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Chapter 445: Waves in the South China Sea

Jin Jiu looked at Li Zongwu with a troubled face. He reluctantly thought about the words and said to Li Zongwu: "Minister Li, China helped North Korea drive away the Japanese colonists. All Koreans are extremely grateful, but some

I still hope to give you some explanation of the situation."

Jin Jiu glanced at Li Zongwu's face, and saw that the minister didn't seem to be dissatisfied, so he continued, "This time China is inspecting reverse production in North Korea, but some of the factories themselves are North Koreans, and some

The landlords are also Koreans, and their property has been accumulated through hard work, and some of them have also assisted some patriots. I don’t think their property should be regarded as reverse birth!"

Li Zongwu did not speak, but picked up the teacup and took a careful sip. "President Kim, would you like to try my tea? This is the Dahongpao given to me personally by the president. There are only a few kilograms of it in the whole country every year."


"Don't dare! Don't dare! How dare I drink what President Joe gave you!"

"Since you know you don't dare, then why do you still ask about those things that go against the economy? Mr. President, you have to know that those are China's property!"

Li Zongwu suddenly turned his face. Jin Jiu felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and was cold from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. Minister Li looked smiling, but he was so scary when angry, and Jin Jiu

He is not an idiot. Li Zongwu's attitude has been very clear. What China wants is not something that you, a puppet regime, can interfere with.

"President Kim, you must know that the Chinese army is still fighting a bloody battle on the Korean Peninsula. The Japanese army of more than 100,000 has been dispersed throughout the northern part of North Korea. Our army is risking all sacrifices to help North Korea destroy these vicious Japanese troops.

People, and Japan is reorganizing its army and can launch a counterattack at any time. All these need to be borne by the squadron. From the beginning of the war to now, we have killed more than 20,000 people and the number of wounded is even higher. Don’t you deserve compensation? In addition, you, North Korea

You know better than me how the factories were established. Just a few years ago, Japan continued to collect various resources from China and then invested in North Korea. You will not forget these things. It is said that these factories belong to the North Koreans.

You are so arrogant. Can you tell me how much Chinese blood and sweat is involved in this?"

Li Zongwu is worthy of being a person who can write thick black scriptures. After what he said, it is a normal thing for China to crack down on illegal production in North Korea. If anyone wants to obstruct it, it is simply treason.

Of course, Jin Jiu would not believe Li Zongwu's rhetoric. Even if he needed compensation, he couldn't do what Li Zongwu did. Gold and silver jewelry, fine jewelry, celebrity calligraphy and paintings, electrical appliances, bicycles, and even pots and pans would not be spared.

As soon as he passed by, the North Koreans immediately became extremely poor. How many North Koreans are now cursing Jin Gu, saying that he did not save North Korea at all, but led the wolf into the house!

"Minister Li, please don't misunderstand that I have always been in love with China. It's just that some North Koreans are so confused that they can't turn around for a while. They value the immediate gains and losses too much. They don't know the justice of the country, and they don't understand that the temporary pain is for the future of North Korea."


"They don't understand, so you have to propagandize and let them understand, instead of using public opinion to force the Chinese government. If someone thinks that you have second thoughts about China, the consequences will be serious!"

Li Zongwu's sharp eyes were fixed on Jin Jiu. At this time, Jin Jiu felt an unprecedented pressure, which made him almost collapse, causing him to even speak out to the emperor. It can be seen that the square inch was in chaos, but Li Zongwu

They have no intention of letting them go. These small countries are not worthy of pity at all. Back then, Japan was doing evil in China. In fact, many Japanese ronin were made up by Koreans.

Although they themselves became slaves of the Japanese, they still relied on their power and bullied the Chinese people. Especially from the Vietnamese such as Ruan Aiguo, the Chinese government had a deep understanding of what it means to be immature. For such a small country, it must either completely

Eliminate them, or suppress them without giving them a chance to stand up.

These countries are not sensitive to kindness at all, so don't expect them to be grateful. They are only sensitive to pain. Only by beating them until they vomit blood can they be obedient.

Jin Jiu was so frightened that his face turned yellow, and he was shaking all over. He couldn't say a complete sentence, his lips just kept trembling, and he kept saying: "I don't have any doubts about China, and I will make arrangements right away."

Promote the benevolence of the Celestial Empire and take action immediately, don’t worry!”

Li Zongwu's expression softened slightly and he said: "President Kim, actually ordinary people don't understand much. They only know the real benefits. There are many things you can do as president now. For example, there are many things in North Korea."

For the people who own the land, you can confiscate all the land owned by the landlords. You can also do the same with the cultivated land plundered by the Japanese in Korea. Bring them all together and then distribute them evenly. Don’t most people see the benefits? Aren’t there some people?

Do you support me?"

Jin Jiu was severely frightened by Li Jiawu before, and now his mind is obviously a little weak and a little sluggish.

"Minister Li, some landowners are good people. Is it inappropriate to divide the land equally?"

"Why is it inappropriate? President Kim, you have to think carefully about how those people got rich under Japanese rule. They were nothing more than colluding with Japan to oppress the Korean people. Do you have any mercy for such scum?

, As for the so-called contribution, why don't you think about it carefully? They secretly donated 10,000 yuan to you for activities, but then they turned around and paid 1 million in taxes to the Japanese. Is this the contribution you are talking about?

We have now found a large number of archives and documents, please hurry up and get your men into action to clean up all the scum in North Korea as soon as possible!"

After listening to Li Zongwu's words, Jin Jiu felt that they made sense, and he also knew very well that if the land could be divided equally among everyone, he would indeed be able to gain the support of the people at the bottom. Although China's looting was more ruthless, the Koreans at the bottom were originally

It was all looted by the Japanese, and nothing was left, so their losses were not big. Those who complained were those with some financial resources and status, and the worst were citizens.

According to Li Zongwu's thinking, these people are the targets that the North Korean government wants to eliminate. Maybe this is really a good idea, why didn't I think of it!

"Why did President Lee Jong-wu come up with the idea of ​​allocating land to Jin Gu? With one share of land, it turns out that the common people who have nothing have land in their hands, and they will be completely devoted to Jin Gu. This is not a plan for us.

To create obstacles?" Jiang Baili raised his own question after seeing Li Zongwu's report.

In fact, it is not just the Chinese who value land. For all agricultural countries, the preference for land is almost ingrained in their bones, and the Koreans are no exception. If the land is divided equally, the prestige of Jinjiu will be at its peak.

This is very different from China's strategy towards North Korea. Although the northeastern region of China already has an outlet to the sea in the direction of Heilongjiang, the location is too high. It is frozen in winter and cannot be opened to navigation all year round.

In order for Northeast China to obtain a stable and excellent seaport, it must rely on North Korea. The entire area north of Pingxing is an area that China hopes to annex. Only the southern part of North Korea is left to these sticks.

It was because of this plan that Jiang Baili expressed his opposition to Li Zongwu's plan, but Yang Du on the side had a smile on his face.

"Chief of Staff, you are worrying too much. Li Zongwu played this skill beautifully. This is a measure that made Jin Jiu lose the hearts of the people. It is worth applauding. There is a saying in China that goes: "More measures, less mistakes, less mistakes, but not good things!"

Look at the people around Jin Jiu. Can they take on such a big thing as dividing the land? If they really do it, it will be full of loopholes."

When Jiang Baili heard Yang Du's words, his eyes suddenly lit up. He seemed to understand Li Zongwu's plan. There were many so-called restorationists around Jin Jiu, but they had no administrative experience. There were many idealists among them, but they were speculators.

There are more elements, which is very similar to the Kuomintang elements in the Revolution of 1911. China has long proven that these people cannot achieve anything, and the Koreans will not be special to me.

The so-called division of land is just a legal interface for these people to seek personal gain. Once they act recklessly, the people of North Korea will definitely be disrupted, the people will not be able to live, and the prestige of Kim and Kowloon will fall to the bottom in an instant.

"Haha, this is not the only effect. Once the land starts to be divided equally, a large number of Koreans will definitely flee south to the Japanese-controlled areas, while the north will simply be empty. This does not coincide with our idea that we only want the land and not the people.

Is that okay?" Qiao Yu revealed another layer of Li Zongwu's plan. At this time, Jiang Baili was completely convinced, but there was also a trace of doubt in his heart.

"Wouldn't it be terrible if the President, Jin Gu, had unexpected abilities and got things done?"

"He can't do it, where is the Chinese ** team!" Yang Du said with a smile. Jiang Baili also realized at this time like a dream that he was really confused. Even if Jin Jiu is as capable as Sun Houhou, it can only be in the palm of the Buddha's hand.

It's jumping around inside and there's no way to escape!

Qiao Yu added: "Brother Baili, the situation in North Korea will be chaotic for a while. I'm worried that it will affect the military operations. In addition, the Japanese army's defeat has not been dealt with. Let Cao Yin serve as the commander of North Korea's security and bring the reserve troops into North Korea.

Maintain order!"

However, no matter what the war in Korea is like, the Chinese Supreme Command is most worried about the situation in the ocean, because this is where the final decision will be made. China's navy has been divided into two parts, three aircraft carriers, plus the latest cruisers.

, the destroyers are blocking the coastal areas of Fujian and Zhejiang, facing the Japanese combined fleet in Taiwan and Okinawa. The other part is the battleship formation composed of Guangxi and Chongqing, which is mainly responsible for cruising in the South China Sea to ensure the safety of the South China Sea waterways.

In addition, there are a large number of submarine activities in the South China Sea.

The person in charge of commanding the Guangxi and Chongqing is Tang Fangming. He is now the deputy commander-in-chief of the Chinese Navy and also has important responsibilities. He is mainly responsible for the safety of the South China Sea route. When the Chinese navy completed the escort mission and was about to return to the Guangzhou base, suddenly

Tang Fangming received a secret message from a submarine: A Japanese fleet is rapidly heading towards the Dongsha Islands!

The Dongsha Islands are the closest to the mainland among the islands in the South China Sea. They are also an important node in the South China Sea route. They are only a few miles away from Shantou. If Japan takes over here, it will be able to greatly extend their blockade against China.

, and at the same time, it can ensure the safety of Japan's transportation of supplies from Southeast Asia. The importance is self-evident. When he heard that Japan was sending troops to Dongsha, Tang Fangming knew that the battle he had been waiting for had finally arrived!

This chapter has been completed!
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