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Chapter 377 Peaceful Development One

Both China and Russia are interested in peace talks and want to free up their hands to engage in domestic construction as soon as possible. Therefore, the negotiations are not very difficult. The general direction has been finalized. All unequal treaties between Tsarist Russia and the Manchu Qing Dynasty are invalid. Russia recognizes that China has recovered all


At the same time, in order to ensure peace between China and Russia, the two countries will jointly safeguard the independent status of the Far Eastern Republic. The Far Eastern Republic will adopt democratic elections to form a new government. Soviet Russia can conduct appropriate party affairs work in the Far East.


There is no doubt that Russia can intervene in the Far Eastern Republic through political parties. Russia still has an advantage on this land. However, after repeated bargaining, Russia is unwilling to give in on this point. Qiao Yu also and

Domestic think tanks have repeatedly measured that Russia still has the upper hand in the Far Eastern Republic, and it is unrealistic to completely overthrow the Far Eastern Republic!

In particular, Qiao Yu is very familiar with the characteristics of Russia's foreign policy. Sooner or later, there will still be conflicts between Russia and the Far Eastern Republic. Russia will definitely ask for everything from the Far East, which will definitely cause dissatisfaction with the Far Eastern Republic, and there are still a lot of pornographic people in the Far Eastern Republic.

Se race, this is also a good excuse for China to intervene in the situation in Siberia in the future.

Xing simply agreed to Russia's request, but the biggest trouble was the ownership of Nerchinsk and its surrounding areas! According to the requirements of China, the Shilka River will be the boundary between China and the Far East Republic.

All approximately 100,000 square kilometers of land in the southeastern area of ​​the Shilka River were assigned to the Zhonglu Kingdom!

This land was illegally stolen by Tsarist Russia through the Treaty of Nerchinsk and should be returned. However, Russia insists that the Treaty of Nerchinsk is a fair treaty. All the southeastern part of the Shilka River is Russian territory and should be assigned to the Far Eastern Republic.


The two sides were at war with each other and refused to give in. Just as the two sides were arguing, Japan, which had suffered a defeat, suddenly passed an immigration bill in the country and planned to move to the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Kamchatka region in the next ten years.

Immigrant five million to complete the development of this newly incorporated territory into the empire!

Japan caught the dispute between China and Russia and passed such a bill. Although it meant taking advantage of the situation, it also reminded China and Russia that they are not the only two parties in the Far East.

It is a game between three countries and four parties. After repeated calculations, Moscow agreed to the request of China!

However, Russia also has two requirements. The first is that China must hand over all Belarusian forces to the Far East Republic, and the second is that China must guarantee neutrality in the event of a conflict between Japan and Russia.


Qiao Yu knew very well that this verbal guarantee had no binding force at all and could only be regarded as a comfort, so he agreed without hesitation. Since there is still a long border between China and Russia in Central Asia, the two sides need to finally negotiate

, but it can only be fine-tuned on the level of a few square kilometers. The overall situation of the Sino-Russian border has been finalized!

Shortly after the conclusion of the Sino-Russian negotiations, the Far Eastern Republic had several conflicts with Japan under the instruction of Moscow. However, due to the difficult road, both countries seemed somewhat powerless and could only finally sign an armistice treaty!

Peace has finally been restored in the Far East, but this is only based on the temporary balance of power between China, Japan and Russia. Behind this balance is Russia's heavy losses. Russia has lost the land that the tsar spent hundreds of years to capture. Russia is basically

The loss of the Pacific coastal area caused Russia's maritime dream to suffer a huge setback!

China restored its homeland, and at the same time successfully forced Russia to establish the Far Eastern Republic as a buffer. The security situation on the northern border greatly improved. Although Japan suffered a defeat in Chita in a dispute, it also lost a lot of money.

Nearly 70,000 people, but they got a huge territory out of thin air. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk almost turned into Japan's inner lake, allowing the island country to finally land on land. Although it was not a breakthrough from the direction of China, it was from China.

Russia has this bitter cold land in its hands!

But it is also a huge victory for Japan. There has also been a craze in the country to develop the territory of the Far East. China, Japan and Russia are actually accumulating strength for the next round of conflict. The polar bear is licking the wounds of World War I and Civil War alone.

, began the difficult process of industrialization.

Through the war with China, the Russians thoroughly understood the importance of air power and armored power. At the same time, the Russian army was even more obsessed with artillery and firepower, believing that ensuring sufficient firepower output was the way to victory. At the same time, the Russians

I also realized the shortcomings of cavalry, and armored troops are the way to go!

It can be said that although Russia lost a large area of ​​territory, the Russians finally found the direction of future wars from the lessons and began to move forward hard. Never underestimate Russia's talent for war. In the history of Russia, it was able to defeat even in its heyday.

Napoleon and Hitler are enough to prove the capabilities of this nation!

And Japan has also formulated a strategy to use the resources of the Far East to solve Japan's resource dilemma. Compared with these two countries, China is also nurturing more profound changes in its country, regaining its homeland, and letting go of the pressure on the hearts of all Chinese people.

The stone disappeared immediately, and the long-lost national self-confidence and pride returned to the Chinese people again!

Even all overseas Chinese can straighten their backs and speak. Behind them stands an increasingly powerful motherland, which can provide them with adequate protection. In this era, overseas Chinese are still generally subject to various discriminatory laws and regulations, and have not been able to integrate.

In the mainstream foreign society, there are not many banana people. Most overseas Chinese still love the motherland and can share the same destiny with the country.

Now China is undergoing earth-shaking changes. Those sensitive overseas Chinese are the first to feel these changes. They are returning to China one after another. Those with skills have entered factories to work, those with capital have started businesses. The wave of overseas Chinese returning home has been extremely rapid.


After reaching a peace agreement with Russia, Qiao Yu's personal prestige has reached an unprecedented height. The land is too important to the Chinese people. As a nation with thousands of years of farming history, the desire for land has almost been engraved in

Deep in our bones, as long as we have land, we can grow crops, and as long as we have crops, we can survive and multiply. China will never lack the best farmers!

Although the land in the Far East and northwest is relatively remote, it also means that these lands have not been developed yet. The land contains amazing fertility, especially since Qiao Yu has held several cabinet meetings one after another, and finally formulated detailed plans.

Immigration Encouragement Act.

In addition to providing land at a preferential price, the government will also provide agricultural tools and financial subsidies. This is absolutely amazing news for the Central Plains region with a serious labor surplus. Instead of guarding a few acres of land at home, the whole family can

If you don’t even have enough to eat, you might as well go to the outside world to have a try, especially since the Northeast is a fertile land with thick black soil. As long as you plant the seeds, you’ll be rewarded!

Not long ago, a movie was shot specifically about how ordinary farmers achieved success by venturing into Guandong and finally embarked on the road to prosperity. You must know that most movies in this era feature emperors, generals, ministers, talented men and beauties.

, it’s still those old routines, except for the ten-mile foreign market, the one about singing and dancing to make peace, it is indeed the first time to shoot a movie with farmers as prototypes!

The effect was astonishing. The common people were mobilized. In order to cope with this wave of immigration, the United Democratic Party also set up immigration consultation offices in various places to help people who want to immigrate to the Northeast!

Immigration is not just about sending people from one place to another. It is a completely new and huge market. First of all, a large number of immigrants must have suitable transportation, otherwise they will not be able to move at all.

Moreover, most of the Northeast is still blank. We need to build houses for immigrants, build roads, set up post offices, build power stations, provide tap water, and solve the heating problem. In short, we need to let the people live here first!

After settling down, we still have to solve the problem of production. Land in the Northeast has begun to be auctioned on a large scale. Many powerful companies and individuals have gone to the Northeast to enclose land. Some people want to be big landowners, and some want to produce cash crops.

No matter what you do, you need machines, and there is a huge demand!

A large number of people have moved to the Northeast, which means that there is huge market demand here, and various traders are quickly entering to establish their own sales networks. This is true for the three Northeastern provinces, and the same is true for the outer Northeast.

Just after China and Russia reached an agreement, China mercilessly handed over Semyonov and other Belarusians to the Far Eastern Republic, which essentially fell into the hands of Soviet Russia. In addition, Qiao Yu ordered that all Russians in the Far East region

They were all gathered together and driven to the Far Eastern Republic. China itself had too many people to resettle, and there was no need to gain anything by assimilating these people. It was better to leave good places to the real compatriots of China as soon as possible!

Along with large-scale immigration actions, China's market demand began to skyrocket. Historically, the westward expansion of the United States had an extraordinary role in promoting the development of the US economy. However, the three northeastern provinces and the Far East developed by China this time are compared with

The conditions in the western United States are more superior, the momentum is stronger, the time is shorter, and there is more planning!

As a result, the effect is better. China's economy has completely emerged from the depression after World War I and has begun a new era of prosperity. With a strong government, it can also provide industrial enterprises with

With sufficient protection, large-scale factories began to be constructed one after another.

"Prime Minister, just this year, two large steel companies have started construction: Anshan Iron and Steel Plant, which relies on Benxi Iron Mine in Anshan, Fengtian, and Hebei Iron and Steel Company, which relies on Qian'an Mine. In addition, Hanyang Iron Plant

It has also been expanded. The most powerful Chongqing Iron and Steel Works discovered the Shilu Iron Mine in Hainan and is also preparing to invest in the construction of branch plants. In just five years, these steel companies will be able to establish China's steel industry.

The production capacity can reach more than three million tons. Although there is still a big gap compared to the United States, it can already surpass the capital of our evil neighbor, which is really a good thing!"

Zhao Baoxuan, who is in charge of industrial construction, excitedly reported the situation of the steel industry to Qiao Yu. He was one of the first people to follow Qiao Yu. In ten years, he witnessed Qiao Yu's growth from a son of an official to the prime minister of a country. He also witnessed

No one knows better than Zhao Baoxuan how much people's hard work has gone into the process of China's industry coming from scratch. However, all the efforts are worth it. As long as China's industry can surpass Japan, then with the help of China's

With the huge size of the Lu country, no one can easily bully the Zhonglu country!

"Baoxuan, steel is the backbone of industry, that is, the backbone of the country. If China wants to stand up, it cannot do without the development of the steel industry! However, we must not only pursue quantity, but also quality. Special steel for military use must also be

We still have a long way to go to break through as soon as possible, but time is very tight!"

This chapter has been completed!
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