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Chapter 314 Paris Peace Conference

"Everyone, this time we want to introduce foreign talents and workers on a large scale to enrich our industrial system. This is originally a good thing, but we must also tighten our strings. We cannot recruit everyone. What we need is scientific research and technology.

Personnel, teachers, scientists, skilled craftsmen, as for financiers, businessmen, and nobles, they must not be wanted, and literati must also be screened. We can support some imperial literati, but not the rest. Especially the Jews, I must keep a close eye on them.

Yes, we cannot let these hungry wolves into China!"

The Jews can be said to be an unfortunate nation. They have been wandering for thousands of years and faced unprecedented massacres during World War II. In fact, before that, the Jews were often extorted and massacred. But as the old saying goes, poor people must be hateful.

This situation of the Jews also has a huge relationship with them themselves.

They are not loyal to any country, have a crazy obsession with wealth, and rely on superb financial skills to engage in plundering business. The Jews are indeed excellent, but this excellence can only bring disaster to other nations. Almost all

Behind every financial crisis there is the shadow of Jewish oligarchs.

Qiao Yu vigorously developed industry in Sichuan, and the economy developed rapidly, which also attracted the covetousness of Jewish forces. The two sides had been fighting openly and secretly for several rounds. Qiao Yu was originally going to introduce banknotes, but he was afraid of Jewish forces so he did not take action. Instead, he wanted to

This can only be done after sufficient gold reserves are available.

The Jews have not been integrated by other countries and nationalities. Although China has a relatively strong ability to integrate, Qiao Yu does not hold out much hope. It will take at least a hundred years to achieve this. This period of time is enough for the Jews to control China.

When it comes to finance, China must not be a second United States. This is Qiao Yu's unshakable bottom line. Even if China eventually has to breed conglomerates, Qiao Yu hopes that these consortiums will be dominated by the Chinese.

These officials in Southwest China were also aware of Qiao Yu's attitude towards the Jews. Although some people thought Qiao Yu was making a fuss out of a molehill, they did not dare to disobey him.

The civil war in Russia is still going on. The majority party may have various problems, but one thing is worthy of admiration, and that is its strong execution ability. It has adopted a resolute policy of purging the old forces loyal to the tsar. Within a month,

One hundred thousand people were executed, and a large number of others were imprisoned in concentration camps and prisons.

It seems that panic is spreading in Russia. Some people with property are fleeing Russia. Europe is still in the war, which is obviously not a good place to go. A large number of Russians have fled to the three northeastern provinces, and some have fled to Shanghai.

These Russians either had a lot of property or had a certain social status. Many of them were experts in certain fields and well-educated. They were soon discovered by various recruitment personnel sent from the southwest.

The conditions offered by these recruiters are indeed very attractive, including high salary, housing, and even cars. What makes them even more tempted is that if someone gets sick, they can get sulfonamide treatment for free. This is undoubtedly a good thing when the influenza is spreading around the world.

Very attractive conditions.

Of course, the assessment is also very strict. First, you must understand the basic situation. Jews will be rejected directly. Secondly, your professional skills must be tested. Only if you are recognized can you be recruited. Finally, there is a three-year observation period to determine the final decision.


The desperate White Russians regarded passing the examination in the southwest as the best way out. Soon more than 3,000 Russian talents in various fields were recruited into the factories in the southwest and Guangdong and Guangxi. However, this could only be regarded as an appetizer.

The defeat of Belarus will bring more professional talents to China, and there will be an even more exciting group of experts in Europe waiting to be recruited.

At this time, Europe has reached its final moment. With the exception of the United States, everyone is exhausted. As Britain and France learned from the Chinese Army and began to adopt joint operations, coupled with their superiority in air force and armored forces, they allowed them to attack

Capabilities improved rapidly, and the casualty ratio finally began to favor the Allied Powers. More importantly, the American soldiers had found the feeling of war, and began to attack the German army crazily like full-bodied tigers.

The Hindenburg Line of Defense was completely crumbling. If it hadn't been for the sudden outbreak of influenza, which tied the Allied Powers up, they might have invaded the German mainland. Of course, the German side was not feeling well either. More than 200,000 soldiers died during the war, and the influenza at least took away

Four hundred thousand lives were lost, and the efficiency was even more astonishing. Because Germany was hostile to the United States and could not obtain the drug sulfonamide, the mortality rate was even higher.

In November, a mutiny broke out in the German navy in the port of Kiel, which immediately spread throughout Germany. Kaiser Wilhelm II, who was in Berlin, fled to the Netherlands. The mutiny in Germany also brought an abrupt end to the war.

The mutiny in the port of Kiel also had Jewish influences, which also laid the groundwork for the Germans' subsequent hatred of Jews.

But anyway, the First World War that lasted for more than four years was finally over. Of course, people of this era did not know that there would be a larger world war waiting in the future. They were finally freed from the suffering of the war.

Although Britain and France won, they only held on with their last breath of vitality.

While ordinary people are still celebrating victory, politicians from various countries have begun to consider how to divide the results of the war. As one of the victorious countries, China should also participate in the meeting. China's participation in the First World War in this time and space is obviously more intense than in the original time and space.

Much larger.

China has sent as many as 150,000 troops to Europe, and has also dispatched more than 1.4 million workers. Today, more than 800,000 of them are still in Europe. It can be said that China's contribution to the Allied Powers is second only to the United States.

, far above Japan, everyone in the Beiyang government felt extremely happy. Although it was Qiao Yu who cooperated the most with the Allied Powers, they represented the Chinese central government, and they were naturally indispensable for enjoying the glorious moment of the victorious country.

Beiyang Foreign Affairs Minister Lu Zhengxiang personally led the negotiation team to Europe to attend the peace conference in Paris. Lu Zhengxiang went all the way south, and when he arrived in Guangzhou, he disembarked from the ship and came to see Qiao Yu.

Since the Sichuan clique's influence penetrated deep into Guangdong and Guangdong, Qiao Yu has personally been in Guangdong, presiding over the reform plan of Guangdong and Guangxi, recruiting the army of Guangdong and Guangxi, clearing out various local forces, establishing a strong administrative system, starting to elect members, develop industry, and carry out basic work

Facility construction, especially epidemic prevention work, is also a top priority.

After Lu Zhengxiang and his party arrived in Guangzhou, Qiao Yu took an afternoon to meet them. Although Lu Zhengxiang was much older than Qiao Yu, he still seemed extremely humble when facing this powerful man who held power in five provinces.

"Jun Zuo, we are going to Europe to attend the peace conference. Do you have any opinions?"

"Peace conference? It may not bring peace!" Qiao Yu sighed slightly: "Minister Lu, you can just raise the conditions, including the Shandong issue, the national tariff power issue, the concession issue, and even Taiwan, Outer Mongolia and other territorial issues.

Let’s talk about it, but I don’t think we need to put too much hope in the great powers!”

"Jun, we are also a victorious country. Is there any problem with making some reasonable demands?" Gu Weijun was young and energetic. When he heard that Qiao Yu told them to give up hope, he became extremely frustrated. As a diplomat, he had to fight for power for the country.


"Shaochuan, how are you, Madam?"

Qiao Yu suddenly asked about Mrs. Gu Weijun. He was also stunned. He didn't know where Qiao Yu's thoughts jumped to, but he still said: "Thanks to Southwest for discovering sulfonamide, the humble wife did not die. I also want to thank the commander.


In the original history, Gu Weijun's wife died of the flu, so being able to survive now is considered a happy event.

"Shaochuan, now the price of a bottle of sulfonamide is not as outrageous as it was at the beginning, but it is still more than one hundred US dollars per bottle. It costs more than one yuan to buy one tablet, and there are dozens of times the profit. In the first one or two months of buying

At a sky-high price of three thousand US dollars, a profit of a thousand times is probably rare in history, but why can’t China only enjoy such huge profits, but why should it cooperate with the United States?”

Although Lu Zhengxiang and others knew that sulfonamides were profitable, they did not expect that the profits were so astonishing. They all opened their mouths wide and were speechless for a long time.

Gu Weijun's mind was still the most sensitive, and he seemed to have captured Qiao Yu's meaning, "Jun Zuo, are you saying that China does not have the strength to protect its own interests, so it has to rely on the power of foreign powers?"

Qiao Yu nodded: "Yes, during the European War, our materials and labor force were needed by the great powers, so I was confident that the great powers would surrender. But now that the war is over, the great powers don't know that they don't need us. On the contrary, they still

They want to turn China into their colony and suppress China's industry, but our own strength is not enough, so it becomes more difficult to regain power!"

Lu Zhengxiang and others also lowered their heads. He originally thought that as one of the victorious countries, he would be treated well by the Allied Powers and at the same time regain power for the country. In this way, he would save face. Now that Qiao Yu said this, he

My heart is also sinking, it seems that things are not as simple as I thought.

"The great powers will not ignore our kindness to help them, and people all over the world are watching this peace conference. Don't they want this face in front of everyone?"

"General Director Lu, if you still think this way, you should stop doing diplomacy. If you are reasonable, you are no longer a great power!"

Qiao Yu's words were very rude, but he was also telling the truth. The world has not yet truly established an international order, and even if there is a constraint of order, in the final analysis it still depends on the fist. Whoever has a bigger fist will win.

Reason, without strength, can only be at the mercy of others.

Although China today is much better than in history, the country is still divided. Although the Southwest is rising, it still needs enough time to lay a solid foundation. In addition, Beiyang is weak and it is normal to be bullied. What Qiao Yu needs to do most now

That is to enrich the Chinese workers in Europe into the industrial system, recruit a large number of talents, and then obtain a number of advanced machines from France. With these as the foundation, China's primary industrial system will be complete.

In addition, there is another important task, which is to get out the navy. Now that there is the Qinzhou Shipyard and the coastline of Guangdong and Guangxi, it is time to form a decent navy. As long as these are almost ready, Qiao Yu will have

With enough cards, even if the big powers don't agree, Qiao Yu can seize it by force. It's all about time. As long as Qiao Yu digests the results of the first battle, it will be the moment to soar into the sky.

"Jun Si, although the great powers are unreasonable, as diplomats we must fight to the death and never suffer any loss of national power!" Gu Weijun looked very excited and waved his fist, looking confident.

"Shaochuan, since you have this kind of confidence, it is a good thing. There are still hundreds of thousands of Chinese workers and troops in France. I will postpone the withdrawal. If necessary, we can cooperate with these Chinese workers to carry out demonstrations and pay tribute to the Allied Powers.

Strong pressure!"dd

This chapter has been completed!
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