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Chapter 429 Domestic Cars

Chapter 429: Domestic Cars

It is very difficult to deal with the Jews on financial issues. Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, Jewish forces have entered China along with the invasion of foreign powers. A large number of foreign banks and financial institutions are their tentacles extending into China. However, after Qiao Yu took power, he adopted

In addition to conservative financial policies, administrative power was used to protect China’s fragile financial industry. . . .

China has also completely put an end to the financial chaos since Wanqing. China's wealth has finally been effectively protected. However, the Jews obviously will not give up China's fat meat. They also actively use the power of money to continuously corrode China's wealth.

Officials hope to completely open up China's financial protection.

Currency has become the first target of these people. The outflow of silver will inevitably depreciate the Chinese currency, trigger inflation, and then promote capital flight. This not only achieves the purpose of shearing sheep from China, but also provides more stocks for the U.S. stock market.

Firepower, the stock market becomes even crazier, so that once the U.S. stock market collapses, they will be able to obtain greater benefits.

This calculation is not unscrupulous, but the Jews obviously made a serious mistake, that is, they did not understand China's national conditions. China, which has strong administrative power, is definitely not something they can shake if they want to.

"President, we can completely design a trap for the Jews in turn. This time, the Jews first achieved the purpose of causing Chinese silver to flow out by pushing up the international silver price. We might as well find a way to start with the international silver price and take action at the critical moment.

The price of silver has been suppressed, but before that we have to raise export tariffs on silver to increase the cost to the Jews!"

"Yes, but we can't just defend passively. The U.S. economy is already experiencing problems. I estimate that this time bomb will detonate within two or three years. We should also seize this opportunity to deepen China's capital power."

In the United States, once there is a problem in the United States, they will make a lot of money, especially if they get the advanced technology and equipment accumulated in the United States. In this way, China's industrial level will definitely be raised to a higher level!"

"Don't worry, President, I will arrange it now, and I will definitely succeed in one fell swoop!" Wei Ruolan seemed confident. The source of his confidence was not the amount of capital he owned, but the huge state machinery and powerful administrative power of China behind him.

, this is also the most critical thing.

Capital and power are natural enemies. The modern history of the West is the process of capital taming and controlling power. However, only China has a long accumulation of bureaucratic system and can rely on power to fight against capital. Precisely because of the strong guarantee of power, Wei Ruolan

It can easily mobilize various forces, including government, private, local, and central government, to form a strong joint force to compete with scattered financial capital.

Financial wars often begin quietly. When ordinary people notice it, they can only see a series of strange numbers in the market. The thrilling fight behind it seems very subtle, but the degree of sinisterness is not the same.

How different are real swords and guns on the battlefield?

Since China obtained the technology of automated production lines, it has concentrated a large number of outstanding engineers and scientific researchers for research. Soon China's first automated production line was established in Guisui, an originally inconspicuous northern city.

It will become the center of China's automobile industry.

Qiao Yu, who is in bei jing, received a report. With the completion of the automated production line, China's first completely self-designed and produced car has been launched. This makes Qiao Yu very excited. The automobile industry is definitely a lucrative industry, especially

It can drive a considerable number of other industries and form a huge industrial chain, which will play a major role in improving the country's industrial capabilities.

What's more important is that the design and production of new cars, parts and processes, and materials and equipment are all produced in China, which makes it even more valuable. The word "independence" is the most precious to all big countries. Only independence can

, only then can we get rid of dependence on others and be able to du li.

The world today is different from that of later generations. The connections between countries are far less close than those of later generations. Large-scale wars are not far away, so there must be no slacking off.

Qiao Yu personally took him to Guisui, and several senior officials from the government also accompanied him. In order to show that he attached great importance to this matter, Qiao Yu brought Zhao Baoxuan, who was in charge of industry, on the special train.

"Baoxuan, the production of automobiles is a great thing, but we must also understand that the factory cannot just be positioned to produce automobiles, but must also invest more in scientific research and focus on the military industry. Many large companies in the United States are

There are two sides, the military and the civilian. The automobile factory produces armored vehicles and tanks during wartime, while the chemical factory concentrates on producing explosives. This model of combining military and civilian is very worthy of admiration!"

The benefits of integrating military and civilian operations are huge. It can greatly reduce military expenditures in peacetime, and can quickly expand production capacity during war. More importantly, an enterprise can take care of both military and civilian sectors at the same time, and can also quickly transfer military technology to civilian use.

The possibility of transformation depends on the fact that military technology is far more advanced than civilian technology.

The most advanced technologies are used in military industry, and then continue to expand to civilian use, generating huge economic benefits. China paid great attention to this when it first started its industrial layout.

The military industrial enterprises directly controlled by zheng fu are only responsible for some core products and technical research, and others will be dispatched. Once the war comes, all the factories will be under the control of zheng fu, and they will work closely together, and a huge explosion will occur in an instant.

Production capacity.

Zhao Baoxuan naturally understood Qiao Yu's plan very well and said hurriedly: "President, don't worry, I will definitely make arrangements to keep these enterprises in close contact with the military, integrate the military and civilians, and be prepared to win future wars!"

After Qiao Yu and his party arrived in Guisui, they rushed directly to the production center of China Northern Automobile Company in Guisui. The manager in charge of this factory was named Li Shanji. He was born in the Sichuan Army. Later, he was injured in the battle and lost one leg.

He was able to leave the army, but Li Shanji was very flexible, and the government gave great preferential treatment to veterans starting their own businesses.

Li Shanji started his business with one hundred yuan. He first established a repair shop and gradually became the largest automobile factory in China. In the first few years, China began to produce automobiles, but engines and other parts had to be imported from the United States, as well as major processing equipment.

in this way.

After China obtained the automated production line technology, it first prepared to implement it in the automobile industry. Compared with other industries, the automobile industry is more complex and requires more standardized production.

Li Shanji is a person who came from the military system, so he can reassure the government and the military. At the same time, he also conducted a comprehensive evaluation of Li Shanji's company. His factory is relatively strong, has sufficient funds, and is very flexible in operation. As long as it can operate in

If we catch up with foreign countries in terms of technology, we can expect to become a giant in China's automotive field, and even compete with the world's top companies.

Therefore, he took the initiative to cooperate with Li Shanji and established Northern Automobile Company. This is a new company whose production methods are completely in line with the world. All production is based on assembly lines and an automated production line for engines has been established.

According to estimates, the annual production of automobiles can exceed 500,000 vehicles. This number will increase significantly in the next few years, but this is already very exciting. Compared with the United States, which produces tens of millions of vehicles, China has no

It can't be compared in any way, but it can already surpass the evil neighbor Japan. Even the Soviet Union cannot compare with China.

When the production line was officially put into operation, it was his greatest honor to have the president stand up to congratulate him in person. Although he had left the army for many years, Lee Sun-ki could not forget those exciting years. His achievements today are inseparable from the training he received from the army.

Yes, and the president is the one who built this army with his own hands, and he is the commander-in-chief who will always be remembered by these soldiers.

"President! You have so many things to do and you are still able to come. I really don't know how to thank you for your concern. I was a veteran of the First Division of the Sichuan Army back then. Without the President, I would not be where I am today!"

Qiao Yu also had a smile on his face. The First Division is an old army that he started and is also a direct descendant. Unexpectedly, this Li Shanji is still from the First Division. Naturally, there is no problem with loyalty. You must know that the automated production lines are still

It is kept confidential and cannot be leaked easily.

It was out of safety and confidentiality considerations that the factory was built in Guisui. Thinking of this, Qiao Yu smiled and said: "General Manager Li, it is said that you have been able to create quite a fortune in these years, which shows that you have a lot of talent."

Such a capable person also proves that no matter where we go, no matter what line of work we are in the Sichuan Army, we are all good men and can still create achievements. I am also very pleased!"

Li Shanji looked extremely excited after hearing Qiao Yu's affirmation. Over the years, these veterans are all proud of being affirmed by the commander. They originally thought that they would not have this opportunity after leaving the army. Most of the old people back then were mid-level and senior officers.

They can't easily meet the president, so where do they get the chance?

Unexpectedly, this opportunity actually came. It was as if I had drunk fine wine. I felt dizzy, not to mention how comfortable I felt. The group of people came to the factory. The entire factory area was very vast, occupying a quarter of the entire area.

In Guisui City, the production workshop is very neat and standardized, and the workers are all working in an orderly manner.

Seeing this, Qiao Yu also nodded. It was right to choose Li Shanji. With this kind of management ability, he is a top person. You must know that many industries in China are still very primitive, but this is also a normal situation in the early stages of industrial development.

, we can only wait for time to solve this problem.

Looking at the situation of Northern Automobile Company now, it feels like the production workshop of later generations. The most important component of the car is the engine. With the automated production line, the production efficiency of the engine has increased by five times, while the price has plummeted.

decline, the economic benefits generated will be considerable.

The successful operation of the new production line made everyone very excited, and the assembly line had also begun to operate, and soon a brand new car was produced. The design concept of cars in this era was still relatively primitive, especially the appearance was far less complex than that of later generations.

Variety, the most important thing is that it is of high quality and low price!

"President, we have estimated that the cost of this car is about three hundred yuan, and the retail price is set at eight hundred yuan, which is more than 20% lower than American cars. The only worry is that some people may not trust it.

National product!”

"Then start from Zheng Fu. From now on, Zheng Fu will purchase all its cars from Northern Automobile Company, as well as other products. Zheng Fu has the obligation to support the development of national enterprises!" (To be continued.

This chapter has been completed!
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