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Chapter 462: Korean Kamikaze

The great powers jointly put forward the request for peace talks, and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also responded positively. China is a peace-loving country and is not willing to go to war with its neighbors separated by water. However, this war was completely unilaterally provoked by Japan. It must be

Bear full responsibility for the war, return Taiwan Island, Sakhalin and other inherent Chinese territories, compensate China for its losses, and at the same time punish war criminals. For the sake of permanent peace in East Asia, the size of the Japanese navy must be strictly limited.

To revise the naval share at the Washington Conference, the Chinese navy replaced Japan and became the third largest navy in the world. China put forward a long list of conditions, each of which was unacceptable to Japan. In fact, not only Japan, but also the great powers.

I am willing to see such a result. If this war results in a huge and powerful China, it will definitely be a great challenge to the interests of the great powers.

China has a huge territory, massive entrances, and very amazing development potential. Especially after defeating Japan this time, its international status will be greatly improved. It seems that China's rise is no longer limitable. If Japan is completely allowed to do so at this time,

If it is disabled, then there really will be no one able to restrain China.

In fact, the United States, Britain and other countries are also constantly complaining about these little naughties in Japan. They usually look so arrogant. They were able to fight Russia to the death, but now they are completely finished. Is China so capable of fighting?

Politicians are focusing on the changes in the international situation, while military observers are paying more attention to the new tactics and new equipment used by China on the battlefield. The rapid advance of the Chinese army on the Korean battlefield has greatly shocked the military circles around the world.

Sir, tanks are one of the most powerful weapons born in World War I. Now all countries are exploring how to use tanks. China seems to have set a good example for other countries.

If the land battle was just a shock, then the naval battle was a bolt from the blue. China's aircraft carrier formation sank the battleship Mutsu. This was a subversive impact on the world. Battleships had been regarded as nothing before.

As the overlord of the sea, all countries have invested huge efforts in developing this weapon. However, only now have all countries suddenly discovered that they seem to have gone in the wrong direction. The aircraft carrier is the truly most powerful weapon. This impact is simply incalculable.


Of course, the new 1ri concept is not so easy to change. There are still many people who firmly believe in the role of battleships. In the battle to sink the Mutsu, the Chinese Guangxi also participated. It is not just an aircraft carrier versus a battleship. It seems that the battleship can be considered

It is not outdated yet, but should be coordinated with aircraft carriers to produce greater power.

However, no matter how the military circles argue, an irrefutable fact is placed in front of everyone. China's military transformation has already reached the forefront of other countries in the world. Good weapons must be accompanied by good tactics, otherwise it will not be able to function at all.

Not as powerful as it should be.

Now all countries must review their own military development ideas and adjust their concepts, otherwise they will be left behind by China. For all major powers, once China is left behind, it means that they have completely lost the opportunity to catch up. Therefore, they are quietly in the world.

The China threat theory has become popular, and some people even directly use the Yellow Peril to describe the rise of China.

It is said that once China masters advanced technology, its powerful force will be like Mongolia, which will destroy other countries without hesitation, and even fight all the way to Europe. The great powers should unite to jointly limit China's development!

It is precisely because of this idea that the United States and Britain jointly came forward to force China to stop the war and wanted to keep Japan, a bridgehead that restricts China. Although China agreed to peace talks, the conditions it proposed far exceeded Japan's bottom line. The great powers

We can only actively mediate and try to get both China and Japan to take a step back.

Of course, this is just wishful thinking of the great powers. Japan is not willing to admit defeat. They are already trying their best to assemble the final main force of the combined fleet. In addition to the battleship Nagato, Japan has also mobilized the battleships Ise and Yamashiro.

battleship, in addition to the two sister ships of the Kongo battleship, the Kirishima and the Hiei, and the recruitment of pilots on the Akagi and Hosho was accelerated.

It can be said that Japan has taken out all the last assets of the Combined Fleet. All warships have been concentrated on Japan's mainland for final preparations. Due to Kanji Kato's suicide, the commander of the Combined Fleet is now Naoma Taniguchi.

General, after he took office, he straightened morale and eliminated the adverse effects of failure, while strengthening the strength of naval aviation, giving the combined fleet a completely new look in a short period of time.

However, in order to regain morale, I am afraid that we need to win a battle. After careful calculation, Taniguchi Naozhen found that although the Japanese combined fleet lost several large ships, it still had strength and could compete with China.

In addition, Taniguchi also suggested transforming two oil tankers into escort aircraft carriers as soon as possible to enhance the strength of naval aviation.

Japan's shipbuilding capabilities are indeed superior to China's. After years of accumulation, especially after renovating several aircraft carriers, Japan is very proficient in refitting aircraft carriers. It only takes three months to build two simple aircraft carriers. Taniguchi

After stabilizing the morale of the military, it has been looking for opportunities to defeat the Chinese Navy.

In fact, China is also staring at Japan at this time. After all, unless those two aircraft carriers are destroyed, China cannot rest assured, and Japan will not choose peace talks, but how to attack Japan must be carefully considered.

Question, the Navy advocates the use of aircraft carriers to attack Japan's ports and parked warships. Today, aircraft carriers are undoubtedly China's most deterrent weapon, and China also has strong confidence in aircraft carriers.

However, this proposal was rejected by Qiao Yu. Japan has already suffered losses from its aircraft carriers. They will definitely strengthen their vigilance at major military ports. In addition, China's current three aircraft carriers only have more than a hundred carrier-based aircraft, which is not enough to blockade Japan.

There are a considerable number of warships in this port and Japan. If the aircraft carrier formation is attacked by these warships, it will inevitably cause irreparable losses.

After repeated thinking, Qiao Yu decided to use suicide attacks to deal with Japanese military ports and aircraft carriers. Bayama had designed China's first monoplane more than a month ago. After Qiao Yu's prompts, Bayusao

Tamamo made extensive modifications to the aircraft.

All the machine guns were removed, leaving only a 7.8mm machine gun for self-defense. The wings were replaced with aluminum frames, and the main part was made of paulownia wood. In addition, a lot of modifications were made to the fuselage, as much as possible.

Use less metal parts, do not consider protection issues, and use a lot of wood.

In addition, Bayama also made bold reforms to the aircraft structure. Instead of mounting bombs under the belly of the aircraft, he extended the fuselage and placed a large number of explosives under the nose and pilot cockpit. As a result, the aircraft became

It became a huge industrial control bomb.

Moreover, without external bombs, operations have become easier for rookie pilots. The fuel capacity of the modified aircraft has also been increased, allowing the flight distance to exceed one thousand kilometers. In other words, these aircraft depart from the Korean Peninsula.

It can effectively cover Japan's Kyushu Island and the main naval bases along the Seto Inland Sea.

After more than a month of production, China already has twenty suicide planes. In addition, the pilots recruited from North Korea have made final preparations. Most of these pilots have died in Japan.

In the hands of others, the blood feud made these young pilots lose their minds, and they were willing to use their lives as sharp swords to attack Japan.

Jin Jiu also carried out a lot of brainwashing work on them, praising them as the second An Zhonggen and the heroes of North Korea, and repeatedly guaranteed that their families would receive the best care, so that they would not have to worry about anything.

Carrying out suicide attacks will greatly affect China's international image. After all, this attack method is somewhat unethical and will inevitably attract criticism. Therefore, China decided to launch an attack on Japan in the name of the Republic of Korea. After all, North Korea has entered Japan and Japan.

The hatred between China and North Korea is as deep as the sea, and North Korea is also very extreme. As for whether countries believe it or not, it is no longer China's consideration. After all, it is just an excuse.

But Jin Gu was particularly fond of this attack. He is now nominally the ruler of North Korea, but in fact he is a puppet. Moreover, due to the failure of land reform, the opposition to Jin Gu in North Korea is becoming stronger and stronger.

Coupled with the large number of people who could not escape, Jin Jiu already felt as if he was sitting in the crater of a volcano, which could erupt at any time, and by then there would be no trace of his body.

Originally Jin Jiu was also a passionate revolutionary, but once he came to power, his way of thinking would change. If in the past he valued the country more, now he is more concerned about his own power and status. This is all.

No one can escape the vulgarity.

Jin Jiu's main method now is to cling to China. Only with China's support can he secure his throne. In addition, he is also trying to improve his image, and planning a bold attack against Japan will boost his reputation.

and status are very beneficial, so Jin Jiu is also very active.

A new airport was specially built in the south of Pyongyang. After careful preparations, all twenty suicide attack aircraft were sent to North Korea. The North Korean pilots were also ready. They were all a group of young people. The largest

But at the age of twenty-one, the youngest is only sixteen, which is when the blood is boiling.

They have all been trained by the best pilots in China, and their flight time generally exceeds 200 hours. They can handle ordinary situations. This time, they all know that it is a life-or-death attack, but everyone has a sacred feeling.

They are completing the redemption of the nation.

Everyone drank a thousand strong drinks from the wine bowl, then boarded the fighter jet without hesitation, and flew the plane roaring away from Pyongyang. The target of their attack this time was Kure Port located on the coast of the Seto Inland Sea.

Wu Gang is an important military port that emerged with Japan's Meiji Restoration. It has extremely powerful shipbuilding and repair capabilities. This time Japan has concentrated all the main warships of the combined fleet here to carry out the most important maintenance and repairs.

Be ready to set out at any time to seize control of the sea.

At this moment, the North Korean plane was flying towards Wugang at a speed of nearly 400 kilometers per hour. The speed advantage of the monoplane was undoubtedly revealed. They quickly passed through the Korean Peninsula and entered the Japanese Sea. By this time

, Honshu Island has appeared in front of these North Korean pilots. With unforgettable hatred, they increased the speed of the plane to the maximum. Like a dark cloud, it passed through Honshu Island, and Wu Gang Naval Base was right in front of them.

More than ten large warships, symbolizing Japan's international status, are arranged in a row, which looks spectacular!

This chapter has been completed!
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