over to discuss the formation of a political party. Huang Yuanyong has been formulating press and publication management methods since he was ordered by Qiao Yu last time to control public opinion. Now

It has been basically drafted and will be submitted to the parliament for review. Once passed, it will be used as the basic regulations governing the news industry and will be implemented in the three provinces and one region in southwest China.

During the Republic of China, there were not many restrictions on various newspaper broadcasts. As long as you could get a license, you could print and set up a radio station. There were no rules at all. Most of these radio stations and newspapers were advertisements, and you relied on this to survive.

Of course, there is also a considerable amount of nonsense and all kinds of gossip. Public opinion is indeed free, but a large number of bored literati make a living by scolding people. Everything the government does is wrong. What's even worse is that there are many weird talks.

They are regarded as role models by many young people, disrupting people's hearts and seriously affecting the implementation of policies.

The most destructive aspect of the press and publication management regulations formulated by Huang Yuanyong is that all newspapers and radio stations must pay a deposit of 500,000 yuan when registering. Only after paying the deposit can they be allowed to print newspapers and broadcast, and the funding threshold is set

Suddenly, those tabloids and small radio stations had no chance of survival. Only those powerful people or groups could continue to operate newspapers and radio stations, which greatly reduced the number of media and made it easier to manage. Those media with big companies and big businesses

Naturally, there will be some restraint and no nonsense.

However, this point made literati from all over the country scold him desperately. The deposit alone was 500,000 yuan, plus other expenses for purchasing machinery and hiring workers. Without a foundation of 600,000 to 700,000 yuan, it is impossible to operate this industry. Almost all

The literati were scolding each other, saying that as soon as this measure is passed, freedom of speech and freedom of the press will become empty talk and become the freedom of the rich, and the world will become a world of the rich, and there will no longer be any

It's time for the poor to speak.

"Mr. Huang, I haven't been feeling well lately. I see that there are articles scolding you all over the world these days!" Huang Yuanyong also had a wry smile on his face: "Jun Zuo, you just found a job for me to get scolded, but after three days

It will go to the parliament for a vote tomorrow. As long as the vote passes, if those tabloids dare to make random noises, they will be punished by law!"

Zhang Taiyan's face was also full of smiles: "It's not easy for me to be scolded by you. The title of lackey eagle dog has been added to my head a long time ago. Many people have made up dramas to scold me. I am giving up my soul."

The imperial scholar who was betrayed to the warlord!"

"Two gentlemen, there is no need to be like this. You are right to speak for me. Don't they have ulterior motives? Anyone can pretend to be concerned about the country and the people, but in fact everyone knows what is going on. Don't pay too much attention to such people who can only yell.

, Society has never been driven by them. If you are smart, you can still survive if you keep your mouth shut. If you really want to seek death, I will not be polite. In a place as big as the southwest, there is definitely no shortage of several prisons!"...

"Jun Zuo, you don't need to go to war. The literati rebellion has not happened in three years. They just use pens to formulate laws in detail!" Zhang Taiyan still defends that group of people because of the consciousness of a traditional literati.

It can be said that literati have been in opposition since ancient times, especially literati who cannot be officials.

How can we reflect the character of those in power without scolding them? This was true for both the Song and Ming dynasties. Only the Manchu and Qing dynasties were special. They relied on the crazy literary prison to completely turn the literati into literary thieves. They only knew how to flatter and beg for mercy.

"Mr. Taiyan, today's society is not the same as in the past. It is very important to organize publicity work. We must not leave a blank space for people with ulterior motives to occupy. We cannot fully manage society now, so I am planning to form a

Political parties govern, manage social order, and control public opinion!"

Zhang Taiyan and Huang Yuanyong are naturally aware of the benefits of forming a political party. It can strengthen the power of the southwest government and better compete with other forces. However, detailed planning is required for specific operations.

"Jun Zuo, what kind of political party are you planning to establish and what ideas are you planning to adopt?"

"I named this political party the United Democratic Party, which not only promotes the spirit of democracy, but also concentrates the efforts of all parties to build our country. It has five main political propositions. The first is to achieve the unification of China, achieve the true independence of the country, and get rid of the control of foreign powers.

; The second article is to persist in developing industry, realize the industrialization of the country, and completely transform China's social form; the third article is to persist in improving people's livelihood and realize the prosperity of the people; the fourth article is to adhere to the policy of ethnic equality, and people of all ethnic groups in China are treated equally;

It is to pursue one-party governance and avoid unnecessary internal strife!"

As soon as Qiao Yu said these five propositions, Zhang Taiyan and others were a little surprised. The first four propositions were all as they should be. Realizing the country's independence, prosperity and strength was also the proposition of most people, but the fifth proposition was too scary.

If you want one party to govern, you must know that the Soviet Union has not yet been established. The major countries in the world are still governed by multiple parties. You come and I go. This is also a sign of a democratic and civilized country that is considered by everyone. Qiao Yu actually does the opposite.

However, it would be somewhat difficult to accept that one party should be in power.

"Jin Jun, you want to imitate other people's constraints. I agree very much, but countries in the world are governed by multiple parties. One-party rule will inevitably be criticized, saying that you are arbitrary, and only one political party will lose control, and it will inevitably lose the democratic foundation.

That’s my true intention!”

"Mr. Taiyan, China is a big country with a profound history. Our accumulated experience in governing the country is much deeper than that of Western powers. Democracy is a good trend of the times, but democracy does not necessarily save China. Now Latin American countries are also implementing democracy.

We all know the system and what their country is like, and what democracy is is not decided by Westerners. China is an independent world. We must have our own standards for choosing and choosing. The other party does not necessarily mean it is not democratic.

Democracy is not voting, nor is it multi-party politics. Democracy is about keeping the people in mind, governing for the benefit of the people, and benefiting the people. Westerners pay too much attention to procedural things. They think that reasonable procedures can lead to appropriate results. This is completely

It is wishful thinking and something that is taken for granted.

China is an extremely complex big country, with varying degrees of development and far behind the world. If we want to catch up with the world trend, we must have long-term strategic planning, resolutely implement policies, allow the existence of opposition parties, and impose constraints on everything.

If it is not done well, after taking turns in power, policies will inevitably change day by day, and long-term layout planning will be lost. It is very likely that our country will never lose the chance of revival. No matter how many people criticize, one-party rule cannot be changed. Of course, we must

Give full play to democracy within the party, strive for comprehensive consideration, and take into account the interests of all parties!”….

"Jun, under a multi-party system, it is inevitable to check each other and push the blame. If the country is prosperous, it will be okay. Now China is suffering from internal and external problems. What it needs is unity. I think it is necessary for one party to govern!" Huang Yuanyong supports Qiao Yu's point of view.

, he has lived in the United States, and now when he reflects on it, electing a president seems very enjoyable, but is it really guaranteed to elect a suitable person? Of course, Americans can waste four years and change a new president through votes, but how many four-year-olds do China have?

Years can be wasted!

Therefore, it is most appropriate for a political party to have the power to control everything. Of course, the biggest hidden danger of this system lies with Qiao Yu. If he wants to turn this party into a tool for his rebellion, it will naturally cause endless harm. But from the current point of view, Qiao Yu

Yu is abiding by the rules and understands the overall situation of the times. It should be most suitable for China now that such an enlightened person carries out a certain degree of political rule!

"Jin Zuo, I still have some questions. The United States is currently the country with the strongest industrial strength and the most peace-loving country among the great powers. Isn't it brought about by the democratic system? If we want to be prosperous and strong, wouldn't it be better to imitate the United States directly?

!" Yu Peilun spoke at this time. He had the earliest contact with Qiao Yu and had a deep understanding of him. Although Qiao Yu was gentle, courteous and thrifty, he still had a strong will to act in his heart. Whether it was appropriate to hand over the power to his hands, in his heart

There is no bottom either.

"Brother Yunji, there are only two ways to accumulate wealth, one is colonial plunder, and the other is honest accumulation, and votes will never bring real wealth. What we need most now is to accumulate wealth and make the country strong.

, so that our future generations can enjoy a better life. We do not have the superior international environment like the United States and cannot accumulate slowly. We must pursue leapfrog development, so we must control the scale of internal friction. In fact, I can guess what you are sitting here

You may worry that this is a fig leaf for me to implement tyrannical rule, but I can tell you with confidence that if China can be unified one day, the life-long system and hereditary system of leaders will definitely end. As long as nothing happens, I will never be indifferent.

Not going!”

After Qiao Yu said this, everyone present was surprised. Power is the most terrible thing. No one can really resist the temptation of power. But Qiao Yu dared to say it, which showed that he

I already have this idea in my mind, which is a good thing no matter what.

"In addition to my guarantee, there will also be institutional restrictions. The highest authority of the Unified Democratic Party is the Central Executive Committee, which elects a total of 13 executive members. All strategic affairs related to the national economy and people's livelihood will be resolved through democratic voting.

, all committee members have completely equal status and coordinate with each other to avoid one person being arbitrary!"

Qiao Yu can't guarantee that he is always right, so it is very necessary to establish a proper system from the beginning of the establishment of the political party. When others heard this, they also knew that Qiao Yu's will was irreversible. The question now is who will become this

Thirteen executive members! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to () to subscribe and reward. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

This chapter has been completed!
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