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Chapter 390: Thick Black Leader

In line with the principle of severity, severity and speed... these upper-class nobles who conspired to riot were resolutely dealt with. The person in charge of this work was Li Zongwu, the Minister of Internal Affairs who was specially transferred from Beijing by Qiao Yu. Minister Li usually looked affable and wealthy.

However, when encountering this juncture, the evil spirit and ruthlessness are revealed!

After entering Tibet, Li Zongwu first asked all aristocratic monasteries to hand over their weapons. This request was also open and honest. It had already been carried out in the mainland. Qiao Yu valued the stability of social order the most. For a country as big as China, if there was no

Without stability, nothing can be accomplished!

Prior to this, Li Zongwu personally presided over the operation to suppress banditry in the Northeast. The three northeastern provinces only officially began to be developed in the late Qing Dynasty. Due to the lack of government management and the competition between Japan and Russia,

There are so many bandits, among them Zhang Zuolin, Wu Junsheng, Feng Deqi and others all made their fortunes by relying on bandits!

After these people were pacified, there were still a lot of bandits on the ground in the Northeast. Now that the Northeast has begun a large-scale development plan, and a large number of immigrants are pouring into the Northeast, social security has become more important than anything else. Li Zongwu and

Just a few months ago, Wang Yongjiang jointly organized a large-scale bandit suppression operation with remarkable results, basically restoring law and order in the Northeast!

After being transferred to Tibet, Li Zongwu first resolutely implemented the gun ban. All guns and knives must be surrendered. If there is any concealment, he will be punished as a conspiracy!

This gun ban comes justly, but how can it be accepted by those nobles? Without these weapons, how can they suppress those slaves? You must know that violence is what maintains the slavery system. Without violence, why should they let it go?

People listen to you!

However, the current situation is also unprecedentedly severe. Soldiers with live ammunition have completely controlled the place, and the media and public opinion have also formed strong pressure. Failure to hand over the weapons will immediately be punished as treason. That is a crime more serious than rioting. Some nobles and monasteries are powerful

Faced with the force of violence, he chose to surrender and obediently hand over his weapons!

However, there were also some people who were ready to die and refused to hand over the report. Li Zongwu didn't say anything after receiving the report. He just waited until the stipulated date passed. This group of die-hard elements suddenly felt completely cold, as if they were thrown naked.

Just like in the snowy mountains, surrounded by ferocious beasts, they are like a delicious meal!

In fact, it’s not that they are so scared, but four 155 mm caliber heavy artillery have been placed outside their manor. The black holes of the gun muzzles show an unparalleled momentum. Although these people’s manor has been built

It's strong, but it can only be used to deal with ordinary bandits. Not to mention heavy artillery, mortars and grenades can explode. As for using such a terrifying weapon!

Although these nobles were usually arrogant, when the time came for their lives, they all softened down and hurriedly sent people out to intercede and promised to hand over their weapons. However, before they could take action, the heavy artillery had already opened fire, with four shells weighing tens of kilograms.

After landing in the manor, only four loud bangs were heard, and the most magnificent manor in the surrounding area completely turned into a sea of ​​flames.

All the members of the noble company and their families were killed in the bombing, as well as the thugs they supported. The remaining people cried for their fathers and mothers, howling in embarrassment. These people never expected that they did not even have a chance to speak.

, was directly bombarded, this was too much!

At the same time, three other manor houses were also flattened by cannons, and four solemn estates were completely destroyed in one day. This action of bombarding mosquitoes with cannons completely shocked the upper levels of the entire plateau. The opponent they encountered this time was so fierce.

To the extreme, I can't help but be afraid. If people like me are not honest, I am afraid that heavy artillery will appear at their door the next moment. Who doesn't want to live!

This is the deterrent effect that Li Zongwu wants to achieve. Slave owners rely on brutality and cruelty to deter slaves. If they want to deal with these guys, they can only use more brutal methods. Li Zongwu has even made plans to use airplanes. If he still doesn't give in, he will

There will be a big bombing, and the bones of these guys will be wiped out, and they will be completely buried in the snow!

Obviously the purpose of the operation has been achieved. These slave owners have been completely frightened and obediently handed over all their weapons. However, this is only the first step. Li Zongwu's plan is linked to each other. After confiscating the weapons,

, the next step is to collect the torture instruments!

When it comes to torture, Tibetan slave owners have reached the pinnacle of perfection. Common tools such as whips, clamps, tiger benches, and pepper water can no longer meet their needs. More cruel torture tools have been invented, and there are dedicated diggers

Eye knives, molds, tools for cutting off legs, and more bloody hooks for cramps, knives for disembowelment, wooden shackles, iron locks, hand pounds, shackles, and so on.

These things have been used for decades or even hundreds of years, and their original colors are completely unrecognizable. There is only a layer of pitch black that has been soaked in blood for a long time, which looks weird and terrifying. There are also a large number of disabled people among the serfs. Some people

Eyes were cut off, some people had their noses cut off, and countless people had their legs and feet broken off. The rest of the living people were like livestock, living in shabby sheds!

As the operation to collect torture instruments began, all the most ugly and sinful things under the serfdom system were exposed. It is conceivable that the people in the mainland were shocked. It turned out that there was such a thing on that mysterious plateau.

There are so many crimes, and the sinful system of slavery still exists firmly, and it is so crazy that it tramples on the basic morality of the world. This is a shame for the civilized era!

Students and citizens from all over the country took to the streets and held huge demonstrations, demanding that the government completely eliminate serfdom, abolish all privileges of slave owners, and seek justice for those slaves who were tortured!

Social public opinion is of great help to the government's actions. In ancient China, it was important to have a just word. Now society must strive to gain the commanding heights of public opinion. As long as we occupy this place and gain moral support, it will become feasible to implement certain policies!

Li Zongwu's action of confiscating the torture instruments completely exposed the ugly slavery system to the world. The next step is to arrest the thugs raised by slavery and the guards of the temple. These people are working as slaves and are guilty of numerous crimes. Li Zongwu is not polite at all.

Caught up!

After completing the three steps in a row, the slave owner and the temple suddenly discovered that the basis for their usual dominance was completely gone. They were like peacocks that had been plucked, no different from pheasants, and even uglier.

, and without these things, those slaves who usually can curse at will can no longer talk to them casually!

They even seemed to feel that the anger hidden in the slaves' hearts had been completely burned. Everyone wanted to control their own destiny, and no one wanted to become a slave. It was just fate that made them unable to choose. Now those high-ranking masters have lost their control.

With the power to dominate, they will naturally not be willing to be enslaved!

Something called anger burned in the chest, and the emotion of hatred spread endlessly. Finally, the conflict between the slaves and the slave owners broke out. The slaves who had endured it to the extreme began to resist the slave owners and even beat the slave owners and robbed them.

Family wealth!

At this time, the government officials were no longer these slave-owning nobles, but a large number of Han officials transferred from the mainland. They would not care about the demands of the slave-owners. You must know that not long ago, more than 30 of their colleagues were brutally murdered.

, and the murderers are these hateful guys, how can you still defend the murderer now!

The only thing left that can protect them is the compound, which is also the key to maintaining their rule. In addition to violent and cruel methods, they also give those slaves an illusory afterlife. As long as they believe in religion, they may have a brighter future.

These monks and nobles are one and the same, and they also have a huge number of slaves. If they don't want the slaves to rise up in rebellion, they can only show the majesty of the gods and start to intimidate the slaves, making them work honestly and obey the orders of the slave owners!

At this moment of intense anger, the monks no longer have the same sanctity as before. Just a few days ago, a group of intolerable slaves had a conflict with the monks. This was also the opportunity that Li Zongwu had been waiting for. He was very aware of the people's blind obedience to religion.

And now the government is also strongly demanding that all religions must be rectified. They must not use religious rules to restrict people's freedom and must not violate the spirit of the Constitution. The authority of the law is higher than religion. Any propaganda in the name of religion must not be carried out. In this large-scale abolition movement,

Facing the situation, bringing religious power under the authority of the government in one fell swoop has become one of Li Zongwu's main goals this time.

Religious monks openly supported slavery. They themselves had deviated from the essence of religion to persuade people to do good, teach people to learn well, and educate people's hearts. Although it was just a small conflict, Li Zongwu valued it more than other conflicts, and then started

An overwhelming propaganda offensive!

Successfully brought together the monks and the slave-owning nobles. They were all beneficiaries of the evil slavery and they were all staunch defenders of this system. The sins of these monks were even more serious. On one side they were devout believers and on the other side they were cruel.

The vampires, after taking off their masks, turned out to have the ugliest faces!

Everything followed naturally. Including the monastery, all their land and slaves were taken away, and the action of dividing the fields and pastures equally began. All slaves were able to get a piece of pasture of their own, and no one would force them.

Labor, depriving them of the fruits of their labor, everything belongs to them. And as the abolition of slavery began, a large number of teachers were sent to the mainland, schools were established, and all children were able to study in school, and they were able to

Get government subsidies!

However, the premise is that these students and students must start to learn Chinese, speak Mandarin, and receive modern education. This is something Qiao Yu has planned for a long time. Religion can exist, but it can only be used as a destination for the soul.

Become a manager of society, let alone usurp the authority of the government!

At present, it happens to be the stage of destroying the old and establishing the new. The slaves are also dissatisfied with the monks, so we should take the opportunity to convert them to science, believe in ethics and morals, and completely integrate into the Chinese civilization. Li Zongwu played this skill very beautifully and very skillfully.

To be precise, it wasn't until this moment that Qiao Yu suddenly remembered that Minister Li had another famous nickname in later generations, that is, the Houhei Cult Master!

The leader took action, and it was really extraordinary!

This chapter has been completed!
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