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Chapter 372 Japan's defeat

Semyonov, this silly big man, did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he took out a large envelope from his arms and delivered it to Qiao Yu in person. (.)

"Mr. Prime Minister, please accept this little thought!"

This Russian learned this Chinese trick very quickly! Qiao Yu also had a smile on his face. He opened the envelope and saw several one-foot-sized photos inside. On top of the photos were two

The exact same little Russian girl, only about fourteen or fifteen years old, her body that has just begun to develop shows amazing vitality and overflowing youth, especially the waves on her chest are similar to those of mature Eastern women, and her body

They are taller and straighter. Although the photo is only in black and white, you can still feel the smell of trouble. It is even more rare that these are twins!

A flattering smile appeared on Semyonov's face: "Your Excellency Prime Minister, these two little guys are the daughters of marquises. They are versatile and have also studied ballet. You can definitely appreciate the Russian style from them. I have already

They brought it!"

Although Semyonov looks rude, how can he be an ordinary person who can make a name for himself in such troubled times? He has already worked hard on Qiao Yu, wondering what the prime minister would like. After

An investigation of Semyonov found that the prime minister came from a family of officials. Although he no longer directly controls industry and commerce, he is never short of money. In addition, it is said that Qiao Yu also likes Chinese cultural relics, but he does not have enough to impress people.


After thinking about it, Semyonov came up with the twins. Their father was a marquis and had a very noble status. However, he was killed by the majority party. The family was exiled, and these twins fell into Semyonov's hands.

, when he saw these two little beauties, Semyonov, a big bear, almost couldn't control himself, but he knew very well that now was not the time to enjoy himself, and he had to exchange these live treasures for a good price!

He heard that Qiao Yu specially prepared this generous gift after he summoned him. To be honest, Qiao Yu was really attracted to these Russian twins. They were the same age and had the same appearance, but Semyonov obviously did not intend to give the gift.

If you are good at culture, how can you give something like this so blatantly? There are Jiang Baili and Wang Yongjiang in this room!

Now, although these two people pretend to be indifferent, who knows what bad news will spread, but just rejecting it like this, Qiao Yu is really reluctant to let it go, as if a hundred claws are scratching his heart, and he can barely calm down!

"These two children are still young. They are still old enough to go to school. I will find a way to arrange them!"

Jiang Baili almost laughed when he heard Qiao Yu's words. This prime minister is still pretending to be a serious person. He is probably arranged to go to your prime minister's office to study bed culture. Just now, Jiang Baili also took a peek at the photo. Sure enough,

Although the appearance of the beauty that confuses all living beings is very different from that of Chinese people, the appreciation of beautiful things is the same all over the world. This is indeed what makes saints tempted!

Seeing that the other party had accepted the gift, Semyonov felt relieved and hurriedly resigned and went to recruit troops! Although Qiao Yu wished he could meet these Russian beauties right now, he still had big things to discuss.

"Yongjiang, how is the immigration work going now?"

"Prime Minister, it's not going very well. It's hard to leave one's homeland. This is the nature of the Chinese people. Since the late Qing Dynasty, people who couldn't survive have been running outside the customs in order to survive. But now the political situation in the customs is stable.

Down here, although it is very difficult for the people, they can still eat. With a way to survive, the desire to move is not strong. Moreover, the Northeast is indeed much colder than Guan Nei. Only 200,000 people were resettled in two months.


This number is really too small. According to Qiao Yu's plan, the three northeastern provinces and the outer northeast must add up to at least 50 million immigrants. This is not just for the sake of immigrating to the real border, but also to comprehensively develop the industrial and agricultural potential of the northeast and turn this area into a new place.

Build it into China's heavy industrial base and most important granary!

"This speed is too slow and absolutely unacceptable. Do you have any measures to speed up immigration?"

"Prime Minister, there are examples of large-scale immigration in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad. China's Han and Tang dynasties all moved to consolidate borders and consolidate border defenses. Tsarist Russia also immigrated to develop Siberia. There was also a large-scale westward expansion movement in the history of the United States. I think this

To sum up, this kind of thing is nothing more than two methods: forced orders and generous inducements. Among them, relying on the government to issue orders is the fastest. Now with the appeal of the prime minister and the organizational ability of the unified minist party, it can definitely be realized very quickly.

Immigration goals!”

Qiao Yu shook his head slightly and said: "Yongjiang, times are different now. We can't rely too much on the government's orders. We should learn to use the lever of interests to make adjustments. Moreover, we don't just let the people complete their tasks when they arrive in the Northeast, we also

To develop and make good use of this treasure land, I think it can be stipulated that anyone who goes to the Northeast to open up wasteland will be exempted from all agricultural taxes within five years. The government can also provide agricultural machinery support to those who can build large farms. In addition to agriculture, the mineral resources of the Northeast

It is even more abundant. Now the Qing Iron and Steel Plant and the Hanyang Iron Plant cannot meet our steel needs at all. The development of coal and iron resources in the Northeast has become an inevitable trend!"

People and capital are often like water, and tax regulation is to constantly point out the direction of this water and let it flow to where it is needed. This method caters to the human nature of pursuing profit, and people will naturally not


"What the Prime Minister said is true. I will draw up a plan now. However, after all, many areas in the Northeast have not yet been developed. There are a lot of tigers, bears, and wolves in the mountains and forests. Ordinary people may be in trouble when they arrive in the Northeast!"

"Director Wang, I would like to remind you that you might as well relocate those retired soldiers to the Northeast. Counting from the founding of the Republic of China, a group of soldiers have been staying in military camps for more than ten years. Now that the country has been unified, if we can solve the problem again

Regarding Russia's problem, a large number of these veterans are bound to retire. The organization and discipline of the army are not comparable to ordinary people, and even some wolves, insects, tigers and leopards cannot trouble them. Northeast China has huge development potential and will surely become China's new economic center in the future.

, it is also a good thing to let them settle down and settle down in the Northeast!"

Jiang Baili raised the issue of military retirement at this time. It really needs to be considered. As the army across the country is reorganized, the old and weak in the army are facing the situation of being disarmed and returning to their fields. Another group of soldiers who have been fighting for many years will also be retired.

We have to consider a way out for them.

"Brother Baili's suggestion is very good. All retired soldiers can each be allocated a hundred acres of land in the northeast. The government will provide them with funds and farm tools to help them develop the land. In addition, these lands will be completely exempt from agricultural taxes. I

I once said that the agricultural tax will be abolished, and now it has started in the northwest and some poor areas. In the next step, these soldiers will also enjoy this treatment. They have devoted their blood and even their lives for the country. The country must not treat them badly, and the families of the martyrs must also enjoy this treatment.

Enjoy the exemption from agricultural taxes, and you can immigrate to the Northeast if you want!"

Having soldiers as a demonstration group is very beneficial to attracting domestic immigrants. Wang Yongjiang is also making careful calculations in his mind. He wants to turn Qiao Yu's suggestions into practical measures, and at the same time publicize them so that all

The common people are all aware of the situation. Attract more people to come to the Northeast!

"Prime Minister. Some time ago, the film about Lushun and Shandong was filmed, and the anti-Japanese sentiment across the country increased a lot. I wonder if we can film some films about Guandong. The appeal of films is very powerful!"

In this era where entertainment is very scarce, movies can indeed have unexpected effects. Qiao Yu also nodded in agreement.

"Absolutely. But in the final analysis, the government must do a good job in basic tasks, such as public security issues, medical and health issues, and infrastructure issues. Only by planting sycamore trees can we attract phoenixes! In addition, we need to unify the ministries and party.

All party members issued a call for them to take the lead in immigrating. Joining the party is not for them to enjoy, but to pay. They must go to the places where the country needs it most. They must not be afraid of hardship and blood and sweat. If anyone is unwilling, I will expel them.

Party membership, we don’t need this kind of trash!”

Qiao Yu stayed for another two days, mainly inspecting the situation of military supplies and war preparations. Fengtian has become a base camp for the war against Russia, with a large amount of military supplies stockpiled. In addition, a large number of reserve troops are also here. Qiao Yu

Visit and express condolences one by one, and have a clear idea of ​​China's war preparations.

Then he continued to go north and came directly to Hailan. Most Chinese people feel a sense of regret for the land in the Northeast. It is rich in resources, has relatively superior climate conditions, and has precious access to the North Pacific.

As long as the port is occupied here, the Northeast will also have an outlet to the sea, and the conditions for economic development will suddenly be much better!

But it was wasted by the Russians in vain. Now that I can return to the motherland, it is something to be thankful for. I can finally give an explanation to the people of the country!

After Qiao Yu arrived at Hailan, in addition to condolences and inspections, his more important task was to build defense fortifications, establish border posts, and garrison military strongholds along the outer Xing'an Mountains, both to consolidate border defense and to guard against Japan and Russia.

country, if nothing else happens, the Far East will be the next place where China, Russia and Japan will compete. Fortunately, China has already taken the lead and occupied the outer northeastern region with the best natural conditions!

In addition, Qiao Yu also ordered that all the Russians in the outer northeastern region be gathered together. Among them, senior intellectuals, technical workers, teachers, and scientific researchers were all screened out. In addition, some capitalist nobles were also separated separately. These are all relative

The useful people and the rest were all handed over to Semyonov and became cannon fodder. If he could survive, Qiao Yu would also expel them all. This is the territory of the Chinese and there is no need for these ugly things.

Of course, there are many aborigines in the local area. These aborigines are of the yellow race. Many of them are related to the ethnic minorities in the Northeast. These people have been preserved, but they must also implement comprehensive Chinese education to let them

Identify with China.

In addition, a large number of immigrants from the mainland will separate these indigenous people and let them fall into the sea of ​​Chinese people, and eventually be completely assimilated.

Just when Qiao Yu was consolidating the border defenses, shocking news came from Chita. The Soviet Red Army had captured Chita. Tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers were defeated and are now fleeing towards the east!...)


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