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Chapter 43: Road Protection Trend

In one sentence, Mr. Qiao revealed the common mentality of Chinese bureaucrats. The Constitutional Party was counting on gaining the power to lead reforms through constitution-making, and wanted to bring the political power under control through peaceful means. However, the emergence of the royal cabinet completely ruined this hope.

, among the thirteen people in the cabinet, there were nine Manchus, seven of whom were royals. No one could stand it. They were obviously swearing to the world that the Qing government believed in the Manchus themselves, and they were still related by blood.

The Manchu and Qing royal families, who had been shouting about the unity of Manchu and Han for hundreds of years, became a joke in the face of the cruel reality.

Mr. Qiao clutched the newspaper tightly in his hand and said nothing, but his heart was far from as calm as he seemed. The old man kept a low profile in the officialdom and lived peacefully until he returned home after becoming an official. He had never experienced anything big.

If you think that the old man is mediocre, it would be a big mistake. Preserving yourself wisely is the most important knowledge in the officialdom. In the turbulent Wanqing officialdom, the old man has already developed a pair of fiery eyes.


It can be said that Qiao Yu knew the harm of the royal cabinet based on the knowledge of later generations, but the old man relied entirely on his understanding of the Qing Dynasty. There are now three major forces in the Qing Dynasty, one is the imperial court, the other is the revolutionary party, and the other is the constitutional party.

Party, among the three, the Constitutional Party is the one that truly controls local real power, and represents the power of the gentry and landlords that has lasted for thousands of years. Although this force is huge, the problem is that it is dispersed, and there is no real leader.

Without a unified program, it can only rely on other forces to protect its own interests.

As soon as the royal cabinet came out, it was undoubtedly telling these people that the imperial court does not welcome you at this dock, so these people have no choice but to support the revolutionary party. The rest of the situation is very clear, and the Qing Dynasty will come to an end.

"Dad, you'd better take a rest first, you'll be tired from traveling all the way!"

"No, Shunqing, Shiqing, come with me, I have a few words to say!" Both Qiao Yu and the elder brother guessed the old man's thoughts, and hurriedly accompanied the old man to the room.

"Dad, just tell me if you have any orders!" Qiao Guangyuan nodded slightly towards Qiao Yu: "Shunqing, you are indeed extraordinary. You are able to see such a long-term view, which is very good. I am afraid things are just as you expected, but you are in Chongqing now.

It's a bit too hasty to make so many enemies. My father's experience as an official in his life is that he should never stand out. Protecting yourself is far more important than destroying the enemy. The Tongmenghui and Ge Laohui will be in Chongqing for one day, and the government will

With the help of your power, now that you have driven them away, you will become a serious problem for the imperial court!"

Qiao Yu was about to explain his thoughts to his father, but the old man waved his hand and continued: "Shun Qing, I can also guess what you are thinking. It is just that you want to gain as much power as possible before the chaos comes. In fact, it is completely

You can do it in other ways, and you don’t have to work so hard. I have already written a letter to Zhao Erfeng, saying that I want to see my son and ask him to give your second brother a holiday as soon as possible. In addition, I have found someone to tell Zhao Erfeng about the unrest in Chongqing.

, what do you think Zhao Erfeng should do?"

When Qiao Yu heard what the old man said, he thought for a moment and his eyes lit up: "Dad, if I were Zhao Erfeng, I would ask my second brother to lead troops to stabilize the situation in Chongqing. This way, I can use the power of our family and my second brother to fight on his own.

Brave and brave, he is the perfect choice to guard Chongqing!"

"Yes, this way you can let your second brother play the bad role and you play the good role. You don't have to rush to fall out with Zhu Youji and others, but it doesn't matter. Zhu Youji is also incompetent and will only try his best to cover up. But he still

You don’t dare to joke about your wealth and life. You will only try to exaggerate the dangers in Chongqing. Then your second brother will be more likely to come back! It’s not a mistake for you to take this step, but you have to pay attention if you go on. There are many capable people in this world.

If you want to move forward, you will have to confront these people head-on. The methods of these people cannot be underestimated. If you are not careful, problems will inevitably occur. You must be cautious!"...

Qiao Yu knew that his father was giving him instructions in person, so he listened with an open mind. He also knew very well that there was still a huge gap between himself and those famous figures in history.

He has an advantage, but he doesn't know many of the conflicts hidden behind it. As the old man said, if you are not careful, you will be betrayed!

My father was able to mobilize his second brother Qiao Zhen back quietly. This skill is absolutely extraordinary. If Yuan Datou wants to plot against him in the future, he may not be able to escape his eyes!

"Dad, please give me more advice in the future. With you always in charge, my child will be more courageous!"

Qiao Guangyuan let out a long sigh: "Oh, the Qing Dynasty is over. I have buried most of the people in the loess, and I still have to lose my loyalty. I really feel guilty!"

"Dad, there have been no three hundred years of prosperity since ancient times. The Qing Dynasty has enjoyed great prosperity for a long time and has done so many evil things. It's time to end! Why should you be sad!"

The three of them talked for a while, and the old man felt a little tired, so he went to rest. In fact, there are not many people who see the world as clearly as the old man. A short, fat old man in Huanshang Village, Henan Province was fishing, with a peaceful expression.

Squinting his eyes, he seemed to have everything under control.

"Xiang Cheng, this time the imperial court has made a big mistake. The world is in chaos. I'm afraid your comeback is just around the corner!" A scribe came to the fat old man fishing with a telegram and put it on the table with a smile.

In front of the old man, the fat old man took it, looked at it, and smiled.

"Xingcheng, why are you so arrogant? It's just expected. Zaifeng and his gang finally drove me out of Beijing just for the sake of power. How could they let him out? These emperors and nobles have nothing but eagles in their minds.

Walking dogs, fighting crickets, raising grasshoppers, what else can you do? If left to them, the world will only become more chaotic. Do you believe it or not, they will make even bigger mistakes!"

"Xiangcheng is a true god. I have received news. It is said that Yikuang has promised Sheng Xingsun to nationalize the Sichuan-Hankou Railway and clean up the accounts. I'm afraid this will be another hornet's nest!"

The fat old man didn't seem to hear this. He just shook his hand and a big fat fish took the bait: "Xingcheng, if you want to catch a big fish, you must be patient. The more times like this come, the more steady you must be. Wait.

Those incompetent people come to us!"

The fat old man was the famous Yuan Shikai in the future, and the scribe was his number one adviser Yang Shiqi. Compared with Yuan Shikai's wisdom, Zhang Jian, the leader of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Constitutional Party, was very angry at this time. The old man moved up and down, instigating several petitions, and finally

A cabinet was created, but his name was not included in the cabinet. How could he not be angry and grievances? It seems that the revolutionary party's racial revolution was justified. If the Qing government was not overthrown, the Han people would not be in charge, and they would not have themselves.

In his early days, Zhang Jian's mentality quietly changed. The chaos was no longer a scourge, but a new path.

This situation is being played out everywhere, and politically sensitive people instinctively sense that something is wrong. Just after the royal cabinet was released, it was announced on May 9th that the Sichuan-Hankou Railway, which was originally run by a commercial company, would be replaced by the Guangdong-Hankong Railway.

The policy of nationalizing railways!

In fact, as mentioned above, nationalizing the railway is an inevitable choice, and the major shareholders of Chuanhan Road are also very clear about it. However, the crux is who should bear the losses caused by stock trading. The court's attitude is very clear, and it will never bear it.

On the contrary, Wang Renwen, the acting governor of Sichuan, was required to hand over all the railway accounts. The blame for the shortfall would undoubtedly fall on Pu Dianjun, Luo Lun and others.

Of course, these people would not just sit back and wait. They gathered together all day long and thought about countermeasures. Luo Lun usually had the most ideas, so he spoke first: "Everyone, the imperial court has nationalized the railway. Not only that, we can no longer collect rental shares."

, and the responsibility for the shortfall will still fall on us. I think everyone might as well fight to the death. At least there is a chance of winning, otherwise wouldn’t it be just sitting back and waiting for death?”….

Pu Dianjun couldn't help but think about it. He also knew that there was no way out, so he asked: "Brother Ziqing, do you think we have a chance of winning?"

"Why not? There are a large number of shares owned by ordinary people in the railway company, which are their lifeblood. If the imperial court nationalizes them, they will definitely worry about the safety of their shares and want to exchange them for money. However, the imperial court does not have the financial resources to exchange these shares.

If the stocks are exchanged for money, we only need to direct their hatred towards the imperial court, saying that the imperial court is trying to plunder and sell everyone's hard work to foreigners. When the time comes, I will see how the Qing court can withstand the anger of the people of Sichuan."

Pu Dianjun thought about it and found that Luo Lun's idea was similar to what he thought, but he still had a trace of worry in his heart: "Zi Qing, if the Qing government is pushed into a hurry, will they attack us?"

"Then it depends on our methods, but now that the royal cabinet has just come out, the gentry constitutional parties everywhere are extremely dissatisfied with the Qing court's practices. As long as we unite these forces in one place, we can not only retain the power to continue to collect rent shares

, and maybe we can get greater benefits from the Qing court!"

Pu Dianjun finally nodded in agreement: "Okay, Zi Qing, please contact the gentry and businessmen from all over the country now, especially the business community in Chongqing, and let Sichuan unify their opinions first. In addition, we will try our best to get the Qing government to give up the plan of nationalization."



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