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Three hundred and fortieth chapters rapid retreat

1919 was a year of rapid turmoil for China. In the first half of the year, China experienced the painful blow of the failure of the Paris Peace Conference. There was great resentment among the people. The Chinese people had never been so eager for reform.

Reform must change. Only through thorough reform can China regain new vitality. Only then can China get rid of the fate of being controlled by slaves and embark on the road to becoming a powerful country.

The Western democratic-communist model has lost its charm. China has begun to pay more attention to other ideological trends in the world. The proposition of the Russian majority party has given China hope. This may be a new path that China should learn.

, so various groups came into being. At this time, the Battle of Northern Burma broke out. Southwest relied on its industrial strength accumulated over the years to defeat the British in one fell swoop, regained 70,000 square kilometers of territory, and took back the concession area.

This huge victory shocked the entire Middle Kingdom.

Prior to this, Zhang Zuolin's inspection of the three northeastern provinces enabled Zhang Zuolin to successfully capture Hailanpao and have already launched an operation to recover the outer northeast. Zhang Zuolin's ability to have enough strength to launch an operation to regain the territory was completely inseparable from the assistance from the southwest.

With the air force assistance from the southwest, Zhang Zuolin was able to annihilate Hailanpao's defenders in one fell swoop.

Suddenly, the Chinese people discovered that the southwest had already embarked on a path to becoming a powerful country. This path was completely feasible and had already yielded fruitful results. Unlike the majority party’s proposals that remained on paper,

This is a practical approach.

The auditorium of Sichuan University was once again packed with seats. As the academic center of Sichuan, political figures often like to give speeches here to elaborate on political ideas. Qiao Yu once again delivered an important speech here.

"Students, I have talked about the importance of industrialization here before, and I have repeatedly said that only by truly completing industrialization can we truly stand up. Today I will still talk about this issue here as always. In this military conflict in northern Myanmar,

During the conflict, we can already see the changes that industrialization has brought to us. China has its own powerful air force, which is not only able to protect our airspace, but also has the power to destroy any invading enemies. It has its own tank.

It can be said that for the first time, the Chinese army has caught up with the powerful troops in terms of weapons. This is a victory for the Chinese industrial workers.

It is a victory for the engineers and scientific researchers who are working on the front line of production in China. It is their efforts that allow the people of China to not have to fight against steel with flesh and blood, and do not have to fight against cannons with chests. Many of them are from

Those who came out of Sichuan University are your senior brothers, and you are about to fight for the prosperity of our country. Here I suggest that everyone give you applause, you are the hope of the future of China!"

There was thunderous applause in the auditorium of Sichuan University. This is indeed a proud moment. Three batches of graduates from Sichuan University have walked out of the campus, including more than 3,000 science and engineering students. Most of these people are regarded as the future

To cultivate the backbone of scientific research, now the proportion of Chinese technical workers in factories in southwest China and other places has exceeded 70%, and scientific researchers account for more than 40%. This result is far beyond expectations, and it is very important for science and engineering.

The emphasis on similar talents definitely plays a huge role.

The atmosphere of society has also undergone tremendous changes. Those old-style scholars who can only show off their words are no longer the center of society, and they can no longer get that kind of crazy attention. The popularization of compulsory education has made the number of scholars more and more popular.

More and more, being a scholar is no longer a sacred status, and being able to write is no big deal. What this society needs are doers.

"What I want to emphasize is that with the end of the world war, China's industrialization has reached an important juncture. The strong external demand for the war has disappeared. China's products must compete with other countries' products. We need

There is a sufficient market, but more than 80% of the domestic farmers are still very poor and cannot afford to consume. It can be said that China's industrial development has reached a bottleneck. If it can overcome it, China has the hope of entering the ranks of industrialized powers, that is,

We often talk about the power of the two countries. If China fails, then we will still face the crisis of subjugation and annihilation. This is not exaggeration, but a fact. As long as it is clear that China is now

Only by understanding our national conditions can we understand ourselves clearly.

What I want to talk about today is how to overcome this difficulty. Looking around the world, no country has a population of more than 100 million in the process of industrialization. As the saying goes, a small ship can easily turn around, so their industrialization path

It seems a lot easier, but of course there are many problems and difficulties, and the people have paid a heavy price. The Central Plains has a heavy historical burden, and the development of various regions and ethnic groups is seriously uneven, and there is even slavery.

degree, so the resistance to industrialization is unprecedentedly huge, and our international environment is completely different from the period of strong industrialization in Europe and the United States. Now the world has been completely divided, and a world war has broken out, so we are facing

The difficulty is ten times, a hundred times that of Europe and America!

Therefore, I believe that China must abandon the Western-style democratic-democratic-communist approach in which multiple parties take turns in governing. We must adhere to the one-party system and use strong administrative power to promote the industrialization process. The reason is simple. We

The resistance is too great and we must concentrate our efforts; our time is very urgent and must not be delayed; our national conditions are very complex. If the anti-Japanese opponents of the party are allowed to exist, they will not only involve energy, but also become a powerful force to interfere in the party.

The tool to split the country, the force that leads the country in industrialization must be the Unified Democratic Party. In the local elections that just concluded not long ago, the Unified Democratic Party won

We have won an absolute majority, which is both a trust and a spur to the Unified Democratic Party. I personally feel that the burden on my shoulders is heavy. The success or failure of the nation lies in the hands of our generation, and the responsibility is not unheavy.

Nowadays, the majority party in Russia also advocates that one party should govern and use strong political power to build Russia into an industrial country. So, do the Democratic Party of the United People and the Russian majority party have the same ideas? No!

Absolutely not!

The Russian majority party took extremely cruel measures against the anti-Japanese opponents, divided the people into different classes, and used the form of struggle to solve domestic problems, resulting in a large number of unjust, false and wrong cases and a large number of cases.

Political persecution is something that China will never allow. China is a big country with a population of more than 400 million. Even if it is only one tenth of the population, there must be as many as 40 to 50 million. If we

If we take Russia's measures, we are afraid that the land of Central China will be littered with corpses. We cannot bear such huge losses.

Therefore, under the circumstance that the unified democratic party is in power and remains unwavering, it must give full play to democratic democracy, take care of the interests of everyone as much as possible, focus on the long-term, and focus on development. It cannot be

People's will is being held hostage, but we cannot act arbitrarily. Things that must be eliminated in society, such as slavery, must be eradicated resolutely and without mercy. We only provide principled guidance on the development methods of various places and do not interfere in specific affairs.

, give full play to the creativity of hundreds of millions of Chinese people, let China embark on the fast track of industrialization, completely get rid of the fate of being colonized and enslaved, and become a powerful country that can control its own destiny!


The purpose of Qiao Yu's political speech at Sichuan University is very clear, which is to tell the world that the Sichuan clique is no longer satisfied with settling in a corner, and wants to begin to move towards the highest power in China, and to use its own way to change

The fate of the country.

Moreover, Qiao Yu once again brought out the political ideas of the Unified Democratic Party, which is to issue recruitment orders to all political forces. If you are smart and choose to obey, you can still retain some power. If

If you persist in your obsession, the only way is to be completely eradicated. Qiao Yu's many years of arrangements have shown results.

On the third day after Qiao Yu's speech, the Governor of Hunan, Tan Yan, the Governor of Hubei, Xia Douyin, the Governor of Shaanxi, Chen Shufan, the Governor of Gansu, Zhang Guangjian, and the Governor of Xinjiang, Yang Xinxin, jointly issued a telegram to hand over the military units under their control.

The Southwest Army was reorganized, and what was even more unexpected was that Zhang Zuolin, the leader of the bandits who patrolled the three eastern provinces, also gave a speech in Hailanpao.

Zhang Zuolin praised the assistance provided by the Southwest in regaining his homeland, and believed that Qiao Yu was a person who could truly change the destiny of China. The three northeastern provinces were preparing to invite the Unified Democratic Party to establish branch branches.

Even more unexpectedly, Shanxi Governor Yan Xishan also stood up at this time and invited the United People's Democratic Party to establish a branch in Taiyuan. The same invitation was given by Jiangxi Governor Chen Guangyuan. He first helped expel the southwestern

He expressed his gratitude to the British Concession in Jiujiang River, and then strongly hoped that Southwest China could include Jiangxi in the economic development system and connect Jiangxi with the two lakes, Sichuan and other places.

The situation of forced eviction caused by the collective statement of local officials has become very clear, that is, Qiao Yu will lead the Sichuan clique to take Beiyang instead. However, this expulsion is peaceful and not a form of war, but the pressure caused by it is

It's also very scary.

Duan Qirui, who is in the whirlpool, is under the greatest pressure. To be fair, Duan Qirui has achieved some results since he came to power, especially the recovery of Outer Mongolia and Tangnu Ulianghai. This is a bonus for Duan Zheng's government.

It is huge, and its march into the outer Northeast cannot be separated from Duan Qirui's support.

However, due to poor civil affairs, the people's livelihood in the northern provinces is getting worse and worse. Coupled with the huge financial pressure of sending troops, Duan Qirui has been breathless. Moreover, the situation in Russia is changing three times a day. Duan Qirui obviously lacks a understanding of the international situation.

He had no idea how to deal with it, and another veteran Beiyang general, Feng Guozhang, was seriously ill and was about to pass away.

Beiyang is now divided into two cliques: Zhizhi and Anhui. Duan Qirui's Anhui clique's group occupied a lot of resources due to sending troops to Outer Mongolia and other issues. The balance between the two cliques was also broken. The Zhili clique's dissatisfaction with Duan Qirui became more and more serious.

, now Feng Guozhang is seriously ill again. Without his suppression, the internal conflicts in Beiyang have also become prominent, and people's hearts have begun to disperse.

"In charge of the feudal government, Commander-in-Chief Xu has sent information that Russia's Kolchak has been defeated and the army has withdrawn from Omsk. Commander-in-Chief Xu has asked you for instructions on what to do!"

China's action to regain Outer Mongolia was an act of taking advantage of the situation. Now that the majority party has achieved a decisive victory, what should China do? It has become the most important thing in front of Duan Qirui. Once the Russian civil war is over,

The conflict between China and Russia is bound to break out. Does Beiyang have the strength to compete with the wolf-like majority party? What if it cannot change itself?

After thinking about it for a while, Duan Qirui ordered Yang Du to be invited over. Yang Du was also surprised when he saw Duan Qirui. Most of Duan's hair was now gray, and it seemed that he was really exhausted both mentally and physically, to the extreme.

"Mr. Xizi, you and I are old acquaintances. I don't want to hide it. I am ready to retire. Although Beichengjing is good, it is not a place to stay for a long time. Ye Luo has to return to his roots. Since I joined the army,

I have never thought about my hometown in Hefei so much. Young people still sit in this position. If I sit down again, I will be a waste of time for Guo Xing's family."

Duan Qirui continued with a desolate look on his face: "Mr. Xizi, I know that you still have a relationship with Qiao Yu, and I will be relieved if he can treat the old man in Beiyang fairly!"

This chapter has been completed!
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