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Chapter Thirty-Five

The three young people were completely in pain. The good hopes in their hearts seemed to collapse instantly. In their impression, the leader was great, wise, and correct, but how to explain the problem at hand? They seemed to be trapped in

In a blind corner of thinking, it is difficult to extricate oneself.

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Yu Jianxiong was the most silent, but at this time he was also the first to calm down, "Mr. Qiao, as the saying goes, listen to his words and watch his actions. This is just a strategy of Mr. Qiao to win foreign aid.

He is definitely not a traitor, sir, he definitely loves this country more than any of us!"

"Yes, Jianxiong is right, sir, he will not betray the country!" Shi Yi seemed to have found the last bit of sustenance and shouted loudly.

Qiao Yu was a human being in two lives. Thinking about it, he seemed to have had this kind of confusion. The figure who was originally elevated to the status of a god was moved down again. At that time, he was also ordinary. It seemed that his world view had collapsed in an instant, and he was very distressed. However,

What's fake can't be true, and what's true can't be fake. You can quibble, but the facts are there, and it's useless to beautify them blindly. In the five thousand years of China, there has never been a shortage of heroes, especially in the Republic of China era, who threw their heads and shed their blood.

, there are too many people sitting in prison and lying dead in the execution ground. Only frankness can restore the original appearance of history.

"The possibility you mentioned exists, and I hope it does. Otherwise, don't you think China is too pitiful? The Manchu Qing Dynasty in power wants to betray the country, and the opposition revolutionary party also wants to betray the country. No one really loves the country.

Is this country in ruins? Listen to its words and watch its actions. These six words are very good. Let us speak freely and then talk about actions. The revolution has been going on for many years, and countless people with lofty ideals have sacrificed their lives. However, the revolutionary party seems to

Without absorbing any experience and lessons, they still relied on party members and even bandits to carry out revolution, wasting money in vain, and ruining great young people. I know very well overseas how many Chinese and overseas Chinese, our flesh and blood compatriots, donated the coffins, and then gave away their children.

It was also sent out, which can be said to destroy families and provide relief, but as a result, the money was gone, people died, and the leaders were still shouting slogans overseas.

I have been back to Sichuan for more than half a year. Now several factories have been set up and more than 2,000 troops have been trained. It can be said that most of the power in Chongqing has been controlled. The revolutionary party is so powerful overseas and has the support of Chinese forces. Think of some ways to seek a solution.

Earth, it is not difficult to train some troops, but they did not do it at all. On the contrary, they colluded with the Japanese. Since the Sino-Japanese War of 1891-1891, the Japanese have been obsessed with destroying me and are pressing forward step by step. However, some people want to take over the three provinces of East China.

In exchange for the support of the Japanese, is this really patriotic? Even if it is, it is a traitorous way to be patriotic. I feel really sad for our country."

The three young people fell into silence completely and stopped talking. They chewed Qiao Yu's words over and over in their hearts. Their original thoughts quietly changed. Shi Dingzhong let out a sigh of relief.

He originally wanted to recommend several children to Qiao Yu, but they turned out to be firmly opposed and wanted to follow the Revolutionary Party. The old man was really worried. Now these bastards seem to have calmed down. This is the best thing.

"Sir, do you also want a revolution?" Shi Yi asked.

"The Qing government must be overthrown, but what I'm more worried about is that China will fall into a more difficult situation from now on. It will fall into pieces, warlords fight, and with the interference of foreign forces, China's situation will definitely be worse than that of the late Han Dynasty and the late Tang Dynasty. Overthrow

The Qing Dynasty was easy, but establishing a new country was too difficult?"

"Then sir, do you think there is still hope for us?

"How could it not be so? We have the second largest territory in the world and the largest population. China is too big for the big powers to swallow. The key is to make our country suffer less and take less detours.

! You should also think about it carefully. Although we are all young people, I still want to advise you not to be hot-headed and think more about everything. There is no value in unnecessary sacrifices! Bookstore Shi, I will leave first if I have something else to do.

If Shi Yi and the others figure it out, you will send them to the newly recruited armed merchant group!"….

Shi Dingzhong nodded hurriedly, and Qiao Yu and Wang Tianhe left the Shi family, leaving behind three young people who were deep in thought.

"Young master, you are so powerful. I am afraid that even Zhuge Wuhou cannot compare to you?"

"What nonsense? It's just that they are not deeply involved in the world and think of things simply. But after all, they have received formal military training and are rare talents. I really don't want them to take the wrong path!"

After handling this matter, Qiao Yu is still extremely busy. The armed merchant group has recruited all its personnel, training has begun, and Bushit's arms have been shipped one after another. The patrol police have all been replaced with Mauser rifles, and at the same time, they have selected

A group of people learned how to operate mountain cannons. The power in Qiao Yu's hands continued to expand, and he successively destroyed several bandit strongholds around Chongqing, ensuring the smooth flow of trade routes.

At this time, more than a dozen people were gathering secretly in a classroom of Chongqing Middle School to discuss how to respond to the uprising in Guangdong. The leader was Yang Shukan, as well as Zhang Peijue, Zhu Zhihong, Xie Chi and others. Yang Shukan and Qiao Yu

After the falling out, he went to southern Sichuan to raise money, and the results were not small. Although he did not get enough money, the leader of the Ge Lao Association in southern Sichuan had promised to support the revolutionary party and sent his top general Zhu Feibiao to discuss the uprising plan.

However, after returning to Chongqing, Yang Shukan's heart dropped. Gu Jinlong was arrested. Although he escaped, most of the power of Chongqing Ge Laohui was cut off, and the Tongmenghui was also suppressed. The most important thing is that the government has

Their activities were greatly restricted, and the Japanese consul who had always been on good terms with the Revolutionary Party seemed to have become lukewarm. The problem was Ogawa. After Ogawa withdrew from the meeting, he asked

Japanese Consul Suzuki reported what happened. The Japanese Consul immediately became furious and cursed Ogawa for being an idiot.

Japan indeed covets the Yangtze River Basin, but how to enter the Yangtze River is a matter of knowledge. Suzuki insists that it should first make good friends with the local forces in China, and then find an opening for the British, and then slowly extend its influence in, instead of relying on

Acting blindly on strength, Ogawa's reckless behavior has threatened Japan's strategy. It is not good enough, but Qiao Yu still agrees to cooperate with Japan. It seems that Japan has not lost anything and has gained. However, from now on, Suzuki strictly prohibited the Japanese from casually interacting with the alliance, fearing

This group of people ruined Japan's major affairs, and now the Alliance is even more embarrassed in Chongqing.

"Liu Wu, what do you want me to say about you? All the good situations have been lost, and an uprising is right in front of us. What do you want me to do?"

Ever since Zhang Peijue left the venue in despair, he was getting more and more embarrassed. He didn't say a word, but just smoked.

Not only does he have the support of the Chongqing Chamber of Commerce, but he also has business contacts with the Germans and the British. He is already a leader in Dongchuan's industrial circles. To oppose him is to oppose the gentry and businessmen of Sichuan, and to oppose the Constitutional Party. We

You have to think carefully about countermeasures, otherwise you will only suffer a loss."

Yang Shukan lowered his head and thought for a long time: "I think the only force that can be mobilized is in the army. Now that the military pay has been in arrears for a long time, the patrol camp is in embarrassment. Our influence in the patrol camp is not small, so I think we can use it to cause trouble."

In the name of pay, as long as it is incited, conflicts will be inevitable. No matter how powerful Qiao Yu is by then, he may not be able to compete with the regular army!"

After several people discussed it, they split up and made arrangements. Not long after they left, Qiao Yu had a piece of paper in his hand, which was about this meeting. People from the Tongmenghui thought that their actions were covert, but in Qiao Yu's hands.

It seems that there are many loopholes. Qiao Yu has firmly controlled Yang Shukan's whereabouts since he returned to Chongqing. Now that he knows their plan, Qiao Yu begins to think about how to use this matter to gain greater benefits.


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