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Three hundred and twentieth chapters chieftain defected

Qiao Yu also felt completely helpless about Beiyang's efficiency. As early as the outbreak of the February Revolution in Russia, Qiao Yu suggested that Duan Qirui prepare and wait until the October Revolution to send troops immediately. As a result, it has been more than a year since Beiyang.

Although Outer Mongolia was in hand, the situation in Northeast China still made no progress and turned into a mess. Qiao Yu was really helpless.

Yang Du sighed and said: "Qiao Shuai, there was still hope to regain all the power in the Middle East as soon as possible, but the speed of sending troops to Beiyang was slow, allowing the Japanese to take the lead. The Japanese used the reason that they had special interests in the Northeast.

, demanding that the jurisdiction of the northern section of the Middle East Road be handed over to Japan, or be changed to a joint venture between China, Japan and Russia. After Japan intervened, the Russian side became more stubborn and refused to let China take over the Middle East Road, and the stalemate continued.


The Middle East Road was originally a section of the Trans-Siberian Railway built by Russia, centered on Harbin, starting from Manzhouli in the west and ending at Nefenhe in the east. Then the Russians built a branch line starting from Harbin via Changchun to Lushun and Dalian.

The railway formed a huge T-shape, bringing all the three eastern provinces under its control. However, not long after this railway was built, a section became the famous South Manchuria Railway.

The three eastern provinces surrounding the Middle East Road were divided into two parts by Japan and Russia. Fengtian was entirely controlled by Japan, Heilongjiang was controlled by Russia, and Jilin was divided in half between the two countries. Qiao Yu hoped that Duan Qirui could first take over what was in the hands of Russia.

Get that part, and then wait for an opportunity to cross Heilongjiang and take back the outer Northeast. It just so happens that the great powers are now carrying out armed intervention against Russia. This is a golden opportunity. However, Beiyang's actions are too slow, so the Japanese saw the opportunity and insisted on asking China to cover the entire eastern route.

Leave it to Japan, and China's military supplies are not allowed to pass through the South Manchuria Railway. With Japan as a troublemaker, the Beiyang March Plan is completely shelved.

"Beiyang is misleading the country. China's largest land neighbor is Russia. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. However, we cannot quickly resolve Russia and gain strategic initiative. I'm afraid there will be no such opportunity in the future!" Qiao Yu also thinks about Beiyang's execution ability.

I deeply doubt that Xu Shuzheng has good abilities. Now Outer Mongolia has been completely stabilized, and the 100,000 border guards under his command are not weak. However, except for Xiao Xu, Duan Qirui has no one available.

"Qiao Shuai, isn't Beiyang Incompetent an opportunity for you? The Russian Civil War is still going on. Although the White Army has shown signs of fatigue, it can still last for a while. If Qiao Shuai can command the army to regain his homeland at this time, his prestige will be great.

If it increases, it will be effortless to directly replace Beiyang!"

"Mr. Jiuzi, there's no need for you to fool me. I know very well how much money the family has now. It's already pretty good that the existing troops can hold seven provinces, and there are still hundreds of thousands of workers on the road who haven't come back. What's more?"

In addition, all the reform months have just begun, including land reform, the abolition of slavery, and financial reform, all of which are of great importance. I really don’t have the extra energy to interfere in the affairs of the north!"

Qiao Yu was right. Although making a big fuss in Paris would have great benefits in boosting people's morale, the disadvantages were also very obvious. Britain and France had obviously imposed sanctions on Southwest China. Some of the payments were still in arrears, and the machines were also seized.

After sitting down, it was obvious that Britain and France were ready to give this little warlord who slapped them in the face a good look.

In addition, the reform has just been rolled out, and everything will take time. Although Qiao Yu has the intention now, he does not have the power to replace Beiyang. After all, replacing Beiyang is not as simple as defeating Beiyang's army. It also requires the implementation of reforms and the establishment of an administrative system, which involves

Qiao Yu really doesn't have the energy to deal with all aspects of things. If he eats Beiyang now, he will definitely be exhausted.

"Qiao Shuai, do you know what Yang admires most about you?"

"Mr. Jiuko, why don't you just say it?"

"Haha, even you, Qiao Shunqing, have a clear mind. You don't feel complacent when you achieve something, and you don't belittle yourself when you encounter difficulties. Being able to correctly understand your own strength is more important than anything else!"

"I've settled on the prize for now. I can only be regarded as a middle-aged man. But if I think about some things too much and see too much, I won't be able to be deceived by illusions!"

"Qiao Shuai, actually I want to send you a message this time. Duan Zhiquan is exhausted mentally and physically. He can't control Beiyang. The issues in the three eastern provinces have not been resolved for a long time. Shandong has become like this again. He has already decided to quit.

, wanting Qiao Shuai to take over his position, Duan Zhiquan has already said that Beiyang will be replaced by "the Department" sooner or later. Simply taking the initiative to hand over power can save some face. When the two sides really start a war, nothing will be stabbed!"

When Qiao Yu heard that Duan Qirui was actually planning to give up power, he was really surprised. Is this true, or was Duan Qirui testing himself? Throughout Duan Qirui's life, he was very concerned about power and could do it casually.

Will you hand over your authority?

"Mr. Jiuzi, are you making fun of me?"

"Qiao Shuai, how dare I? If you offend Beiyang, you will definitely die, but if you offend Qiao Shunqing, there will be no good end. You have been sentenced to prison by other people. Do I, a remnant of the imperial system, dare to deceive you, Duan Qi?

Rui is really in a difficult situation now. If the Southwest had not provided him with a large amount of money, food and weapons, he would have been unable to survive long ago. The arrogant and powerful generals under his command were not obedient, and those foreigners did not dare to bully you, so why not?

Do you dare to bully Duan Zhiquan, but Duan Ruiqi is not without conditions, he hopes that you can keep your position in Beiyang, don't treat the old man of Beiyang badly!"

Qiao Yu thought about it for a moment. If it was true as Yang Du said, Duan Qirui wanted to retreat and he could successfully take over the power. This would not be a bad thing. After all, it would be a good thing for the people to avoid civil war.

"Mr. Jiuzi, President Duan has this idea. It is a compliment to me, but China can't do without him now. I have a suggestion. We can promote Zhang Zuoshuang as the patrol envoy of the three northeastern provinces and concurrently as the commander of the northeastern border defense, and let him take command.

The 27th Division, the 28th Division, the 29th Division, and the main troops from the three northeastern provinces will form the Northeast Frontier Defense Force, take back the power of the Middle East Road, and then wait for an opportunity to cross Heilongjiang!"

Zhang Zuoshuang? Yang Du still knows something about this person. In his impression, Zhang Zuoshuang is a very smart and powerful little warlord. He is a bandit. He has a ruthless style and a very precise vision. But is he qualified for such an important task? He

Why is Qiao Yu so important? Could it be that Zhang Zuoshuang has already contacted Qiao Yu. One of them is in the southwest and the other is in the northeast. But they are so far apart that Qiao Yu can stretch his hand long enough!

In Yang Du's mind, he rated Qiao Yu much higher, "Can Qiao Shuai and Zhang Zuoshuang solve the problems in Northeast China?"

"Mr. Jiuzi, don't worry. As far as I know, Zhang Zuoshuang is a capable person, and he also has a patriotic heart. His ability is second to none among all the generals in the Northeast. In addition, I have a way to make the Japanese give up on the Middle East.


Ask Riben to let go? This is not a joke. Qiao Yu actually has so much energy. Now that the relationship between Qiao Yu and Riben is not good, Riben can still listen to Qiao Yu. Isn't this a joke? But look at Qiao Yu again.

Yu Yilei's confident appearance made Yang Du unsure whether to trust him or not.

At this moment, the secretary suddenly sent in a piece of information and handed it to Qiao Yu. Qiao Yu took a look, his face changed, and then returned to normal, "Mr. Jiuzi, trouble has arisen again. Let's talk about it later."


When Yang Du saw that Qiao Yu had something to do, he had to leave. After Qiao Yu sent Yang Du away, he frowned. The abolition of slavery had also begun along with the land reform. The first one to start was Yunnan. There were many ethnic minorities in Yunnan.

Moreover, half of these ethnic groups are basically within China and half are outside the country. The same is true for the areas under the jurisdiction of the chieftains. They are caught between China and the British and French colonial forces. If they want to survive, they have to be at both ends. As a result, the areas under their jurisdiction are

The ownership issue is also unclear.

Officially taking this difficulty into consideration, Luo Changchun first implemented land reform in the Han landlord-inhabited areas of Yunnan. The government spent a large sum of money to redeem the land and then supported them. Yunnan has always been regarded as a smog by the Central Plains.

The hometown of Yunnan, but to be honest, Yunnan is not poor. There are various resources buried underground. With the gradual improvement of the southwest railway network, various resources in Yunnan have been developed. Many landlords who accepted the land reform gave up their land and began to

Operating a mine is the easiest way to make money with the support of the government.

In addition, other landowners also began to plant tobacco extensively on large farms. Later, Yunnan's tobacco became famous throughout the country. Yunnan's geographical climate was indeed suitable for growing tobacco. The tobacco industry was also hugely profitable. Therefore, after the land reform, opium was completely eradicated and tobacco cultivation began.

, the people of Yunnan finally have the possibility to get rid of poverty.

The ethnic minority areas that had not implemented land reform began to be less resistant to such reform. Luo Changchun took advantage of the situation and made conditions, promising that the land owned by the chieftains could be redeemed at 30% higher than the market price. However, there was an important condition.

The prerequisite was to require the chieftains to hand over their hereditary privileges and at the same time abolish their personal control over their serfs.

Luo Changchun cleverly combined the abolition of slavery and land reform. On one side, there is real money, and on the other side, hereditary power. It is indeed difficult to choose, but the southwest border defense army has moved into various parts of Yunnan. These chieftains are very sober.

If you agree now, will you be able to get a large sum of money and get support from the government, or will you be able to become a rich man? If you don't agree, can they compete with these armies?

The troops sent by the Central Plains court this time are different from the past. They are all brave and fierce, and you can feel the murderous aura from a long distance away. These are definitely elite soldiers who have fought in hundreds of battles. The equipment in their hands is even better, and there are countless

There are machine guns, cannons thicker than a human waist, airplanes in the sky, and huge armored vehicles on the ground.

The smarter chieftains all knew that this time the Central Plains court was playing for real, and its determination was unprecedented. They were not able to compete, so they obediently handed over their power, and at the same time got their share of the redemption funds, and had a leader.

Yes, most of the toasts soon accepted their new fate.

However, not everyone was so obedient. Six chieftains, including Rima, Menggen, Zhengqian, Mubang, Dashan, and Mengyang, who were close to the border between China and Myanmar, led hundreds of thousands of their tribesmen to flee into Myanmar.

, and more and more people are fleeing to Myanmar with them.

Luo Changchun is the chief official of Yunnan. Now that a large number of people from Yunnan have fled, the pressure on his shoulders has also increased. In addition, a large number of people leaving will inevitably cause international disputes. The British will also take the opportunity to discredit China's land reform, so Qiao Yu gets

After receiving the report, I had to be cautious.dd

This chapter has been completed!
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