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Chapter 449 Blood Dyeing the Huangpu River

There was a life-and-death collision between the steel behemoths in the South China Sea. Japan is actually looking forward to this kind of battle. They are almost frightened by air power. As long as China's annoying aircraft appear on the battlefield, no matter it is at sea,

Or on land, it is a nightmare for Japanese soldiers.

Without the participation of aircraft, they have full confidence in fighting against Japan with battleships alone. They also have reason to be proud. Among Asian countries, the Japanese Navy is the undisputed number one, and the Washington Conference pushed the Japanese Navy to the top.

ranked third in the world.

Although it is the third largest navy in the world, the United States has a two-ocean navy, and the United Kingdom needs global defense. In the land of East Asia, the Japanese combined fleet is the well-deserved leader. Although the Chinese Navy also has a battleship, Japan has entered

I didn’t notice it at all, it was just a German product. Whether Chinese people can master it is still a mystery!

Even most Japanese naval officers believe that those cowardly Chinese cannot withstand the excitement of naval battles. As long as the cannons fire, the Chinese will lose their shit. After all, army artillery and naval artillery are completely different concepts. In the army,

One with a caliber of 150 millimeters is already considered a heavy artillery piece, which is looked down upon by the navy at all, not even by their grandchildren.

The main gun of the Mutsu battleship has reached 410 mm. As long as the caliber of the gun is increased a little, the power will increase exponentially. Therefore, the navy's artillery bombardment is indeed very different from the army's. In the sea bombardment that has just ended, the Guangxi and the

Many soldiers on the chong qing had their ears bleeding and injured from the shock.

The Mutsu was unable to quickly assist the Fuso and the Kongo because of its overconfidence. The distance between the two sides was more than two hours. When the Fuso called for help, the Mutsu could only rush over as quickly as possible, but

When they arrived, all they could see was chicken feathers.

There were all kinds of rubbish floating on the sea, and several Japanese soldiers who luckily survived and were struggling for their lives on the sea. Seeing such a miserable scene, the eyes of the commander of the Mutsu, Yamane Nobunari, almost burst into flames.

, it is simply unbelievable that the Chinese warships sank two Japanese battleships so quickly. A huge sense of shame filled the hearts of every Japanese navy.

Japan failed in this kind of steel bombardment, and the blow to morale was simply unimaginable. Japan's warship was sunk by an aircraft. Japan could have accused the government of being fatuous and failing to develop aircraft, which was why the heroic soldiers died in vain. Now both sides are

Using battleships, but Japan lost the confrontation, it only shows that the Japanese navy is not as brave as the Chinese navy, and not as elite as the Chinese battleships.

As long as you admit this, it is equivalent to overthrowing the lofty status that the Combined Fleet has worked hard to establish. It can't even deal with two refitted broken ships. Why does the Combined Fleet enjoy huge naval funds every year?

We must sink the Chinese warships and wash away the shame of the United Fleet!

Yamane Nobunari issued a death order, and all cruisers and destroyers spread out to quickly search for traces of Chinese battleships. Soon a destroyer discovered black smoke appearing in the northeast, which was the trace of Chinese battleships.

The report was given to Yamane Nobunari, who commanded the Japanese warships to pursue them without hesitation. He had no idea that a huge trap was waiting for them ahead.

The current commander of the Japanese Combined Fleet is Kato Kanji. He is currently on the flagship battleship Kaga. All the elites of the Japanese Combined Fleet are in his hands, including the battleship Kaga, the battleship Nagato, and the battleship Akagi.

The aircraft carrier, the Hosho aircraft carrier, as well as a large number of cruisers and destroyers, are undoubtedly the most powerful force on the East Asian seas and the most powerful proof of Japan's status as a great power.

Why can a small island country bully a big empire unscrupulously? Isn't it because of these weapons? Kanji Kato is still very ambitious at this time. His current mission is to defeat China again and move towards the ocean like his predecessors, and bring China into the sea.

The new navy was completely crushed.

Kato doesn't have much doubt about defeating Shinaru. He has the most powerful battleship in the world and the most experienced soldiers in East Asia. There is no reason why he can't win. He can't help but want to sing Kimiyo!

However, there is another voice that keeps ringing in Kato's heart. The Battle of Qingdao and the sinking of the Furutaka seem to be telling the Japanese Navy something. Air power may be able to change the form of naval battles, so they must not be ignored.

The worst thing now is that Japan only has two aircraft carriers, one large and one small, while China has three aircraft carriers, one large, two small and one small. This power gap makes Kanji Kato worried.

However, as the army quickly approached the Chinese coastline, Kato's mood improved again. China's defense force was not as strong as imagined. The Japanese fleet encountered no obstacles along the way, and only occasionally found some merchant ships from the north and south.

, Japan sank all these ships without hesitation. After several hours of sailing, the Japanese warships were less than a hundred kilometers away from the Zhoushan Islands.

The carrier-based aircraft on the Akagi has already taken off, flying towards the Zhoushan Islands. The Zhoushan Islands are the largest archipelago along the coast of China, south of the Yangtze River Estuary, east of Hangzhou Bay, and right at the midpoint of China's north-south route.

There are many islands and reefs dotted all over the place. The Zhoushan Islands are the most important fishing grounds along the coast of China. A large number of Chinese fishermen rely on the fishing grounds near the Zhoushan Islands to survive. There are a large number of fishing boats here every year and it is very busy. Since the war between China and Japan broke out

, the fishermen are no longer able to fish normally and can only survive on temporary subsidies from the government.

Zhoushan has also lost its busyness in the past. The Chinese Air Force has built two airports here and stationed nearly twenty aircraft. The main purpose is to ensure the safety of this southern gate of the Yangtze River. When two Chinese reconnaissance aircraft were conducting routine patrols,

Just in time to discover the incoming Japanese carrier-based aircraft.

Soon the observers on the ground also discovered the Japanese aircraft fleet, and the shrill air defense alarm was sounded. The Chinese pilots who had been stationed in Zhoushan immediately flew the aircraft into the sky, preparing to meet the Japanese incoming aircraft.

These pilots are all young people who have just obtained their pilot licenses. Most of them have only about a hundred hours of flying time. They are complete rookie pilots. Normally, they should not be allowed to go to the battlefield at all. However, China’s maritime territory is too long.

There are too many important nodes that need to be defended.

They had to let these little rookies go to the battlefield in advance. Although the military knew very well that this was sending them to the most dangerous situation, in this kind of country's life and death situation, there was no choice.

But these rookies did not feel any disappointment. On the contrary, their morale was high and their eagerness to make achievements far exceeded those of veteran pilots. They flew into the sky with Suzaku fighter jets, and at this time, Japan's carrier-based aircraft formation had already flown over.

Akagi dispatched a total of twenty fighter jets and twelve bombers, while the Chinese side also had twenty aircraft take off, and the two sides quickly fought together.

Usually navy pilots are much more elite than army pilots, because they have to take off from the undulating aircraft carrier, and although the aircraft carrier is wide, the flight deck of only more than 200 meters is still much worse than that on land.

With superb flying skills, there is no way he can serve as a carrier-based aircraft pilot.

Therefore, as soon as the Chinese and Japanese aircraft fleets met, two Chinese aircraft were shot down, and the sky was stained with blood before the two young rookies had time to experience the atmosphere of the battlefield!

The cruelty of the war and the ferocity of the enemy's invasion taught the rest of the Chinese pilots a bloody lesson. However, at times like this, the less they can retreat, they can only bravely face the challenge. These rookie pilots put aside all romantic longings and

War is a battle of blood and fire, without any exceptions.

Although they are not as experienced or skilled as each other, they are passionate and strong-willed!

Chinese planes were shot down one after another, and young lives were lost one after another. However, no one chose to retreat, and they had no retreat. Behind them was the motherland, China!

Finally, the engine of a Japanese fighter jet was hit, and it suddenly turned into a ball of sparks in the air. The pilot also died, and then another Japanese plane was shot down.

China's rookies finally matured quickly on the battlefield and learned how to shoot down their opponents. However, if they wanted to shoot down a Japanese aircraft, China often had to pay the price of two or three. Soon most of the Chinese aircraft were shot down, and Japan

Five fighters and two bombers were also lost.

Although the ratio is somewhat disparate, it is very beneficial for China to rely on 1ri. Japan only has these rigorously trained pilots left, and one of them will die. However, China still has sufficient reserve forces, but Japan still has obtained

They seized the air superiority over Zhoushan and launched crazy bombings on airports, ports and other facilities. In an instant, flames flew up and enveloped the entire Zhoushan.

This time Japan also brought a large number of landing troops. They had long planned to turn the Zhoushan Islands into a springboard for Japan to attack the mainland. After taking Zhoushan, Japan did not relax at all. All carrier-based aircraft

Immediately dispatched to launch a bombing campaign against Ningbo, which is close to Zhoushan.

The main guns of the Kaga and Nagato also began to bombard the urban area. The 410 mm caliber cannon showed great power. Once a shell fell, the area within a radius of 100 meters would be turned into ruins.

Especially those old houses have no resistance at all. Even if they are far away, they will be affected by violent vibrations and turn into dangerous buildings.

After the bombardment, fire broke out again, and most of Ningbo was shrouded in flames, as if it were in hell. Although China had issued an evacuation order, more than 500 citizens died in the shelling and bombing.

However, Japan's real target is not Ningbo. What Japan hopes to destroy most is Shanghai, the Pearl of the East. Shanghai is located in the Yangtze River Delta and has a unique geographical location. From the moment China was forced to open its door, Shanghai

It developed rapidly and became the most dazzling star in the Far East. After Qiao Yu came to power, the city changed its previous colonial economic model, and its core competitiveness continued to increase and became more dazzling.

Japan's goal is to turn Shanghai into ruins. At this time, the Chinese Air Force also mobilized a large number of aircraft to gather in Shanghai, preparing to fight to the death with Japan. The commander responsible for defending Shanghai is Wu Peifu. According to the original plan, China

The Air Force can gather more than a hundred aircraft in an hour, but this estimate is obviously too optimistic. So far, Wu Peifu only has 60 aircraft in his hands that can take off for combat, but Wu Peifu can't care about anything and hurriedly ordered the Air Force to dispatch quickly.

, and at this time, the Japanese plane had already flown over Shanghai, and the roaring Huangpu River was about to witness the most brutal air battle!

This chapter has been completed!
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