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Chapter 419 The whole world is watching

The Vietnamese soldiers were frantically attacking the French army. In fact, they were all Vietnamese when facing Geng Luo. There was only one brigade of Frenchmen in this army, and in the sniper battle, although the tanks were destroyed, the French soldiers

More than 500 people were lost, and the remaining French were not willing to die again.

It just so happens that they still have more than 10,000 Vietnamese servants. Isn't this the right time for them to consume the opponent's strength? At this time, an extremely interesting scene appeared on the battlefield. Both sides of the war were Vietnamese, and the weapons they equipped were also

Almost all of them are French models. The Vietnamese servants are naturally provided with weapons by France, and Ruan Aiguo's subordinates also use legal weapons provided by China.

They are also Vietnamese, and they also use French weapons, but the situation on the battlefield is completely different. The Vietnamese guerrillas fight very tenaciously, regardless of sacrifice. Their offensive is like waves, hitting the opponent's positions one after another, without any traces.

of hesitation.

The ability to achieve this is also related to the political commissar system implemented by Nguyen Ai Quoc. He fully accepted the guidance of China at the military level, but in areas such as regime formation, he completely followed the Soviet Union.

The Red Soviet Union survived the joint intervention of various countries. Although Russia has shrunk greatly both from the European and Asian directions, especially the loss of Heisenwei, which has made it impossible for Russia to get involved in the Pacific, this has not shaken Russia's fundamentals.


The Red Empire still has a huge territory, rich resources, and strong leaders. Lenin has passed away for more than two years. Comrade Steel, who has just come to power, has taken the power of the entire country into his own hands with decisive tactics.

Russia also began to follow China's example and started its five-year plan.

Russia has also kicked off its industrialization. Although Tsarist Russia was a giant with mud legs, it still left behind a lot of assets, such as railway networks, steel factories, and a considerable number of middle and low-level skilled workers. These are all indispensable in the early stages of a country's industrialization.

Something missing.

In this regard, Russia's foundation is much better than that of China. In the past few years, Russia's industrial development has been almost as slow as that of China. Brand-new industrial sectors have been established, weapons have quickly become self-sufficient, and the country's appearance

A new look!

Moscow spared no effort to export revolution. Many organizations adhering to Russian policies have appeared in many colonies. Ruan Aiguo is one of them. Russia also attaches great importance to Vietnam's status. Russia will never forget the painful lessons China has taught them.

, the Russians are always ready for revenge, and Vietnam is in a position that can hinder the Luo country. If Vietnam is taken into its hands, it will have huge strategic benefits for Russia.

Therefore, the Russian side spared no effort and sent Borodin to assist Nguyen Aiguo in establishing an administrative system and strengthening the control of multiple armies. At this time, the great power of these political workers became apparent. Under their encouragement, Vietnamese soldiers did not care about life and death, and did not fear

A hail of bullets.

The Vietnamese also know that if they cannot defeat the French, their existing base will be wiped out, and it is unknown whether the Chinese Congress will continue to support them. Now they can only win.

The sound of explosions of artillery shells shook the mountains and the ground, and the dense shells continued to reap lives. People seemed to no longer feel the pungent smell of blood, and they just launched attacks mechanically.

The attacks by Vietnamese soldiers were like a tidal wave. The French had to rely on aircraft to provide cover for them several times. However, these aircraft were not safe. Vietnamese soldiers were also equipped with many anti-aircraft machine guns, which could pose a huge threat to French aircraft.


The French did not expect that the war would become intense from the beginning. They never expected that the Vietnamese would be so brave. However, France has no way out now. They will never let their status as the number one army power fall, and

Not long ago, news came from Dien Bien Phu that Nico, the commander-in-chief of the French army, was mobilizing reinforcements and could reach Qiong Ya in only two days.

Lu Yuguang was also introducing the war situation to Ruan Aiguo at this time, "Mr. Ruan, you must destroy this French army in Qiongya as soon as possible, otherwise French reinforcements will arrive within two or three days. We cannot

The war has become a drain, and the battle must be ended quickly!"

Ruan Aiguo desires victory more than anyone else. Only victory can allow him to realize his ideals, and only victory can change their embarrassment of being dependent on others and truly move toward independence.

The war situation is becoming more and more tense, and the casualties are becoming more and more heavy, but both sides have no way out, and this war has also attracted attention beyond imagination. The major powers in the world are paying attention to the situation in North Vietnam.

The Vietnam War was actually a contest between China and France, which was a challenge to the international order after World War I. France was a well-deserved victor in World War I and had the most powerful army in the world.

, and China, as a big country that has expanded rapidly in recent years, has an increasingly serious impact on the world situation in East Asia.

The United States, Britain and other countries all know that China will not be satisfied with the existing order. After all, under the current system, China still has Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and other territories that have not been recovered. A big country will not allow itself to be divided forever.

, reunifying the country is an irreversible demand. What everyone is concerned about is when and where the Chinese will launch their offensive!

Judging from the current situation, China chose France. Everyone is watching this battle with various thoughts, and the one who is most sensitive to China's movements is Japan. The Japanese high-level officials still keep in mind that there are friends in Yamagata.

The legacy of this veteran is that Japan must defeat China as soon as possible, otherwise it will forever lose the opportunity to defeat China!

The development of the situation seems to be constantly verifying this judgment. The strength of the Chinese people is increasing rapidly. What makes Japan even more frightened is the attitude of China towards the West. Britain and France are both world's first-line powers, and they are all leading international countries in the first stage.

power, they also formed the League of Nations.

The Chinese seem to have no respect or awe for Britain and France at all. The Chinese have long refused to join the League of Nations, and they dared to provoke the French army without any hesitation. You must know that in this era, white people are still supreme and their authority is unparalleled.

, even in later generations, the words and deeds of European and American white people will be brought out, attracting countless people to worship them.

This is even more true now that white people have colonized the world. When Japan defeated Tsarist Russia, it shocked the world. This was the first time that yellow people defeated white people. However, Tsarist Russia was not considered to be part of the European cultural circle, while France was.

An authentic European military power.

When China faced the French, they showed no awe. In this way, Japan's mentality has quietly changed. In the past, China was regarded as a fat man. Now it seems that white people have nothing to do with it, and they

The occupied land is more fertile and more attractive.

The Japanese have not yet digested the Far East, so they have set their sights of aggression on Southeast Asia. It can be said that they have not changed their evil intentions. However, China is also happy to see this change. The greater Japan's ambition, the faster they will move.


"Mr. Nguyen, it can be said that not only the Vietnamese and the French, the whole world is watching you. Only victory can completely teach the French a lesson."

At this time, the war has been going on for more than a day, and corpses are piled up outside Qiongya. The guerrillas have already sacrificed more than 4,000 people. They are like animals. No one cares about their life or death. Only victory is everything.


At this time, Ruan Aiguo has received the report. The French reinforcements are rushing here crazily. They will arrive at Qiongya in less than a day. There is not much time left for them. Ruan Aiguo can only talk to him.

Arrange the remaining guerrillas to delay the opponent's reinforcements as much as possible, and then attack Qiongya's French army regardless of sacrifice.

Wu Chun Sheng is directly responsible for the command of the front line. Although this guy is hostile to China, he is also a rare fierce general in Vietnam. He dares to fight and fight hard. He is highly valued by Ruan Aiguo. At this juncture, Wu Chun Sheng is sent out.


Wu Chunsheng also used all his strength to concentrate all the artillery and tilt the firepower towards the French positions at all costs. The French aircraft would still visit the Vietnamese positions from time to time, but because of the machine gunners' heroic efforts regardless of the cost,

The French air force did not dare to lower its altitude due to the counterattack. The accuracy of the bomb delivery was very problematic. Even if it could cause some damage, the crazy Vietnamese would not care!

Under the ferocious energetic attack, the French positions gradually collapsed, especially the Vietnamese servants who could not withstand such a high-intensity war, especially the roar of artillery and Shangyuan's shrill shouts, which made their fragile spirits tend to collapse.

, as long as a normal person in this world is not willing to be a slave to others, let alone massacre his own compatriots.

Looking at all the countries in the world, the combat effectiveness of this kind of colonial army is the lowest. They are all mercenaries. They have no loyalty and no respect for honor. How can they have strong combat effectiveness?

The Vietnamese servant army collapsed first, catching the French army off guard. They also did not have enough reserves at this time. A breakthrough in the front line meant that the entire front collapsed, and there was no possibility of rescue. This was the case with the French army.

Although the people could still rely on a few solid public institutions to resist, defeat had become a matter of time. What frightened them even more was the attitude of the Vietnamese towards prisoners of war.

The unprecedented bloody battle, watching their comrades die one by one and lying on the battlefield, has accumulated too much fear and resentment in the hearts of every Vietnamese, and they urgently need to vent it. They have no mercy for the captured Frenchmen.

To be polite, but wanton killing, even bloody massacre, bullets are too cheap for the French. The Vietnamese even used weapons such as bayonets and daggers to constantly chop the French soldiers into pieces. Those servants

The military cannot escape this fate.

As the commander, Wu Chunsheng not only did not stop it, but also supported this action very much. Only bloody killings can replace the violence in the bones and become the best war tool.

The shape of the battlefield has undoubtedly shown that the Vietnamese have gained an absolute advantage. The leading troops have rushed into Qiongya City. At this time, the French reinforcements are still more than half a day away from Qiongya. They are undoubtedly too late.

Even their fate has become extremely dangerous. The Vietnamese guerrillas have begun planning to pursue the victory and take Dien Bien Phu directly.

The Vietnam War spread to the outside world immediately, and all the countries paying attention here could not help but speculate on the impact of the Vietnam War on the world structure. France had lost millions of people, and the face it had finally saved was completely lost at this moment. China

The French country ruthlessly tore off the fig leaf of the French. The first bullshit army power is just a show of strength from outside!

This chapter has been completed!
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