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Chapter 363: Sino-Japanese Collision IV

Long before the sinking of the Settsu, the Chinese Air Force had launched a large-scale attack on the Japanese fleet. Only ten of the thirty aircraft led by Wang Yue had completed the modification, that is, they could carry one ton of bombs and were used as attack battleships.

The main force, and the rest carried 200 kilogram bombs. The main targets were cruisers, destroyers, and logistics supply ships. After Wang Yue successfully demonstrated the first attack, the remaining ones carried 500 kilogram bombs.

The planes also pounced on the other three battleships.

At this time, the Japanese woke up from a dream. It turned out that the opponent's toys could really hurt the maritime giant of our empire! Those naval soldiers desperately used machine guns to shoot into the air, and some even used rifles and pistols to shoot.

However, these blind attacks had no actual effect. Instead, they showed the panic and incompetence of the Japanese soldiers.

A bomber approached the battleship Ise. Two bombs were dropped instantly, and one bomb landed on the bow of the ship. The violent explosion turned the front deck of the battleship into a mess, and countless Japanese navy were blown into pieces.

Pieces of broken limbs were scattered everywhere, and groans and cries were heard endlessly. However, due to the relatively strong defense of the ship's bow, the bomb did nothing but take away dozens of lives and destroyed a main gun.

Produced greater results.

Due to the angle, the other bomb fell into the sea water dozens of meters away and had no effect. However, the nightmare of the Ise was not over. Two other bombers also targeted the Ise.

, one of the pilots even lowered the flying altitude to about 150 meters.

One of the two bombs landed in the middle of the warship, and the other landed at the stern. The violent explosion destroyed most of the Ise's superstructure. The flames that shot into the sky were more than 200 meters long, and countless steel parts were destroyed.

They were scattered all over the sky, and the number of casualties was staggering.

The fire also swallowed up the brave pilot along with his plane. In fact, the pilot had been hit by a Japanese machine gun before. He made a big gamble with his life. He may not be the best pilot, but he has

The courage to face death as if it were home, and the proud character.

In this attack performed with life, the Ise was completely severely damaged. The entire warship was shrouded in flames, like a huge fire coffin. The parents of the Japanese soldiers inside were screaming and embarrassed. The warship

The sailing speed also gradually slowed down.

Among the other several bombers, one successfully attacked the Rimukai. As the sister ship of the Ise, the Rimukai was also an important warship in the Japanese Navy's Eighth Eighth Fleet plan. At this time, it also received a bomb.

Near miss.

The huge water pressure made this 30,000-ton warship feel as if it had been hit by a huge hammer. It was like a small boat shaking up and down on the sea. Everyone on the warship could hear bursts of twisted metal.

The sound, this sound was like a demon in hell laughing wildly, making the Japanese soldiers shiver from the bottom of their hearts.

The experienced soldiers on the ship knew very well that although there was nothing wrong with this warship on the surface, and it did not smoke like other warships, the actual damage it suffered was not light at all. The keel was probably damaged, and it must be withdrawn from the battle as soon as possible.

, conduct thorough repairs, and even if it is repaired, the lifespan of this giant maritime ship will be seriously affected, and it may even directly turn into a second-class battleship.

At this time, all Japanese warships have seen the powerful attack capabilities of the air force. Since Japanese warships generally lack anti-aircraft firepower, they can only take escape measures in the face of bombing. The entire formation is completely messed up. What is even worse is that the fleet commander Kato

Teikichi made the Ise his flagship. Although the old man was not burned to ashes, he was severely frightened and was unable to command at all.

The entire fleet fell into a leaderless state, which gave the Chinese Air Force an excellent opportunity. Although the bombs they carried could not threaten the battleships, they still seemed to be playing against the cruisers and destroyers. At this time, a scene was going on on the sea.

It's a great chase show. The Chinese pilots are chasing those destroyers like crazy ducks in the air. Just one bomb on these hundreds of tons of things is enough to completely destroy them. Even a large ship of tens of thousands of tons can't withstand it.

A 200 kilogram bomb.

In particular, Japanese warships continued the British style, emphasizing speed and firepower, but despising protection, completely falling into the inferior category, appearing vulnerable to the sharp attacks of the air force, and extremely fragile.

At this time, another Chinese formation also rushed over, and a full thirty aircraft were launched into the attack. The combat power of the Chinese Air Force more than doubled in an instant. The Rixiang and another Fuso were not attacked.

They also received special care. From time to time, huge water columns would rise from beside the two warships. At this time, the bow of the Rishi was also hit by a bomb, while the Fuso was hit by two bombs.

However, this time the Rimiata finally received the protection of Amaterasu. The bomb did not explode, but the Fuso was not so lucky. The fire introduced by the explosion turned the warship into an extra-large one like the Ise.

of torch.

Due to the limited range of Chinese bombers, many aircraft could only drop bombs in a hurry and then have to withdraw quickly. The entire attack only lasted for twenty minutes, but the damage caused was fatal. One of the four battleships of the Japanese joint fleet sank, and three

Among them, the Ise had to be overhauled and all the main guns replaced, and the Rimirai may have damaged its keel. Whether it can be repaired is still uncertain. The Fuso was also seriously injured.

The remaining ships suffered equally heavy losses. A total of one heavy cruiser, three light cruisers and seven destroyers were sunk, and several more were damaged. In addition, a troop transport was sunk, and more than a thousand Japanese soldiers fell.

After entering the sea, nearly 700 of them became snacks for sharks.

The navy's personnel losses exceeded 2,000 people. After the fleet commander Kato Nobuyoshi received the report, he passed out at that time. The heartbreaking pain was unbearable for the old guy. Looking at the Sino-Japanese War and the

During the Russo-Japanese War, not one of the main ships of the Japanese Navy sank, as if they were truly blessed by Amaterasu, but this record was finally broken by his own hands.

The sinking of the Settsu has doomed Kato Nobuyoshi's tragic fate. According to the behavior of the Japanese army, he will definitely become a scapegoat, bear the reputation of shame and incompetence, and eventually be completely discredited, but this is really his own

Is it wrong?

Kato couldn't help but reflect in his mind. Faced with the enemy's attack from the air, the combined fleet had no awareness at all. The opponent's aircraft was not very fast. As long as enough machine guns were installed on the warship, it could shoot down the opponent, but Japan did not have this at all.

kind of preparation.

The neglect of air power is the root cause of Japan's failure, but Kato is not in the mood to think more deeply at this time. The remaining warships are still waiting for his command. It is definitely unrealistic to go to Qingdao, which is tantamount to destroying Japan.

This Navy has put it on the lips of the Chinese Air Force, and it can no longer stop here. The Chinese planes may come back anytime, so we should withdraw as soon as possible!

However, there is also trouble with this. Several warships were seriously injured and could not run fast at all. Kato had no choice but to order several destroyers to escort them with all their strength. The other warships evacuated this terrifying battlefield at full speed. At the same time, the old guy was also thinking about how to explain to the country.


The victory of the Chinese Air Force quickly spread to the country. At this time, Qiao Yu was anxiously waiting for the news in Jinan. To be honest, Qiao Yu was still very worried about whether the Air Force could successfully attack the Japanese Combined Fleet. Now the aircraft technology is backward.

, and it is still in the era of biplanes. Although the results of several exercises have been very good, Qiao Yu also knows that the battlefield is changing rapidly, and if Japan can add some anti-aircraft firepower to warships, with the speed of the current aircraft, it will inevitably

Become a target one by one.

Even if it can severely damage the Japanese navy, China will have to pay a heavy price. It is not easy to train a qualified pilot, especially given the current quality of China's citizens. These pilots are the most precious wealth and should not be used as a last resort.

Qiao Yu is not willing to fight for his life.

And Jiang Baili and other staff members were even more so at this time. Whether the plane could find the accurate position of the fleet, whether it could accurately drop bombs, and what Japan's reaction would be, Jiang Baili's mind was also in a mess. While everyone was extremely anxious, what was happening in the air?

The battle report was finally sent over.

Qiao Yu, Jiang Baili, Shi Yi and others didn't care anymore. They all crowded together and looked at the battle report carefully. When they saw that the Settsu was sunk, the Ise and Fuso were severely damaged, and there were more than ten other people.

After the news that a warship was sunk, no matter how good everyone was at controlling their emotions, they couldn’t stand it anymore!

The Japanese Combined Fleet has always been a big stone in the hearts of the Japanese. When thinking of those behemoths, everyone's heart is covered with a dark cloud. In this era of sea power, even their own maritime borders cannot be protected, and

How can we safeguard national interests?

The victory of the Chinese Air Force in the first battle is undoubtedly a shot in the arm. Faced with the aggressive combined fleet, China finally has countermeasures. From now on, China's maritime borders are no longer accessible to anyone who wants to. From this moment on, China has seas and no defenses.

The days have passed, and the Chinese have the ability to say no to any country that dares to infringe on China's maritime rights and interests.

This is a huge progress. It can be said that it is also a huge driving force for the realization of China's true independence. China is no longer a piece of fat meat. It is not something that anyone can take a bite of if they want to. We must be prepared to have our teeth broken.


"Send out the battle report, and all the media in the country will publish this good news, so that the people of the country and the world will know that the Chinese Volunteer Army has achieved a huge victory at sea and severely damaged the Japanese Combined Fleet. The victory belongs to China and belongs to China's great nation.

air force!"

Jiang Baili and others were amused when they heard that Qiao Yu was still using the name of the Volunteer Army at this time. Not many people in the world have such powerful air power, just a few major powers. If such an army

If it is not a regular army, then there will be no regular army in the world!

However, sometimes this kind of name is still very useful. It is not the Chinese National Defense Force participating in the war, but the volunteers! It is a militia! It is a civilian armed force!!!

Simple people are not interested in understanding this kind of issue. What they are most concerned about is that China has defeated the Japanese navy. People who are a little older know that China was defeated miserably at the hands of the Japanese more than 20 years ago.

The 230 million taels of silver made all Chinese people feel like they had a lump in their throats. The breath they had been holding for decades finally came to an end at this moment! dd

This chapter has been completed!
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