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Chapter 319 China's Struggle 1

At this time, Nguyen Ai Quoc was just a patriotic young man in his thirties, far from the comrade and brother with a sparse beard in later generations. Now the peace conference was being held in Paris, and US President Wilson ran to Europe with his idealism, taking him with him

The Fourteen Points of Peace attempted to establish a new international order, among which the most instigating effect on various colonies was the so-called principle of national self-determination.

As the only president in the history of the United States with a doctorate in philosophy, Wilson was extremely knowledgeable, but his political consciousness was somewhat lacking. He strongly advocated the principle of national self-determination.

Each ethnic group can decide its own future, one ethnic group and one country, and establish a duli nation-state. At the same time, it also requires the great powers to treat the colonial people equally.

There is no doubt that according to Wilson's method, all the colonies around the world will be destroyed in an instant. Not to mention that Britain and France will not agree with this. It is also unknown whether it can be passed in the United States. After all, the United States is also a country of immigrants. If certain ethnic groups stand

Come out and say that we will leave the United States in accordance with the principle of national self-determination. Can the United States agree?

Not only the United States, but also China. China, which has dozens of ethnic groups, would collapse in an instant if it were based on the standards of one nation and one country. Therefore, Wilson's proposition can only be a beautiful dream talk. Of course, as the ultimate

One of the important countries, the President of the United States put forward this principle, which was a great encouragement to all colonial people.

Nguyen Ai Quo contacted some Vietnamese revolutionaries to jointly submit a letter to the Paris Peace Conference, requesting that Vietnam be granted du li status. The reply he received was only two words: Go and have fun!

China has made such a great contribution to the Allied Powers, and it has not completely become a colony. It still has a huge population and strength and it is difficult to regain power. It is simply a wishful thinking for a large colony to have such a dream!

Ruan Aiguo and others finally saw the cruelty of reality. At this time, news of the Russian Revolution also spread throughout Europe. Ruan Aiguo and others decided to follow Russia's example and use violence to achieve national and national independence. However, Russia was still too far away, and Vietnam was behind

Relying on the huge China, they were prepared to get some help from China. At this time, Gu Weijun and others were also attending the peace conference in Paris. They immediately got in touch and got Gu Weijun's help. They took the China transport.

Ships of laborers arrived in China.

Originally, Ruan Aiguo hoped to gain the support of Sun Wen's family, but when he arrived in China, he learned that Sun Wen had been sentenced to life imprisonment. The young warlord Qiao Yu controlled the southwest and Guangdong and Guangxi regions. Ruan Aiguo and others were worried.

People found Qiao Yu again, hoping to gain the support of this powerful man.

After Qiao Yu understood what had happened in the past, he smiled slightly, asked them to sit down, and poured them fragrant tea. It was the first time for Ruan Aiguo to see such a powerful figure, and he seemed a little frightened.

Qiao Yu was the first to speak: "I understand your desire for national independence, and I am also very disappointed with the Paris Peace Conference. Although it has not yet reached the final moment, I can say with certainty that China will not be able to recover from this peace conference.

Get back the sovereignty you deserve. All colonists are the same. Don't ask for rewards from them. If you want to win, you have to rely on blood. You can only kill the colonists until they are afraid, shrink back, and be killed.

Only enslaved people can stand up!"

After hearing Qiao Yu's words, Ruan Aiguo looked very excited, his face turned red, he stood up suddenly and said loudly: "Mr. Patrol Envoy, your words are very reasonable. I am planning to build Vietnam's own army this time.

Carry out a violent revolution like Russia did, expel all colonial forces from Vietnam, and strive for the independence of the country and nation. However, Vietnam is a small country and does not have the strength to achieve these. We urgently need the support of China and hope to patrol

Mr. Yue Shi can support our just struggle, and the Vietnamese people will always be grateful for China's kindness!"

Favor? Qiao Yu can't bear the kindness of Vietnam. As for whether there will be a country like Vietnam in the future, it is still unclear. Qiao Yu waved his hand slightly and asked the excited revolutionary to sit down first. Ruan Aiguo also found himself because of

I was so excited that I stood up. It was very rude, so I had to sit down.

"I understand your feelings very well, but the current situation in China does not allow us to directly send troops to help you. After all, we have too many problems of our own that need to be solved urgently!"

"Mr. Patrol Envoy, we don't need China to directly send troops. As long as it can provide us with some weapons and equipment, and then provide us with some officers, we can recruit patriotic young people and train our own army to liberate Vietnam and expel

Arms of the colonists!”

"Well, I'm very pleased to see you are confident. Both China and Vietnam are deeply oppressed by colonialism. I understand Vietnam's mood very well. I can choose a piece of mountainous area in Guangxi to build a secret base for

In your training of the army, all the instructors and weapons are provided by China. However, our funds are also very difficult. We cannot help you train the army in vain. I think it is better for us to make an agreement. After you regain Vietnam, you will bring the northern part of the country to the army.

The 20-kilometer coastal area of ​​the Gulf was ceded to China, all the way to Haiphong Port, and the control of the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway was handed over to China. In this way, China's military investment could be compensated. Look at this

Is it appropriate to do this?”

Ruan Aiguo's eyes suddenly opened wide, and a hint of anger flashed through him. Although the time was short, he could not deceive Qiao Yu's keen eyesight. Ruan Aiguo was silent for a while and said: "Mr. Patrol Envoy, Zhonglu Kingdom

Provide help to us and we will return the money. We must not sell any country's territory. China is very big and Vietnam is very small. Without these territories, Vietnam will not be able to survive. Please forgive me!


Qiao Yu just said this to test him. What Qiao Yu wanted was not such a small amount of territory. Qiao Yu wanted to put the whole of Vietnam into his pocket. Ruan Aiguo's reaction made Qiao Yu see through these Vietnamese people.

, they are definitely white-eyed wolves who have not been raised well, and it is useless to give them more benefits. In turn, they may bite you, just like wild beasts.

"Mr. Ruan, it seems that I have misunderstood. I have no plan to annex Vietnamese territory. It is just that there are a large number of overseas Chinese in Vietnam, and they also suffer unfair treatment. I hope to be able to specifically delimit the territory in Vietnam after du li."

Setting aside a piece of territory, preferably bordering China, as a living area for overseas Chinese is just for the safety of these overseas Chinese!"

"Mr. Inspector, please rest assured that we will definitely treat all overseas Chinese well. There is no need to separate them at all. The Chinese are developing Vietnam like us and should also enjoy various rights. You don't have to worry at all, and there is no need to artificially isolate them.

, we are brothers, and China is like a big brother!"

Qiao Yu has been in the political arena for several years and has long since stopped taking such empty promises seriously. Ruan Aiguo, who does not have much experience in fighting, actually wants to deceive Qiao Yu. This is definitely a wrong calculation, but Qiao Yu doesn't go either.

Instead of exposing him, he said with a smile: "In that case, I'm relieved. I will help you arrange a training base now. You can expand the organization and recruit personnel as soon as possible!" After Qiao Yu finished speaking, he took out another

The check was filled in with the amount, signed with his name, and delivered to Ruan Aiguo.

Qiao Yu has always been generous, and this time was no exception. He directly gave him 500,000 yuan in activity funds, which can definitely be considered a huge sum of money, especially since Ruan Aiguo and others have no reputation and no strength.

For a few young men, Qiao Yu was able to come up with so much money and agreed to help them train the army. It was really unexpected and made them very excited. After taking the money, they hurriedly took action.

After sending Ruan Aiguo away, Qiao Yu found Wang Tianhe. The expansion in Southeast Asia would definitely anger Britain and France, so the more concealed the better, so Qiao Yu handed over all the tasks to Wang Tianhe instead of

Using too much of the Bureau's power.

"Tianhe, what do you think of these guys Ruan Aiguo?"

"Jin Zuo, these guys are probably similar to Sun Wen who went to Japan to pray for help, but these guys are much stronger than Sun Wen and know that the territory cannot be sold!"

"Tianhe, let them move around, and the army will help them train. As long as it can cause trouble for the French, they can say anything. Your people will also sneak into it, and you will also use them to send intelligence personnel deep into the three Indo-China countries. Myanmar

We must also strengthen penetration. Once we have initially digested the results of the European War, we will set off a revolutionary wave in Southeast Asia and completely shake up the British and French colonial order!"

Qiao Yu lowered his head and thought again: "These people are still unreliable. I heard what they said, and they seemed to admire the Russian revolution. Once the majority party gains power and has the energy to go outside, they will use the majority party's power to

Pulling into Southeast Asia, we must not grow other people's crops in our own fields. I think we should pull the Chinese in Southeast Asia to our side and train a group of Chinese troops as a backup method at any time!"

Wang Tianhe wrote down Qiao Yu's instructions and went to implement them.

It is now April 1919. The Paris Peace Conference has been held for more than three months, but the situation is very pessimistic. After Lu Zhengxiang, Gu Weijun and others arrived in Europe, they met with Li Zongwu who had been in Europe. Gu Weijun immediately introduced what they were going to do this time.

All conditions proposed to the peace conference.

There are ten items listed in total, all of which are major matters related to China's sovereignty: abolition of the spheres of influence of various countries; withdrawal of garrisons and police; withdrawal of foreign post offices and wireless and wired telegraph institutions; abolition of concessions; abolition of consular jurisdiction; return of concessions; return of concessions.

Complete the tariff power of China; Completely abolish the Gengzi Indemnity; Support China in recovering the territories illegally occupied by Russia; Return all ceded territories including Hong Kong, Luda, Weihaiwei, Guangzhou Bay, Macao, etc. to China.

If the great powers agree to these ten items, it will be tantamount to a complete denial of their achievements in colonizing China over the years, especially the cession of territories, which involves the colonial interests of the three countries of Britain, France and Japan. After Li Zongwu looked at these ten items, he shook slightly.

Shake his head.

"Guys, I think it's even harder to achieve these ten points than to reach the sky. Not to mention snatching meat from Britain and France, even Qingdao and other places have to be transferred to Japan. Britain and France are now wary of China.

If you want to use Japan to restrict the development of China, how can you easily return power to us!"

After living in Europe for several years, Li Zongwu also had a thorough understanding of the virtues of these great powers. What they respected was only their fists. Especially this time, after China gave great support to the victory of the Allied Powers, Britain and France not only failed to be grateful,

On the contrary, they are ready to suppress the development of China. They know very well that Japan is just an island country. When it develops, it will be a vicious dog at best, while China is a living dragon. Therefore, it must be controlled to keep China forever.

In a state of fragmentation, it would be best to become a public colony of the great powers forever.dd

This chapter has been completed!
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