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Chapter 425 Restarting the Naval Competition

It takes a long time for a technology to start researching and finally enter large-scale industrial production. Especially now there is still a huge gap compared with the information age of later generations. Even with Qiao Yu's foresight, it is still not enough.

It took a full seven or eight years, and it may take another one or two years to finally fully realize large-scale industrial production, which takes a full ten years in total.

It seems like a long time, but Qiao Yu is also very clear about the value of the top blowing method. This is a time-honored invention that has completely changed the steel industry. From now on, steel production will become much easier, and the energy consumption will be greatly reduced. Investment

The scale has also been greatly reduced. In addition, the top blowing method can be suitable for iron ore containing more impurities. This is especially important for China, although China also has a lot of iron ore.

But almost all of them are lean ores with high impurities and low grade, which consume more during the smelting process. After Jiang Baili heard Qiao Yu introduce this technology, he also seemed extremely excited. He knew the industrial age all too well.

What is the competition about in war?

To put it bluntly, there are two things: steel and oil. Only steel can build enough tanks and warships. With oil, these war machines can be run. The rest is a competition. China's imports are overwhelming for all countries.

Xing advantages, coupled with the industrial capabilities that can rival the great powers, Jiang Baili is confident that he can use his strength to build up and destroy his opponents!

"President, there is such a good technology, if it had been developed a few years earlier, we would have benefited even more!"

Qiao Yu rolled his eyes, "Brother Baili, do you think technological innovation is so easy? We have such a weak foundation and have to start everything from scratch. It's good to be able to do it now, but there are still many problems to be solved!"

Oxygen top-blown converter steelmaking was a technology developed after World War II. If this technology appeared before World War II, it would definitely become a decisive technology that affects the war situation. You must know that among the standards for measuring the strength of war potential in World War II, steel output

That's the most important one.

In fact, Qiao Yu now understands the characteristics of this technology. The top blowing method is very good, but there is an important issue, which is the issue of control. When to blow oxygen, what intensity to use, and what angle to adopt, these are all important.

The issues to be considered need to be constantly revised and changed even during the steelmaking process.

After World War II, computers and CNC machine tools were born. Only with these things can the top blowing method be controlled to a precise level. Without these, it is obvious that the top blowing method cannot fully exert its power, but if you want to do it

It would be too troublesome to get out of the computer.

We can only wait for the further accumulation of China's technological level. In fact, Qiao Yu did not expect that China's industry could develop so fast ten years ago. Now China can be self-sufficient in all major industrial products, and only a few heavy equipment still need to be imported. But with China's

With the speed of development, breakthroughs can be achieved very quickly.

You must believe in the intelligence of Chinese people. There is no reason why Chinese people can’t do anything that foreign people can do. You must know that even if everyone has the same IQ, with the advantages of Chinese people, China will have the most young talents in the world.

, As long as these talents can be discovered, there will be no reason for China to lag behind!

"President, I now believe more and more in China's creative capabilities. As long as time is given, China will definitely be able to return to its position as the center of the world. However, I think that if China wants to become stronger, it must prove itself through war. Only by defeating a great power

, only then can China truly be considered to be rising!”

What Jiang Baili said is also a consensus among the military. Not only Jiang Baili, but also Wu Tong, Zhang Xiaohuai and others also have this view. Counting from World War I to the present, China has had conflicts with many powers, including Germany, Britain, and Japan.

Japan, Russia, France, and China have already fought in a circle.

However, these wars were either border conflicts, were fought in partnership between China and other countries, or were fought using proxies. China itself did not really engage in a one-on-one fight with a certain great power.

Looking at all the countries in the world, they all climbed to high positions by stepping on the corpses of others. Britain defeated the Spanish Armada, France swept across Europe in the Napoleonic era, Germany won the Franco-Prussian War, the United States singled out Spain, and Japan stepped on it.

Following the corpses of the Manchus and Russians, they climbed up to the position of the great powers.

The world is so big, and there are only a few countries that can dominate international affairs. If you want to control the destiny of others, you must tell the world through bloody reality that you are stronger than the other party. This is the law of the jungle!

"Brother Baili, which country do you think is suitable?"

"President, I think there are three countries to choose from. The first is the Netherlands. The Netherlands is also a declining power. They now control the Dutch East Indies, which is a fertile land, and the Netherlands is weak. We can imitate the United States and the West.

During the war, the United States entered the Netherlands and turned the Dutch East Indies into Chinese territory. In this way, China could open an ocean outlet from the south and win a vast space for development. Moreover, the Netherlands was very weak and easy to deal with.

The second one is France. Now that we have started negotiations with France in Geneva, we can put forward some demands that exceed France's entry limit and force France to continue the war with us. We can take the entire Indochina Peninsula in our hands, and we can even point our swords at it.

India, Britain, and France are all declining countries, and there is absolutely no need for us to worry.

As for the third option, Japan is the most ferocious and powerful enemy of China. The war between China and Japan is different from other wars for colonies. Once the two sides start a war, it will be an endless battle between the two nations.

, it will not end until one party completely falls, which is also the only way for China to establish its hegemony in Asia!"

Qiao Yu listened carefully to Jiang Baili's three plans. In fact, there were not many surprises in these plans. China had already established its strategy of moving southward and moving eastward.

The north of China is extremely cold Siberia. There is a lot of wealth buried here, but it is more difficult to develop, and it also has to face the powerful Soviet Union. In the west, you have to cross the plateau next door. Transportation is the biggest constraint, and only the remaining

The two directions to the southeast are available for expansion.

That is, Japan and Nanyang, Jiang Baili said it at this time, which actually shows that the military has been brewing for a long time. Qiao Yu has also been thinking about this issue, who should be the appropriate direction for China's war.

"Brother Baili, according to my observation, the decline of European colonial power will happen sooner or later, and Nanyang is an island terrain. We cannot effectively control it without a strong navy. In other words, once we have a strong navy, the British, French, Dutch, etc.

The country is not a problem at all. Even if they want to fight hard, as long as they mobilize their troops thousands of miles away, they simply cannot afford it. There is only one war we have to fight, and that is the war between China and Japan. Our two countries are close to each other.

, the history is entangled, and a reckoning must be carried out. In addition, I think it is better to fight late than to fight early. Of course, it is not too late. It is best after we complete the two five-year plans!"

Soldiers are important matters of the country, the place of life and death, and the path to survival. We must observe them!

Our ancestors taught China this thousands of years ago. Today’s wars have many more things to consider than in the past, and there are many things that need to be planned. Not only do you need to know yourself, but you also need to know your enemy.

To make military preparations, we must also make comprehensive economic preparations.

How to destroy the opponent's strength, how to preserve oneself, how to change the economic system from peacetime to wartime, each requires a huge amount of effort. For modern wars, the outcome is often decided before the war begins.

If you are well prepared, you will win.

Qiao Yu advocated that this is the reason for the war against Japan after the Second Five-Year Plan is completed. By that time, China's industrial capabilities will completely surpass Japan. Although its maritime power cannot exceed Japan, there will be no problem in self-protection, and intelligence work can also be prepared.

Fully, when the war starts, the chances of winning will obviously be greater!

"President, I think Japan must regard us as its first imaginary enemy. The timetable for the war is not completely controlled by China. Japan can also choose the war. Time is on our side. The longer it is delayed, the greater the gap between China and Japan.

The bigger it is, I mean that China will continue to demonstrate its power from now on, which can not only deter Japan and prevent them from easily starting a war, but also drag Japan into an arms race and eventually bring down the small country.

The island country!”

"Brother Baili, this is a great idea, you will be responsible for the specific operations!"

Jiang Baili had already prepared for this, and the staff department had more than one plan. Since Qiao Yu agreed, Jiang Baili quickly put together the plan, and then officials from all walks of life in the Chinese government frequently came out to give speeches.

All the meanings can be summed up in two words: military expansion!

Regarding the army, Zhang Zuolin took the lead and demanded that China expand its army to more than three million people. What Zhang Zuolin said is very well-founded. Countries such as Britain, France, and Japan only imported tens of millions, but they had hundreds of thousands of armies. According to the proportion of imports,

Calculated, it is definitely higher than 1%, and China has more than 400 million people, and three million troops is not much at all. In addition, Lao Zhang also requires a comprehensive update of equipment!

When the Army came out to speak, the Air Force would not be idle either. Air Force Commander Wang Yue also requested that the Air Force's combat aircraft be increased to 3,000.

In fact, the most eye-catching thing is the expansion plan of the Chinese navy. After all, in this era of sea power, the navy is the thing that most affects the minds of the great powers.

China plans to build two battleships and two aircraft carriers in the next five years to enrich the Chinese navy and stir up waves. China's plan to expand its navy is a huge stimulus to other countries.

Among them, Japan has the strongest reflection. According to Washington's distribution ratio, China has a share of 135,000 tons of battleships. China has already rebuilt one warship. It is normal to build two more, but Japan has already received reliable information.

, China's battleships are one generation of production, one generation of design, and one generation of pre-research. In fact, China has already begun drawing drawings of the third generation of battleships. China will never meet the current scale.

This is especially true when it comes to the issue of aircraft carriers. China originally had a share of 50,000 tons, but now China already has Qidian and two aircraft carriers of less than 10,000 tons. If it builds two more, it will be completely exceeded.

However, China also gave an explanation, that is, China's refitted warships are relatively old and do not meet the needs of modern warfare. If new ships are built, the old ones will be scrapped. China is a responsible country and will never violate its international obligations.

Of course, they will not give up their pursuit of sea power, and the confidentiality level of Qinzhou Shipyard has been increased several times.

China has adopted the attitude that it will expand its navy regardless of whether you agree with it or not. The ball has already been kicked to other countries. It is up to you. Whether you believe that China will keep its promise or start to expand its armaments depends on other countries.


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