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Chapter 310 Coordinated Operations

The Chinese ** team has undergone about three months of training in Europe. The troops have thoroughly adapted to the European environment. At the same time, the reorganization of the troops has also begun to show results. The soldiers who have experienced the test of war have unreservedly learned from their valuable experience.

The tactics were taught to the new recruits, and the Chinese ** team also actively learned tactics from Britain and France. After three years of fighting, the two countries still had many good things.

As the commander-in-chief of this army, Jiang Baili's mission is to maintain the power of the Chinese Army as much as possible, and at the same time find a suitable opportunity to go to the battlefield. Since the French Army has serious problems, he is now trying his best to appease the morale of the army.

, the burden of the battlefield fell on the British. Of course, the British also suffered staggering losses in the Battle of the Somme, and it was time to hand over part of the responsibility to the Chinese.

China's total of more than 100,000 troops were organized into eight infantry divisions and a tank brigade. After fierce negotiations, Jiang Baili finally won the task of using the Chinese *** team as the main force to attack the German positions in the Cambrai area.

, the main force of this battle was the Chinese Army. The British only provided two more cavalry divisions, two tank brigades and air support. Jiang Baili became the commander-in-chief of this battle.

This is also an important sign of the improvement of China's status. In fact, neither Britain nor France are willing to let the Chinese directly command the battle. They are simply unwilling to believe that the Chinese can win. Even though Lu Jianzhang and others have shown excellent military qualities, their stubborn

It is believed that the Chinese people can only conduct war under the leadership of the Allied generals. Once China takes independent command, it will inevitably suffer a disastrous defeat.

But some things are not just what they want. There are now more than 700,000 Chinese workers in the factories of the Allied Powers. This is a group that Britain and France both love and hate. Without them, the Allied Powers simply cannot survive.

go on, but it was they who kidnapped the Allies and forced Britain and France to make concessions on many issues. Although there were many suspicions, Britain and France still wanted to introduce more workers from China. This has become a curse, tightly

on the heads of the Allied Powers.

Jiang Baili, Lu Jianzhang, Zhang Xiaohuai, Shi Yi, Deng Xihou, Long Yun, Liu Cunhou and other major generals gathered together, and Jiang Baili personally arranged the combat mission.

"Everyone, this time we will attack the southwest area of ​​Cambrai, which is relatively flat. This time we have 1,200 cannons, 500 tanks, and can also mobilize a thousand aircraft. This is a very large force.

We must make good use of our power to break through the German defense line, prove China's strength to the world, and fight for more rights and interests for our country. Our enemies are the Germans who have experienced many wars, and they can also get backup at any time.

In addition, it is not easy to break through the front line. I hope that everyone will fight bravely with the heart of killing the enemy and serving the country, and display the majesty of the Chinese ** team!"

After Jiang Baili finished speaking, he began to assign tasks. In front of the Chinese ** team was a German position nearly ten kilometers wide. The German army had built a total of three positions, seven to nine kilometers deep. It was not easy to break through. After careful

After discussion, everyone decided to change the previous tactics, not to carry out artillery bombardment in advance, and to adopt air-ground coordination tactics during the war. Air power took the lead in conducting air strikes, and then tank troops began to attack the German defense line, while artillery provided fire support, and all arms fought together.

Concentrate superior forces to destroy the German defense line in one fell swoop.

After the tactics were finalized, at dawn the next day, the Air Force took the lead in bombing the German positions indiscriminately. The German soldiers were not prepared at all. The British had never used the Air Force in this way. They looked at the locust-like Air Force and the dense bombs in the sky.

They fell one after another, and the Germans had no choice but to hide in the fortifications and ask for support at the same time.

Just when the German army was panicking, rumbling sounds came from the distance. The black tank troops quickly approached the German army's position. This attack method surprised the Germans. They were used to artillery bombardment and infantry.

In terms of approaching tactics, today's opponents adopted a completely different approach to attack.

First it was the air force, and then it was the tanks. The German army had no idea how to respond. This hesitation was the most fatal. The tank troops had already crushed the iron net, rushed through the trench, and approached the German position. Only then did the German army

They hurriedly fought back, but they were fiercely attacked by Chinese artillery. Regardless of the possibility of accidental damage, the Chinese used artillery to provide cover and suppress the German firepower.

Then the tanks could quickly crush the German defensive positions. In an instant, the first line of defense was broken through by the Chinese ** team. The tank tactics of the Chinese ** team were obviously more mature and sharper than during the Battle of the Somme. Several

Hundreds of tanks formed a torrent and easily broke through the German defense line.

Jiang Baili and others who have been observing are even more ecstatic. Speaking of which, it is the first time for Jiang Baili to command such a large-scale battle, and it is still in Europe. It would be a lie to say that he is not nervous, and what is even more terrible is the new tactics adopted.

, Jiang Baili was not sure at all. Although he seemed confident, only he knew Jiang Baili's nervousness.

After the war started, Jiang Baili breathed a sigh of relief when the progress was so smooth: "Everyone, our tactics have worked, but this is just the beginning. The German army still has two strong lines of defense, and the German army is not ignorant of tank tactics. After

After a brief period of panic, we must hold on tenaciously and tell commanders at all levels that they must strictly abide by orders and fight bravely!"

The order was passed on, and Zhang Xiaohuai shook his head slightly at this time: "Brother Baili, actually we could have gone more smoothly this time, but the British air force did not cooperate well and was out of touch with the army's attack!"

Jiang Baili nodded, "You're right. This is the first time we have actually used this tactic. There are bound to be some flaws, and the air force is not very mature. We can only wait for technological advancements, but I think we have found a breakthrough.

We have found a way to fight, and the shape of war in the future will undergo earth-shaking changes as a result. It can be said that we are the initiators of this change!"

The Chinese ** team still cooperated closely and advanced vigorously. The infantry, artillery, and tank troops were like a whole, constantly advancing. One by one, the German troops were bombarded into the sky by the tank shells. The machine guns, artillery, and fortifications were all useless. German casualties were everywhere.

, the remaining German troops could only flee in a hurry. They never thought that the war could be so fast and sudden. There was no prior artillery preparation, only tanks coming from the sky, and more dense bullets and artillery shells. Life has never been so good.

Too fragile, even for German soldiers who are used to seeing life and death.

They were very helpless at this time. They could only watch the other side crush their defense line. There was no way. Some soldiers who still had a trace of courage resorted to suicide attacks to destroy the tanks, but this was obviously a delusion. The armored vehicles behind the tanks

, the infantry quickly beat these brave men into sieves.

The first line of defense was broken through, but the second line of defense remained the same. Three hours after launching the attack, the forwards of the Chinese ** team had directly hit the third line of defense. Seeing the Hindenburg Line of Defense carefully constructed by the Germans,

A hole is going to be punched out.

This line of defense seems unbreakable, but in fact it is also the most fragile. As long as a gap can be opened, a complete rout will follow. German commander Demowitz still maintained a trace of clarity at this time, while asking the soldiers to fight desperately to block the Chinese attack.

team's attack, while requesting support.

The Germans are not without tanks. After the Battle of the Somme, the German army also realized that it must build a tank force to fight against the British and French. However, the German army was resource-constrained and could not mass-produce tanks like the British and French. However, in the hands of Demowitz, they still had tanks.

With more than 20 tanks, he didn't care about anything now. He put all these tanks into the third line of defense. At the same time, he also mobilized a large number of vehicle-mounted field guns to block the advance of the Chinese army at all costs.


The German tanks finally appeared on the position, and the two steel teams collided. The number of German tanks was obviously not as good as that of the Chinese, and they were not skillful in using them. Soon the tanks at the front were beaten by the Chinese tanks.

It turned into a pile of scrap metal, and the soldiers inside did not escape and were burned to ashes.

However, facing the Chinese tanks that formed an encirclement situation, the German army did not retreat, but fought desperately. They also knew very well that they were an expendable force, and their only mission was to slow down the crazy offensive momentum of the Chinese ** team and fight for the mobilization of the rear.


This is the first time for many Chinese tank soldiers to go to the battlefield. The crazy secretion of adrenaline makes them forget their fear. They forget that before joining the war, they may not even dare to kill pigs, but now they have to reap lives, and shells are fired one after another.

The tanks of the German soldiers were beaten into piles of scrap metal, and thick black smoke filled the battlefield. In front of the killing tools made of steel, flesh and blood were too fragile. In less than half an hour, the German soldiers

All tanks were destroyed.

However, this half hour also gave the Germans a chance to breathe. They mobilized a large number of artillery to block the gap, and began to fire intensively at the Chinese tank troops regardless of sacrifice. Several Chinese tanks were also affected, and the tanks were destroyed.

Unable to move, not only did it become a target for the special number, but it also blocked the path of the tanks behind it. Problems suddenly appeared in the offensive formation of the Chinese ** team.

At this time, the German air force also rushed over in large numbers. They threw white phosphorus bombs frantically. Since the British Air Force did not provide sufficient air cover, many white phosphorus bombs fell into the Chinese tank troops, and soon more than a dozen more

The tank was caught in a sea of ​​fire. In addition to white phosphorus bombs, the German army began to use chemical poison gas even more frantically. The purpose of the German army was also very simple. It was to create a hell on the way forward of the Chinese *** team and completely block the way forward for the Chinese *** team.


After Jiang Baili received the notification from the front-line troops, he also knew that the German army was trying its best. The Chinese troops only went to Europe to help Britain and France, and could not commit the crime of working for them. Moreover, they probably had more hatred with Britain and France than Germany. The Sichuan clique could develop

The rise was closely related to Germany's early support, so the Chinese ** team could not commit a deadly fight. Jiang Baili gave the order and the tank troops began to slowly retreat!

The Chinese *** team once advanced for more than six kilometers and wiped out nearly 15,000 German soldiers, while losing less than 3,000 of its own. This is a dazzling casualty ratio. You must know that on the Western Front battlefield, even

Victory also costs 70% to 80%, or even more deaths. It is true that one thousand enemies are killed and oneself suffers eight hundred losses. However, Jiang Baili completely overturned this concept.

Although this attack was blocked by the Germans desperately, it also shocked the world. It turned out that this is how the war should be fought. Everyone was too stupid in the past. Britain, France and Germany, who had been fighting for more than three years, still could not find a way to break the trench warfare.

, but was discovered by the Chinese. Air-ground coordination and armored assault are the key to victory! dd

This chapter has been completed!
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